
No kidding when I start talking you better stop me before it’s too late

No kidding when I start talking you better stop me before it’s too late

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I’ll respect your opinion as long as your opinion doesn’t disrespect anybodies existence.


These scoundrels are only toying with the @sendavidperdue (a great guy) vote. Just didn’t want to announce quite yet. They’ve got as many ballots as are necessary. Rigged Election!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 59% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 63/36 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 26/73 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 74/25 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 10:44:31 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
( (Trump, 9.7:1), great (Trump, 1.4:1), guy (Trump, 3.3:1), ) (Trump, 9.9:1), vote (Other, 1.7:1), want (Trump, 3.2:1), yet (Other, 1.8:1), got (Trump, 3.8:1), many (Trump, 8.4:1), rigged (Trump, 2.2:1), election (Trump, 6.6:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anger’: 2, 'disgust’: 1, 'fear’: 1, 'negative’: 2, 'trust’: 3, 'anticipation’: 2, 'joy’: 1, 'positive’: 2, 'sadness’: 1, 'surprise’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 4.7

Completely appropriate designated stretch location #casualstretching #necessary #BalletInBolinas

Completely appropriate designated stretch location #casualstretching #necessary #BalletInBolinas

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necessary items!!! Smart! Thank you master! @dongdong_mummytattoo. . #tattooconvention #necessary

necessary items!!!
Thank you master!
#tattooconvention #necessary #item #타투 #문신


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When you guys have visited potential apartments, what kind of questions did you ask besides the basics like what rent and utilities include?

Here are questions I didn’t ask but should have: what does the basement look like?

What measures are taken to secure the building ?

Are the walls thin?
Brief info of who lives in the building. Are they college kids? People that work through the day? Elderly? Is it a mix?
Where does the garbage go?

Can I pay rent bi-weekly?
What kind of fuses does the apartment use? (My fuse box is in the basement. If I blow a fuse I have to replace it myself. They screw until the box. All of which I didn’t know until it happend and I was sitting in the dark suddenly)

Who do I call for repairs? (If it’s a private rental)
Am I allowed to paint the walls?
Is there any additional storage?
Do you do regular pest control?

count the outlets, ask about recycling policies, ask if there’s a noise restriction (nothing loud after midnight, everything goes on the weekend, etc)

Definitely ask about security
Whether subletting is allowed (esp if you’re in college and might want to sublet for the summer)
If you have a car, whether there’s parking/how much it costs
What kind of heating/AC there is
Procedure/response time for any maintenance
How mail/packages are received/protected from theft (seriously people stealing your packages can be a huge problem)
What kind of verification of your salary will they want, and in what circumstances will they accept a guarantor instead?
Whether the apartment is furnished

Assuming you are in the middle of looking at/choosing between places:
When does the lease start? Are you going to give preference to people based on when they can move in?
Whether groups of a certain number of people get preference
Really anything about who they prioritize for applications, it can save you a lot of trouble in trying to apply to places you’ll never get into

not something for asking the realtors, necessarily, but important rights you should be aware of as a tenant:

when and for what reasons are your landlords allowed to enter your home? how much of a notice should they give you before entering?

can the landlord make modifications to your home or apartment without your approval? to what extent?

what are the options and conditions for breaking your lease early if there’s an emergency? (this is ESPECIALLY important for anyone moving to a new state/considerable distance where you are not able to visit the apartment/home before you rent – students get taken advantage of ALL THE TIME with this shit)

if your first or last month at the property is a partial stay (i.e. you move in on july 15th, and rent is typically due on the first) make sure you don’t pay the full first month’s rent before you know the area laws! in many states, you are only legally required to pay for the time you are occupying the property

is renter’s insurance necessary? many apartments want at least 30k coverage, which can run a couple hundred dollars extra per year

are the landlords/property management liable for crimes on the property? for example, if your car was broken into. if not GET RENTER’S INSURANCE

-ask if there’s any property upkeep you can do to get a bit off the rent (aka, can they take 100$ off the monthly rent if you maintain the lawns/garden, etc.) 

-ask if there’s been any consistent/frequent trouble with electricity/internet connectivity/cable if you have it

-what KIND of electricity? 

-what kind of heating (hot water/electric)

-how secure is the neighborhood (if you don’t know) 

-ANY PLUMBING ISSUES? check ALL the fucking taps, the showers, EVERYTHING WITH WATER to make sure it all works right. 

-ANY PLUMBING ISSUES? check ALL the fucking taps, the showers, EVERYTHING WITH WATER to make sure it all works right. 



- who last lived here? why did they leave?

- Do they charge an “amenities fee” (Around here you can’t avoid them at all now, but some places you might still be able to)

- Do they have a policy on rent increases? (Also check if there’s a legal limit to rent increases in the area).

- Are utilities paid in a separate check or with the rent?

- Are utilities metered or pro-rated (in older buildings it’s common to be charged by square footage and/or number of occupants, which can leave you subsidizing the people who turn the a/c down to 60 in the summer or the heat up to 80 in the winter - you may not be able to avoid this but it’s worth trying).

- Are there any switched circuits in the apartment. Buildings built in the late sixties through the early eighties often have switched circuits. If they do, then with the number of devices used these days you will probably have to have something important on the switched circuit - tape the switch in the on position! (Trust me).

- What are the rules on hanging pictures?

- Who is responsible for paying for and replacing bulbs in permanent fixtures? If it’s you and there’s a fixture with weird/unusual bulbs (globe style, chandelier style, etc) ask where you can buy the bulbs.

- What are the rules about pets? Do they have breed specific restrictions on dogs? Size restrictions on fish tanks? (Believe it or not that’s not uncommon).

ILLEGAL GALLERY PRESENTS: “ Slavoj Žižek: We Need Thinking”


“Slavoj Žižek answers the question, "Do you think science has replaced philosophy in discovering the bigger questions of life?” Philosophy is not dying, he says – in fact, we need it more now than ever.“

"Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic. He is a professor at the European Graduate School, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London, and a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His books include Living in the End Times, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, In Defense of Lost Causes, four volumes of the Essential Žižek, and many more.”

Directed / Produced by
Elizabeth Rodd and Jonathan Fowle

#illegal gallery    #illegal    #gallery    #philosophy    #contemporary    #thinking    #current    #relevant    #necessary    


thinking about how important it is that we see most of the story through wille’s eyes in season one. from simon’s perspective it just looks like wille is another closeted queer boy who’s not ready to be out and be seen with him, and although that is true it’s also so much more than that. because we see wille have panic attacks over never speaking to simon again. we see him agonising over not getting to be with him. we get to see the drastic difference between the person wilhelm is when he’s on his own and the person that he is when he’s with simon.

this is why young royals is such a good show. because i can sympathise with simon and with wilhelm. too many shows have us rooting for one side of the couple and demonising the other, but young royals reminds us that these boys are sixteen. they don’t have shit figured out in any way, shape, or form, and they’re absolutely going to fuck up and hurt each other because that’s what teenagers do.

simon and wilhelm display remarkable amounts of emotional intelligence for teenage boys. they show each other grace, a willingness and a want to understand the other’s perspective, and a respect for the other’s situation that is rare in media and in real life. wilhelm wears his heart on his sleeve; even when he’s trying to distance himself from simon you can see on his face how painful it is. i have an immense amount of respect for edvin and omar’s ability to play these characters with such nuance - they really bring them to life and make them feel so grounded in reality, and it’s wonderful.
