#nasir ghameq


Zafira bint Iskandar x Nasir Ghameq (Sands of Arawiya - Hafsah Faizal)


Summers in Sarasin were known to be scorching. And for a Demenhune like Zafira, without the sun-browned skin of the natives to protect her from the unrelenting sun, it was almost unbearable. Sunscreen was her beloved, a squeeze tube always tucked away in her bag.

Much of the city was made of stone pathways covered in a thin, ever-present layer of sand. The black asphalt of roads proved far too hot for this already scorching climate, heat shimmering above it and burning the bare skin of any soul who set foot on it. Cars were rare in the city, with most preferring to walk or bike. Leil was a city of tan stone bleached pale by the sun. Though the buildings may be monotonous in color, the culture was anything but. A spice trader called out in rhythmic chants, pyramid-like piles of spices in every color before him. Jewels and gold flashed in the sun as a man held them up to attract customers, tinkling like windchimes. Vibrantly colored silks and linens fluttered in the breeze sweeping through the sooq.

Zafira side-stepped a young boy darting past, a piece of sticky baklava wrapped in paper carried close to his chest. Beside her, Deen laughed, the sound a part of a thousand memories they shared. Warmth prickled along the exposed skin of her forearms, the sleeves of her blue linen button-down rolled up to provide some relief from the heat. Overhead, the sun beat down relentlessly.

read the rest on ao3

Altair: I told Nasir his ears turn red when he lies and now I can really tell when he’s lying

Kifah: How?

Altair: Watch

Altair: Oi, Nasir! Do you love us?

Nasir *covering his ears with his hands* : No-

Zafira: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would be excited just to have a bunk bed.



Altair: I’m gonna tell her-

Nasir: don’t you dare

Nasir: I’m a miserable failure.

Altair: Yes, you are

Nasir: I’ve failed my mission.

Altair: Yes, you have

Nasir: I could really use words of encouragement right now.

Altair: Yes, you could

Nasir: I’m the Prince of Death. Nothing can affect me.

Zafira: *genuinely smiles*

Nasir: I am such a mess right now

Nasir: I’m fine

Altair: You’re fine? That’s good. I’ll put that on your tombstone. ‘He said he was fine. He was wrong.’

“Adorn You In Silver”

We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal.

Fave tropes

yeah yeah I love enemies- to- lovers

but the trope where one of them thinks they are a unloveable monster bc of the monstrous things they have done and the other person hates them for being the monster and being the worst person in the world.

but after awhile they’re seeing the real person behind the monster slowly falling for them, accepting them and their monstrous past but not wanting to and making it difficult because they are ‘bad’ and they cant fall for someone who has done all these bad thing but still falling.

and the 'monster’ also falling for the other person but not wanting to because the other person is the best thing in the world and they don’t wanna fuck them up with his monster shit and not deserving them because they are 'bad’ but being absolutely in love with them and wanting to be better and try to be better to give them the fucking world??

