#love astrology



behaviorsthe signs show at the beginning of a new relationship

[check Sun Sign]

Aries.They plunge into the new relationship, into the emotions and the sex, and then they fall out of love very fast too. Passionate, hot and cold, those Aries Suns. Dating an Aries feels like touching fire. But who isn’t tempted by that?

Taurus.They are keen to see what their partners can offer in intimacy and emotional value very early on in the relationship, as they prefer long-term relationships with real commitment. And those take the right partner to be with. Don’t be overwhelmed by a Tauruses question of your intend. They often don’t know their own answer to this question, but will still ask you. Maybe you can find out the answer together.

Gemini. They didn’t even want to be in a relationship at all, and now suddenly they are. The beginning of a relationship with a Gemini is a rollercoaster, an intense mix of feeling like you two are just very good platonic friends, and a close physical bond. That can be confusing, but exciting too. What did you expect, honestly? You’re dating a Gemini after all!

Cancer. They’re careful not to get their heart broken. They take some time to really get to know the person. But then they are all in. Rain of compliments on their partner. Total devotion. Fear of being left.

Leo. When they meet someone who’s worth committing to, that suddenly doesn’t feel confining at all. That’s Leo’s biggest fear, not being with the right person and getting stuck there. But with the right one, it’s pure freedom. It’s a new adventure, it’s fun.

Virgo. They basically plan their babies names. Which is fine, if their partner knows how to handle this committing show of affection and not overinterpret the constant affirmations. Not that Virgo’s don’t really mean what they say, they do. But butterflies can make you say lovey-dovey words and then sometimes, you realize those don’t actually apply anymore.

Libra. They present their new partner to their friends and family. Others would find it kind of funny or even stilted to do this in such a formal way, but it’s Libra’s show of commitment. It’s their show of “you see, this person is mine”. And then, just like that, their partner is part of their circle and their life - usually for quite a while.

Scorpio. They would not admit this is actually a relationship. It’s maybe a not perfectly identified dating situation, a friend-with-benefits, a person-to-go-out-on-saturdays. That does not mean this isn’t serious. It’s just that tying down a Scorpio takes some smart work. They don’t wanna be pressured, they want everything to fall into place naturally and everything to feel easy. And relationships just aren’t always easy.

Sagittarius.They are so inquisitive of their new partner, that that person may feel a little surprised and overwhelmed in all the sudden interest. It’s not clingy, Sagittarius are quite freedom-loving, but just real, sheer curiosity. Sagittarius is open for anything their partner has to say - it doesn’t have to be in line with their own opinions, it just has to be interesting. That can feel like it’s hard to find common ground.

Capricorn. They’re so happy they’ve just found love, that everything else kind of fades into the background. It’s like the world suddenly has a movie soundtrack and it calls their partners name. This is the beginning of the love story of my life, Capricorn thinks. And if there is a new beginning each week, that still feels like the love story of their life - every time anew.

Aquarius. They don’t know when to take their partners hand for the first time. They don’t know when it’s time to kiss. They want to communicate about the do’s and dont’s in this upcoming relationship, but there never seems to be the perfect time. Honestly, Aquariusses may be a bit lost in the beginning. But once they find their place with their partner and they feel secure enough to open up, they are steady, reliable, wonderful partners.

Pisces. They are just the sweetest lovebirds in the world. Pisces actually still write love letters. They do the whole “I saw this and had to think about you”-thing. Dating a Pisces can feel unreal, like you’re never sure when this dream is gonna end. Start believing in it.

Hard truths for each sign love edition

( mostly applied to undeveloped signs, if you find yourself triggered then maybe there is something that you need to work on ) check your sun,moon,Venus /Mars or the dominant sign in your chart:

Aries: teasing as a way of expressing love is different from actually fighting or offending the other. learn the difference.

Taurus: your partner is not your possession.

Gemini: for a real deep connection it takes quality time and consistency. you cannot talk to so many people contemporarily and expect them to magically mold onto your perfect partner

Cancer: be careful of your tendencies to be with a partner just for the sake of nurturing them. Also accept that sometimes you get your feelings hurt because you are gifted with a higher sensitivity level than most and it’s not always because your partner is rude or insensitive. Don’t expect them to just guess your needs or what you are feeling at the moment if you don’t talk about it

Leo: know when your desire for attention is healthy because your partner is not just your fan.

Virgo: it’s okay to be a power couple where you try to improve one another but remember you’re in a romantic relationship not in a life-coach / student dynamic.

Libra: realize that your indecisiveness or lying tendencies are not your ways of protecting your partner from suffering but your way of avoiding dealing with hard truths or not wanting to see where your codependency issues lie.

Scorpio: even if you put your partner through 10000 tests you’re not going to know if this person is worth dating or not or magically predict and save yourself from a possible disappointment. Just try to live relationships step by step.

Sagittarius: make it known to your partner if the relationship is an open relationship or not also * responsabilities *

Capricorn: you actually have to find time for dating. Maybe if you consider it a job you’re going to give love a priority.

Aquarius: Are you detaching because the other person is too demanding or codependent towards you or is it just your fear of intimacy?

Pisces: get to actually know the partner rather then idealizing them ( a typical scenario is “understanding them intuitively because they don’t need to speak” that can bring misunderstandings and many idealizations if your intuition isn’t mastered) so you don’t get disappointed every time

Since I started A Pisces Thing, many have written, asked and even rebloged my post regarding love.
Many seem to have been going through heartaches or had a partner who treated you so bad.

I fully feel for you and wish I could just hug all of you.

So today I wanted to offer a little contest, 3 lucky winners will get the oportunity to get my  (Love) What you need in a partner $15 for free.

1. I do my readings through email, so I will need for you to be 18 for me to write to you.
I also do them through my email, so that if you need furtner support and want to discuss your reading I will more easily be able to know and see what we have discussed before.

2.This reading uses you astrological placements, for me to do this I will need to know your birthday/month/year, where you were born and what time. This is so that the reading will be accurate.

3.Like, reblog this post.
Bonus points if you tag a friend.
Bonus points if you write in the comments why you should win by only using emoji.

I will randomly pick winners on friday.


The first advice of absolute importance is to avoid starting anything during the Moon’s Void of Course. Things like interviews, important business meetings, initiating projects, and especially Spells likely won’t turn out well or will remain unfinished.

When planning a date for your Spell, it’s important to take into consideration the following things:

  • Moon Phase
  • Moon Sign
  • Day of the Week
  • Retrograde Planets

Make sure the above bullets points align with the goals of your Spell.  We have a Moon Phase Planner for 2020 that has all the above information to help pick a date for your Spells!

For example, if we wanted to do a spell for Material Wealth

December 24, 2020 is an excellent day because:

  • the Moon is Waxing and is close to a Full Moon
  • the Moon is in Taurus, the sign of luxury and material possessions
  • it’s a Thursday which is ruled by Jupiter - the planet of wealth and expansion
  • Venus is NOT Retrograde

Now keep in mind that these are guidelines for timing your spells with the best natural energy available. You can do a money spell any time you like (avoid the Void of Course Moon) but it may not have as much supportive energy compared to the above example. This is because of the reasons given in the example. Taurus, the ruler of wealth, is a much better sign for getting money compared to Cancer for example.

The following information will help guide you in planning a date for your Spells.

Moon in the Signs

Aries: —————

-Aries deals with energy, independence, competition, taking risks, the Self, and leadership.

-Do Spells that help with healing the physical body, advancing by overcoming competition, increasing vitality, first impressions, and with how you view yourself.

-Aries is a quick starter sign so it is a good to start things where much energy is needed; however it is also an impulsive sign so be sure to follow through with anything initiated during this time.

Taurus: —————

-Taurus deals with sensuality, material wealth, self-worth, and permanence. 

-Do Spells for money, wealth, acquiring material things, improving your self-worth or self-esteem, and sensual love. 

-Taurus is a steadfast and sometimes stubborn sign so it is good for initiating anything that you want to last.

Gemini: —————

-Gemini deals with communication (all forms), details, correspondence, short distance travel, people close to you such as siblings relatives and neighbors.

-Do Spells for helping communication go smoothly in case of a difficult conversation, improved relations with those close to you, help in all forms of writing activities such as emails, letters, calls, or professional writing.

- Gemini is a communicative sign so it is a good sign to support any form of communication.

Cancer: —————
-Cancer deals with the family, home, nurturing, personal roots, emotional foundations, land, and property.

-Do Spells to help with improving family life, finding a good home to buy, cleansing/banishing/protecting the home, real estate transactions, and healing from childhood trauma.

-Cancer is a nurturing sign with motherly energy so it is a good sign for Self-love activities.

Leo: —————
-Leo deals with romance, creativity, leadership, confidence, and children. 

-Do Spells to help with romance, love affairs, improving creativity, leadership ability, confidence, success in the limelight, and career advancement in creative fields such as art, music, or acting.

-Leo is a proud sign that enjoys attention so it is a good sign for being “center-stage”.

Virgo: —————
-Virgo deals with health, service, routines, details, and diet.

-Do Spells to help with improving health, starting daily routines, or in performing your work duties.

-Virgo is a meticulous sign so it is a good sign for tasks requiring attention to detail.

Libra: —————
-Libra deals with relationships, partnerships, balance, legally binding contracts, and the law.

-Do Spells to help with improving interpersonal interactions, attracting a marriage partner or business partner, making cooperative relationships go smoothly, or getting a divorce.

-Libra is a diplomatic sign so it is a good sign for making or breaking contracts.

Scorpio: —————
-Scorpio deals with the occult, secrets, the subconscious, research, sex, power, and transformations.

-Do Spells to help with concealing or revealing secrets, increasing psychic powers, any form of divination, personal transformations, attaining power, starting research projects, and attracting sexual partners.

-Scorpio is a transformative sign so it is a good sign for doing shadow work.

Sagittarius: —————
-Sagittarius deals with the law, religion, philosophy, higher education, learning, foreign places, and long distance travel.

-Do Spells to help with getting into college, studies, acquiring books and educational material, and traveling long distance safely.

-Sagittarius is a scholarly sign so it is a good sign to aid any kind of learning.

Capricorn: —————
-Capricorn deals with the career, profession, honor, authority, business, the public image, and structure.

-Do Spells for success in career, professional advancement, gaining authority, starting a business, getting organized, and building something through hard work.

-Capricorn is a results oriented sign so it is a good sign to promote perseverance and self-discipline in achieving some desired outcome.

Aquarius: —————
-Aquarius deals with friends, communities, organizations, social activities, goals, group goals, freedom, and technology.

-Do Spells for help with attracting friendships, success in group activities and community events, creating and achieving goals, and attaining freedom.

-Aquarius is a unique sign so it is a good sign to help in becoming more creative and unique.

Pisces: —————
-Pisces deals with art, intuition, the spiritual, psychic ability, secrets, and the unconscious.

-Do Spells for help with revealing and dealing with psychological problems, increasing psychic abilities and intuition, divination, dream work, and improving artistic talents.

-Pisces is a psychic sign so it is a good sign to help develop psychic abilities.

Moon Phases

Full Moon - the highest point in the moon’s cycle where its energies are at its peak. This is an excellent time for divination.

Note: when a Full Moon occurs twice in a month (October 31 2020) it is considered a Blue Moon. This is similar to a Full Moon but has more power

Waning Moon - the moon here is decreasing to a New Moon so its energies are that of degeneration. Use this time for banishing, cleansing, destruction or bringing anything to an end such as a relationship or bad habits.

New Moon - on the waning side of the New Moon, it has an ending type of energy as the moon is “disappearing”. On the waxing side it has the energy of potential, ready for new beginnings.

Waxing Moon - a time of growth as the light of the moon increases to its peak at the Full Moon. Use this time to do Spells for building something up in your life such as health, new friendships.

Note: it is better to do the Spell closer to the Full/New Moon depending on the goal. Unless you want to do the Spells for multiple days, such as cleansing/banishing, you can start right after the Full Moon and end on the New Moon. This supports the goal of removing bad energy.

Days of the Week

Monday: —————

Monday is the day of the Moon. The moon carries feminine psychic energy and is a great day to start developing psychic abilities, perform divination, cleanse the home, or banishing rituals.

Tuesday: —————
Tuesday is the day of Mars. Mars carries the masculine warrior energy and is a great day for doing Spells where much energy is needed. It is also a good day for black magick where the result is quick and active. Think of the moment when two swords clash.

Wednesday: —————
Wednesday is the day of Mercury. Mercury rules all forms of communication, documents, short-distance travel, and health. This is a great day for doing Spells related to health, improving communication ability, difficult conversations, and safe travels.

Thursday is the day of Jupiter. Jupiter is the greater benefic and rules luck, opportunities, expansion, higher education, philosophy, foreign places, religion, and the law. Use this day for Spells that deal with expansion and opportunities, safe long-distance travels, and educational study.

Friday is the day of Venus. Venus rules love, beauty, cosmetics, money, luxury, jewelry, and material possessions. Use this day for Spells to bring you money, acquire material possessions, and for successful cosmetic procedures.

Saturday is the day of Saturn. Saturn authority, structure, work ethic, endurance, delays, restrictions, boundaries, limitations, and decay. This is a great day for black magick that acts slowly or for binding or restricting another. Also great for Spells requiring discipline such as breaking habits.

Sunday is the day of the Sun. The Sun rules vitality, charisma, money, fame creativity, leadership, the identity, and the Self. This is a great day for doing Spells that deal with us personally, such as our character or personality for example.

Our Moon Phase Planner for 2020 has all of this information along with the times for the Void of Course Moon, the Lunar Ingresses, and Retrograde Planets. So get your copy to let the Moon support your Spells!
