

constantly thinking about how jeremy jordan filled in for hugh jackman for the pitch for greatest showman, had to sing all the songs when he really didn’t know what was going on, and was told he would get the role of phillip carlyle. but then they casted zac efron

alright who do i have to fight to keep beetlejuice in the winter garden theatre? i am small and fragile but willing to throw hands for my favourite netherworld demon

my dream role? I’d have to say draco malfoy in a very potter musical

i love how movie beetlejuice is legitimately creepy but musical beetlejuice is just this adorable little demon who just wants one (1) friend like he’s so bouncy and excitable he’s a fuckin demon from the netherworld why the fuck is he so cute

so, i don’t think i’m getting over this anytime soon

i just watched jake gyllenhaal and ellen greene sing suddenly seymour together and i wanted to let everyone know i cried like a little bitch that my mama definitely did not raise

aaron burr, immediately after shooting alexander hamilton between his ribs:

ben platt is like i will do a tv show but i WILL sing. and you must let me sing the entire song

God bless artists who’re also theatre nerds and do animatics of their favourite songs from musicals. They’re doing God’s work.

tw, talk of sexual assault & harassment

hi six fandom - i love ya to bits but can we maybe not glorify Anne, Katherine, Cathy (or any of the queens) getting sexually harassed or assaulted?

i’m not trying to gatekeep or criticise anything. if you wanna write or read fics like that then no one can stop you…

but please don’t use a situation like that to form any type of Parrlyn/Katanna/Aralyn comfort au.

obviously, there has been a lot of #notallmenbutallwomen rise on twitter and it’s fantastic that this is getting recognised in media HOWEVER, it is not a nice thing to experience.

and writers using situations like that to write Comfort or angst fics doesn’t sit right with me. unless it’s for educational purposes or a release. (if u get what i’m saying)

i hope you understand where i’m coming from? like i said, we/i cannot stop you from reading and writing stuff but please don’t glorify it. it is not pretty, it is not romantic, it is extremely uncomfortable, lonely, upsetting and makes you feel like shit afterwards. and unless you are one hell of a writer which 16/17/18 year olds aren’t (no offence) then please try and refrain from writing it.

one more thing: it is not a way for a so/partner to swoop in and save you. this is fact. as much as i love a good comfort au, real life isn’t like that because most of the time they don’t even know and you feel so grossed out that you can’t even admit/tell your closest friend never mind someone you are supposed to be loyal too.

even if you decline someone’s offences you often can’t do anything about it and end up feeling like you betrayed your partner afterwards even though the situation can’t be helped.

just… don’t glorify it because in reality? it sucks more than words can say.

I’m genuinely curious here. What is one musical (or more) that everyone else seems to really love, but you don’t? Like, people seem to praise it up and down and you just don’t get the hype? I think this could be a fun and interesting thing to talk about.

For me, there are actually three musicals I really don’t like. And those are West Side Story,Hamilton, and Grease.

I honestly don’t like West Side Story because I think the music is pretty subpar, and I’ve honestly never really liked Romeo and Juliet, which is the story that musical is based on. I actually low-key hate this musical.

As for Hamilton, I can’t say I hate it. The choreography is amazing, but I just hate rap music. It’s really just a personal taste thing. (But the song ‘You’ll Be Back’ is wonderful)!

And as for Grease, the only song I like is 'Youre the One that I Want’. But other than that, I hate this musical. All the guys are creeps, a lot of the songs are annoying and stupid, and the message of the whole thing is terrible.

Anybody else?

you need to treat Cats (2019) like extremely bad and misinterpreting fanfiction that also hits James Corden in the nuts and you’ll have the time of your life watching it
