

@ everyone who keeps saying my AU is kind of canon now,,, I love you <3 And it makes me SO HAPPY that I was kind of right- I even made a comic about him not showering lmao sdfdsfdsf

everybody wish me a happy transgender I HAVE STARTED T

all i wanna do is be really really mean to my favorite characters and put them through some of the worst experiences possible. but i have to WRITE ESSAYS with SOURCES and BE OUTED TO MY PARENTS instead.

omg!!! this character !! SUCH transmasc swag!!! (is deeply traumatized) 

my mom got a letter from my pharmacy that said it was important, she opened it instead of sending it to me and found out I was going on testosterone. (Pretty sure that’s illegal cuz I’m over 18 but ok :/) It wasn’t too bad talking about it over the phone but still. Kept asking why, I said it wasn’t worth explaining to her. Kept misgendering me and calling me her daughter though, but that’s fine cuz its not like most people I know gender me correctly anyway.

I have essays to write but i wanna curl up into a ball. I’m worried what my dad will say, he’ll probably be more reactive and straight forward about his feelings. My moms more of the “well you know its very dangerous! What if you want kids!” kind of person. 

On the plus side, whenever she asked why I was going on T, I just said “To go bald and die earlier” so that was very funny for me. Once again tumblr memes comin in clutchhhh. but then she started arguing with me about how T wouldn’t even necessarily make me go bald and I was like… you don’t actually think that’s why I started T do you???? It’s not but obviously she went into this to try to argue with whatever I was going to say anyway. So why bother trying to explain myself.

nerves-nebula: Home Hunter AU? Bathing regularly?? Absolutely not. Mans lives in the woods. Feral. Anerves-nebula: Home Hunter AU? Bathing regularly?? Absolutely not. Mans lives in the woods. Feral. A


Home Hunter AU? Bathing regularly?? Absolutely not. Mans lives in the woods. Feral. Alas, the Hunter has become the hunted

side note, i think i’ve just decided he lost his shoulder thing. idk i don’t like drawing it lmao.


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nerves-nebula: loving family ! !  Never leave them! They need you!! They believe in you!!! They gave


loving family ! !  Never leave them! They need you!! They believe in you!!! They gave you everything!!

anyway first time drawing Baby Hunter (not a baby but.. yknow.. babie) and its for my Home Hunter AU lmao. I just wanted to actually have Belos appear in the AU, even if its in weird artsy angst way.

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nerves-nebula: fixated on the idea that Belos sends Hunter on personal errands with the same level o


fixated on the idea that Belos sends Hunter on personal errands with the same level of importance as he does with actually important suff, It’s always the “WILL of the TITAN” and never “Hunter I’m out of booze” fsdfsdf

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nerves-nebula: A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issuesnerves-nebula: A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issuesnerves-nebula: A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issuesnerves-nebula: A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issues


A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issues onto hunter via Belos being abusive aahhah. Kinda OOC since I doubt this is the main sort of manipulation/thought process Belos uses but hey it’s MY angst comic.

I was considering a fifth page where Belos sinisterly says “I forgive you” but then I remembered that the emperor is not a merciful man :’’)

anyway I’m trying to trigger tag this best as I can, if there’s anything I missed don’t be afraid to tell me if I should add it.

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Hmmm wondering if it’d be annoying to reblog my old hunter art. On the one hand it would clog up ppls dashboards. On the other hand this is my house !
