


Alright y'all, just got back from the livestream, and here’s Patton’s favorite things about each of the Sides

Virgil: fashion sense, attitude (standing up and speaking his mind), coolness (“out of the whole group, he’s the only one cooler than me”)

Roman: best singer, charismatic, good at initiating conversations in situations like the ones presented in Dream Daddy (aka flirting)

Logan: “the cat’s pajamas”; so smart, always knows what to do (a skill Patton has always wanted); Patton enjoys listening to him talk even when he doesn’t understand it half the time

Janus:knows things that are good for Thomas (espec when Patton doesn’t), he cares for Thomas’s wellbeing, and has a lot of undefined “admirable” traits

Remus: “…you know, he’s fun! He’s, Fun.”

(apologies to the intruality shippers, i’m just the messenger)

Somewhere, an intruality heart can be heard shaking

Virgil: *annoyed* Please somebody kill me

Patton: But then I’d miss you!

Virgil: Alright, I’ll live

Virgil: *throwing away his controller* Dammit I lost again!


Patton: Do you want me to leave the room so you can say bad words?

Virgil: Yes, that would be lovely.

Patton: Quick take my hand!

Virgil: *grabbing Patton’s hand* Why, what’s happening?

Patton: *intertwining their fingers* Nothing, I just want to hold hands.

Virgil: My hands are cold.

Patton: Oh no

Patton: *takes Virgil’s hands in his*

Roman: My hands are cold too.

Logan: You should have taken your gloves with you, idiot.



Virgil headcanon that he can’t regulate his body temperature but it gets so much worse when he’s sick so, his boyfriend (any side of your choosing and feel free to share your thoughts) or boyfriends take care of him!

One common way is to just stick him in the bath tub (fully clothed of course) and adjust the temperature. Maybe they’ll even play with his hair! Another way is curl up on a heat mat. Cuddling definitely insues.

(Also for Dukexiety I wouldn’t b surprised if Remus tried to flood the bathroom - somehat due to constantly adjusting the tap temperature)


(No you don’t need to see part 1 and 2 although I’m certainly not going to stop you!)

Male spiders can offer gifts wrapped in silk to mates. Virgil finds it a very sweet and follows his instincts. To the side of your choice (for me it’s Logan) he gives them some flies because that’s a tasty treat for anyone, obviously! 

He’s very confused by the hesitant and slightly confused reaction but they take it, meaning they reciprocate his feelings. For the next few weeks Virgil believes they are dating, at least until they all realise what’s going on. Don’t worry though, they get together in the end – looks like those feelings were reciprocated after all.

Also shoutout to @beetlewine-art who guessed this one! Having spider knowledge is awesome!!


(no you don’t need to see the first one)

Another thing some spiders (namely the peacock spider) do to attract a mate is a little dance. Unfortunately, the dance just looks like Virgil’s waving his arms around.

I did the reactions for Analogical, Moxiety and Dukexiety cause I’ve been thinking about those ships a lot:

Logan:At first, he’s confused and waves back to Virgil (who takes it as a reciprocation). They both just keep waving, Logan raising both arms to mimic Virgil, for 10 minutes before Logan asks what they are doing, subsequently shattering Virgil’s hopes. Thankfully after some embarrassing explanation everything gets cleared up and the two start dating!

Patton: He, like Logan, first takes it as a two armed wave but the explanation comes much quicker (because Patton is much better at admitting he has no idea what’s going on) and soon there is music playing as the two dance. Patton finds it absolutely adorable and from there they forever greet each other with the two armed wave.

Remus: Of course, Remus is very knowledgeable on anything remotely romantic, especially weird rituals. Already knowing Virgil’s spider side, he takes it for what it is. He showers Virgil with compliments, and they hug. It may or may not evolve -if you get what I’m saying- from there.


I discovered that spiders ‘drum’ when they are trying to mate, so now I have the headcanon that Virgil will just tap on a table as a way to flirt.

So, whatever character you ship him with (for me it’s Logan), he just sits down next to them and taps and THEY TAP BACK! Virgil freaks out and blushes cause he takes it all seriously when in reality the other side just thinks they are playing a game or talking in code or something.


Protecting (Spider Virgil Headcanons)

Virgil likes to web up areas since the vibrations in the web let’s him know what’s going on around the place, although he respects if a side takes it down.

When a side is upset or being mean to themselves, he’ll add extra webs around their rooms as an attempt to make them feel safer and protected. At first none of them really understand what it means and think it’s just Virgil feeling territorial or something.

After a while though, they start to realise and collect the webs he leaves around the entrances to their rooms the night before he takes them down (cause he likes to keep things tidy and clean). The aim is to keep them so Virgil knows they appreciate his efforts.

Their plan backfires, Virgil thinking they don’t like it. It scares him to think he was just annoying them the whole time but when he leaves his room the next day at Patton’s call for breakfast, he discovers webs strung up, half sticking to the walls and some clumping up. It’s messy but the sentiment is there. Needless to say they group hug, followed by Virgil trying to teach them how to properly web things up, not quite remembering that they can’t create webs themsves until Logan reminds him.
