#nobunaga oda


Ikesen characters as magical girls

ft. oda clan 

a/n- now most people will assume when “magical girls” are mentioned, it’s mostly hmm sailor moon, card captor sakura or magica madoka types…ehhh these hcs are based more on the “pretty cure / precure” category of magical girls. I’m pretty sure some of you may have heard the name of this franchise before. thought i should make this clear before anyone gets confused with the weird hair colour references from early 2000-2010s precure xDD.

warnings- none however beware that this is not proof read

note- when friends are mentioned, it means the oda clan characters

Nobunaga- the blue haired leader

  • He’d be the unnamed leader of the team 
  • You know, those blue haired ones ? They’re mostly doing the actual team leading of the magical girls group
  • His suggestions are always taken into consideration until… Well his teammates are face to face with the evil villains- 
  • He still tries though….in vain 
  • Oh and he is in fact the president of his school’s student council

Masamune- the red haired sporty one

  • The sportiest of ‘em all! 
  • You’d assume he’s the guy who just absolutely adores baseball or soccer (football)
  • Nope, very wrong!
  • This dude here takes his kendou seriously, is part of the club even and practices every afternoon
  • Extremely loyal to his friends and hates seeing his teammates being hurt 
  • Butts his heads with Nobunaga plenty times but they’re still amazing friends~
  • He is also childhood friends with our Mai and is her neighbour!

Hideyoshi- the mature and motherly purple haired  

  • Side leader of the team who…Well no one listens to xD RIP 
  • Give the poor guy a raise! He deserves it. And no, his teammates better not call him the paranoid overbearing mother or he will sulk in the corner :( (Mai will always make him feel better though)
  • It goes something like this: 
  • “Guys, I’m pretty sure the map says to go follow the straight road” 
  • “Oh please Hideyoshi, who actually follows instructions?” 
  • After some time you’ll see the whole bunch with their asses on fire and trying to get the human sized venus fly trap from feeding on them
  • Vice president of the council (come on, it was obvious)

Mistunari- green haired introverted smartie 

  • Soft spoken teammate, gets talked over at times by others 
  • Please don’t do that, it hurts his feelings very much 
  • His friends are ready to beat up anyone who does that though (mostly Masamune and Hideyoshi) 
  • Spends majority of the time cooped up in the library studying for tests or reading random novels 
  • He drops fun facts throughout the day like how teachers break their chalk 
  • Will have the “right fun fact” that will be needed later in the day to defeat a cockroach shaped villain who’s destroying the city and save the day
  • Whoop whoop 

Mitsuhide- the pastel hair coloured villain turned into a magical girl 

  • Could also be the prince or soldier of his beloved fallen fantasy other dimensional world and working to save the the current world he’s staying at
  • People find him super shady…Which is understandable
  • Especially if he was an ex-villain
  • Hideyoshi was initially super wary of him until Mitsunari started hanging out with him
  • The perfect match with Mitsunari, they are somehow besties 
  • Don’t ask why, I make the rules here 

Ieyasu- the other cranky blue haired teammate 

  • He’s salty all the time 
  • But is worried about his teammates’ health all the time, even more than Hideyoshi at times but will never tell
  • Will be arguing with the Mai most of the time, you know how that saying goes
  • “Those who fight a lot are close friends indeed”
  • It’s something like that between them 
  • Does his magical girl duties perfectly, and when he gets hurt? Will hide it until Mai comes over to do first aid…
  • He will accept begrudgingly


Mai- the pink haired main character and leader

  • The MVP and the TRUE leader of the team, never let go of her hand 
  • But also the darling of the team, dontchu dare hurt her AT ALL or else you’ll be seeing very angry magical bros after you with their sparkly outfits and weapons 
  • And beware to anyone gossiping or talking smack about her friends <.< or SHE’LL be after your asses.
  • Angry Mai is…scarier than an angry Hideyoshi
  • Everyone knows her, adores her and looks up to her 
  • Is kinda that person who’s super famous but they don’t even realise it xD 
  • Also a sweetheart, always feels like the villains must be given a second chance to follow the right path
  • Annnnd nobody can top her when it comes to emotional support and caring for her dear friends & teammates
  • Is too sweet and helpful so she sometimes unknowingly becomes a doormat ;-; to which her friends have to remind THAT NO GURL, remember your worth please 

ikesen : @spoopy-fish-writes

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Maeda Keiji Main Story


Mild spoilers ahead:

Background: Keiji volunteered MC to play the role of Murasaki, a noblewoman who composed what is now know as The Tale of Genji, a famous novel. They are doing this because Keiji was asked by his master to bring a lady to his party in Sakai. While they are there, Keiji plans to look for Kichou. 

Keiji: “You are overwhelmingly lacking in the princess department.”

“In order to play the role of Murasaki, you are going to need some training.*”

“Murasaki was a brave and graceful noble lady. Meaning, everything that you are lacking.”

MC (frustrated): (He said it two times already!…)

MC: “In that case, you didn’t have to volunteer me for the role so forcibly.”

Keiji: “Umm”

MC: (Hm?)

Keiji seemed stunned by my response. 

Keiji: “Was I too forceful?”

MC: “Yes, even more so than usual.”

(……Maybe he didn’t realized it at the time?)

“In any case, thank you for inviting me anyway. I do enjoy being taught by you.”

Keiji: “Is that so?”

(Umm why is Keiji…looking so shy?)

(I don’t know why he is looking like this, but it looks like I was able to tease him back after getting played by him all this time)


* They did some training after this where he shows he how to use a fan to cover her face and also how to act more refined in her actions. 

Disclaimer: I may have paraphrased some lines since I didn’t screenshot all of the conversation. As always, I am not fluent so I may not have the best translation. 

In another note, I’m back! I took a longer break than I was planning to but oh well. I don’t even know when Keiji’s route was released to be honest, but I am kind of enjoying it atm. 

Where We Belong



Surprise! I have returned!! I hope people still remember this lovely little (confusing) story. I want to start pulling myself out of my hiatus and writing rut. I will definitely work on a masterlist for this story because the tagging system sucks and I sometimes need a reminder of what chapter I’m working on. This will be for the both of us. In the meantime, please enjoy this update. It’s been sitting in my files for months now, but it’s also kind of short. I didn’t want to push myself too hard. I’m hoping to get everything going soon. No more sad chapters!!

Thunderous cracks echoed throughout the courtyard disrupting the tranquility of the early morning. The Akechi vassals gathered at the entrance of the training hall, eyes glued to the sparring match playing out in front of them. Quiet whispers and gasps were barely heard as wooden swords continued to connect in explosive strikes. Mouths parted in awe watching their lord maneuver with calculating and precise movements while he pushed his young, feminine protege back. Yet, she did not relent as she moved back in, parrying off his blows with succession.

When Natsume had announced that she would be training under Mitsuhide, many found her claims to be very odd. No one expected much from such a ridiculous claim. However, in the six months that had passed, Natsume had proved to everyone she meant business. She adapted to Mitsuhide’s kenjutsu, learned to wield the rifle, and poured over many texts to further her education. Horse riding came natural to her having spent time in her childhood at the family vacation home out in the countryside. When Mitsuhide wasn’t busy training her, Natsume dedicated her time to tending to the manor. Those that weren’t aware of Natsume’s living arrangement mistook her for Mitsuhide’s wife—something she had grown tired of correcting. If it meant keeping suitors away, she’d run with that lie in the meantime.

With a forceful swing, Mitsuhide smacked the wooden sword out of Natsume’s grip. Before he could land the decisive blow to her, Natsume blocked his attack with the back of her wrist. She immediately stepped in, clutching a fistful of Mitsuhide’s kimono in her other hand. Natsume twisted her body, pulling Mitsuhide over her shoulder with all her might. She fell with him, pinning him down on the polished floor with her body as she reached behind her to draw out her dagger. She held the blade to his neck, smirking triumphantly.

“I got you.”

Mitsuhide chuckled. “Mm. Impressive.”

A closer look made Natsume realize how flushed his cheeks were, a sheen of sweat covering his face. Even his snow white hair stuck to his temples. She could feel his body heave up and down as he breathed laboriously. She did it. She beat Mitsuhide.

Just as she was about to revel in her victory, Mitsuhide pushed her back, knocking the dagger out of Natsume’s hands. She yelped as she was suddenly pushed onto her back, legs restricted by his as Mitsuhide towered over her. Gaining control of his wooden sword, Mitsuhide drew back ready to plunge it into her. Natsume gasped and she began to flail trying to kick Mitsuhide off of her. He struck, bringing the weapon down on her. Natsume shut her eyes, feeling the blade rip through her hair. A slight breeze caressed her cheek as the floor cracked next to her ear.

Her heart thundered, her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes widened in shock. Mitsuhide playfully smiled down at her, triumphantly leaning against his wooden sword. It took Natsume a moment to finally react. She scowled at him, drawing her legs out from underneath him.

“You sore loser!” Natsume shouted, glaring daggers at Mitsuhide. “You can’t stay down, can you?”

She did not wait for his response. Natsume whirled around, her arms crossed as she pouted. However, she soon noticed the crowd near the door. The vassals always gathered whenever she trained with Mitsuhide. She politely bowed to them before making her way out the exit. Their eyes followed her as Natsume stopped by the small fountain. Mouths once again fell agape as she splashed herself with water, damping the pure white kimono top. Her eyes were closed as she brushed her wet locks back revealing the fair skin of her forehead. Water droplets raced down her slender neck, slipping beneath the fabric of her top and into the valley between her breasts. They could only imagine what she looked like bare before their hungry eyes.

“Alright. That’s enough from the lot of you. Back to your posts,” Mitsuhide ordered.

The group of men jumped. “Y-Yes sir!”

Mitsuhide watched as they dispersed under his orders before approaching Natsume. “Must you always have your way with them?”

She scoffed. “Oh? Why do you care?”

“I don’t, but it seems to me you revel in teasing them a bit too much.”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just innocently cooling off,” she replied with a wink.

“One of these days, you’ll regret those words,” Mitsuhide commented.

“Oh please. They won’t do anything with you around. Besides, they’re well aware about incurring Nobunaga’s wrath if anything happens to me.”

“Speaking of Nobunaga-sama, you and I have been summoned.”

“What for?” She inquired, as she began to dry herself off.

Mitsuhide ran a small handkerchief at the back of his neck. “I’m not sure, but he wants you at the council.”

Natsume looked dumbstruck. “Hah.”

That was an obvious lie. Mitsuhide knew more than he let on. Still, it had been a few months since Natsume came to live with Mitsuhide. She briefly wondered if she was due for a check up.

A change of clothes later, and Natsume soon found herself back in Azuchi. Their arrival had been announced as such: Lord Akechi and his page. Natsume shot him another glare. At this rate, she was bound to rack up a list of made up titles.

Natsume walked behind him at a respectable distance. She could feel all eyes on her as she and Mitsuhide entered the familiar audience hall. She did not see Mai, nor the usual Oda vassals. The only ones to greet them were Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, and…him. Crystal blue eyes met deep carnelian orbs—a smirk adorning his lips. Natsume stared back indifferently. He meant nothing. She let go along with her past.

Hideyoshi immediately crossed the room, meeting up with them. However, he quickly pulled Natsume into his arms, taking her by surprise.

“Tell me, has this mongrel been treating you right? He hasn’t done anything to upset you?”

Natsume shot Mitsuhide a startled gaze before looking back at Hideyoshi. “What are you talking about?”

Mitsunari chuckled. “We haven’t heard from you since you left. Although, Lord Mitsuhide always assures us that you are doing well. I’m happy to see that it is true.”

“I never lie,” Mitsuhide stressed.

“Bullshit. That’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard from you. As long as Natsume is okay… Frankly, I still find it hard that you chose him over Lord Nobunaga,” Hideyoshi said, as he released Natsume.

She sighed. “You make it sound like I married him…”

Mitsuhide smirked. “Isn’t that what happened?”

“Settle down, everyone,” Nobunaga cut in.

Natsume had no choice but to swallow her retort, as everyone took their places. It was an impromptu meeting, nothing serious of the sort. Which meant Nobunaga’s territories were at peace. So then, why was she summoned?

“I’ve called you here today, Natsume, to discuss the trip you requested to Sakai,” Nobunaga continued.

Natsume clicked her tongue. “You’re still on about that?”

“I have never forgotten.” He turned to Mitsuhide. “As per the agreement, I am relieving Natsume from your care, Mitsuhide.”

She felt a knot in her stomach. Natsume couldn’t help glancing over to Mitsuhide. Their eyes briefly met before Mitsuhide bowed respectfully. Neither of them could object. It was an agreed term if Natsume wished to live outside the castle. Nobunaga could whisk her away at any given time and without consent. Unfortunately, Natsume was still under his rule.

“I have gone to great lengths to make this a reality for you, Natsume. As it so happens, I have a bit of business in Sakai,” Nobunaga said.

“We are to meet with merchants looking to exchange goods and services. They’ve been so generous to reach out to Lord Nobunaga for an audience,” Hideyoshi added.

“Sounds suspicious,” Natsume muttered.

“Which is why I will also be accompanying the entourage. You and Mai will be in good hands,” Hideyoshi assured.

“Mai is also coming?” Natsume queried.

“Was that not part of your request?” Nobunaga inquired.

It was true. He truly was following every bit of that silly request from months ago. Despite knowing she wasn’t going to be alone with Nobunaga, Natsume couldn’t shake this foreboding feeling. She had focused solely on her studies and training. Living with Mitsuhide had given her a sense of normalcy.

Natsume clutched her hands. No need to worry. Mai will be there, and I guess I can think of this as going shopping. Whatever 16th century Japan has to offer…

Still, her hand slowly crawled over to Mitsuhide’s. He felt her fingers clutch at the folds of his sleeve, yet Mitsuhide made no move to notice her touch. Natsume’s fear had become clear to him. She still feared Nobunaga even after all this time away from him.


As promised, Natsume stood outside the castle gates bright and early the following day. The Akechi maids made sure she had everything she required packed by the time she returned to the manor. Natsume had even been gifted with a new kimono–a light blue color printed with a myriad of bellflowers.

To remind you of me,” Mitsuhide replied as she held the fabric in her hands.

You knew, didn’t you?” Natsume quietly asked.

He grasped her chin in his hands. “You’ve nothing to fear, Natsume. Play your role well, and you shall find yourself back here.

And, if Nobunaga takes me back?

Mitsuhide smirked. “He won’t. Trust me.

Natsume sighed. So far, Mitsuhide had not proven a thing to back up his promises. He wanted her trust with no gain whatsoever. Natsume wondered what he could be plotting.

He held out the reins of his white horse for her to take. “This is for you.”

“Isn’t this one yours?” Natsume inquired with a quirk of her brow.

“I am loaning you my steed. Anything to ease those nerves of yours.”

“I’m not so dependent on you. I simply hate—”

Mitsuhide leaned in. “Yes?”


A mirthful sparkle shone in his golden eyes. Yet, before Mitsuhide could continue with his inquisitive teasing, the ecstatic joy from Azuchi’s chatelaine interrupted the two. Both Mitsuhide and Natsume looked behind them as Mai ran towards them with exuberant joy.

“Natsu! Hey!”

“Blinding,” Mitsuhide quietly murmured.

Natsume shot him a look. “Huh?”

He merely shook his head as Mai joined the two. “Isn’t it a bit too early for your enthusiasm?”

“No way! I finally get to travel with Natsume after so long! Besides, I’m looking forward to all the fabrics Sakai has to offer. We must visit every shop, Natsu!”

“Yeah. Yeah,” the raven haired woman replied as she took the reins from Mitsuhide. Natsume quietly took a deep breath, hiding against the horse.

“Mai! Natsume! Are the two of you ready?” Hideyoshi asked.

“We’re raring to go!” Mai exclaimed.

“Good. We’re just about ready to set out,” Nobunaga declared.

“The men are ready to march ahead as soon as you give the word, my lord,” Mitsunari informed.


Hideyoshi turned to the girls. “Mai, Natsume. Mount up.”


Mai glanced at Natsume who wordlessly, and with practiced ease, climbed atop Mitsuhide’s white horse.

“U-Um, Natsu…?”


“You’re riding…alone?” Mai sheepishly asked.

“Can you really handle yourself?” Nobunaga inquired amusingly.

She shot him a glare. Mitsuhide chuckled. “She’s a natural all on her own.”

Natsume rolled her eyes. “I grew up riding horses. What’s so weird about this?”

“Ah, of course,” Mai quietly murmured. She had forgotten how vastly different her life in the modern world had been from Natsume’s own life. Mai had been an office worker with dreams of becoming a fashion designer. Natsume was an heiress with a budding singing career. There was still so much about her that Mai had yet to learn. Even in this turbulent past, Natsume remained a very private person.

Natsume suddenly reached down as she held out her hand to Mai. “Come on.”

Mai’s eyes widened. “Eh?”

“What are you waiting for?”

Mitsuhide stepped behind Mai, and firmly lifted her up and onto the saddle. Mai couldn’t help but yelp as she momentarily squirmed.


“You looked like you could use a lift,” he joked.

“Don’t be silly!” Mai cried, her face and ears flushed.

“If you fall off the horse, I’ll leave you behind,” Natsume warned.

Mai immediately settled down. “Got it…”

With one final look at her liege, Natsume guided the horse forward. An entire trip with the Oda army. She had spewed the request as a means to keep Nobunaga at bay. But with Azuchi’s famed chatelaine sitting in front of her, Natsume knew she would have to make full use of Mai if she truly wished to keep Nobunaga in check.

Mitsuhide’s words echoed in her mind. “Play your role well.

As if I have a choice, Natsume thought.


Sea birds cried up above in the sky as the port of Sakai bustled with life. Numerous ships docked at port unloading cargo from various places including foreign, merchant ships showcasing rare and valuable goods. To the untrained eye, every item seemed like a rare luxury painting a mysterious, illusory world beyond one’s reach. But, for those who knew what to look for, those who were experts in imported goods, every item was scrutinized even to the minute detail.

A large, scruffy looking man approached a lone figure who stood watching his precious cargo be unloaded. The poor man dared not keep his gaze trained on his master—there was just no way such a beautiful man could exist, he thought. He dropped to a knee, holding out a folded letter. The elegant man reached down to take the note, unfolding it in one swift movement. Hazel eyes quickly skimmed through the contents of the hastily written note.

“This has been vetted?”

The scruffy man nodded. “Yes, m’lord. Their procession should arrive in approximately three days.”

The letter crumpled harshly in his master’s beautifully pale skin. With a poised pivot, he walked away from the port as his white cape fluttered behind him leaving the scruffy looking messenger behind. He paid no mind to the ogling gazes that trailed after him as he approached a small hut nearby. Those inside raised their heads only to quickly acknowledge him with the respect he deserved.

“Master Kichō.”

“I need eyes here and here,” he ordered, pointing to two areas on a map.


“Are we still keeping tabs on those Oda scum?” Another asked.

“Nobunaga has taken the bait. He will arrive in three days,” Kichō replied.

“So, it’s true that he’s wooed by exotic goods,” another quipped.

“The finest this country has to offer,” another mocked.

The small hut erupted into laughter. However, Kichō remained stoic. “Our goal is not Nobunaga.”

“Right. Folks out there say he has a woman he cares for deeply.”

“The Oda princess.”

“Never laid eyes on ‘er, but I ‘ear she’s a real beauty.”

“A rival to Master Kichō, then,” one lackey joked.

Kichō simply stared back coldly. “Do not be ridiculous. We merely need her to serve one simple purpose.”

“To fan the flames of war!”

To that, the men cheered and laughed once more. War…it was all Kichō could think of in order to save the future. He’d sacrifice anything even if it meant the blood of an innocent soul. He had sent his message not too long ago, and now he was set to deliver another fatal blow to Nobunaga right where it hurt the most. His most beloved treasure would soon be Kichō’s prisoner.

Under unfortunately ironic circumstances, you get taken hostage by the the very person that made the truce between the Oda forces and Takeda-Uesugi alliance happen. However, angering these warlords and using the person that brought all of them together in a heartbeat was probably the worst strategy anyone could come up with.


Requestedby@pugprotector​: “I have no idea how bisy you are, I’m guessing it’s pretty busy since I’m a college student in quarantine too, but I was wondering, if you have time, if you could do a fic for the sengoku warlords having a meeting about a new oc enemy after their truce signing only to learn that this new enemy somehow ended up kidnapping mc and threatening to kill her and all of the warlords decide to finally stomp this guy down into his rightful place with a fluffy reunion with everyone afterwards?”

Warning:violence, injuries, bickering

A/N: Y'all I’m so sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long T-T I’m back now kinda and I’ve already started writing a whole Ikesen book and I’ll start posting it once I’ve written like 20 chapters. I’m so sorry again.

“Report.” Mitsuhide spoke. The man bowed deeply in front of his lord before starting.

“We’ve managed to track her down to the dense forests beside Honnoji, we can’t see past that.” 

“Good plan on their part.” Ieyasu grumbled, looking away. 

“Mitsuhide and Shingen, I want you to send your men-” 

“I don’t take orders from you!” 

“Well, choose! Either you listen in on our plan and follow it or you leave and have no part of it!” Hideyoshi scolded, clearly distressed. This was not the time to act like the bigger man. 

Begrudgingly, the tiger rolled his eyes and the Devil King continued. 

“Mitsuhide and Shingen, I want you to scout out the terrain, see how many men we’re up against, Kennyo?” he raised an eyebrow daringly at him, the latter nodded, practically sneering at him at this point.

“I’ll assist, I know the landscape.” 

“Once we’ve gotten all the information we need, we’ll each take a small group each, size depending on how many we’re up against.” 

“And then steal (Y/N) back!” Masamune smirked.


There was a painful throb in her head as she struggled to open her eyes. Did she get hit in the head? GOD that hurt. Shuffling against the hard surface against her side, the friction of tight rope around her wrists gave her enough energy to wince. It finally made her eyes open.

“It’s about time you woke up!” the man said. The room was luxurious, a huge contrast from the dirty way these men kidnapped her. 

If you didn’t bash my head in, we could have played a game of chess.

Her injury really made her think the most absurd things at the most absurd of times. That mentality quickly sewed its mouth shut once she heard a bunch of heavy footsteps coming towards the room. The big doors opened. 

The screeching of the metal hinges, the scraping of the large wood against the floor was deafening. A stabbing feeling piercing through her entire body. 

“Nobunaga’s and Kenshin’s troops have started to assemble and organise.” the man bowed.

“So they’ll take us by force.” the man murmured under his breath in thought, “has our escape been evacuated?” 

“Yes, by the time they’ll set foot into the castle walls, we’ll have exploded the tunnel and they wouldn’t be able to tell how we found a way out without looking close enough.” 

She kept herself in the state that she woke up in, retaining the information for when Nobunaga was going to rescue her. 

“Do we have enough horses?” 

“Yes, as requested, she will be riding with you, we got a stronger horse for you my lord.” 

Crap, she was coming with? 

“I don’t think any of you will be needing horses.” A cheerful, vaguely familiar voice resonated in the room. 

(Y/N) didn’t have energy to look up, her head stood fairly tall against the wall but her gaze was to her knees, the ends of kimono, torn, dirty. The woman didn’t realise she was kneeling on the floor, for sure she couldn’t feel her legs – but the uncomfortable numbness that came with the lack of blood circulation wasn’t there either. 

From Ieyasu’s lessons, the (H/C) haired assumed she had been going in and out of consciousness, this time, coming out enough to be aware of what was happening around her, but not what was happening to her. It fueled her anxiety enough to keep her awake but nothing more. 

“How did you-” the man’s eyes widened at the person at the other end of the sharp blade that was held against his neck.

“It’s called a plan.” the first voice, which happened to be Shingen’s smirked as Nobunaga dug his blade a little deeper into his flesh. 

“You should have a benner one.” Masamune retorted, coming in from the other, smaller entrance, followed by Ieyasu and Yukimura. The blond rushed directly in front of (Y/N), kneeling as he checked her condition.

“She’s in a very bad state!” he informed, trying to keep his usual unbothered tone but the undeniable alarm in his voice made all the attention go to him. 

“I’ll accompany him.” Hideyoshi’s frown was deep. Sheathing his sword and walking towards Tokugawa. 

The others were clearly taking care of the situation: Nobunaga holding the lord at the edge of death, the other warlords keeping the rest of the men here on their knees. The allied forces now battling the men that were guarding the castles down below, it was only a matter of time before everyone would go back to Azuchi victoriously, (Y/N) needed urgent medical help, a lord and a vassal gone wouldn’t make any difference. 

The woman in question recognised the man through her blurry vision. Apparently, that’s all she needed to see before she closed her eyes and sunk into unconsciousness once more, she was relieved, the anxiety washed away from her completely.

Ieyasu winced after slicing the rope that was damaging her skin, he hesitantly ran his fingertips along the redness of her wrists.

“Go, now.” Nobunaga commanded. Hideyoshi scooped her in his arms, keeping her secure as Ieyasu readjusted her in his arms so her injuries wouldn’t worsen on the trip back before they both scurried away, not missing the frowns everyone gave them at the sight of the woman.


Contrary to last time she woke up, she didn’t feel a pain as unbearable as last time – and her eyes fluttered open and focused a lot easier as well. 

“Lady (Y/N), you’re awake! Thank goodness!” the welcoming, yellow lantern in the corner outlined Mitsunari’s disheveled hair. His bright smile made an unknown weight on her shoulders disappear. 

“Leave her room to breathe,” a grumpy voice sighed after the sound of a sliding door. Ieyasu entered, a small bowl of warm water and a clean towel, along with a small pot of cream and bandages, “everyone is worried.” he sat down beside her bed, opening the pot and turning fully to him.

“I’m sorry.” she offered him a sorrowful look. 

“Don’t be Lady (Y/N)! It wasn’t your fault!” The blond rolled his eyes, the vassal’s cheerful voice was the last thing he needed to listen to after two long nights of worrying. But Mitsunari was right. 

Carefully, he lifted her arm closer to him, placing it in his lap before delicately peeling off the bandage, leaving the wound exposed to the air. 

The woman thought that the pain had subsided almost completely – having felt only slight discomfort when Ieyasu removed the fabric – until he gently massaged the cream on either side of the engraved prints of the rope left in her. 

“Sorry,” he mumbled, watching as she winced silently, but then shook her head at his apology. It took less time than she thought before he was dipping and wringing a towel with water and dabbing the cloth against her skull, “close your eyes, let your head rest.” 

“Why Mitsunari’s room?” she whispered, eyes slowly closing, following his instructions. “He gets the least amount of sleep among all of us so he would keep an eye on you.” 

Her eyes opened and she gave him a would-he-though look.

“….” her eyes fluttered closed once again and he resumed nursing her head injury back to health, “Mitsuhide kept sneaking off like he usually does so it was safer this way.” the man confessed. 

“Hm,” she hummed in response, “thank you guys for saving me.” it came out as a whisper, a moderate attempt to cover up that the woman was still shaken up by it. The man silently praised her for not displaying her emotions on her face for once, and it would have been convincing if he didn’t know her – or Mitsunari, in this instant, having swallowed back into his book.

That wouldn’t have gone unnoticed by any of the warlords, however. It lurched at his heart. 

“You can thank them later.” he brushed stray strands of hair away. 

“It’s nearly healed?” her eyes lit up in surprise.

“No, you’ll still need a few days, but they’re all worried sick and insisted on popping in later. So make sure you’re awake and prepared.” his thumb rubbed her forehead soothingly.

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[Sold, thank you!] Any princess would love to take Nobunaga- sama home? These are the badges from pr

[Sold, thank you!]

Any princess would love to take Nobunaga- sama home? These are the badges from previous AGF event and collaboration cafe event.

USD20 including traceable international shipping fee. Items will be shipped from Hong Kong. If you are interested, please comment or message me, thank you please share to your friends too

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I’m a wee bit late, but Happy Birthday, Nobunaga!


(DO NOT REPOST. Reblogging is welcome though!)






The way Nobunaga speaks often reminds me of Nathan W Pyle’s comics

How could I not see this


..so I made a thing 


✨ p e r f e c t i o n ✨


Nobunaga Concerto(2014)

acrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced thacrispyapple:Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Daysto celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced th


Ikesen JP: [過去編] Bygone Days

to celebrate ikesen jp’s 6th anniversary, they announced the future release of the story of what happened to our warlords before they met mc and fell in love~

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kyunkyunscans:Ikemen Sengoku Chapter Two - Two Warlords Compete for You…♡ ~Which One Do You Choose?~


Ikemen Sengoku

Chapter Two - Two Warlords Compete for You…♡ ~Which One Do You Choose?~

Keep reading

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