#scorpio horoscope


This weeks astrology & how it will affect you

May 23rd - 30th

(Check Sun/rising)

  • Saturn Retrograde 13° Aquarius - Sunday
  • Super Moon Lunar Eclipse 5° Sagittarius - Wednesday
  • Mercury Retrograde 24° Gemini - Saturday

- a door closes -

This is a week of self-evaluation, truth telling, full disclosure and the removal of outgrown circumstances. A Super Moon lunar eclipse at 5° Sagittarius on the karmic South Node of Fate on Wednesday May 26th is bracketed by Saturn Lord of Time and Karma turning retrograde on Saturday May 29th. The triple event opens a season of dealing with whatever needs to be faced and sorted.

Themes of truth, lies, fake news and lost in translation communication are entangled with Mercury retrograde conjunct the eclipse.

At this total lunar eclipse, you are permanently closing a door behind you ready to open a new one at the 19° Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10th 2021. Lunar eclipses are emotional as they create final endings. They can make you sentimental, more aware of the passage of time. Memories and dreams come up to the surface. Look back to the last Sagittarius lunar eclipse in June 2002, then 2012 when the Nodes of Fate were reversed, to help you to join the dots in what’s now come full circle in your own life.

Remind yourself that this deep space eclipse wave is not head stuff - it’s somatic, physical, integrative - and be diligent about grounding. Energy will be magnified as this is a Super Moon Eclipse with the moon at its closest to the Earth. It heralds a geo-cosmic storm potential along with turbulence in geo-politics and the financial markets that extends from May 23rd - 29th.

New! In June, as yet more veils are lasered away by the June Solar eclipse and the Cancer Solistice, your life stream is going to hit some turbulence.

♈︎ ARIES ♈︎

It’s a big week. On Wednesday, the Super Moon lunar eclipse overshadows your 9th / 3rd houses. A course of study may be completing or a mentor leaving. Circumstances changing around you beyond your control are nudging you to update your thinking and discard old beliefs that distort the accuracy of your inner map of the world. Now is the time to gently let an outgrown relationship or contract go, to leave a group you no longer fit into and clean up your social media contacts.

Be proactive.

♉︎ TAURUS ♉︎

Think back to June 2002, the last Sagittarius Lunar eclipse, to notice what you bought, sold or invested in. This cosmic wild card is activating your money axis of both earned income and joint or inherited resources so, as both Saturn and Mercury are turning retrograde, don’t make any large commitments, sign any important contracts or buying anything expensive. Your emotions will be running high and you may lose your perspective in the heat of the moment. Wait until the dust settles after the June 10th Solar Eclipse.

Channel this supercharged energy into getting your finances in order.

♊︎ GEMINI ♊︎

Happy Birthday Gemini, whenever it arrives. Your month opens dramatically with a Super Moon lunar eclipse bracketed by both Saturn and Mercury retrograde. Emotions usually run high under lunar eclipses and you may be drowning in nostalgia or missing someone gone from your life. This cosmic wild card closes a door permanently on a relationship. It could be romantic, professional or a friendship that is beyond fixing. Eclipses reveal what you haven’t seen before - the truth comes out and it’s impossible to ignore. Wether someone breaks up with you or you break up with them, move on and see it as creating space for new people to enter your life.

Don’t try to rekindle the ashes.

♋︎ CANCER ♋︎

On May 26th a doozy of a Super Moon lunar eclipse activates your 6th / 12th houses - your axis of well-being and retreat. It will close a door on aspects of health, routines and self-care that have been undermining or sabotaging you, whether you realized or not. It’s time to break any toxic habits cold turkey and to replace them with healthier alternatives. That might include leaving a job that stresses you instead of inspiring you. Since both Saturn and Mercury turn backwards at this eclipse, double check all you communications before you press send.

Clearing your own ecology.

♌︎ LEO ♌︎

It’s set to be an intense and emotional week with a Super Moon lunar eclipse bracketed both Saturn and Mercury turning backwards. For you a solar Leo, your 5th / 11th house of self-expression are in the frame for change. A door will close on one of your pet projects, plans or passions - you might have completed it, run out of juice or simply given up on it. All the better to start envisioning something new and more exciting at the June 10th Solar eclipse. In the 2 weeks between these powerful cosmic wild cards, back things up, upgrade your communications and clear the decks.

This is a permanent closure.

♍︎ VIRGO ♍︎

For you as a Solar Virgo, this week’s powerful astrology is all about family. On Wednesday, a Super Moon lunar eclipse closes a door permanently on some part of your home life. It might be a changing of the guard when someone leaves or someone arrives. You might realize - finally - that you have had enough of where you live and need to find somewhere more harmonious. Or you decide to move to another city or country. Expect to feel emotional, nostalgic for good times go by and allow yourself time to grieve and then release sad memories.

Home is a state of mind, not a place.

♎︎ LIBRA ♎︎

Wednesday’s potent Super Moon lunar eclipse is falling across your 3rd / 9th house of communication. it’s not going to be business as usual as the cosmic wild card is sandwiched between Saturn and Mercury turning backwards. Your 3rd house is about siblings and neighbors so tread carefully, aim to tie up and resolve any problems and leave them behind permanently. You might be finishing a study program or deciding to drop it altogether if the juice is gone out of it. Make sure you double check emails, texts and social media posts before you press and send.

Lost in translation.


A Super Moon lunar eclipse on Wednesday 26th bracketed by both Saturn and Mercury turning retrograde are going to ratchet up your emotions. Lunar eclipses can be very nostalgic, reminding you of good times gone by and of people who are no longer part of your life. If you need to, treat yourself gently and take time to grieve. For you as a solar Scorpio, changes are going to affect your finances, both your income and your shared assets. A door may shut permanently on one source of income or you may decide its time to pull the plug on a professional contract. Keep in mind that Trickster Mercury is unreliable and don’t make any big commitments to investments for at least another 3 weeks.

Sealing financial leaks.


Something big is week comes … you’re about to experience a lunar eclipse in your own sign for the first time since summer 2002. For more clues to which part of your life is coming full circle, you could also think back to eclipses in 2012 when the Nodes of Fate were reversed. Expect to feel more emotional than usual, and if you need to unburden yourself, find a trusted friend to confide in. This cosmic wild card is taking you through a door way then closing the door behind you where your personal vision and plans for the future are concerned. It will shine a light on what and who needs to be left behind so you can create a new and bigger dream for yourself.

If circumstances shift around you, don’t try to cling on them - better times await.


Cut yourself some slack, it’s going to be an intense and emotional 2 weeks. On Sunday May 23rd, your won Planet Saturn turns retrograde until October in your 2nd house. Your finances are slowly and inexorably being restructured until March 2023, so collaborate with the process, add to your savings, cut debt and ask for money owed to you. On Wednesday, a Super Moon lunar eclipse shines a light into the engine room of your chart, the deeply private 12th House. It might excavate old memories, bring on nostalgia for people and times past or reveal where your blind spots are. People around you may seem irrational, so keep a low profile and give yourself time to reconnect with your ancestry, your dreams and your spiritual life.

Glimpses of the unseen.


It’s a fast moving, intense week when events and circumstances change around you beyond your control with a domino effect in your own life. First on May 23rd, your co-ruler Saturn turns backwards until October. See it as an opportunity to review your support systems - relationships, where you live, work, finances - and strengthen your foundations so you are both flexible and resilient. Wednesday’s eclipse is a Super Moon on steroids and emotions will run high. It is closing a door permanently in your 11th House of friends, groups and networks. You may leave an association behind or drop a friendship that you’ve outgrown or, conversely, someone may drop you.

Take some quite time mid-week.

♓︎ PISCES ♓︎

It’s set to be an emotional week so make sure you have some quite time to yourself. A Super Moon lunar eclipse on May 26th falls at the top of your chart activating your career and public image and closing one door permanently. A promotion you hoped for might fall through or someone at work might leave creating a vacancy or you might find an unexpected golden opportunity to move on elsewhere. If you do, seize it with both hands. It looks as if you’re more then ready for a new challenge and the next eclipse on June 10th might just deliver it. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde from May 29th so use the time to dig for information, check out helpful contacts and do some detective work.

Full circle in your career.

❥ .

October 20 - December 31

A series of each birthday and the significance to each one according to astrology. Comment or ask me about your specific day and I’ll write one for you! PS: I PRIORITIZE ASKS <3

October 20 - Language Of Birthdays- Libra

October 21 - Language Of Birthdays - Libra

October 22 - Language Of Birthdays - Libra

October 23 - Language Of Birthdays - Libra/Scorpio

October 24 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 25 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 26 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 27 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 28 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 29 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 30 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 31 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 1 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 2 -Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 3 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 4 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 5 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 6 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 7 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 8 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 9 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 10 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 11 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 12 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 13 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 14 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 15 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 16 -Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 17 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 18 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 19 -Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 20 - Language Of Birthdays- Scorpio

November 21 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 22 -Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio/Sagittarius

November 23 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 24 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 25 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 26 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 27 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 28 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 29 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 30 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 1 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 2 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 3 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 4 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 5 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 6 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 7 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 8 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 9 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 10 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 11 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 12 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 13 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 14 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 15 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 16 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 17 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 18 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 19 -Language Of Birthdays- Sagittarius

December 20 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 21 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 22 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius/Capricorn

December 23 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 24 -Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 25 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 26 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 27 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 28 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 29 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 30 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 31 -Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn


behaviorsthe signs show at the beginning of a new relationship

[check Sun Sign]

Aries.They plunge into the new relationship, into the emotions and the sex, and then they fall out of love very fast too. Passionate, hot and cold, those Aries Suns. Dating an Aries feels like touching fire. But who isn’t tempted by that?

Taurus.They are keen to see what their partners can offer in intimacy and emotional value very early on in the relationship, as they prefer long-term relationships with real commitment. And those take the right partner to be with. Don’t be overwhelmed by a Tauruses question of your intend. They often don’t know their own answer to this question, but will still ask you. Maybe you can find out the answer together.

Gemini. They didn’t even want to be in a relationship at all, and now suddenly they are. The beginning of a relationship with a Gemini is a rollercoaster, an intense mix of feeling like you two are just very good platonic friends, and a close physical bond. That can be confusing, but exciting too. What did you expect, honestly? You’re dating a Gemini after all!

Cancer. They’re careful not to get their heart broken. They take some time to really get to know the person. But then they are all in. Rain of compliments on their partner. Total devotion. Fear of being left.

Leo. When they meet someone who’s worth committing to, that suddenly doesn’t feel confining at all. That’s Leo’s biggest fear, not being with the right person and getting stuck there. But with the right one, it’s pure freedom. It’s a new adventure, it’s fun.

Virgo. They basically plan their babies names. Which is fine, if their partner knows how to handle this committing show of affection and not overinterpret the constant affirmations. Not that Virgo’s don’t really mean what they say, they do. But butterflies can make you say lovey-dovey words and then sometimes, you realize those don’t actually apply anymore.

Libra. They present their new partner to their friends and family. Others would find it kind of funny or even stilted to do this in such a formal way, but it’s Libra’s show of commitment. It’s their show of “you see, this person is mine”. And then, just like that, their partner is part of their circle and their life - usually for quite a while.

Scorpio. They would not admit this is actually a relationship. It’s maybe a not perfectly identified dating situation, a friend-with-benefits, a person-to-go-out-on-saturdays. That does not mean this isn’t serious. It’s just that tying down a Scorpio takes some smart work. They don’t wanna be pressured, they want everything to fall into place naturally and everything to feel easy. And relationships just aren’t always easy.

Sagittarius.They are so inquisitive of their new partner, that that person may feel a little surprised and overwhelmed in all the sudden interest. It’s not clingy, Sagittarius are quite freedom-loving, but just real, sheer curiosity. Sagittarius is open for anything their partner has to say - it doesn’t have to be in line with their own opinions, it just has to be interesting. That can feel like it’s hard to find common ground.

Capricorn. They’re so happy they’ve just found love, that everything else kind of fades into the background. It’s like the world suddenly has a movie soundtrack and it calls their partners name. This is the beginning of the love story of my life, Capricorn thinks. And if there is a new beginning each week, that still feels like the love story of their life - every time anew.

Aquarius. They don’t know when to take their partners hand for the first time. They don’t know when it’s time to kiss. They want to communicate about the do’s and dont’s in this upcoming relationship, but there never seems to be the perfect time. Honestly, Aquariusses may be a bit lost in the beginning. But once they find their place with their partner and they feel secure enough to open up, they are steady, reliable, wonderful partners.

Pisces. They are just the sweetest lovebirds in the world. Pisces actually still write love letters. They do the whole “I saw this and had to think about you”-thing. Dating a Pisces can feel unreal, like you’re never sure when this dream is gonna end. Start believing in it.


Single on Valentines Day Aesthetic for the signs

LeoGetting down with a really, really good book and taking some time to get into this other world. Baking some bread and eating it with too much butter. Getting a flower from a shop or from the vase in your house and wearing it behind your ear, just to feel cute.Showing yourself some kindness and treating yourself to a massage that you give your own hands, to remove the tension and relax every muscle in your fingers. Feeling like you owe the world nothing, but you owe yourself the world.

Virgomaking some Art today, doesn’t matter if it’s good or not, just some painting, or some music, or crocheting or finishing a home project. Making something. Then having a calm moment, taking a walk and smiling at all the dogs that cross your way, and the owners too, if they seem friendly. When at home, using some of that good skincare product that you don’t want to use everyday because it was expensive. Indulging in the knowledge that you have to be nowhere today, you have no social obligations, you can just do what you want.

Librathe day could feel heavy, but heavy in a good way, in the soft, velvety way of knowing exactly what you want and the delicious hope that you’re gonna get it eventually. Making some good tea, putting on a coat and boots and drinking it out on the balcony in the freezing cold. You drink the hot tea and the air is so clear and good for you. Today, your realize the depths of one of your friendships and the true meaning of soulmates.

ScorpioUsing the day to do something you’ve been wanting to do for a while, like finishing a sewing project or even just calling a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Showing your plants some love and watering them, spraying them with water, maybe taking some cuttings. Doing your eyeliner just so, and feeling really confident in your body because you should be, and you’re absolutely stunning. Laying naked on your bed without any reason and maybe painting on yourself with watercolor, just for the joy of the colors.

Part 1

Part 3

Things the signs might say as September rolls around

Taurus: “welp, that relationship did not work out as I planned. Well let’s go and garden some autumn flowers and also liven up my oldest friendships”

Gemini: “I don’t fucking know how my mysterious, secret lover turned into a cinnamon-baking stay-at-home boyfriend of the century, but autumn is coming so hey let’s just roll with it and he might make some apple cinnamon crumble for us”

Cancer: “This summer went by in a blink, and I am in love again, and I am heartbroken again, and I kinda don’t get why these two always go hand in hand in my life”

Leo: “time to go on an autumn hike! And to a gala! Maybe not on the same day but maybe yes actually!”

Virgo: “It’s TIME to REDECORATE! Okay okay where are my fairylights? Damn I gotta give grandma a call and ask for some garden pumpkins. Damn, did I just say ‘damn’? I should really stop watching these drama TV shows… maybe 'Stranger Things’ was just a little too much for me”

Libra:“Oh. My. God. It’s almost September and I haven’t restocked my favourite pencil set and my favourite notepads and my favourite markers and WOW there’s a sale in the home&furniture section at Harrods brb”

Scorpio:“changing friends, living my best live, always being on the edge… You know my brand!” *sniffles*

Sagittarius: “Have you read the article that was in today’s New York Times? What do you mean you haven’t? I’ll send you a link. And also a playlist to listen to while you read it. Have you seen that the new Lorde album came out?”

Capricorn: “let’s go for a walk! An autumn walk near the sea. Man it would be nice to have a dog to walk right now. Wait let me ask the neighbor! Autumn is awesome. I’ll pick some apples on my way to them”

Aquarius:“singing to keep the bad thoughts away, singing to be happy, singing to not think… not think about the apocalypse which will probably happen any day now and oh my lord now I’m thinking about it I can’t stop the climate change is real I don’t know what to do I will just keep - singing to keep the bad thoughts away…”

Pisces:“does anyone want gum? I got some from this nice lady at the park who always talks to the bugs”

Aries:“Halloween Halloween THIS IS HALLOWEEN” [Libra from the background: “It’s fucking August!”]

Check sun, moon, and rising.  

ARIES: Your strength & perseverance will take you to great heights.

TAURUS: You’ve been working really hard, it’s ok to take a breather.

GEMINI:Happiness is yours because you went out and got it!

CANCER:You’re waking up to your truth and getting real on what you want!

LEO: You’re finally getting the recognition you’ve been waiting for!

VIRGO:The odds are in your favor!

LIBRA:The Divine is waiting for you to accept their offer!

SCORPIO: You’re feeling confused about someone, trust your impulses.

SAGITTARIUS:Even on the darkest days, there’s always a silver lining!

CAPRICORN:Don’t slip back into the darkness! Find your light.

AQUARIUS: An abundant new beginning is on the horizon!

PISCES: The best things in life are worth waiting for. 

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