#tweet analysis


To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 57% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 50/49 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 46/53 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 65/34 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Fri Jan 8 10:44:28 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
asked (Trump, 5.2:1), going (Trump, 1.2:1), inauguration (Trump, 5.2:1), january (Trump, 3.1:1), 20th (Trump, 2.2:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anticipation’: 1, 'joy’: 1, 'positive’: 1, 'trust’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 8.0

The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 77% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

This is tweet number 930 mentioning ‘Make America Great Again’ from @realdonaldtrump – 590 since inauguration.
This is tweet number 151 mentioning 'America First’ from @realdonaldtrump – 67 since inauguration.

Word probabilities: 70/29 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 52/47 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 93/6 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Fri Jan 8 09:46:38 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
great (Trump, 1.4:1), american (Other, 2.1:1), voted (Trump, 3.1:1), america (Other, 1.5:1), make (Other, 1.3:1), long (Trump, 1.7:1), future (Trump, 1.2:1), treated (Trump, 2.5:1), unfairly (Trump, 1.4:1), way (Trump, 2.4:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{'fear’: 1, 'anticipation’: 1, 'positive’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 9.7


-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 1% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 15/84 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 45/54 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 2/97 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Thu Jan 7 19:10:24 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter Media Studio
Score override for source

The most informative terms in this tweet were:

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 32.0

These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!

-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 37% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 50/49 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 10/89 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 45/54 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 18:01:04 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
things (Trump, 4.6:1), happen (Trump, 5.2:1), landslide (Trump, 1.4:1), election (Trump, 6.6:1), victory (Trump, 4.2:1), & (Other, 2.3:1), away (Other, 1.3:1), great (Trump, 1.4:1), badly (Trump, 13.6:1), unfairly (Trump, 1.4:1), treated (Trump, 2.5:1), long (Trump, 1.7:1), go (Trump, 1.8:1), remember (Other, 1.7:1), day (Trump, 1.4:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anticipation’: 5, 'fear’: 2, 'negative’: 3, 'sadness’: 3, 'joy’: 3, 'positive’: 3, 'trust’: 2, 'anger’: 1, 'disgust’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 8.8


-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 1% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 15/84 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 10/89 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 2/97 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 16:17:24 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone
Score override for media

The most informative terms in this tweet were:

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 55.6

I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 61% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 61/38 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 0/99 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 92/7 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 15:13:26 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
asking (Trump, 3.3:1), everyone (Other, 1.2:1), u (Trump, 5.2:1), peaceful (Trump, 1.4:1), violence (Other, 1.7:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1), remember (Other, 1.7:1), party (Trump, 2.4:1), law (Other, 1.6:1), & (Other, 2.3:1), order (Trump, 3.3:1), respect (Trump, 4.2:1), great (Trump, 1.4:1), men (Other, 1.7:1), thank (Other, 3.9:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anticipation’: 2, 'joy’: 2, 'positive’: 2, 'surprise’: 1, 'trust’: 4, 'anger’: 1, 'fear’: 1, 'negative’: 1, 'sadness’: 2}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 5.6

Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 25% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 60/39 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 9/90 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 16/83 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 14:38:58 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
please (Trump, 2.3:1), support (Other, 1.5:1), police (Other, 2.1:1), law (Other, 1.6:1), truly (Trump, 3.0:1), country (Trump, 2.1:1), stay (Trump, 1.4:1), peaceful (Trump, 1.4:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘fear’: 1, 'positive’: 2, 'trust’: 3, 'negative’: 1, 'anticipation’: 1, 'joy’: 1, 'surprise’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 4.6

Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 38% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 12/87 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 9/90 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 66/33 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 14:24:22 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
mike (Trump, 2.4:1), pence (Trump, 2.2:1), courage (Trump, 1.4:1), done (Trump, 4.5:1), country (Trump, 2.1:1), giving (Trump, 2.3:1), states (Trump, 2.0:1), chance (Trump, 2.3:1), set (Trump, 1.4:1), asked (Trump, 5.2:1), usa (Trump, 1.4:1), truth (Trump, 1.4:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘positive’: 4, 'surprise’: 1, 'trust’: 4, 'anger’: 2, 'disgust’: 1, 'negative’: 3}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 11.5


-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 1% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 15/84 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 4/95 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 2/97 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 13:49:54 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone
Score override for links

The most informative terms in this tweet were:

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 55.6

These scoundrels are only toying with the @sendavidperdue (a great guy) vote. Just didn’t want to announce quite yet. They’ve got as many ballots as are necessary. Rigged Election!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 59% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 63/36 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 26/73 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 74/25 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 10:44:31 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
( (Trump, 9.7:1), great (Trump, 1.4:1), guy (Trump, 3.3:1), ) (Trump, 9.9:1), vote (Other, 1.7:1), want (Trump, 3.2:1), yet (Other, 1.8:1), got (Trump, 3.8:1), many (Trump, 8.4:1), rigged (Trump, 2.2:1), election (Trump, 6.6:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anger’: 2, 'disgust’: 1, 'fear’: 1, 'negative’: 2, 'trust’: 3, 'anticipation’: 2, 'joy’: 1, 'positive’: 2, 'sadness’: 1, 'surprise’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 4.7

Even Mexico uses Voter I.D.

-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 34% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

This is tweet number 248 mentioning Mexico from @realdonaldtrump – 169 since inauguration.

Word probabilities: 50/49 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 77/22 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 5/94 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 09:16:30 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
even (Trump, 5.5:1), mexico (Trump, 1.6:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 7.6

The States want to redo their votes. They found out they voted on a FRAUD. Legislatures never approved. Let them do it. BE STRONG!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 88% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 78/21 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 77/22 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 98/1 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 09:15:07 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
states (Trump, 2.0:1), want (Trump, 3.2:1), votes (Trump, 1.8:1), voted (Trump, 3.1:1), fraud (Trump, 5.2:1), never (Trump, 3.6:1), let (Trump, 1.6:1), strong (Trump, 2.7:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anger’: 2, 'anticipation’: 1, 'joy’: 2, 'negative’: 2, 'positive’: 2, 'sadness’: 1, 'surprise’: 1, 'trust’: 3}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 2.1

They just happened to find 50,000 ballots late last night. The USA is embarrassed by fools. Our Election Process is worse than that of third world countries!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 80% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 84/15 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 77/22 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 79/20 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 09:00:12 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
happened (Trump, 6.1:1), find (Other, 1.2:1), last (Trump, 1.8:1), night (Trump, 2.8:1), usa (Trump, 1.4:1), election (Trump, 6.6:1), worse (Trump, 2.9:1), third (Other, 1.2:1), world (Trump, 1.4:1), countries (Trump, 4.2:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anticipation’: 1, 'positive’: 1, 'trust’: 1, 'negative’: 3, 'sadness’: 2, 'disgust’: 1, 'fear’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 2.1


-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 73% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 56/43 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 88/11 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 74/25 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 08:22:26 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
republican (Trump, 10.4:1), party (Trump, 2.4:1), country (Trump, 2.1:1), needs (Trump, 1.8:1), presidency (Trump, 1.4:1), ever (Trump, 1.2:1), - (Other, 1.2:1), stay (Trump, 1.4:1), strong (Trump, 2.7:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anger’: 1, 'negative’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 13.1

States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 86% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 71/28 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 88/11 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 93/6 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 08:17:22 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
states (Trump, 2.0:1), want (Trump, 3.2:1), votes (Trump, 1.8:1), know (Trump, 1.8:1), fraud (Trump, 5.2:1), plus (Trump, 1.4:1), corrupt (Other, 1.3:1), never (Trump, 3.6:1), mike (Trump, 2.4:1), pence (Trump, 2.2:1), send (Other, 1.2:1), win (Trump, 2.6:1), extreme (Trump, 1.4:1), courage (Trump, 1.4:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anger’: 2, 'anticipation’: 2, 'joy’: 1, 'negative’: 4, 'positive’: 4, 'sadness’: 1, 'surprise’: 1, 'trust’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 9.3

Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd is so happy with the fake voter tabulation process that he can’t even get the words out straight. Sad to watch!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 73% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

This is tweet number 14 mentioning ‘Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd’ from @realdonaldtrump – 10 since inauguration.

Word probabilities: 20/79 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 88/11 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 91/8 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 08:06:45 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
todd (Trump, 1.4:1), happy (Trump, 1.2:1), fake (Trump, 27.7:1), even (Trump, 5.5:1), get (Other, 1.2:1), words (Other, 2.1:1), sad (Trump, 4.5:1), watch (Other, 3.0:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{'anticipation’: 2, 'joy’: 1, 'positive’: 2, 'trust’: 2, 'negative’: 1, 'fear’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 3.4

If Vice President @Mike_Pence comes through for us, we will win the Presidency. Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures (which it must be). Mike can send it back!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 69% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 85/14 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 50/49 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 71/28 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 01:00:50 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
vice (Trump, 3.3:1), president (Trump, 2.3:1), @mike_pence (Other, 7.3:1), comes (Trump, 2.3:1), us (Other, 2.1:1), win (Trump, 2.6:1), presidency (Trump, 1.4:1), many (Trump, 8.4:1), states (Trump, 2.0:1), want (Trump, 3.2:1), made (Trump, 11.6:1), & (Other, 2.3:1), even (Trump, 5.5:1), numbers (Trump, 8.9:1), state (Trump, 1.6:1), ( (Trump, 9.7:1), must (Trump, 1.9:1), ) (Trump, 9.9:1), mike (Trump, 2.4:1), send (Other, 1.2:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘negative’: 4, 'positive’: 1, 'trust’: 2, 'sadness’: 1, 'anger’: 1, 'disgust’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 8.1

Get smart Republicans. FIGHT! https://t.co/3fs1oPVnAx

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 58% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 68/31 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 70/29 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 47/52 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 00:43:42 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
get (Other, 1.2:1), smart (Trump, 6.1:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anger’: 1, 'fear’: 1, 'negative’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 14.7

Just happened to have found another 4000 ballots from Fulton County. Here we go!

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 50% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 64/35 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 70/29 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 33/66 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 00:08:24 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
happened (Trump, 6.1:1), another (Other, 1.2:1), county (Other, 1.6:1), go (Trump, 1.8:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘joy’: 1, 'positive’: 2, 'trust’: 3, 'anticipation’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 3.7

Looks like they are setting up a big “voter dump” against the Republican candidates. Waiting to see how many votes they need?

-President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 53% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 86/13 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 34/65 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 47/52 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Tue Jan 5 22:28:36 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
looks (Trump, 1.4:1), like (Trump, 3.1:1), big (Trump, 8.2:1), republican (Trump, 10.4:1), waiting (Other, 1.2:1), many (Trump, 8.4:1), votes (Trump, 1.8:1), need (Other, 5.9:1), ? (Trump, 2.2:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘positive’: 2, 'anger’: 1, 'anticipation’: 1, 'joy’: 1, 'negative’: 1, 'sadness’: 1, 'surprise’: 1, 'trust’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 5.2
