



Omg Izzy Hands is such a little freak I love him. The way he smiled after Ed fucked up his foot. Disgusting, revolting, my little man. I love him. Never get him a therapist. He should be put in a little rat maze and made to do tricks. <<<333

Anyway the last episode ruined me and I will never know peace

The way that when I read this aloud, it gets more insane

honestly thanks. that’s the way it feels so,, thanks!

Omg Izzy Hands is such a little freak I love him. The way he smiled after Ed fucked up his foot. Disgusting, revolting, my little man. I love him. Never get him a therapist. He should be put in a little rat maze and made to do tricks. <<<333

Anyway the last episode ruined me and I will never know peace

i need to draw hunter as more gangly, it’s just what needs to be done. ALSO I am going to be incredibly normal about hollow mind. 

When I saw that little abomination!!!!! With the hair thing like Darius!!! Darius part of the rebellion,,, astounding, beautiful, perfect

started watching OFMD, on EP 5 and I understand what ppl mean about Izzy inventing homophobia now jvmdsf

recently found out people take pain medication for like, “normal” pain. My mom never gave us medicine for anything, a lot of us have had fevers around 103 degrees multiple times and APPARENTLY you’re supposed to take medication for that!????

I was complaining about cramps and my coworker was like “why don’t u just take pain relievers” and I was like  wh a  t you don’t take meds for this but then I talked to my friend and !! apparently you do!!!!!! Apparently it’s not normal to just wait out being sick and in pain!! Apparently it’s not normal to never take medication for any pain no matter how dizzy it makes you, or how hard it is to stand, or how bad your stomach hurts. Apparently it’s not normal to just “tough out” nausea!! 

When I was too sick to go leave the house, I stayed home, but I never got pain meds except for when they were prescribed for a broke arm. THATS what I thought they were for, pain that was “bad” enough that you’d get a doctor to tell you to take meds for it. Not for throwing up or fevers or colds or headaches or stomach pain so bad it makes you curl up in a ball or anything!! And I thought it was normal!! GOD my parents suck.

AUGH I love that Amity didn’t just hug her dad when he wanted her to. I’ve had my mom force hugs on me as a kind of emotional “resolution” to an issue she thinks is over and ITS JUST SO RELIEVING to see Amity have boundaries that are respected!! Especially in the case where his problem is that he neglects her, and that neglect is not just gonna get better with a hug or anything, and I just really appreciate that.

ALSO!!! Luz’s dad- I never really thought about him but that was so so sooo sweet.

ED AND EMIRA NORMAL TEENAGERS REVEAL?? amazing.. I didn’t expect that but i am SO PLEASED. How does this show manage to do things I didn’t even know I wanted !!

quick sketch cuz I got homework to do :)Also because it’s quick it might be hard to see/read, so uh,

quick sketch cuz I got homework to do :)

Also because it’s quick it might be hard to see/read, so uh, here’s my ID, tell me if something about it is fucked tho cuz I’ve never written one before

[Image Description

Panel 1, Hunter is on his scroll and flapjack sits on his shoulder. Hunter says “Flapjack! I think I’ve finally mastered teen slang, look!”

Panel 2, close up on Hunters scroll, he’s in a group chat and has texted “The emperor’s coven is Lit AF.” Three people have responded. One sends laughing emojis, one texts “LMAO” and one sends crying emojis

Panel 3, Hunter says “Although, Gus appears to be crying. Should I comfort him? What do I say??” ]

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i dont think im being overdramatic when i say this but i literally would not be able to succeed in college if it weren’t for text to speech. I can’t do readings. Can’t start them and can’t finish them. It’s such a needlessly painful process. When they give us scanned documents to read its so fuckin hellish that half the time I have my girlfriend read them to me, and the other half I skim through them just to get the gist because I Actually don’t Think I Can Do It Otherwise. 

And the only reason I even thought to do this was because I habitually listen to podcasts and audiobooks constantly and my brain was like “wish this was an audiobook” and I finally went “oh WAIT IT CAN BE”

it feels weird to consider it like, a kind of disability aid, but I’ve known for a while that my brain is a bit Quirky so I think it actually is, cuz otherwise readings end with me in tears. It makes college so much easier to just listen to PDFs.

hunter and willow are SO GENDER they were both SO FUCKIN GENDER this episode. good for them!!! 


Darius is SO GENDER and he’s also a lot nicer than I thought he’d be :’)))) I LOVE HIMMmMGMGmgg and what about the fuckinn??? predecessors??? previous golden guards??? what happened to them???

just started the episode and its already so sad. why are all these adults bullying him he’s so OBVIOUSLY DESPERATE ;O;

anyone know if there’s, like, a tumblr post that’s a comprehensive guide to creating fictional subterranean animals. Cuz I know there’s one like that for what you need to know about creating viruses and I wish I could find something comprehensive about what’s important when creating subterranean creatures, cuz their evolutionary track is a whole different ballpark from other shit.


PTSD signs and other symptoms of poor mental health, wrapped in a single package i.e. this heavily damaged lad in Labyrinth Runners.

Avoiding and denying.

Hypervigilance and flashbacks.


And eventually shaking after trying to hold it off.

Panic attacks.


Intellectualising when Gus promises not to mess with him.

Freezing up.

You know what else? He’s taking longer than we’d like to really open up because he has no accurate reference from his childhood of a secure, loving bond in any relationship.

I saw this several times but after today i kinda just wanted to reblog it as a reminder to myself of just how many of these things i’ve been doing lately, and how many i did just TODAY. kinda reminds me why I latch onto characters like this. I’d trick myself into thinking it’s just something wrong with ME if I didn’t have these characters to be compassionate towards.

i wanna draw babybel and make older hunter designs and draw more fanart and comicsssss, but i have finals and a mental health situation that has been really deteriorating recently. so i dont super have time for anything other than sleeping and homework and its making me wanna redacted myself

Tags on one of my hunter comics,

I’m kind of flattered that my art has made it far enough to be stolen and put on Pinterest. I mean I’d prefer it not be but like, congrats on finding the OG post and thanks for the reblog I guess!

nerves-nebula:I remembered that the boiling isles canonically has social media. This is part of my h


I remembered that the boiling isles canonically has social media. This is part of my home hunter AU where he runs away to the woods and is just tryna find himself… living in a shitty tent… being angsty… studying wild magic… going on adventures…

y’know the kind of stuff you get up to when your Evil Uncle doesn’t control your life anymore.

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while hunter is my baby, make no mistake i EXTREMELY enjoyed all the gus content we got this ep. I’ve always enjoyed when we see more about/from gus, he’s my little guy!!! And we so rarely get to see whats up with him, but his problems with making friends and being tricked and stuff is sUper relatable. i love him, wanna give him a blanket and hot chocolate ;w;

@ everyone who keeps saying my AU is kind of canon now,,, I love you <3 And it makes me SO HAPPY that I was kind of right- I even made a comic about him not showering lmao sdfdsfdsf

everybody wish me a happy transgender I HAVE STARTED T

all i wanna do is be really really mean to my favorite characters and put them through some of the worst experiences possible. but i have to WRITE ESSAYS with SOURCES and BE OUTED TO MY PARENTS instead.

omg!!! this character !! SUCH transmasc swag!!! (is deeply traumatized) 

my mom got a letter from my pharmacy that said it was important, she opened it instead of sending it to me and found out I was going on testosterone. (Pretty sure that’s illegal cuz I’m over 18 but ok :/) It wasn’t too bad talking about it over the phone but still. Kept asking why, I said it wasn’t worth explaining to her. Kept misgendering me and calling me her daughter though, but that’s fine cuz its not like most people I know gender me correctly anyway.

I have essays to write but i wanna curl up into a ball. I’m worried what my dad will say, he’ll probably be more reactive and straight forward about his feelings. My moms more of the “well you know its very dangerous! What if you want kids!” kind of person. 

On the plus side, whenever she asked why I was going on T, I just said “To go bald and die earlier” so that was very funny for me. Once again tumblr memes comin in clutchhhh. but then she started arguing with me about how T wouldn’t even necessarily make me go bald and I was like… you don’t actually think that’s why I started T do you???? It’s not but obviously she went into this to try to argue with whatever I was going to say anyway. So why bother trying to explain myself.

nerves-nebula: Home Hunter AU? Bathing regularly?? Absolutely not. Mans lives in the woods. Feral. Anerves-nebula: Home Hunter AU? Bathing regularly?? Absolutely not. Mans lives in the woods. Feral. A


Home Hunter AU? Bathing regularly?? Absolutely not. Mans lives in the woods. Feral. Alas, the Hunter has become the hunted

side note, i think i’ve just decided he lost his shoulder thing. idk i don’t like drawing it lmao.


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nerves-nebula: loving family ! !  Never leave them! They need you!! They believe in you!!! They gave


loving family ! !  Never leave them! They need you!! They believe in you!!! They gave you everything!!

anyway first time drawing Baby Hunter (not a baby but.. yknow.. babie) and its for my Home Hunter AU lmao. I just wanted to actually have Belos appear in the AU, even if its in weird artsy angst way.

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nerves-nebula: fixated on the idea that Belos sends Hunter on personal errands with the same level o


fixated on the idea that Belos sends Hunter on personal errands with the same level of importance as he does with actually important suff, It’s always the “WILL of the TITAN” and never “Hunter I’m out of booze” fsdfsdf

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nerves-nebula: A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issuesnerves-nebula: A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issuesnerves-nebula: A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issuesnerves-nebula: A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issues


A few days ago I was having a bit of a Rough Time™ so, here’s me projecting my issues onto hunter via Belos being abusive aahhah. Kinda OOC since I doubt this is the main sort of manipulation/thought process Belos uses but hey it’s MY angst comic.

I was considering a fifth page where Belos sinisterly says “I forgive you” but then I remembered that the emperor is not a merciful man :’’)

anyway I’m trying to trigger tag this best as I can, if there’s anything I missed don’t be afraid to tell me if I should add it.

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Hmmm wondering if it’d be annoying to reblog my old hunter art. On the one hand it would clog up ppls dashboards. On the other hand this is my house !
