

Feyre to Tamlin at the start of ACOMAF

Ik I posted this for Nesta but this actually made more sense so yeah

Nesta at the start of ACOSF

Lol I’m getting lazy to post stuff Also this isn’t really a spoiler alert so there’s no warning

*Rowan eating a cake Aelin made*

Aelin : How is the cake?

Rowan : It’s good

Aelin : Is it Bussin?

Rowan : …….

Aelin : Say it or I won’t be your queen

Rowan : *sighs* it’s Bussin

Aelin : Say the last part too

Rowan : …..

Rowan : SHEEE-





I can’t believe we’ll get to see him grow in the next book/s

Ok ok ok it’s probably been said before.

BUT my theory is about when Cassian and NESTA finally get together and all that stuff- cus we know they will.

Remember how Cassian tried to get Rhys to calm down after the mating bond thing by flirting with Feyre and baiting Rhys into a fight.

I bet you this time it’s going to be Mor flirting with Cassian to bait NESTA because we all know she is the the jealous one in that relationship

Ok let’s be honest. I’m most looking forward to when Nesta and Cassian have an honest talk about how much they have been freaking pinning and longing for each other. SINCE THE FIRST DAY THEY MET.

I want them to finally admit that each time they said something hateful it was in an attempt not to keep their true lovey feelings from pushing out.

Like we all know. All the other characters know. Even they know deep down.

So that teaser has to be right after the “intervention - casting out of the city” right?!

Also I loved every single word.

I bet Nesta stays in the library the whole night. It is her happy place after all

Happy Friday everyone!!!

In the short time that Nesta has known Cassian she has seen him literally on deaths door step like 3 times. She has seen him in pain countless other times. She avoids him because she doesn’t want to be first in the long line of people waiting to get the news that he died. She is trying to protect herself.

Now love is worth the risk but she doesn’t know that yet

Oh hot dang. I think Lucien just became my favorite! Forget More, his power is truth

Wow what a novice idea, how about you use your magic and all high and mighty powers to bring the beds from the house no one wants to go to and out them in the house everyone is staying at??

Crazy right. Problem solved

No need to turn the city upside down.

Hmm maybe a all knowing self-righteous tyrant would think of that

I NEED acosf theories! Please post them! Comment with them! Or Shout then from the roof tops!

I’ll start off with one of mine - Nesta originally met Eris during one of the nights that the Keir and the Hewn City are allowed into the city. They hit it off because our boy Eris recognizes her strength and power without any back history

At the very beginning of ACOFAS Feyre wants to buy presents for ALL of her friends and family for what they did on the battlefield.

She says then when it is already clear Nesta doesn’t want to go and then like a week later NESTA shows up to the party and Feyre is all like I didn’t give you a gift. WTF. And has the gull to be like “Nesta didn’t give me anything but I don’t care because everyone else has showered me in gifts”

So I’m not super in to the Nesta and Azriel best buddies for forever relationship BUT

I do love the idea of them having conversations about and connecting through the darkness and the shadows they both deal with on the regular. That is where I think the mutual respect will come from

I don’t like going to parties, I hate public speaking, talking about myself gives me hives, I would throw myself in front of the bullet for those that I love, my family misunderstands me, it’s hard to “get” me, I hide my soft feelings behind a suit if armor made or rude remarks, there is definitely some sexual frustration and tension in my life, I find it hard to start a fire, I never want to go to the gym and train, and yeah I love a good romance novel.

Oh crap. I AM NESTA

I have often thought that Nesta’s power isn’t death

First, because Feyre is convinced it is death. And When has Feyre ever been known to truly get her sister?

Second, it was said at one point that Nesta took from the cauldron everything it had taken from her. It is assumed she got the death powers because it had killed her but in reality the cauldron was also giving her life, a new life.

Third, I think often because if Nesta’s bluntness and brutality in conversation it is thought that she is similar to death. But no we know she is sensitive and caring behind her outer wall. She is life and creation more than death and killing

Fourth, just because the bone carver heard of Nests dosent mean she is death. She could be deaths greatest enemy - life

Nesta is life she is creation she is a new beginning

So in ACOFAS Nesta is still clinging to her character of being clean, holding herself up, and having pride.


In the flash forward to ACOSF She is apparently filthy. Has dirty clothes, dirty apartment, never changes her sheets, show up to the IC summoning looking and smelling gross.

WTF either something major happened (probably the same thing that broke up her friendship with Amren) or SJMaas forgot her characterizations and book cannons.

Honestly could go either way

So Feyre starts off thinking about her sister, her thoughts and feelings. But the moment she has any discomfort all thoughts of Nests and her needs go out the window. As long as Feyre is comfortable and as a easy life everything is ok.


So like if we bought the ebook we get it at midnight, right? Like that was the whole point, right? Till Feb 16th at 12:00am ACOSF we have a date!
