#my anniversary



Today is my book birthday! Terrific Tails: Stories From A Pet Guardian is 2 years old today! How time flies! Or scampers. Or gallops. Depending on the pet of your choosing. This book was a lifetime in the making for me – from the day I wrote my first short story about a seal at the age of 6, to 34 years later when I clicked the ‘publish’ button on my book. And I’m not done yet!

I just want to take this moment to thank all the people who helped me and encouraged me and bought my book – all of you, Thank You! But especially to my older brother, my sister, my dad, my friends Megan & Kate, my eldest nephew. And, of course, my Grandma Ava.

Grandma, *your* book turns 2 years old today! Eat some cake for me, would ya?

- Adie Weston, author

(You can still buy Terrific Tails: Stories From A Pet Guardian on Amazon in both ebook and paperback. It’d make a great Valentine’s present for any book or pet lover).



It was 10 years ago today that I looked down at the pills laid out in front of me and made a life-altering decision. I had been trying for months to scale back, ween myself, anything I could to get off of the pills. I talked to someone in my family who had gone through something similar for advice. But no matter what I did, I just seemed to keep digging myself into a bigger hole. I couldn’t call my doctor out of fear of being blacklisted for any future medications that I might, and most definitely would, need as my degenerative disease got worse. But I needed to do something. I *had* to do something. I was staring down a very black hole.

On this day 10 years ago a little voice inside of me spoke up and told me that the next choice I made was going to be between my future and my end. My life and my death. And so I chose.

I chose Life.

Today is my 10 years sober.

Song Dreaming Light by Anathema

For the love of my life. Happy 10th Anniversary

Watch the video and cry
