#new relationships

“You are it,” He told me.“I haven’t said it to anyone else since that day I named you.I used to use

“You are it,” He told me.
“I haven’t said it to anyone else since that day I named you.
I used to use it ALL the time.
Then that day, it just became only you.”

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behaviorsthe signs show at the beginning of a new relationship

[check Sun Sign]

Aries.They plunge into the new relationship, into the emotions and the sex, and then they fall out of love very fast too. Passionate, hot and cold, those Aries Suns. Dating an Aries feels like touching fire. But who isn’t tempted by that?

Taurus.They are keen to see what their partners can offer in intimacy and emotional value very early on in the relationship, as they prefer long-term relationships with real commitment. And those take the right partner to be with. Don’t be overwhelmed by a Tauruses question of your intend. They often don’t know their own answer to this question, but will still ask you. Maybe you can find out the answer together.

Gemini. They didn’t even want to be in a relationship at all, and now suddenly they are. The beginning of a relationship with a Gemini is a rollercoaster, an intense mix of feeling like you two are just very good platonic friends, and a close physical bond. That can be confusing, but exciting too. What did you expect, honestly? You’re dating a Gemini after all!

Cancer. They’re careful not to get their heart broken. They take some time to really get to know the person. But then they are all in. Rain of compliments on their partner. Total devotion. Fear of being left.

Leo. When they meet someone who’s worth committing to, that suddenly doesn’t feel confining at all. That’s Leo’s biggest fear, not being with the right person and getting stuck there. But with the right one, it’s pure freedom. It’s a new adventure, it’s fun.

Virgo. They basically plan their babies names. Which is fine, if their partner knows how to handle this committing show of affection and not overinterpret the constant affirmations. Not that Virgo’s don’t really mean what they say, they do. But butterflies can make you say lovey-dovey words and then sometimes, you realize those don’t actually apply anymore.

Libra. They present their new partner to their friends and family. Others would find it kind of funny or even stilted to do this in such a formal way, but it’s Libra’s show of commitment. It’s their show of “you see, this person is mine”. And then, just like that, their partner is part of their circle and their life - usually for quite a while.

Scorpio. They would not admit this is actually a relationship. It’s maybe a not perfectly identified dating situation, a friend-with-benefits, a person-to-go-out-on-saturdays. That does not mean this isn’t serious. It’s just that tying down a Scorpio takes some smart work. They don’t wanna be pressured, they want everything to fall into place naturally and everything to feel easy. And relationships just aren’t always easy.

Sagittarius.They are so inquisitive of their new partner, that that person may feel a little surprised and overwhelmed in all the sudden interest. It’s not clingy, Sagittarius are quite freedom-loving, but just real, sheer curiosity. Sagittarius is open for anything their partner has to say - it doesn’t have to be in line with their own opinions, it just has to be interesting. That can feel like it’s hard to find common ground.

Capricorn. They’re so happy they’ve just found love, that everything else kind of fades into the background. It’s like the world suddenly has a movie soundtrack and it calls their partners name. This is the beginning of the love story of my life, Capricorn thinks. And if there is a new beginning each week, that still feels like the love story of their life - every time anew.

Aquarius. They don’t know when to take their partners hand for the first time. They don’t know when it’s time to kiss. They want to communicate about the do’s and dont’s in this upcoming relationship, but there never seems to be the perfect time. Honestly, Aquariusses may be a bit lost in the beginning. But once they find their place with their partner and they feel secure enough to open up, they are steady, reliable, wonderful partners.

Pisces. They are just the sweetest lovebirds in the world. Pisces actually still write love letters. They do the whole “I saw this and had to think about you”-thing. Dating a Pisces can feel unreal, like you’re never sure when this dream is gonna end. Start believing in it.
