#sober life



It was 10 years ago today that I looked down at the pills laid out in front of me and made a life-altering decision. I had been trying for months to scale back, ween myself, anything I could to get off of the pills. I talked to someone in my family who had gone through something similar for advice. But no matter what I did, I just seemed to keep digging myself into a bigger hole. I couldn’t call my doctor out of fear of being blacklisted for any future medications that I might, and most definitely would, need as my degenerative disease got worse. But I needed to do something. I *had* to do something. I was staring down a very black hole.

On this day 10 years ago a little voice inside of me spoke up and told me that the next choice I made was going to be between my future and my end. My life and my death. And so I chose.

I chose Life.

Today is my 10 years sober.

I’m having a difficult time summoning my inner Buddha this morning. It is very hard to underst

I’m having a difficult time summoning my inner Buddha this morning. It is very hard to understand why people do some of the things they do but I am reminded that I don’t have to understand it, in fact that is often impossible anyway. In order to be peaceful I need to accept that it is just the way they are and let it go. That is very hard when I really want to tell them to eat a dick!

I think I’ll meditate for a bit.

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Everything that was important to me went down the drain. I stole from friends and family, I did everything I could just to get that high. I hit rock bottom. I one day woke up and said I am going to change my life.” - Ashley M

tristatetreatmentconnection-blog: Even if you don’t know where you’re going, at least head in the ri


Even if you don’t know where you’re going, at least head in the right direction towards sobriety. 

It always feels amazing when you finally realize your own strength through self discipline. #soberlife #beproud

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