#no one will show him either




I headcanon that Jason is the only batfamily member in possession of Damian’s baby photos and uses this as leverage to get whatever he wants from either Bruce or his siblings

I’m a huge sucker for all of those Jason and Damian becoming brothers in the League scenarios, so I imagine that Jason begged Talia to give him copies of all the photos she has of tiny Dami and she just handed them over (she is still, to this day, unaware of the sheer amount of power she had placed in Jason’s hand that day)

Jason probably added a couple photos of his own from over the years that they were together :)

He haphazardly brings this up one day during the middle of a family convo and the entire family just stops dead in their tracks and all turn towards him like like a starving pack of wolves

and from then on it’s just a mad scramble of who can get Jason to hand over the photos first. The manor is in absolute chaos during this time period.

I have so many more scenarios in my head revolving around this hc lmao

Hello yes this is amazing. Tags from @fanaticalthings

The photos eventually got out (“what was I supposed to do Damian? Rip off Cass?” “Why would you even put yourself in that situation?” “I wanted to choose the movie”).

And now Damian is on a mission- collect everyone else’s baby photos to make a very large collage (no ulterior motives here, I have no idea what you are talking about) to display front and center in the house.


Cass asks for those baby photos? Jason’s handing them over on a silver platter, this man may be reckless, but he’s not an idiot.
