#nct dream reaction


Anon asked: nct dream reaction to s/o having a lot of male friends

I hope you like This!

-Admin Lionheart


Mark wouldn’t really care that much. He would know that they were just friends and as long as that didn’t change or you weren’t spending more time with them than you were with him, he didn’t mind your guy friends.



Haechan would try and act like he didn’t care, but on the inside, he would. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you, because he wholeheartedly did, he just didn’t trust other men around you.



Jeno would be a mix of Haechan and Mark; he wouldn’t care as long as you spent more time with him than with them, but he still didn’t trust them.



Renjun would 100% hate it. He would feel like he wasn’t good enough or manly enough for you. He would feel like you’d rather be with them than with him and that would kill him.



I feel like Jaemin would have started out as one of your guy friends, so to him, your friends were also his friends.



Chenle wouldn’t like you being surrounded by other guys all the time. In his eyes, you were a perfect masterpiece and anyone and everyone was trying to take you from him.



I get the feeling that because Jisung is so young, he would be a little intimidated by your guy friends. He would compare himself to them and wouldn’t really feel comfortable with you being around them all the time.


Anon asked: Hi I was wondering if you could do a nct dream or stray kids (if you write for them yet I totally understand if you don’t) to you getting really clingy and your not usually clingy then find out later that you were really tired and stressed and you just wanted some love. Also I love your writing and think you are one of the best kpop writers out there!!

I seriously love that you guys love the dreamies as much as I do. I love all the dream requests. Send more. Never stop ❤️

And thank you so much! I’m so happy that you like the content that we post. It really does mean a lot to both Lilly and I ☺️

-Admin Lionheart


Honestly, Mark would have mixed feelings about this type of situation. He would love how much you wanted him to be close, but would hate that it was due to the fact that you were stressed. He would do his best to just be the comforting boyfriend you needed. Plus, he got the opportunity to just admire his s/o, so he wouldn’t complain too much.



Being the sassy punk that Haechan is, he would definitely have some  mostly joking words for you whenever you were tired and just wanted to be in his arms. He would complain about how cold your skin was or ask why he always had to be the one holding you; while, at the same time, wrapping a blanket around the two of you and gently playing with your hair.



This cutie pie would just be thrilled that he was the one thing you wanted when you were stressed. He would think it was cute how you would subtly wrap around his arm while walking or how you layed against his chest while on the couch. I feel like he would also get a little flustered/surprised at the same time, though.



Renjun would be SO flustered whenever you would get clingy with him. I get the feeling that he wouldn’t really know what to do as you wrapped yourself around him or slowly scooted closer to him wherever you were. His ears would start to blush a light shade of pink as a huge smile plastered across his lips.



Sweet, sweet Nana would be so excited/nervous/overwhelmed every time you started to get clingy. When he noticed your eyes starting to droop from being sleepy, he would anticipate what was to come, but it would still shock him. He would probably just end up wrapping you tightly in his arms and whispering “I love you” over and over into your ears.



Chenle would 110% malfunction as soon as he felt you begin to get more and more clingy. As much as he knew it was what you needed to calm down, it would still destroy his brain as he thought about all the things that could make you stress out or how he could make things better as fast as possible.



This boy would melt. He would literally become a melted popsicle as soon as he saw the sleep in your eyes or felt your head fall gently onto his shoulder. As you wrapped your arms around his body and snuggled further into his side, he would just press little kisses onto your head and gushing over how cute his s/o was.



nct dream and knives

because they’re cool

and i love enemies to lovers and you’re probably lying if you say you don’t

the one pinning you to the wall with a knife to your throat: renjun, chenle

the one you’re pinning to the wall with a knife to his throat: mark, jeno, haechan, jaemin, jisung

before you come at me for the second one, though, please consider what happens in the moments after:

you blink and find yourself pinned to the wall with your own knife to your throat: jeno, jaemin

you swear you already disarmed him, but he pulls another knife out of his jacket and holds the point to your stomach:haechan

you realise you’re not holding your knife as tightly as you should be when he disarms you easily and starts backing you up: mark, jisung

nct dream and knives

because they’re cool

and i love enemies to lovers and you’re probably lying if you say you don’t

the one pinning you to the wall with a knife to your throat: renjun, chenle

the one you’re pinning to the wall with a knife to his throat: mark, jeno, haechan, jaemin, jisung


nct dream when protecting someone from an enemy

y'all know what i’m talking about right? the whole vulnerable loved one unable to fight situation, the boys standing in front of them/their bed to defend them with their life in the face of an enemy who taunts that they’ll take them away and this is their response

enemy: step aside, boy (or something along those lines)

mark: i don’t think so

renjun: over my dead fucking body

jeno: you’ll have to kill me first

haechan: i’d like to see you try

jaemin: you’re gonna have to get through me

chenle: we’ll see about that

jisung: i won’t let you

let’s be real renjun taking a fighting stance and readying his weapon while swearing may be the clearest image i have in my head

and jeno being more blunt about having to be dead for them to even touch a hair on his loved one’s head as opposed to jaemin who leaves it more open—always thought of jeno to use rougher and more direct language than jaemin in a situation like this

chenle and haechan hella scoffing whilst twirling their weapons? plus the tilt of the head? you can’t argue against that pls

mark straight up denying it’s going to happen with a shake of his head?

and jisung gripping his weapon tighter in his hands, trying to hide the bobbing of his adam’s apple as he takes a nervous gulp and throws out the bravest words he can muster. need i say more?

nct dream when protecting someone from an enemy

y'all know what i’m talking about right? the whole vulnerable loved one unable to fight situation, the boys standing in front of them/their bed to defend them with their life in the face of an enemy who taunts that they’ll take them away and this is their response

enemy: step aside, boy (or something along those lines)

mark: i don’t think so

renjun: over my dead fucking body

jeno: you’ll have to kill me first

haechan: i’d like to see you try

jaemin: you’re gonna have to get through me

chenle: we’ll see about that

jisung: i won’t let you

NCT Dream as popular kids: Jeno

- no one has anything bad to say about him

- always smiling

- captain of basketball team + star of the football team

- friends with everybody: the popular kids, the theater kids, the gay kids…

- really oblivious to flirting of any kind

- guys and girls ask him out all the time

- and he usually doesn’t say yes bc if he does like someone he only sees them so he won’t go on dates with a bunch of other people

- he rejects them so sweetly and even hugs them if they get upset

- only a few people have ever seen him mad

- very dorky sense of humor (like I mentioned before, Jaemin calls him no jam #2)

- pretty smart, he usually has all b’s, sometimes one c

- won best smile in the yearbook

- everyone respects him bc not only is he super kind but he’ll stand up to bullies

- super scary when he’s mad

- can beat your ass if he wanted to but he’s a softie

- has crazy duality

- one minute he’s super sexy and showing off them muscles

- and then he’s all eye smiles and shy shy shy

- someone stop him before I have a heart attack

- actually kind of introverted

- him and renjun bond over their love of peace and quiet (donghyuck has left the chat)

- so after his games a bunch of people will come up and invite him to parties

- and he’ll become awkward and try to be polite as possible bc he really doesn’t want to go

- my boi just wants to watch Netflix and eat some mac and cheese like damn

- people expect him to be cocky or a fuck boy but he’s really not at all

- just bc he’s really hot and good at everything doesn’t mean he’s a hoe

- he’s actually a big sweetheart and everyone love him :)

- quotes vines a lot

- his favorite being: “Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane tortilla”

- a whiney/clingy baby (especially when he’s with Jaemin bc let’s be honest we all want nana to take care of us ok)

- he loves hugs so so so so much

- such a dork at heart someone take care of him :’(

- actually really sensitive, he cares about people so much

- but if someone hurts his feelings you know that they’re gonna catch some hands

- even chenle will try to fight (and we all know that he can’t fight)

- donghyuck will be like “my boyfriend is in college and he can beat your ass bitch”

- even tho mark won’t hurt a fly they don’t have to know that

- he loves animals and volunteers at a shelter

- his favorite animals is a cat and he has a few himself

- he posts selfies with them on instagram

- takes cooking classes bc he actually wants to get good

- he always has to get jaemin to make him food but my boi wants to be a chef too

- his favorite is baking

- he’ll bring cakes to school to give to his friends for no reasons and it’s hilarious

- “hey buddy, here’s a cake”

- “thank you so much but… um, why?”

- “friendship”

- in conclusion lee jeno is an angel that we need but do not deserve

- i rest my case
