#no im not okay


But. Do you realise that in the end Baby belonged longer to Sam than it did to Dean?

alright i am one minor inconvenience away from intentionally stepping in a mushroom circle and letting the fae kidnap me. just so done with this city life full of sorrow and anxiety. wanna go home

i am bonbon and god is funtime freddy chucking me against a metal door as hard as he can

he rubs her back

and she takes this shaky breath and it probably smells like his office, a lot like someplace clean with a hint of his aftershave and a little like sweat

and and and there’s just this rush of comfort like taking a gulp of warm tea and feeling your insides go warm, like wrapping yourself up in a fluffy towel right out of the dryer, like turning over and pressing your body into the shape the person you’re sleeping with left, like knowing you’re okay

Battle of the Brainwashed

I was in my feelings this season about the overwhelming ANGST of these scenes.

There is something just so uniquely horrible about the concept of being forced to fight the person you love the most, hurting them, watching them suffer, all the while knowing that they might never come back to you. And all you can do is beg them to remember who they are and tell them you love them.
