#haikyuu ennoshita


Ennoshita Chikara

tanaka: [clears throat]

tanaka, moving his eyebrows up and down suggestively: you come here often?

ennoshita, sighing: please just ask me out.

ennoshita: our first assignment is a documentary. they’re like real movies, but with ugly people.

This is the same as predicting that 2020 is going to be a great year:


『Haikyuu!! TO THE TOP』

New character designs and updated profile of Karasuno High School



『Haikyuu!! TO THE TOP』

New character designs and updated profile of Karasuno High School

Ennoshita Chikara: I Wanna See Your Peacock(cock) (½)

(Inspired by a video I saw on Insta/and lowkey katy perry lol)

Masterlist to Haikyuu Smutshots

Part ½

It was a lovely evening in the botanical gardens as Ennoshita wandered around with his camera in tow. Although he had a long week at the clinic he worked at, the young man loved dedicating his weekends on his passion for photography and film making. He was actually going to take part in an online international photography competition and this time the theme was related to the beauty of nature. When he read the details of the competition’s open call, he didn’t really care about the prize money or award… No, all he wanted to do was capture the perfect moment on his camera.

The botanical gardens was his favourite place to venture because not only was in Spring time and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom amongst the vibrant multitudes of colourful flowers. He admired the pheasants and peacocks which often wandered around the gardens. They were gorgeous, some of them were pure white and others were with iridescent blue necks, and bright green tail feathers dotted with eyespots. Ennoshita had his eyes on one particular peacock.

A few weeks ago the physiotherapist had encountered the rare moment when the bustling proud peacock had puffed out his breast, shaking his tailfeathers until they fanned out, revealing the most breath-taking tailfeathers. They were large and majestic and he cursed himself because this was that one time he had left his camera at home…

It had been a cat and game mouse ever since, Ennoshita would stalk the bird around, clutching his camera close to him, waiting to capture that moment but the damn creature seemed to be aware of him, and. It felt like he would purposely give him hope whenever he’d strut around but each weekend, the man was left frustrated by the bird’s teasing

“…I’m gonna get you once and for all.” He muttered to himself, he eyes wandering around the gardens and he finally noticed the peacock he was searching for. Cursing because it was far from him, he quickly stalked across the pathway, making his way to the unsuspecting bird.

Ennoshita carefully timed his steps, slowly creeping after the peacock, turning the hedge. He readied his lens, his eye peering through the view finder, getting the perfect angle.

“Just do it already” He muttered but both him and the peacock froze and when he caught something else in his shot… Ennoshita’s breath hitched when he saw her sitting by on a fountain ledge under the blooming cherry blossoms, her lovely face was so calm and serene as she read her novel… He felt his cheeks heat up when she moved a stray lock of her hair, tucking it behind her ear… The breeze flowed gently, picking up swaying petals from the trees, making them dance around her, enrapturing him even further…

Ennoshita wasn’t the only one who was infatuated by her…

The peacock strutted towards the woman and she looked up from her book letting out an awe at the approaching creature.

“Hi” She beamed, a little scared when the bird strutted so close to her but she knew he meant no harm.

Ennoshita was shocked from how easily the peacock raised his tail feathers, proudly shaking and displaying them for the woman and she sighed in bliss, watching the peacock strut back and forth in front of her, making sure she saw his feathers in all its glory

“Wow, you’re so beautiful!” She muttered and his cheeks heat up, finding her even more sublime as she stared dreamily at the extravagant bird…


He didn’t mean to do it, it was just… The perfect moment for him but it was shattered the moment he took the photo, the obnoxious click of the shutter distracting everyone and he realised she immediately looked up, making eye contact with him through his viewfinder, looking startled while the bird closed his feathers, strutting away…

Setting her book down, she stood up and he quickly lowered his camera when she approached him, crossing her arms

“Um… Did you just take my photo?” She said, giving him a wide-eyed look and he panicked, quickly shaking his head

“No! I mean yes… But by accident! I swear I’ll delete it! I–I was trying to take a picture of him! I’m taking part in a photography competition and the theme is ‘Beauty and Nature’” He rambled in his panic, pointing to the peacock that was busy pecking the ground and she raised a brow… She wondered if he was some pervert or something because this sounded fabricated…

“Are you a photographer?” She asked and he froze, expecting a beat down but he rubbed the back of his neck

“I’m a physiotherapist but film making is my passion… I do a bit of photography too” He muttered and she eyed the large camera bag slung over his shoulder, the heavy camera hanging from the strap around his neck… Maybe he was telling the truth, she looked into his eyes and he felt his cheeks heating up from her intense gaze… She was absolutely beautiful now that he had a closer look at her face… He averted his gaze, nervously clutching his camera

“Can I see the photo you just took?” She asked and he was confused,


She cocked her head to the side, smiling

“Show me”

Ennoshita was trying to control his shaking hands when she stood by his side, peering into the screen of his DSLR… He could smell the perfume wafted from her, it smelt just as sweet as she looked. He turned his camera on, going onto his gallery, opening the recent photo.

There was a silence between them because he was actually entranced, her mouth parted, brows lifting

“I must admit… This is the nicest photo anyone’s ever taken of me.”

She muttered and Ennoshita broke from his trance, looking at her. His breath hitched because she was looking at him again, but she was smiling wider

“Can I look at your other photos?” She asked and he rubbed the back of his neck


She grinned, ushering him towards the ledge of the fountain she was sitting on earlier. He shyly followed her, sitting next to her before he removed the camera from around his neck, handing her his camera, nervously watching her go through his library. While she was engaged with the device, he couldn’t help but steal timid glances at her. It had been a while since Ennoshita found himself developing a crush…

With a job like his, he didn’t really get many clients his age and nor did he have the energy afterwards to actually go out and socialise. The guys would often joke and call him ‘Grandpa’ because if he wasn’t working, he had to laze about at home instead… He was so out of practice, he had no idea how to talk to a woman his age…

“Oh wow, these are wonderful! You’re the real deal, huh? Your social media page must be insane” She said, showing him the photos he was already very familiar with. He blushed, laughing shyly

“N-Not really… I don’t really post stuff online” He muttered, she looked at him, setting his camera carefully into its bag before putting it on the floor.

“But… These deserved to be shared with the world. People should know how talented you are” She said and he froze, his cheeks feeling warm


She giggled, smiling at him again, making his heart skip a beat. Her eyes widened for a moment, letting out an ‘Ah!’ and he was confused


She shook her head, giggling again

“You still can’t fix that sleepy look, can you?” She asked and he was even more confused, everyone always did tell him he looked sleepy or unbothered but how did she know…

She watched his brows furrow in confusion, not sure what to say to her, making her chuckle again

“You don’t remember me, do you?” She asked and his eyes widened, rubbing the back off his neck. She rubbed the back of her neck, a little embarrassed but it had been years.

“Did we go to the same college?” He asked and she shook her head,

“Close… But actually I went to Karasuno with you.” She said and he was in disbelief, he would have surely remembered her… There was no way, a girl like her would escape his attention… Or anyone elses as a matter of fact

“We did? I-I’m sorry, were you in the same year as me?” He asked and she shook her head.

“I was in first year, you were a third year… W-We never really spoke but…”

Her cheeks heated up and she bit her lip,

“Do you remember your graduation day? Um, right after the ceremony, you were leaving…” She said and he thought back, really trying to go back into time. He thought about what happened after the ceremony. He how Tanaka and Nishinoya argued about who was going to give Kiyoko the second button of their school jacket. It had surprised everyone when she actually accepted Tanaka’s… Making his friend almost faint and left everyone in shock.

He was never infatuated with Kiyoko like the others. He respected her as their former manager and an upperclassman. The boy was always focused on his studies or his team… He remembered he was about to leave when someone had shyly tugged on his jacket

Ennoshita yawned, watching Kiyoko and Tanaka walk away from the group. He was feeling tired and was ready to go home. Gripping his bag, he turned making his way to the school gates but he suddnely felt a tug on his sleeve, making him turn around to face a shy girl who was looking at her feet

“Yes?” He asked

“U-Um… Senpai…” She muttered shyly and he raised a brow, looking at the very timid girl who clutched the ends of her skirt shyly. He couldn’t really see her face from the bangs that covered it but he could tell her lips were shaking. Her head was lowered and she avoided looking at his face

“Yeah?” He asked and she took a deep breath

“C-Congratulations on graduating…” She mumbled

“Thank you” He smiled, trying to catch a glimpse of her face but she looked at her feet

“Is there something you need?” He asked and she nodded,

“C-Can I have your button!?” She squeaked shyly, bowing suddenly and he blushed… He really didn’t expect this and while his friends began oo-ing… He swallowed the embarrassment, pulling the button off his jacket.

“Here” He said, handing it to her and she gasped, when it dropped in her palms. But before he could ask her name and to see her face properly…

“T-Thank you! Bye!” She stammered, immediately turning around and running away, leaving him in the dust…

Ennoshita was brought back to reality and he looked at her

“You were the girl that asked for my uniform button…” He said and she got embarrassed, covering her face and he gasped,

“Oh my god, its you…”

She removed her hands from her face, biting her lip

“It took me a while but I recognised you because of your eyes…” She muttered, she could never forget how cute she found Karasuno’s captain because of that forever sleepy look he had… Ennoshita was still in a state of shock, so she spoke again

“L/n Y/n… We never actually spoke in highschool… But I would come to your matches”

Ennoshita snapped form his daze, when she extended her hand and he gripped it, shaking it softly

“Ennoshita Chikara”

A smile slipped on her lips, “I know that already…”

He shook his head, “S-Sorry, I’m still shocked about this coincidence…”

She felt like this was getting awkward so she tried to divert the situation

“S-So you’re a physical therapist now? That’s amazing!”

He nodded, “What about you?”

“Me? Oh, I’m a dance instructor now, I teach classes at a studio downtown!” She beamed and he hummed,

“Really? What do you teach? Ballet?” He asked…

“Ballroom actually…”

His eyes widened and he was impressed,

“Wow… Have you been dancing since your childhood?”

She nodded, grinning

“Yup, my parents used to be ballroom dancers. Its actually their studio I work at! Although I never went pro like they did… I’m too shy to dance in front of a crowd… But I like seeing my students in action, they’re brilliant!” She cooed

He hummed, “Wait, were you in the dance club or cheer squad?” He asked her and she shook her head,

“Not really… I wasn’t really in any clubs… Couldn’t really stay after school because I would help my parents at the studio… I barely had time to socialise, we weren’t doing well financially at that time , my mother discovered she had arthritis so we had to stop the classes she was giving and my father couldn’t really handle additional students back then… So they needed all the help they could get… Luckily, everything’s going well after I got my certification! I have a lot of classes now!”

He let out a content sigh, “That’s a relief… I’m glad its working out for you”

She nodded, “Yeah… Its wonderful”

There was a silence between them, just staring at the scenery in front of them. He was wracking his brain, trying to remember any other moments with her but nothing came to mind… If they barely had interactions then…

“Why did you ask for my button?” He blurted, cutting the silence and she looked at him with wide eyes before her cheeks warmed, gripping the skirt of her dress

Y/n shrugged, “Um… I had a crush on you back then” She admitted and his jaw dropped

“Really? How come you never spoke to me back then?” He asked and she smiled awkwardly

“You were already dating someone else and I thought there was no point… I found out on the graduation day that you had broken up with her… So I tried to take my chance back then but I chickened out the moment you gave me your button” She laughed and he hummed, smiling too

“You ran so fast, before I could even say a single word…”

“I’m sorry but I was just 16… I was terrified of rejection back then and asking for your button was a huge step for me… I didn’t really think you would give it to me”

“Well… You asked for it and I didn’t really see any reason, not to say no…”

He smiled at her and it was her turn to be flustered,

“What did you like about me? I wasn’t really much of a ‘stand-out of the crowd’ kind of guy…”

Even though it had been years, to see your first love suddenly and then have your first conversation bring about your crush on him, was utterly embarrassing for her. She felt like she was in highschool again

“…You stood out to me… I mean, you were really cool on the court and the way you would handle your teammates… I liked how kind you are…”

He swallowed, suddenly feeling butterflies in his stomach…

“Hey Y/n…” He started, catching her attention again. She gazed at him, and he licked his lips, leaning closer.

“Yes Ennoshita-san?” She asked timidly, her heart pounding

“Can I have your number? I-I’ll send you that photo I took today…”

She felt happy, nodding

“Yes! Ofcourse, give me your phone! I’ll add it in”

He felt relieved, searching for his phone before he handed it to her. She quickly added her contact

“There! I look forward to your message” She beamed and he blushed… He found her so cute, he wished that this wouldn’t end. He wanted to spend more time with her… Swallowing, when their eyes locked into one another’s.

While the couple was lost in an intimate moment, inching closer, they didn’t realise the envious eyes glaring upon them. He parted his lips…

“Are you free–”

A squawk was heard, snapping their attention and before he could react, she yelped and he gasped when the peacock had launched at him, startling him. He immediately fell back into the fountain with a splash

“Ennoshita-san!?” Y/n squeaked, looking at the soaked man who was baffled while the peacock huffed, strutting away smugly… He cringed feeling the water soak into his clothes but she slipped her sandals off, hoping into the shallow water, towards him.

“Are you okay?” She asked, bending down and he was left flustered when the neck of her dress, dropped low, revealed her cleavage. He averted his gaze,

“I’m a little wet…” He muttered and she reached towards his face, making him freeze when her fingers touched his head …

“Um… There’s a Lilypad on your head” She said, pulling it off him and he wanted to die… She had moments ago told him how she had found him cool and now he was a moron that was attacked by a peacock…

She extended her hand, “Come on, you’ll get sick if you sit there any longer”

He reached for her hand, his fingers wrapping around hers. She tried to ignore her racing heart, pulling him up… They both climbed out of the fountain and he sighed. He definitely couldn’t face her after this… He lost his chance…

“I better get home… Before I start smelling like fountain water and get dirty looks on the train…” He muttered, bending down to grab his camerabag…

“It was really nice meeting you again Y/n…”

He bowed before he turned, trying to make a speedy exit but he felt a tug on sleeve, making him freeze


She swallowed, trying to control her face

“Um… Ennoshita-san…” She said and he swallowed,


“D-Do you want to use my bath!?” She blurted and his eyes widened, both of them blushing and she stammered,

“My apartment is nearby… You could use my shower if you want, I have a dryer too!”

He was silent, a little surprised that she wasn’t put off by what happened… There was no way in hell he would miss out on this opportunity… Rubbing the back of his neck, he nodded

“If you don’t mind …”

