#muh comments











hi hi i’m having a crisis so you know how in the second cars movie they go through airport security and its like really strict which implies there was a cars 9/11…………… cars gerard way. cars stephenie meyer. i think u know where i’m going with this.

i am once again making my brain everyone else’s problem.

dare i say it,,,c-cars f-fifty shhades oaslkjasdkflj


ok im banning this post stop reblogging it now

Alright that’s it all of you are banned from tumblr

I’ve never wished for a Cars Adolf Hitler this badly

There’s a military car in the movies that is canonically a WW2 veteran, soooo…


Johnny ruined his own life by becoming an abuser. They’re both toxic people, but what a surprise the man is getting the support while the woman takes 100% of the blame. And by surprise I mean that’s how it always is.


Hollywood has protected pedos for decades. Burton Stu will live. He’ll probably get more love than ever thanks to his insane fans defending him now.

Funny how they’re suddenly “both” toxic people, now that he has brought forth evidence that she abused him.

Because in the beginning it was him and him alone that was the abuser and Heard was nothing but a poor wittle victim that never did anything wrong, ever. And that was even though the only thing she ever brought forth were some pictures of her magically disappearing bruise with a quirky instagram filter slapped on, and some statements by her besties (that got to live for free in an apartment because of her) and her sister. All of which could be thrown into question, by simply comparing them to evidence photos (and screenshots from a talkshow), the fucking apartment floor plan, or simply to each other.

> but what a surprise the man is getting the support 

Yeah, nice try, but I still remember when the news of her restraining order first broke.
Every fucking news outlet sided with her, as did the vast majority of people on social media. She got heralded as a brave saint for coming forward with her accusations and even got some bullshit ambassador title awarded.
You couldn’t even point out the magically disappearing bruise without being called a misogynist or an abuse apologist. (Even moreso daring to point out that out of the two, shewas the one with a history of being violent to a spouse.)
One girl on this hellsite here posted a picture to show how fucking easy it is to fake that bruise with some eyeshadow and she got tonsof harrassment for it.
Mentioning that they’re probably bothabusers was verboten as well back then.  Like I said in the beginning that particular twist was onlyallowed after him bringing forth evidence.

But sure. It’s hisfans that are the insane ones.


An Important PlayStation Store Update

Our brand-new PlayStation™Store launches on web and mobile from 21 – 26 October 2020, and we are making some changes to the content you can access on PS Store via your desktop and mobile devices.

What is changing?

The following changes will come into effect online from 21 – 26 October, and on mobile on 28 October:

• You will no longer be able to buy:

o PlayStation®3 games and add-ons

o PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) games and add-ons

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o Apps

o Themes

o Avatars

• The Wishlist feature will be discontinued and any items currently on “Your Wishlist” will be removed.

What does this mean for you?

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Any particular reason you also removed the ability to filter, even something as basic as game vs. DLC?
And the ability to see the name of the game?
And preview screenshots and trailers that might inform people what kind of game it is?

Oh, and why is the website now about 5 times slower, even though it has barely any features left?




FUcking, okay, TUMBLR! I guess you win! Guess I can’t have a GODDAMN BACKGROUND or any of my tools! Good for fucking you, you piece of shit bitch site! 

I don’t know how to fix this one. I cannot help. They forced this on us with no warning, everyone hates it, it breaks xkit, its stupid and garbage and I have no fucking idea what to do about it, just sit back and wait for neoxkit to fucking save us I guess.

Good News: they only completely broke the fucking dashboard

Bad News: they completely broke the fucking dashboard

Ah, so the dashboard completely fucking disappearing is a new “feature” then…

And here I thought I fucked something up with one of my FF extensions again.
(Xkit has been choppy at best on my end for weeks now. :V)

theoreticalconstruct: lumpkinboi:pmpkn: Old Man yells at Cloud artists getting commissionsNah, atheoreticalconstruct: lumpkinboi:pmpkn: Old Man yells at Cloud artists getting commissionsNah, a




Old Man yells at Cloud

artists getting commissions

Nah, artists are ok, Cloud seems like he’s legitimately being a dick here. Unless I’m missing something.

(Context: Old man complains about legs, and how he can’t keep making the trip to visit his wife’s grave, which is sad. Cloud gives him a key to his wife’s cemetery, and tells him he needs to drop it off at the shop he bought it at. So the old man complains more about his legs being bad and asks Cloud, “Can’t you just take it back?”)

I mean, the kid is like 50 feet away from them. The old dude can manage.

This is more like giving him the option to keep the key, if he changes his mind about visiting his wife’s grave.
It’s not like it really needs to be returned, considering it actually belongs to Cloud now, since he bought it.
But being nice to random people would probably give Cloud a heart attack, so he has to be an asshat about it.

Post link


Finally watching Beastars 

if this wolf and this rabbit don’t get to gettin it, i’m yeeting this whole ass Zootopia 2: Extra Racism show right out the window I swear to god 

I’m afraid this ain’t a sprint but a marathon.

At this point in the manga (ch175) Legosi has exchanged more bodily fluids with Louis than with Haru.

thespectacularspider-girl: pmpkn: Old Man yells at Cloud Brave of Cloud to extort Charles Bronson lithespectacularspider-girl: pmpkn: Old Man yells at Cloud Brave of Cloud to extort Charles Bronson li



Old Man yells at Cloud

Brave of Cloud to extort Charles Bronson like that.

Well, if he doesn’t want to cough up the money, all the lazy fucker needs to do, is walk like 50 feet and return a key to some child. :P

Post link


Kudos to the gay soldier who just asked Cloud out right in front of his superior

Aw, I thought he was actually asking out his superior and was real sad for him, because that dude is so mean.


When the pitch for a film includes what sounds like “We gots the gays, the negros, strong women and the jews come and watch identities instead of character.” I kinda instantly stop caring.

Didnt need that shit to love Storm or Olivier Armstrong. Tedious does not feel sufficient enough to cover this sort of marketing.


I don’t even remember the lesbian couple in Finding Dory.


you know it’s disney movie release time when disney gets its first ever gay character for the twelfth time

So I saw Onward and take a wild fucking guess how much we see of the “openly gay” character being openly gay.

She has one throwaway line about her girlfriend. That’s it. :)
Never mind that she also only has about 1 minute of screentime.











It’s not a good movie thou look up EFAP on YouTube these guys literally have like a hundred hours videos going over why it sucks.

I don’t know why people put so much effort into keeping anyone from liking the sequels. Y’all ain’t rational. Length of an argument does not make it right, or else the Gish Gallop would not exist.

And frankly, many of the most common criticisms of TLJ I see are just flat out wrong.

This isn’t just “I don’t like this movie and lots of people agree with me.” This is cultish.

I don’t care if someone likes the sequel trilogy.  That’s subjective, but it would inform me of their taste in film.

That doesn’t change that the sequels are poorly written. Spectacular in their visuals, but still riddled with plot holes, character inconsistencies and other narrative flaws.

If people summing up the flaws of a film ‘make you not like it’ then that’s not their fault, that’s not them robbing you of the ability to enjoy them.

Heck, I like the first two Blade films and those are horribly campy, generally poorly written and riddled with inconsistencies.  The second less than the first, but still there.  I like the films in spite of those failures on the films behalf while recognizing they exist, which means my enjoyment of those films cannot be reduced.

If someone pointing out flaws in a film you enjoy destroys the film for you, that isn’t their fault.  That’s just denial kicking in.

At no point did @siryouarebeingmocked say anybody is ruining his enjoyment of the films. That alone rendered 3 paragraphs of your response a rebuke of nothing, which was his original point. The point isnt that people dont like the TLJ. The point is people need to go to great lengths to tell you how your wrong, writing 5 paragraphs on the subject when 3 aren’t even relevant

“I don’t know why people put so much effort into keeping anyone from liking the sequels.“

Liking = Enjoyment.  Keeping from Liking = Ruining Enjoyment.

Was that short enough for you?

You can put any amount of effort into something, that doesnt make it accomplished or even accomplishable. If you start putting effort into breathing under water that doesnt mean you would succeed and itd quite frankly be concerning. Even more so if you if you went out of your way to ridicule anybody who didnt want to try and breath under water.

How do you not get intended consequences?

Notice he doesn’t address the fact that I refuted his point and that I was addressing an actual, relevant point SYBM was making?  And instead pivots and tries to move the goalposts.

I’m fine with people disagreeing with me, even though I find the counterfactual claims irritating. But going out of their way to shout down and attack anyone who liked the movies and pretending opinions aren’t inherently subjective - as many people do - is wrong, IMO.

It’s not just ‘I don’t like the film’ for many people. It’s ‘I don’t like it, and nobody ever should’.

EDIT: To be absolutely clear, I am referring specifically to the sequels rabid, fanatical hatedom. Not Star Wars fans in general, because that would include myself. Not even “people who disliked the sequels”. I mean the type of people who call me a ‘shill’ and have to wipe foam from their screens before typing a comment.

The issue often stems from the difference between “good” and “enjoyable” where “good” implies a sort of objective stance while “enjoyable” is entirely subjective.

A lot of people are fine with people enjoying the sequels, but draw the line at calling them “good”. 

Of course, there are always going to be idiots who think that because a film isn’t good or they disliked it, that means everyone should hate the film.  Which is stupid because there are people who love Ed Wood movies or B movies.

But if we go back to your OP, the meme you used is saying “I think it’s good” which implies an objective standard, rather than “I enjoyed it” which is subjective.

But when someone says “it isn’t good though” there’s a switch from “it’s good” to “I enjoyed it subjectively”.

So you can see why there might be actual issues with translation of intent there, right?

> And frankly, many of the most common criticisms of TLJ I see are just flat out wrong. 


Dobson made a post in reference to people pointing out that with the reshoots and the multiple endings shot, it shows how ill-prepared Disney was for this trilogy, defending Disney and saying how glee shouldn’t harass or attack the actors and directors. And while I don’t agree with everything he’s saying(specifically him implying that all the men who don’t like TRoS are doing so), I do agree that it’s not good to harass or attack the actors/directors.

HOWEVER, take a close look at the very last bit of the post

Now let’s compare that to the tags in his now infamous “Red Flag” comic.

Or better yet, that “Star Wars Harassment” comic.

Kinda odd that he doesn’t want to draw more attention to telling people not to harass others. Almost like he knows the people he sucks up to have also been expressing their displeasure with the recent movie, and doesn’t want to draw their ire by calling them out as well.

Dobbo supports hatred of TROS.
TROS was made by a jewish director.

Ergo: Dobbo is violently anti-semitic.


Dobson has yet to respond again.


Dobson continues to claim that the only reason people didn’t like The Last Jedi is because they’re “misogynistic assholes” who are sexist and racist. Because according to him, The Last Jedi’s core message was about how men are stupid and need women to show them what’s the right thing to do. So if you didn’t like the movie, you’re just an evil alt-right Nazi.

Don’t Be A Dobson. This is how disillusional you will become with a mindset like his. Calling people evil Nazi for not liking some big Disney blockbuster and throwing everyone under a ridiculous assumption because of your own warped stupidity and bias.

He also brags about a trending hashtag on Twitter being “the opinion of the general public”. Because 13,000 tweets only on one social media platform that is only used by a certain number of people in the world is “the general public”.

And he’s again acting as if the people that hated TLJ love TRoS, when from what I’ve seen, a lot of people all across the bored disliked the new movie.

God, I’m so sick and tired of the whole “hurr durr u no liek TLJ u must be natzeeh reeeeee” bullshit.

You know what. I can do a Dobson* too:
(*do insane amounts of reaching, come to wrong conclusions based on what we’re shown, omit plot points to better support my arguments)

If you likeTLJ, it means you hatewomen and POC.
Several points:

- the black character that showed some badassery and hints at Force sensitivity at the end of the last movie got relegated to againbeing nothing more than the wacky, incompetend side character to a light skinned character

- the black character also gets portrayed as a coward who abandons the Resistance, even though he only wanted to go save his friend and wasn’t even a part of the Resistance in the first place

- the hispanic character got punished by two white characters for giving the Resistance a chance to flee, because he sacrificed the ships that would not have made it out of this conflict anyways, because of their slow and sluggish movements (and it’s not even clear whether or not they actually decided for themselvesto stay, which would make it even less his fault)

- female character 1, after some half hearted attempts, promptly abandons her task of bringing Luke to the Resistance, instead selfishly starts badgering him about training her

- female character 1 spends most of the movie lusting after a white man that treats her horribly, because she thinks he is just misunderstood and she can fix him

- female character 2 spends half this movie unconcious and when she isn’t she does nothing other than being sad

- female character 3 chooses not to divulge the important information that they are not in fact doomed to die on this ship to her crew, out of apparently nothing more than pride, causing a significant amount of said crew to mutiny

- female character 3 decides to watch as almost all of the escape pods are destroyed before finallydeciding to do something help them, even though that was the entire reason she stayed behind

- female character 4 is just as irrelevant and easily defeated as she was in the first movie, even though she was heavily promoted to have a larger part in this one

- the Asian woman assaults random people for leaving an organisation they are a voluntarypart of

- the Asian woman decides to free a bunch of animals instead of slave children, probably causing those children to be punished heavily by morning

- the Asian woman stops the black character from trying to save the Resistance, even though he is the onlything left between the wall-destroying cannon and the wall the Resistance hides behind

- the black man and the Asian woman are tasked to find a specificcode breaker - they immediately fuck this up then decide to go with some random dude that has no ties to the Resistance at all and that they met in prison

- the black man and the Asian woman are also tasked with jamming a tracker of the bad guys - they get spotted and the code breaker guy doesn’t give a shit about them, because why would he; and they only survive, because a droid bails them out

- the second Asian woman gets killed at the beginning of the movie without even getting a speaking role

- white man 1 is the sole reason the Resistance is still alive at the end of the movie, because he swooped in and distracted the bad guys long enough so they could flee

- white man 2 manages to kill a powerful Force user and become the leader of an insanely powerful organisation

- pretty sure this movie doesn’t even pass the Bechdel Test

- TL;DR: all the POC/women are either shown to be or have the plot pretend that they are selfish and/or incompetend, while a white dude has to swoop in and save their asses from annihilation.

Considering this was written by a Straight White Man™ my Dobbo senses tell me this was very much intentional and everyone who likes TLJ is a natzeeh. :^)

But on another note: since when was Holdo harrassed? This is the first time I heard of this. Is their usual criticism shield not good enough anymore? Poor Rose.
Speaking of which, that whole shitshow was fishy as fuck, considering it was originally a random twitter account - that had exactly zeroto do with anybodyof the cast, crew or other official sources - that claimed the actress was harrassed off of social media. It was only after weeks of article after article claiming this as absolute truth that Disney went: You know what, sure. Sure this totally happened and totally isn’t a convenient criticism shield.
All that ever surfaced were like 3-4 nasty comments, which is like… wow. It’s what I get on my shitty blog, and instead of a million followers I have like 50.

Who did face the most hatred?
Rian Johnson.
But he’s a white guy, so harrassment against him doesn’t count for Dobbo.


People still be hating men? In 2019? Ew.

People still be hating men? In 2020? Ew.


Imagine if the climactic confrontation between Luke and Vader were cut from Empire Strikes Back. No hand getting chopped off, no offer from Vader to join forces, no “no, I am your father.”

Now imagine the title crawl for Return of the Jedi just casually started “Luke Skywalker, having learned that his father Anakin did not die, but took up the mantle of Darth Vader…” And just fucking expected everyone to go along with that without asking questions.

But actually, it was established in ONE place before Episode VI came out - on an episode of Taxi which Darth Vader guest-starred in, where he casually talked about his estranged kids and there was a joke where he pulled out some wallet photos of Luke and Leia.

This is the world we live in after the Palpatine thing. I’m losing my mind. Who greenlit this shit

Fucking Fortnite man…
