#natural skincare



I now have an online store! Shop Miiriya, a black owned marketplace for small black owned businesses. Similar to Amazon or Etsy

Introducing Faith Not Sight Body Co. ~ all natural handmade whipped body butters. Trying to get 5 sales today! Please place your orders using the link

My Simple Body Products…

Being the largest organ of the body, the skin is also the thinnest and plays an important role in overall health. 1/10th of inch separates us from toxins. Our skin is highly permeable and it allows whatever we apply to seep into our bloodstream, and the rest of the body. Below are some simple products I use at home and some other products I use on my face. Organic Sugar Scrub Loofah Sponge…

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Product Review: Liz Earle Power of 3 Set

If you didn’t know, I work at Smashbox Cosmetics in Boots as a Crew Member, I absolutely love my job and talking to people about the brand and the makeup it offers. Next to my concession is Liz Earle. I’ve always been interested in skincare but especially natural skincare, during the quiet days, I look at Liz Earle products and talk to the lovely ladies at the counter about their products. I…

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This week’s PBG Money Monday is featuring Onya'e Naturals, a small batch vegan natural skin care line by Jasmine Onya'e Kelley


Jasmine, who is also I a photographer and graphic designer, started looking into the idea in college as a part of a project. She researched pure ingredients from the kitchen that would be helpful for the face, body and hair. What emerged eventually became a mini skincare line! Jasmine currently has products like a bentonite clay mask, a hydrating sweet rose toner, lavender peppermint and mint rose lip balms, and a decadent skin salve with ingredients such as coconut oil, arrowroot powder, and sweet almond oil.


To support this sister, visit her shop here.

Also follow along on Instagram to stay up to date with new products!

Have a great week, Queens!! ✨

The Beauty Chef Probiotic Skin RefinerThis is like a toner with lactic acid so it gently exfoliate

The Beauty Chef Probiotic Skin Refiner

This is like a toner with lactic acid so it gently exfoliates your face and regenerates cell growth. This is such an easy step to add to your nighttime skincare routine, to awaken to glowy, fresh, and healthy skin.

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Look lit-from-within with these glowing skin tricks

The only thing better than glowing skin from your highlighter palette? Glowing skin that’s 100% natural and lit-from-within. “Skinimalism” is one of the best ways to upgrade your skincare routine in 2021, going back to basics and using only 2, 1, or even 0 beauty products to light up your look.

Check out : ​How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally on MIRA

As requested by anjali06 here are some herbal teas that help you maintain great skin & hair!Lave

As requested by anjali06here are some herbal teas that help you maintain great skin & hair!

Lavender Tea - This tea is wonderful for reducing stress induced aging and damage to the skin or hair. It’s naturally calming properties help to relax your mind & body which helps dampen down damage caused by stress hormones. If you’re often busy, anxious, stressed or run down then Lavender tea may be of help to you!

Chamomile Tea - A tea that’s great for aiding your quest for restorative sleep. A cup or two of this before bed will help you relax at night and get the ‘beauty sleep’ your body needs to repair itself.

Green Tea - A brilliant drink to refresh you during the day, it’s great at boosting the immune system but overall it’s main benefit is it’s anti-oxidant quantity. Anti-oxidants reduce oxidative stress on cells, this oxidative stress is massively responsible for our aging especially to our hair and skin but also a cause of many diseases such as Cancer due to the chronic inflammation it leads to. 

Be careful not to drink it in excess though as it’s high caffeine content can lead to nervousness and effect those who have caffeine sensitivity such as pregnant women.

It can also be used as a hair rinse or face wash, it’s great for those with dry hair or skin!

Black Tea - If you have sore, dry skin then you can apply black tea to it once it has steeped and cooled right down. You can leave it in the fridge for an extra cooling effect, this tea helps to reduce wrinkles and draws toxins out.

Ginger Tea - This tea helps to boost blood circulation which helps your cells get all the oxygen and fuel they need to perform at their best. This can have many benefits, such as increasing blood flow to the scalp which improves your hair’s health. Drinking this can also help dampen down inflammation which can reduce ‘puffyness’. A great tea if you are getting older as the aging process starts to speed up as our circulation slows down.

Redbush/Rooibos Tea - If you want to drink a refreshing and very pure, clean tea then this may be to your preference. Drunk alone it has a sweeter taste than Black Tea and a slightly thicker feel to it but if you add milk (plant-based also) it tastes very similar to a typical English Breakfast Tea! 

So if you absolutely love English Breakfast Tea but want the benefits of herbal/other teas then you can drink Redbush to get both!

It has even more anti-oxidants than Green Tea (Polyphenols & Flavonoids) and is naturally caffeine free so there is less potential problems if you drink more than 3-5 cups a day.

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Look lit-from-within with these glowing skin tricks

The only thing better than glowing skin from your highlighter palette? Glowing skin that’s 100% natural and lit-from-within. “Skinimalism” is one of the best ways to upgrade your skincare routine in 2021, going back to basics and using only 2, 1, or even 0 beauty products to light up your look.

Check out : How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally on MIRA

Juniper Ridge Face + Beard Oil available at https://secondsunrise.se

Philosophy Nature In A Jar Skin Reset Serum Review

Hi guys,

Ici Paris XL kindly sent me a vial of Philosophy Nature In A Jar Skin Reset Serum to try and review as part of their Beauty & You Community.

This serum consists of 95.9% natural ingredients, is clean, vegan and contains Bakuchiol, a natural alternative to Retinol.

As we all know, Retinol is an antioxidant & a form of vitamin A that aids in cell and skin renewal. I’ve done some research on the difference between Bakuchiol and Retinol as Bakuchiol is said to be a natural alternative to Retinol but I honestly don’t see much of a difference as Retinol can be found in certain kinds of vegetables. However, for some people, Retinol is just too harsh  For people with sensitive skin or known allergic reactions to Retinol, Bakuchiol is indeed a better alternative.

Anyway, back to the Nature In A Jar Serum!

After using this serum for a while now, my skin feels soft, smooth and firm. Fine lines and wrinkles are less visible and so is the redness on my face.

It’s a lightweight serum which is easy to apply. The application itself is a bit more difficult, since the pipette in the cap is not a pipette but a glass rod, making it quite difficult to get enough product out of the bottle. It also feels a bit greasy, which I personally don’t like. The serum has a very light and neutral scent. In fact, it hardly has any scent. I personally think that’s an advantage, because I don’t really like heavily scented skincare products.

The bottle itself has a young & fresh look, thanks to the bright blue colour.

For now I give this serum 4 stars, because of the greasy feeling and the pipette which actually isn’t a pipette at all. If this changes, this serum is definitely worth 5 stars!


Do you prefer Retinol or Bakuchiol?

A huge thanks to Ici Paris XL and Philosophy! ❤

Look lit-from-within with these glowing skin tricks

The only thing better than glowing skin from your highlighter palette? Glowing skin that’s 100% natural and lit-from-within. “Skinimalism” is one of the best ways to upgrade your skincare routine in 2021, going back to basics and using only 2, 1, or even 0 beauty products to light up your look.

See them Here : How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally on MIRA
