#name meanings

Name Meanings 10/?↳ OrodenKaladin reached out. His mother let him take the little boy, hold him in h

Name Meanings 10/?

↳ Oroden

Kaladin reached out. His mother let him take the little boy, hold him in hands that seemed too rough to be touching such soft skin. Kaladin trembled, then pulled the child tight against him. Memories of this place had not broken him, and seeing his parents had not overwhelmed him, but this …
He could not stop the tears. He felt like a fool. It wasn’t as if this changed anything—Bridge Four were his brothers now, as close to him as any blood relative.
And yet he wept.
“What’s his name?”
“Child of peace,” Kaladin whispered. “A good name. A very good name.”

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Name Meanings 9/?↳ Renarin“Renarin?” Dalinar said, trying to work out the name. He hadn’t picked tha

Name Meanings 9/?

↳ Renarin

“Renarin?” Dalinar said, trying to work out the name. He hadn’t picked that. “Rekher … no, Re …”
“Re,” Evi said. “From my language. Nar, after his father. In, to be born unto.”
Stormfather, that was a butchering of the language. Dalinar fumbled, trying to work through it. Nar meant “like unto.”
“What does ‘Re’ mean in your language?” Dalinar asked, scratching his face.
“It has no meaning,” Evi said. “It is simply the name. It means our son’s name, or him.”
Dalinar groaned softly. So the child’s name was “Like one who was born unto himself.” Delightful.

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Name Meanings 8/? ↳ Adolin“His name, Brightlord?” asked Ishal, an aged ardent from the Devotary of P

Name Meanings8/?

↳ Adolin

“His name, Brightlord?” asked Ishal, an aged ardent from the Devotary of Purity. “I would burn the proper glyphwards, if it pleases you.”
“Name …” Dalinar said. “Adoda.” Light. He glanced toward Evi, who nodded in agreement.
“Without a suffix, my lord? Adodan? Adodal?”
“Lin,” Dalinar whispered. Born unto. “Adolin.” A good name, traditional, full of meaning.

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Aesthetic name: Julia, requested by crystallove13xoxo 

Aesthetic name: Julia, requested by crystallove13xoxo 

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Aesthetic name: Maya – Slytherclaw, requested by unmotivated-trashcan 

Aesthetic name: Maya – Slytherclaw, requested by unmotivated-trashcan 

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Aesthetic name: Kira, requested by grangr

Aesthetic name: Kira, requested by grangr

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Aesthetic name: Ethan, requested by aurasandpetals

Aesthetic name: Ethan, requested by aurasandpetals

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Aesthetic name: Lazare, requested by saturniians

Aesthetic name: Lazare, requested by saturniians

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Aesthetic name: Madison – Ravenclaw, requested by loonylocegood

Aesthetic name: Madison – Ravenclaw, requested by loonylocegood

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Aesthetic name: Allison, requested by sacredspheres

Aesthetic name: Allison, requested by sacredspheres

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Aesthetic name: Laura – Ravenclaw, requestd by blue-young-god 

Aesthetic name: Laura – Ravenclaw, requestd by blue-young-god 

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Aesthetic name: Maeve, requested by punk-hobbit

Aesthetic name: Maeve, requested by punk-hobbit

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Aesthetic name: Francis – Gryffindor, requested by those-merry-married-mediums 

Aesthetic name: Francis – Gryffindor, requested by those-merry-married-mediums 

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Aesthetic name: Lauren – Slytherin, requested by apocalypticdetention

Aesthetic name: Lauren – Slytherin, requested by apocalypticdetention

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Aesthetic name: Susanna, requested by leatherjacketandmascara

Aesthetic name: Susanna, requested by leatherjacketandmascara

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Aesthetic name: Reagan – Gryffindor, requested by aesthetic-addictt

Aesthetic name: Reagan – Gryffindor, requested by aesthetic-addictt

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Aesthetic name: Morgan – Slytherin, requested by aesthetic-addictt

Aesthetic name: Morgan – Slytherin, requested by aesthetic-addictt

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Aesthetic name: Pooja – Slytherin, requested by coffeeinwonderland13

Aesthetic name: Pooja – Slytherin, requested by coffeeinwonderland13

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Aesthetic name: Wilhelmine – Ravenclaw, requested by argentlashana 

Aesthetic name: Wilhelmine – Ravenclaw, requested by argentlashana 

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Aesthetic name: Danielle – Slytherdor, requested by fandomandshipperlover 

Aesthetic name: Danielle – Slytherdor, requested by fandomandshipperlover 

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Note: I just concentrated on names with latin or greek origin, and not even all of them.

Luxa comes from the latin word “lux”, which means light. That’s one of the most important things in the Underland. Light means life. It means survival and hope. Luxa stands for all of this.

Aurora is also latin, meaning dawn. It is also the name of the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology. I just love these both names together. The dawn bonded to the light. Their names indicate that they belong together. Because the one can’t exist without the other. (It also makes me think about the time short after Luxas parents died. It must have been a pretty dark time for her. She lost the people that meant the world to her, so she also lost herself. But then, she met Aurora. And who can bring back the light to your life if not the dawn? - I don’t know, maybe I interpret too much into this. But I somehow keep thinking about that.)

Ares means the revenger. He is also the Greek god of war. Ares the flier is big, dark, dangerous. He is a rebel. He is a warrior. Do I have to add anything more?

Regalia may not be a character, but the meaning is interesting anyways: royal. Regalia is literally the royal city. Where the queen lives and stuff. Just in case it wasn’t obvious.

Tempcomes from tempus, which means time. Tick and Temp… both would give their whole time to save Boots.

Athene is the Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, strength, war strategy… sounds like the fliers have a pretty badass queen.

Nike, the Winged Goddess of Victory. Also symbolizes strength and speed. In the myth, she is not related to Athene (at least not close, the greek gods were all somehow related to each other), but she is pretty close to her.

I already made a post about Icarus, the guy who died because his built  wings didn’t hold him anymore. The flier dies the same way, he crashes into the arena.

Hermes is a flier who appears only once, he is the scout who brings Luxa the crown she gave the nibblers. In greek mythology, Hermes is the messenger of the gods.

oh look over analyzation i love you all

Listen QUEEN ATHENA IS MY SHIT AND I HAVE SO MANY HEADCANONS but that is for another time… I’d like to talk about Ares’ name for a moment.

Most of the bats seem to act like the figures they’re named for. Ajax is a brutish combatant and general, both in the myths and in the books. Aurora is known as the gold-fingered or rosy-fingered dawn, bringing back light after the darkness, and I think it’s key to remember the Regalians regained hope when they saw Aurora fly over head in Curse of the Warmbloods. Daedalus, for goodness’ sake, is a code breaker!

But Gregor’s Ares is not like the Greek Ares. Bat Ares claims he was a troublemaker, but honestly, I get more of the vibe that he was just known for pushing the limits of his species and that made people mad. Other than that, he was selfless, kind, incredibly brave, and always tried to do what he thought was right.

Unlike Mythology Ares. Mythology Ares was an asshole. He strived for conflict, loved war and gore, was known for being a coward, and always went crying home to daddy when something didn’t go his way (like when Athena owned him in the Trojan War, but I digress). Him and Bat Ares are completely different, and for that, I always wondered what the heck Suzanne was thinking.

I never knew it meant “revenger”. But that makes a lot more since, considering everything Ares did. I went ahead and googled the etymology of the word Ares, and apparently it can also be translated to ruin or curse.

My poor dude could not catch a break.

Ruin or curse… my heart is bleeding


I do not promise that any of these are completely correct since many of these names are very rare, but I did research on all of them and this was what I could come up with. Collins puts a lot of thought into coming up with names for her characters, so I think we should all take a little look at what they mean,


The names of the humans were pretty hard to find and I only fit in a small selection since some (Like Hazard, Dulcet, and Hamnet) were pretty obvious and others had very little to no information. Other than that, it’s also really late at night and I’m heavily medicated, so I probably just forgot a few.

Luxa is derived from “lux”, which is Latin for light. Since this is a pretty original name, that’s all the information I can get on it, but that’s cool considering she was the light, or life. of Regalia when she was crowned queen.

Gregor likely came originally from  Γρηγοριος,which is a Late Greek form of  γρηγορος.This later became the Latin “Gregorius”. The name’s meanings are basically all “the watchful one”, “alert”, or “on the watch”.

Mareth originates from Scandinavia and, although disputed to be feminine by many sources, is unisex. It’s kind of hard to trace this name back to the origins, but it could mean “pearl” if it has the same roots as Margaret. All sources point to this name somehow being related to water.

Howard is fortunately more common and has meanings such as “herder”, “guardian”, “warden”, “guard of the homeland”, or “defender”. I should note that one of my research sources offered the nickname “howie-ba-zowie”.

Henry come from the Germanic Heimirich , which roughly means “ruler of the home”. This name’s meanings all sum up power, fortune, and royalty.

Margaret come from Margareta/Margarita, which is Latin and is taken from the Greek μαργαριτης, and means “pearl”.

Lizzie, which comes from Elizabeth, goes back to the Hebrew אֱלִישֶׁבַעand means “God is satisfaction”, “God is my oath”, or “oath of God”.

Grace comes from the Latin Gracia and means… grace.


All the bats’ names are Greek or Roman, two similar cultures that included many of the same Gods or Godesses. I think it’s worthy of noting that, while researching these names, one baby-name-suggestion site told me to name my son Kronos. You are welcome for my sacrifices. Also, many of these characters lives and died like their namesake, so be sure to check out the stories of your favorite characters to get a more detailed story of them.

Ares was the god of war.

Aurora was the Roman version of Eos, the goddess of dawn.

(Queen) Athena was the goddess of intelligence and battle.

Nike was the goddess of victory.

Euripides was a tragedian of classical Greece.

Andromeda was a princess and the daughter of Queen Cassiopeia and King Cepheus.

Pandora was the first human woman created by the Greek gods.

Ajax was a hero in the Trojan War. He also has a soap named after him.

Thalia was the muse of comedy.

Hermes was the god of messengers. (In case you’ve forgotten, this was the bat that brought Lizzie.)

Icarus was the son of Daedalus. He died flying, much like our plague-ridden bat.

Daedalus was an inventor and skilled craftsman.

Cassiopeia was the name of many figures in Greek mythology, most notably the mother of Andromeda.

Pollux was the son of Zeus and brother of Castor.


All the crawlers have names associated with time.

Tick is likely named after the sound of a clock or watch.

Temp likes comes from the Latin word “tempus”meaning“time”.

Min is short for minute.


Nevermind. Their names are just some really cool words thrown together. Moving on…


All the nibblers have mathematical names.

Cartesian may relate to the Cartesian coordinate system.

Cevian is a term in geometry relating to triangles.

Cube can mean a number to the third power or a three-dimensional object with six equal facets.

Heronian is another geometry term related to triangles.


Well… they all end in “x” so I guess that’s special, right?

Gox means gaseous oxygen.

Teflex means… I have no clue, honestly. If you come up with something, tell me.

Reflex is an unconscious reaction to a stimulus.

If you want more added, don’t hesitate to tell me.
