
I started the New Prophecy! Here’s some of the cats I’ve drawn so far. (Squirrelflight, Leafpool, MoI started the New Prophecy! Here’s some of the cats I’ve drawn so far. (Squirrelflight, Leafpool, MoI started the New Prophecy! Here’s some of the cats I’ve drawn so far. (Squirrelflight, Leafpool, MoI started the New Prophecy! Here’s some of the cats I’ve drawn so far. (Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Mo

I started the New Prophecy! Here’s some of the cats I’ve drawn so far. (Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Mothwing, Tawnypelt) 

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MOTHWING― RiverClan current medicine cat “I’ll always be here if you need me. I may not


― RiverClan current medicine cat

“I’ll always be here if you need me. I may not share your faith, but I will always help you fight for what you believe in.”  — Mothwing to Jayfeather, The Last Hope

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i guess im only drawing siblings now vndnfnejfje

mothwing on the mind

mothwing on the mind

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mothwing!! i think this is my favorite med cat design so far she looks so pwetty with the flowers in her mane also peep the moth pattern on her back thats pretty fucking tight if i do say so myself

med cat herb: viola violets (they represent faith and spirituality… and we all know why this is her given herb/flower


Hii here’s my Warriors: The New Prophecy AU

Patch Notes:

1. Changed Brambleclaw’s name to Bramblepelt.

2. Changed Stormfur’s name to Stormpool.

3. Removed the Tribe.

4. Swapped Feathertail and Stormpool with Mothwing and Hawkfrost.

5. Oh, so much stuff:

  • Skystar, from the recently destroyed SkyClan that was kicked out of the forest years ago, went to StarClan to call Mothpaw, Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt and Crowpaw to travel to the sea to see a badger who will tell them how to save the clans and shit
  • Moth and Hawkfrost travelled together, they’re siblings that have each other over everything and swear they’ll never let each other down. Their mom left them in RiverClan and left as to not “embarrass and bring them down” since she was an ex-kittypet (and because they already had enough with their dad being Tigerstar, who just was a notorious bitch). Sasha left them with her not-qhite-ex-girlfriend-but-also-sorta Leopardstar and she took care of them as her own kids. Leopard mentored Mothpaw until she was called to be doctor cat instead, while she gave Hawkfrost to Mistyfoot, RiverClan’s current deputy, as she felt Misty would sympathize a lot with them (being Bluestar’s daughter and all)
  • Tawny and Bramble, siblings who drifted apart after one of them left their birth clan, and barely knew of each other since they grew up apart.
  • Tawny, lived in ShadowClan where everyone thought of her as unloyal and sus, but Blackstar would never get rid of her because he felt responsible for her because he sided with Tigerstar when he took over ShadowClan. And she’s just so stubborn and in so much denial, that it’s just a matter of time before the clan accepts her fully, she just has to “earn it”. But deep down, very frustrated with the rest of ShadowClan and how they treat her. Rowanclaw followed her on the journey not out of concern or to help, but out of suspiciousness of her motives, and during the journey, she just snapped throwing everything at his face. Traumadump moment but good for her! Bc got damn she needed to say it, and to hiss and bitch at someone. Then Rowan finally understanding just how loyal she actually is, that despite how everyone treated her, she still turned down, offended, her brother offering her to go to ThunderClan with him and protected a fellow ShadowClan cat (himm) with her life
  • Tawny didn’t accepted his apology, instead telling him he would have to work hard for an ounce of her trust and respect, and that she might never forgive him. But he decided to own up to it, and want to make it up to her in any way. So from there, he started doing his best
  • Bramble, who looks Just like Tigerstar, getting Looks back at home and from other clans from older cats who knew or suffered because of his father, terrified of following his footsteps one day, and wanting to be the Good Guy, and show that to everyone. And Squirrelpaw who followed him bc she’s noisy, Firestar’s daughter and who’s going to tell her No (everyone but she’s not going to take it), but she’s one of the few younger cats Bramble knows, and so she doesn’t give him weird looks. She just sees him as the weird dude who’s a bit strict but that’s fine. They ending up being best friends! Although the most important thing for Squirrel in the journey is that she meets someone who matches her vibes and literally expands her horizons, and makes her realize that she can’t go through life being reckless
  • Crowpaw, a guy from WindClan, who never finds out why He, out of all cats in WindClan, was called to go, but it doesn’t matter to him. He’s a lot like Squirrelpaw; reckless, argumentative, a little shit sometimes, his dad was a big deal in his clan, and he’s sure he too will be a great deal one day. Basically: he learns ✨ friendship good ✨ , and that his actions have huge consequences:
  • Because his mentor, WindClan’s deputy, Mudclaw follows him to the journey, trying to get him (and the other cats) back home safely. But alas, group of teenagers and young adults ignore the token adult of the group and they Have to keep going. But well, that’s fine by him, he ends up saving their lives and becomes the one Valid adult in their eyes. Also inspires Hawkfrost, Rowanclaw’s, Crowpaw and Squirrelpaw’s dreams of becoming deputies of their own clans. Everyone’s free new dad


  • Meanwhile, the clans are a mess because damn, 8 cats just went missing!! what the fuck!! The prophecy guys and the guys who followed them left one night, at midnight, and didn’t tell anyone what they were doing. Just “Come to the Fourtrees at the full moon”, meet Skystar, get told to get going and go.
  • ShadowClan believed that Tawnypelt’s true loyalty had finally shown, full with speculation of why she was missing. Everything from murdering Rowanclaw and fleeing to running away to another clan or ditching the clan to be a kittypet
  • Firestar is Quite Unhappy that one of his daughters is missing, Goldenflower is going bald from finding out both of her kinda-adult kids are missing. Leafpaw, Squirrelpaw’s sibling, is also not doing so great, and she gets injured during her warrior training and gets sent to the doctor’s den. However, good for her, she ends up taking an interest in medicine and asks to become a nurse apprentice! Only win
  • Windclan almost spiraled out of control because of the deputy going missing, and Tallstar grabbed Onewhisker as his temporary deputy
  • Leopardstar is Extremely Distraught, having an unepic time


  • Also in RiverClan: Feathertail hits a breaking point as her brother had been distant and secretive for months!
  • At first she thinks he knows something about the disappearances but no, he’s just been spending way too much time with kittypets. He genuniely believed everyone hated them and they should leave RiverClan for being half clan (He also believed Moth and Hawk left because of that, and that Mistyfoot should leave too). He says that Feathertail should leave the clan too, that they both can go be kittypets and leave those bitches behind, but she’s more loyal to the clan than to anything else, and refuses to go with him
  • He gives up and tells her that his door will always be open for when she finally opens her eyes and sees that everyone would prefer if she wasn’t in the clan. And daring her to tell everyone he left to be a kittypet, to see how long it would take for them to start asking when she would leave too. She doesn’t break but gets too anxious over, his words getting a bit under her skin, it and doesn’t tell anyone where Stormpool left
  • RiverClan finds out very quickly that he’s gone missing, and panic keeps increasing in the clans because woawz 9 missing cats that’s almost a dozen, that can’t be good
  • So Feathertail goes to tries to convince him to come back and that everything will be fine, but when she visits Storm, she meets his girlfriend Smoke and a kit. That kit isn’t Storm’s, just Smoke’s and another cat, but Storm has pretty much adopted him as own so Feather understands there’s no chance he’ll ever go back to a clan
  • Things get worse for the clans when humans start bringing machines into the forest, scaring the prey, tearing up trees and polluting the water. RiverClan could REALLY use an extra doctor rn
  • Humans start trapping cats too and taking even more of them because wow that’s a lot of feral cats, someone should. Cage those. Everyone’s convinced that humans took all of the missing cats, including those who went on the prophecy quest, but they don’t know what to do
  • Speaking of the prophecy guys, they finally get back to the forest and run to their clans that they need to leave immediately because a magical badger at the sun drown place told them the forest would be destroyed and that they needed to find a new home
  • Yeah, sounds legit
  • But before that, the cats find where the other cats are being held captive and stage a jailbreak
  • There’s more than just clan cats in there. All random cat were yoinked. Sasha, Moth and Hawk’s mom who abandoned them is there
  • A bunch of cats help the others get out, Feathertail and Greystripe are helping. He’s convinced Stormpool was taken by the humans since he wasn’t with the prophecy guys, but Feather can’t bring herself to say the truth
  • Feathertail takes the last cat they can rescue, Smoke’s kid, and tells her dad to just run. He doesn’t, and keeps looking through the cages, thinking they just must’ve missed Storm, and that he can’t abandon his son
  • Like in canon, Greystripe doesn’t get out in time and the humans take him, so Feathertail is the last one who’s able to leave. Everyone else but him escapes
  • Feathertail gives the kit back to Smoke and asks her and Storm to come with the clans one last time because the forest will be destroyed and they’ll leave forever (and that Greystripe is.,, y'know)
  • They’re literally house cats, it doesn’t affect them at all so none of them goes. But the kit asks if he can come, but Smoke shuts the idea down, and shoos Feather away from their house. The kit promises he’ll remember Feathertail and will be just like her, and that one day he’ll be a clan cat like his dad!
  • Feathertail has no fucking idea. Completely Blissfully Unaware, and just tells him that “maybe one day she’ll see him in RiverClan” because she can’t crush a kid’s dreams. But with that, she leaves to join the clan’s departure

That kit is Darktail, although in the AU his name is Dusty, later Dustytail. His biological father is still Onewhisker, and although I called him a kit, he’s close to an apprentice’s age. It’s been two moons since Smoke took him to see Onewhisker for the second and last time, so her clan hating arc is on going. Since in the AU, Storm hates the clans too, they get along great! He also feed Dusty’s hatred for the clans. And Dusty indeed never forgot Feathertail, his aunt and cat only cat who asked him to join a clan, in a way, and chose -tail as a suffix because of her. But that’s for later in the timeline.

  • So the clans leave. Before they do, Squirrelpaw gets her warrior name: Squirrelflight. Winning, girlbossing even
  • Shenanigans ensue, the usual stuff that comes with a treacherous trip across unknown mountains where no cat lives in search of a new home. Cat friendship, clan no longer matter, they’re all travelling together
  • Tallstar gets sick during the trip, and Mudclaw starts acting more like a leader, while butting heads with Onewhisker. But it’s the big time for the prophecy group’s token adult, they’re all sad for Tallstar but know WindcClan’s future is bright with Mudclaw as the possible next leader. Big hopes everywhere
  • They arrive at the lake and start setting in. Crowpaw gets his warrior name: Crowsky.
  • Tallstar gets worse, this is so sad, and in his deathbed he pulls the good one and names Onewhisker his deputy and next leader of WindClan. Right in front of his good bestie Firestar (Bramblepelt was also there)
  • WindClan explodes
  • Mudclaw is, of course, furious but Tallstar has a good reasoning. In everyone else’s eyes, Mudclaw irresponsibly left WindClan, without telling anyone, to chase his own apprentice. Then waltzed back in as if everything was fine. That was not fine. Tallstar’s trust was broken as hell like got damn, what if something important happens and Mudclaw leaves again?? Nah, Onewhisker seemed like a better choice, he worked great as a replacement deputy
  • But some of his besties don’t really see it that way, including friends in WindClan and his support group of young adults. Most of them are outraged, they all look up at him and believe he should be the leader. Crowsky joins Mudclaw’s rebellion to support him, alongside Nightpaw (who’ll become Nightcloud, they’re similar in age but she hasn’t gotten her warrior name yet)
  • Hawkfrost asks Mothpaw to talk to Tallstar’s spirit immediately to clear everything up, because surely, it must be a mistake. And she tries. She manages to get to him, but he just tells her that it’s not their business and that he knows what he’s doing. He won’t even talk to WindClan’s doctor cat. She’s furious and this event starts off her bitterness towards StarClan. But since that avenue didn’t work, Hawkfrost offers his support to Mudclaw, for anything. That’s his replacement dad.
  • Squirrelflight is PISSED at her own dad and argues with him, and gets angry at Bramblepelt for not siding with her, since he just said over and over that they should respect Onewhisker’s leadership. She also joins Mudclaw’s rebellion.
  • Bramblepelt, of course, can never support something like that. It reminds him too much for what Tigerstar did when he wanted to be ThunderClan’s leader.
  • Tawnypelt feels the same, but while Bramblepelt lowered his head and removed himself from the conversation, she got angry with her friends that were siding with Mudclaw. She doesn’t join any part of the fight, just fights with them, and that puts a huge crack in their relationship. She expected to be the only one who would speak sense, since while Bramble agreed, he wouldn’t speak of it.
  • But Rowanclaw stays true to his word to try to be better, and loudly agrees with her. He doesn’t fracture his friendship with Crow, Squirrel, Moth and Hawk as badly as Tawny did, but he leaves it clear that they’re doing something bad. They don’t care

  • The rebellion is a disaster   It goes poorly! Like canon, lighting strikes a tree and it falls on top of Mudclaw, killing him
  • His friends experience “Worst Day Of My Life” speedrun. Even Bramble, Tawny and Rowan who stayed out of it, were secretly hoping he’d win and become leader. None of them wanted him to die, not after he saved their lives and travelled with them for weeks. Literally this is so sad alexa play despacito moment
  • Everyone’s convinced that lighting was a sign from StarClan, aand that puts yet another crack in Mothpaw’s faith towards StarClan because “we wouldn’t get involved. haha just kidding we’ll kill Mudclaw”
  • When all is said and done, Onestar “forgives” the WindClan cats who joined the rebellion but leaves it clear that he doesn’t trust Squirrelflight and Hawkfrost and says some kinda mean things about their parents cough cough but what can they do
  • Firestar is angry and disappointed. smh his head, but also Squirrel reminds him of himself so he’s a bit conflicted about the matter
  • Leopardstar is the embodiment of can’t believe one of her kids had a lowkey Tigerstar moment
  • At one point, Hawkfrost bitches about StarClan out loud. And Mistyfoot agrees that they’re assholes. She hate those guys too. They let a code breaker, her mother, become a leader, and would’ve let another codebreaker become a leader, Oakheart, if he hadn’t died, and let the guy who killed her brother become leader of ShadowClan. This will be the start of trouble in Riverclan.
  • Meanwhile: Leafpaw has a win in the background because she finds the Moonpool and she gets her full name, Leafpool. Firestar has to name a new deputy because Greystripe was his deputy and he’s missing in action, he choses his wife: Sandstorm. ShadowClan is alright
  • Then, Squirrelflight and Crowsky leave the clans. They both were going to travel to yell to Midnight, the badger who told them the forest would be destroyed because they’re a bit pissed at her and everything and everyone and want to leave to be together (They’re in love ur honor)
  • Feathertail is,, not doing great. Her dad and brother are gone, and she feels she’ll never see them again. Storm’s words still hold over her head, and she tries to fight the thoughts by throwing herself at work, so much that she gets sick from exhaustion. Moth does her best to treat her and cheer her up, but she’s a cat doctor, not a psychologist
  • Also Moth gets not one, but TWO, prophecies, although she thinks it’s only one. One about imminent danger and the other one of “The oldest wound won’t be closed until blood has spilled blood.” She has no idea what any of this means, and Hawkfrost is way too angry at StarClan to listen to her and try to help. She is too but she knows its her duty as a healer to listen. She trusts Feathertail, so she speaks about it with her
  • Then like 5 hours later, badgers attack the clans. Everything sucks
  • Crowsky and Squirrelfight rush back with Midnight to help in the fight. They both end up choosing to stay in their original clans and break up. They’re mature™
  • Mothpaw gets her doctor name finally, for the prophecy that warned the clans about the badgers, Mothwing. But she can’t shake the feeling that something’s off
  • But oh well. That’s the end of the arc

Further notes: I skipped a lot of things but they do happen (The Prophecy Group travelling through twolegs nest and meeting Purdy and Ringo’s group, Tawnypelt getting an infected wound, but in this case Mothpaw treats it, Sharptooth almost killing them, but Mudclaw and Tawnypelt worked together to kill him. He told him she’d make a great deputy one day and she barely stopped herself from snapping at him, and instead finally snapped at Rowanclaw. Firestars Quest sorta happened but [grabs Spotted and puts her in a box away from That], so SkyClan exists in the gorge as they do. Firestar was given the prophecy of the three of your kin.

Like in canon, Crowpaw was by suggested by Deadfoot. His dad hoped it would be good for him, kinda as a gift because he never got to give him one while he lived. 

Both Tawny and Rowan are trans, ShadowClan has more openly queer cats because of Russetfur and Boulder, they brought new words that rogues used to describe things, so ShadowClan has a better understanding of gender, orientations and pronouns than other clans. The information is slowly, but surely, spreading. 

The Dark Forest works differently, clan cats can only see the Dark Forest and its inhabitants if they stray too far away from the clan’s territories, as StarClan’s influence is like a protective barrier. StarClan knows it exist but they don’t understand it. Tigerstar never influenced Hawkfrost to fake omens for Mothwing, he didn’t meet them them until their prophecy journey. He just told them StarClan were a bunch of assholes and to not trust them, but they both had been told that their dad had been evil (because RiverClan can’t shut up about gossip), so they didn’t take it to heart. Until Mudclaw’s death.

I’ll make a follow up post with the other arc(s) some time. For now I vanish OOoᴼooᴼᴼᴼᵒᵒᵒ

berrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherbberrym00n: pride batch #4apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeatherb


pride batch #4

apothiromantic mothwing, aroace agender mousefur, nonbinary gay jayfeather
bisexual / pansexual sorreltail
aromantic leopardstar, asexual sandstorm, demiromantic asexual rainwhisker
transgender gay / demiboy hawkfrost

all are free to use! credit is not needed but is appreciated!

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Pride requests #1

Trans Swiftpaw - Gay Darkstripe

Lesbian, Aroace, Aromantic Hollyleaf

Ace, Aromantic Jayfeather

MlM Mousewhisker - Lesbian Mothwing - Agender Silverstream


Warriors Pride Icons Batch #1

Lesbian Mothwing • Biromantic Millie • Aroace Leopardstar

F2U • Requests Open!

Im going to give you the highest honor I know…..A really complicated design….

Im going to give you the highest honor I know…..A really complicated design….

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mangostar: grabs them and shakes them around 


grabs them and shakes them around 

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The Creature of Point Pleasant, The Mothman. Mothman has always been an interest of mine since I was first introduced to the concept through “lost tapes”. My mothman had a men in black disguise and incorporates the addition of wings.

leafpool’s big beautiful wife
