#no way home


well well well well well well well

*Andrew’s Peter saving MJ and asking her if she’s okay and crying and definitely remembering Gwen*



Warnings: Sadness, a bit of fluff, memory loss, fighting, near death experience.

Summary: As Neds older cousin, you never felt like you really fit in with them. Until he turned up and made your entire universe turn upside down. So how does this affect both of you and the turns your futures make?

Word Count: 3.2 k

You stood in Ned’s kitchen with him and MJ, trying to find Peter using Ned’s newfound powers of the mystic arts. “I just wish I could see him,” Ned yelped, circling his hands and making a portal form from thin air. Inside of that orange portal was someone in a spider suit, standing in an alleyway. 

“Peter!” You called out, the others joining in so that the man turned around and started walking towards them. But when he stepped into the light, you noticed he had a different suit on. 

He took off his mask and you all stared at him in shock. He wasn’t your Peter Parker. Instead, it was a man in his twenties with messy brown hair atop his head. You felt your heart skip a beat and his gaze lingered on yours in a strange way that made your stomach flutter. 

“Who the hell are you?” You asked, picking up a rolling pin from the side and pointing it at the man, “Where is Peter Parker?”

“I am Peter Parker. In my world anyway, I suddenly appeared here the other day,” he looked around, waving his arms around, you explained to him about the different universe and he just smiled, “Multidimensional reality theory, its all real. This is insane,”

He had this wide grin on his face as he realised he was in a different dimension. You stepped forward, narrowing your eyes, “That still doesn’t answer the question, where is our Peter?”

“Your Peter?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at the three. 

“Well how do we know that you’re Peter Parker?” MJ asked and this other Peter pat himself down. 

“I don’t really carry ID with me, it kind of defeats the purpose,” he explained. MJ shook her head, picking up an orange from the table and throwing it at him, “Why did you do that?”

“I wanted to see if you had the tingle thing,” MJ answered, shrugging her shoulders like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

“I have the tingle thing but just not for bread,” he explained and you rolled your eyes, looking over at MJ. He jumped up, his hand sticking to the ceiling as he tried to prove he was spiderman. 

“Crawl over the ceiling,” MJ requested. 

“Crawl over the ceiling?” Peter repeated. She nodded her head and he sighed. With a strong jump, he leapt onto the ceiling and began to crawl around in a bid to show them he was Spider man. 

Ned’s lola walked over, saying something before he translated it for them, “My Lola asked if you can get that cobweb in the corner,”

You chuckled to yourself, not noticing the slight smile on Peters face as he crawled into the corner and brushed it away for her

When he came down, he looked over at the three of you. “I think that’s enough,” he stated, looking at you as if you saw him as a dancing monkey.  

“Just keep doing the magic thing till we find the real Peter,” MJ said, brushing off the slightly hurt look on Peter’s face. 

Ned spun his hands around again and the portal opened. This time, an older man in his thirties walked out in regular clothes, “I hope its okay that I came through this,” he said before turning around, “Oh, it closed,”

“Peter Parker?” You asked, realising this was probably him from a different universe. 

When he noticed the other Peter Parker, the first one that had arrived, they both stared at each other intensely. All of a sudden, they both shot their webs at each other, the three of you jumping out of the way. 

When they had calmed down, the second Peter who had arrived was talking to MJ and you were talking to the first Peter, asking him about his life and where he came from. 

“So, how, uh, do you know your Peter?” Peter asked as he stood next to you whilst the others brainstormed ideas of where their Peter might be. 

“Oh, I’m Ned’s older cousin. I live with them but I’ve never quite fit in, you know,” you said, turning to look at him. He had this intrigued look on his face, like he was listening to every single word that you said. 

“You okay?” You asked and he seemed to shake out of that trance. 

“Yeah, yeah, just tired,” he explained. You saw through the fake smile he put on but decided not to pry, you had only known him for 20 minutes. 

They rushed to the rooftop where MJ thought that their Peter would have gone. It was a beautiful night and they found him sitting there, tears in his eyes.

MJ and Ned knelt down next to him, embracing them in a hug. He cried to them about how he felt about Aunt May’s death and you felt for him but didn’t want to intrude. 

“We have some people we want you to meet Peter,” MJ said and Peter looked up at the other two Peters who had approached. 

He stood up, shaking his head as he looked at them, not knowing who they were, “I’m sorry they dragged you in here but I’m done, you don’t understand,” he threw his hands up in anguish, not wanting anyone else to get hurt like she had. 

“I lost someone too,” the first Peter who had appeared explained and everyone went quiet, your gaze turning to him, “She was my version of MJ, I couldn’t save her either,” his eyes were full of tears and you could see how much this was hurting him, “But I carried on because that’s what she wanted. Until there came a point where I stopped pulling my punches and became full of rage,”

He couldn’t meet your gaze. What you didn’t know is that you reminded him of her. Of Gwen. You had the same smile and the same positive outlook on life. It was all too much and not enough at the same time. 

Once again, you felt left out even though  Ned was your cousin. You couldn’t comfort Peter, you couldn’t advise him like the other two could. 

They decided to go back to the labs at Midtown High to be able to use their facilities to cure these people. Because that’s what Peter knew Aunt May would want him to do. 

You tried to help as much as you could, but with your lack of science knowledge, you weren’t as much of a help but you still tried. 

“Peter,” Ned called back and they all answered. 

You chuckled as Ned asked again, “Um, Peter Parker?”

“Ned, I think they’re all called Peter Parker,” you said with a half chuckle, “I think he needs you on the computer Peter from this universe,”

“Okay, we need codenames, I’m Peter One,” Your Peter said before pointing at the one in civilian clothes, “You’re Peter Two,” and then he pointed at the one who you had began to grow fond of, the one who was in a lab coat, “And You’re Peter Three,”

They had developed all of the serums and you hoped that they worked, because if they didn’t then you were going to have to press that button on the box and send them all home, even Peter Three. 

Aimlessly, you reached into the drawer of the science lab to find a load of confiscated items but the one that stood out was a Polaroid camera. 

“Peter Three, come here,” you said, spinning the chair round to him, “Smile,”

He chuckled, posing for the photo with a smile and an awkward peace sign. It printed out and you shook it before looking at it, chuckling at how awful it looked. 

“Yeah, maybe not one for the photo books,” you said, placing it on the table with a smile. Peter picked it up, smiling to himself as he put it in the pocket of his suit. 

You looked over the last few pieces as you ignored the now missing Polaroid. When you looked up, you saw Peter One and MJ holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes. 

“Young love,” you said with a chuckle, a slight smile on your face, “It’s such a weird concept isn’t it,” you turned to Peter Three and he shrugged it off. 

Then you remembered about his MJ. About the girl that he didn’t have the opportunity to save, that he was clearly still in love with.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I forgot about um, her,” you said, feeling slightly embarrassed with what you had said as you looked away from him. 

“It’s okay, that was five years ago. I’m uh, it doesn’t hurt as much anymore,” he explained. But you knew he was lying. It was just something that you could sense, when people were lying. 

You turned to look at him, building up all the confidence you could muster. He was staring at you, eyes glossy and upset. 

Before you could talk to him, Peter announced the plan and you decided to walk away so that Peter Three couldn’t hear your heart pounding in your chest. But he did. 

The three Peters decided to go and fight the villains that had come over whilst you, Ned and MJ stayed in Lolas house to protect the box. Ned, with his newfound powers, opened a portal that would lead them to the tower but he couldn’t close it again. 

The three of you argued over it, MJ berating Ned for not being able to close it. However you felt worried, sick to your stomach. You always did when you knew that your friend was in danger, but this time it felt doubled. You knew that you felt worried about the other Peter, the Peter you kept thinking about. 

All of a sudden, the lizard man rushed in, trying to pounce on the three of you as you all rushed around the room and towards the portal. 

The only exit that would guarantee the safety of both you three and the box was through the portal and so you jumped, watching as Peter Two jumped on him and took him out. 

You didn’t notice and continued to run, splitting up from MJ and Ned. When you turned around and stopped, your foot got caught on a piece of metal and you began to fall. 

The world began to slow as you fell and you screamed Peter’s name. You looked up and saw Peter Parker, your Peter Parker, leap down and try to reach you. 

Your hands nearly reached and the feeling of drowning and suffocation began to stop. That was until the Green Goblin hit him away with his hoverboard, knocking him away from you. 

As you watched him being hit away into the distance, you closed your eyes, ready to let go and die. Maybe this was your fate, to die at the hands of a supervillain for absolutely nothing. 

“No!” You heard Peter yell out and this time it was Peter Three. His voice was full of regret and the pain was obvious as he realised it was all happening again, just like Gwen. 

So you opened your eyes. Your eyes met his and you could see the fear and panic in them. He leapt after you and at a speed you had never seen anyone fall before, he reached out to you. There was a sense of urgency in his eyes as he reached for you, hands brushing with a spark. 

He instantly wrapped his arms around your body, the warm heat of him and the strong smell engulfing your every sense. With a rapid sense of desperation, he shot his web shooters onto the scaffolding so that the two of you could land safely on the ground. 

Peter held you bridal style, his chin resting on the top of your head and his breathing erratic. You couldn’t even look up, just opting to nestle your head into his chest and take deep breaths to slow the pounding of your heart. 

You looked up into his eyes, those deep brown eyes that you hadn’t forgotten since the second you saw him. And oh, they taunted you to desire him and everything that he stood for. And before you knew it, in a mere matter of seconds, you found yourself falling in love with the man holding you in his strong secure arms. 

“Are you okay?” He asked with a rough and shaky tone of voice. You looked up into his eyes and nodded, both of you with tears in your eyes. 

He looked like he was about to cry, about to break down completely. “Are you? Okay I mean?” You asked with the same shaky voice - you were scared after falling from such a height, your life flashing before your eyes. 

“I couldn’t save her,” his voice broke as he said that, a single tear rolling down his cheek. 

“You saved me, and that-” you lifted your hand up, placing it on his cheek in such a delicate way, “-has got to count for something,”

He leaned forward, both of you seeming to gravitate together like two magenta being pulled together like a strong force. When your lips touched, you felt that strong spark. It was sweet and perfect and everything you could have ever wanted. He kissed you like he was going to wait the next day but oh, was it tender and sweet like you were a delicate doll and he couldn’t bear to break you. 

When you both pulled away, you felt your face heat up, a giddy smile on your face, “Well, you should uh, probably go,” you said and he let you down, his hands still on your shoulders like he didn’t want to let go. 

“Yeah,” he whispered before pressing a kiss to your forehead and swinging away. 

You leant back against the scaffolding, heart pounding in your chest. You wanted to kiss him again, to hold him, to comfort him. It didn’t matter that you’d only known each other for less than a day, you’d felt more alive in those few moments than you had in months, years. 

As he swung away, all Peter could think about was you. Your lips, gentle and warm, your embrace, the sweet smell of you. Some would say that it clouded his judgement but he didn’t care. He hadn’t felt like this ever, not even with Gwen. There was this rush, this feeling of a string that connected the two of you, one uncuttable by even the fates themselves. 

After the battle was over and done, your Peter, Peter One, checked up on you and the only thing you had left of the battle was a scar, a small one under your eye that must have been from when you first fell. 

Peter Three rushed over to you after he had checked on Peter Two who had been stabbed in the battle, and you could tell he wanted to kiss you but decided against it, instead pulling you into a long hug. 

“I guess this is it, isn’t it,” you said, tears in your eyes, “I’ll come with you, please,”

The two of you were illuminated by the looming presence of the multiverse cracking above them. It was almost poetic, to see your feelings being split up like a rift in the world. Two people who were never meant to be together. Even Shakespeare couldn’t have seen this tragedy coming.

“You belong here, I can’t take you away like that,” you explained and he pressed his forehead against yours. 

He picked something out of a strange pocket in his suit and reached into your jacket pocket, leaving the object there. 

“For when I’m not here anymore,” he whispered. Peter placed his hand on your cheek, tilting your head up so that you could kiss him one last time.

It wasn’t as desperate, this time the kiss felt almost mournful, like a goodbye he didn’t get to have last time. 

The hand went cold and you felt the warm kiss on your lips disappear. When you opened your eyes, he was gone and you looked around, not understanding why you were here. 

You stood in the cafe with Ned and MJ months later, the three of you laughing about something dumb with the two of them now going to MIT with you. 

You reached into the pocket of your jacket for that piece of gum when you found a Polaroid. You narrowed your eyes at it, looking at the picture of you and some handsome man standing together, wide smiles on both of your faces. 

“Wow Y/N, who the hell is that?” Ned asked and you furrowed your brow, staring at the image. 

“I don’t know,” you simply stated. But your heart filled with something that you didn’t understand, and your mind went blank whenever you tried to remember the face in front of you. 

MJ walked back from helping some weird customer when she saw the picture, “He’s cute,” she said with a chuckle. 

You stood up, “I’ll be right back,” you said, stumbling into the bathroom and staring at the mirror at your own reflection, not recognising the miserable person in front of you. You looked so happy in that photo, so where did that go?

Before you even knew it, you fell through a portal, landing in the streets of New York. But this wasn’t the New York you knew. 

“Y/N?” A voice asked and you looked up to see him, the man from the photo. 

All the memories came flooding back to you and you smiled. Falling, the lab, your kiss, the goodbye, it was real, “Peter,” you whispered, a grin on your face as you jumped into his arms. 


So I have refound my love for Andrew Garfield and despite the fact that this is not my best post, I still like it. If you want like a part two for this I wouldn’t mind writing it. I also have a few more ideas around No Way Home as its all I can think about so they may be out soon, maybe. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed it :)


Warnings: angst, blood, injuries, cleaning injuries, commitment, nicknames [baby]

Pairing: Andrew Garfield!Spiderman x fem!reader

Summary: Peter Parker is always getting injured and Y/N, his long time girlfriend, is always being pulled into it. Until one day she’s too scared and has to tell him.

Word Count: 1.7 k

As Peter’s girlfriend, you knew that things could go wrong, that one day you could wake up with a call saying that your Peter had died. But the call you hated the most was the one full of heavy breaths, asking you to come round because he has an injury. 

Having dated Peter Parker since college, you knew everything about him and your long term relationship was as strong as it could be. But you couldn’t help but worry every time he went out on patrol, worried that one day he wouldn’t make it home. 

You drove there as fast as you could, opening the door with your spare key that he had given you. You gasped as you saw him sitting on the couch, shirt off and looking down at a large cut through his abdomen. 

“Oh no,” you whispered to yourself and he looked up, putting on a fake smile as he gritted his teeth. 

“Hey baby,” he said and you shook your head, walking over to him and sitting next to him. You looked at the large gash across his abdomen and shook your head. That looked deep and probably needed to be looked at by a medical professional. 

He chuckled to himself as he looked down at it but you saw past that fake smile and the seemingly relaxed look on his face. You noted the thin layer of sweat forming on his face and the way that he would occasionally wince when he would move. 

“Come here,” you said, placing a hand on his cheek and moving his head so that he was now looking into your eyes, “You need to go to the hospital for this Peter," 

"No, no, how do I explain this?” He asked, letting out a shaky sigh before putting on a funny fake voice, “Hi sir, what happened? Well I was in a fight, I’m Spiderman you see, and this guy with a big knife hit me and I managed to web him up before going home.”

You rolled your eyes, grabbing the first aid kit that was next to him, “I hate you,” you muttered, pulling out the antiseptic wipes, knowing you were going to have to clean him up now because he was too stubborn. 

“You know you love me,” he chuckled, hissing through gritted teeth as you brushed the wipe across the wound that would clearly leave a scar, “I love you,” he whispered and you looked up at him, face softening. 

You would always be angry that he constantly put himself in harm’s way, but you could never stop him and the plague of worry and fear would always follow you around no matter how much you loved him. 

“Yeah, yeah, I love you too,” you said before reaching over and grabbing the stitches and the needle. 

Aunt May said that you were a good influence on him, that you kept him grounded and reminded him that he couldn’t just go around fighting carelessly, that you gave him someone to come back home to. His love for you was like Aunt May had never seen before. 

You didn’t believe in soulmates, but this boy with the brown doe eyes and slightly sweaty tousled hair that fell over his face, he was the closest thing that you would ever find to one. 

You grabbed a cloth, pressing it against the wound on his chest, “Hey,” you said, placing a hand on his face and making him look at you, “You okay?

He hissed, placing a hand on top of your hand over his wound, "I will be baby,” he said, a half hearted smile on his face as he chuckled, “It hurts like a bitch,”

Peter sighed as you took the cloth off of the wound. He looked just as amazing as he did every day, even with that thin blanket of sweat on his forehead. You watched as Peter leaned his head back, eyes screwed shut as you began to sew up the wound. 

He hissed slightly as you began to sew it up, “Maybe if you were safer it wouldn’t hurt that much,” you said and he rolled his eyes, “haha," 

Every time you would pull the piece of medical string, he winced slightly, tapping his fingers against the seat of his chair as he tried to make it through the pain. The soft drilling sounds were the only thing that filled the silence as you focused on the task at hand. 

He opened his eyes and looked down at you, your hair tied up in a bun, the focused look in your eyes as you tried to make him better. He loved you more than anything in the world. 

Peter didn’t know how he deserved you. Someone that loved him despite the fact that he was spiderman and despite the fact that he always put himself in harm’s way to help everyone else. 

He reached down, brushing a piece of hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ear as he noticed it was in your way. He also noticed how you blushed slightly when you did that. 

When you tied that last piece up, he winced but let out a shaky breath. You picked up another antiseptic wipe and brushed it over the injury, "Can’t have you dying on me can I?

"Wouldn’t even thing about it baby,” he whispered, looking down at you with a soft smile. 

You placed a gauze in the wound before helping him sit up, wrapping a bandage around his chest just in case the stitches came loose. “You should probably take it easy for a little while,”

When you leaned up to look at you, he placed a hand on your cheek and pulled you in for a kiss, a gentle and grounding kiss that reminded you both that you were here and he was okay. He was going to be okay. 

“You gotta be safer,” you whispered against his lips, resting your forehead against his. He noticed the tightening of your voice as you said that and the wave of worry that rushed from you. He couldn’t tell whether it was from his spider-senses or because he just knew you so well, but he knew something was wrong. 

“What’s up Y/N?” He asked and you looked up at him, tears in your eyes. His heart filled with pain as he saw you like that because he never wanted you to feel upset. 

“I’m scared for you,” you whispered, watching as he brought his hand up and brushed the tears away with the pad of his thumb, “I don’t want you to get hurt, I just, I love you so much and I don’t know what my life would be without you,”

He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Marry me,” he whispered and you pulled back, looking at him. 

You scoffed, a surprised chuckle leaving your lips as you looked at him, “You’re serious?” Your eyes were wide and shocked, looking at him with an incredulous look. 

“Y/N L/N. You are the only girl for me, and I love you with every single bone in my body. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and give you everything you want, even if that means giving up the suit.” The words were sincere and so full of love that tears began to spill over your eyes as the realisation began to sink in, “Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight hug, “Yes, yes, oh my god Peter, yes,” you muttered into his shoulder before pulling back, smashing your lips against his. 

He had never been so happy in his entire life. Peter Benjamin Parker had never been so sure of what he wanted. And what he wanted was to marry the beautiful girl in front of him and to start a family with her, a big, happy, beautiful family. 

“Stay there,” he said, wincing as he stood up, hobbling over to the drawer before pulling out a box. 

You smiled, placing a hand over your mouth as he sat back down, opening the box and showing you the diamond ring, “It was my moms, I thought you should have it,” he said, taking your hand and placing the ring on your finger, nothing had ever felt that right before. 

“God, I love you Peter,” you said and he smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips before replying, “I love you too Y/N.”

You never would have believed that Peter Parker would ask you to marry him in his living room, shirtless with a bandage on his chest. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 


Peter after NWH: I live in New York. I have 3 roommates. Two of them are rats. We eat pizza for dinner every night. The rent? 4000 dollars a second. It’s fine. I’m fine.
