
There is this intense beauty in simplicity.Maybe it’s because nothing is really simple.Even the thin

There is this intense beauty in simplicity.

Maybe it’s because nothing is really simple.

Even the things that seem simple are so deeply, intricately complicated.

But we can perceive them as simple because we don’t hold the responsibility for the complexity.

We can sit back and enjoy them as they are, in their seeming simplicity, because the difficult parts are already accomplished for us. 

We can just sit back and enjoy. 

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overalls or dresses? garden or meadow? fruit juice or smoothies? rainbows or gentle rain? roses or sunflowers? chilly sunrise or warm sunset? platonic kisses or hugging? 80s pop or 70s funk? paris or thailand? ocean waves or active rivers? peaches or blueberries? hiking or skiing? amusement parks or thrift shopping? black cats or golden retrievers? late fall or early spring? neon signs or city lights? nature or space? tea or iced coffee? bold lipstick or clear lipgloss? laughing joyfully or smiling softly?

Vance Bridge, Washington Brett Myers

Vance Bridge, Washington Brett Myers

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photo by Jane Kelynack | MY TUMBLR BLOG |Rock love. Rocks never get any credit. They are one of the

photo by Jane Kelynack|MY TUMBLR BLOG|

Rock love. Rocks never get any credit. They are one of the best things on earth. They are always there. If you lose one you can always just go outside and get another one. You don’t have to buy it dinner or open the door for it or talk about it’s feelings. They are super available.

They also USUALLY never hurt you (we’ll have a totally difference conversation during a meteor storm). They never move unless you push them really hard and you can use them to build houses, monuments, statues etc.

They are also great photography subjects because they never move. They won’t start twitching or have to pee every ten minutes. You can always expect them to behave like a rock.

You won’t wake up one day and be like “Omg that rock just got me pregnant, now I’m gonna have to take it to court and force it to pay child support.” No, because they have no legs or joints…, or any sort of consciousness. Here’s to you rocks, you totally rock :)

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photo by Wayne Pinkston | MY TUMBLR BLOG | Rainborealis in Kitdalen, Norway. It kinda looks like the

photo by Wayne Pinkston|MY TUMBLR BLOG

Rainborealis in Kitdalen, Norway. It kinda looks like the entire town is about to be teleported to galaxy EGS-zs8-1 13 billion light years away.

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