#so adorable

Tybalt: “Ma, I think there’s a bug here. I’m going to try to eat it!”Tybalt: “Ma, I think there’s a bug here. I’m going to try to eat it!”Tybalt: “Ma, I think there’s a bug here. I’m going to try to eat it!”Tybalt: “Ma, I think there’s a bug here. I’m going to try to eat it!”

Tybalt: “Ma, I think there’s a bug here. I’m going to try to eat it!”

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The Blackmuir Reign Snippet: The Knight and the Boy

CW: **whump of a minor** in the past, but resulted in permanent mutilation/injury (the boy doesn’t speak because of the fairly recent removal of his tongue) hurt/comfort, fear of punishment, communication issues, past abuse and threats, serious hand injury (Rudy).


“Youdo know your letters, don’t you?”

The boy’s eyes flew to his, realizing his mistake. He’d been caught reading the ornamental inscription of an antique dagger. It was a dirty trick, but Rudy knew he’d be interested in a blade like that one and brought it to show him. He’d watched his eyes to see how they landed on the script, if they followed from left to right with any comprehension.

“It would do everyone some good if you would answer questions on paper for us, you know. We could keep it to yes or no.”

The boy looked away, all the color drained from his face. The dagger sat innocently on the tabletop. By my side or in my enemy’s, the hiltread in an earlier from of Muirish. Most native speakers still found it intelligible, if stilted.

Rudy sighed, re-tucking the end of the bandage that wound around his hand. The last two fingers no longer moved. If that was going to change or not, time would tell. It had been worth it to see the brute who would cut out a child’s tongue bleeding lifeless in the dirt. He only wished he’d had the luxury of making it last a little longer. Of making it painful.

“King Therrin is a good man, you know. He grew up as a ward in the far south. Not some spoiled, unworldly Prince waiting to inherit a Kingdom. I wouldn’t have ridden against the crown to take the capital with just anyone.”

The boy flashed a glance from under his floppy copper hair, so like that of the dead Usurper. He seemed to perk up at talk of battles, of riding in the vanguard against terrible odds. Rudy had seen him mesmerized in the Great Hall, hanging on the every word of a bard’s new song about the siege.

“Look at this. What if I placed an apple here.” He took a red and yellow apple from its wooden bowl (sour little things they were, this far north). “And a cup here…” He placed a pewter cup opposite the apple. “Apple means yes. Cup means no. You point at the apple or the cup to answer, and I don’t tell the King you know your letters. Would you answer some questions for us then?”

The boy stared at the apple. His mouth grew pale and tight whenever he was afraid, and Rudy didn’t know if it had anything to do with what happened, like he was clenching his jaw and holding his lips tight together to protect where he’d been hurt. His little heart began to pound— Rudy could see the rhythmic shiver of his tunic at the armpit.

“Someone told you not to talk to us,” he said flatly. Not a question. “Someone who hurt you.”

Quick green eyes met his. It was the loudest yes he’d ever heard, but still the boy did give an answer in any tangible way.

Rudy would gladly tell him he put his knife through the Tongue Cutter’s throat and opened it like gutting a trout if he did not think it would steal an innocence he could not put back. He wanted the boy to have no inkling of responsibility for that death. The blood was on his hands, and his alone.

“What if the King wasn’t there?” Rudy tried instead. “Would you answer questions for me?”

Rudy thought the apple might spontaneously combust from the intensity of the gaze on it.

“What if we start with you writing your name on a piece of paper? Your name is yours to give to anyone you please, is it not?”

He had pushed too much. To his dismay, the boy began to cry— a sudden welling of tears he turned away to swipe at with his sleeve as if embarrassed.

“Alright now, hey,” Rudy soothed. “It’s just me, little one. You’re not in trouble. We’re just looking for a way to talk to you.”

He placed a hand on the boy’s head and he turned quickly, nearly throwing himself into the Knight’s arms.

Rudy folded him against his chest and held him gently, loose enough he could get away if he wanted. The boy sobbed once— a hoarse, strained sound from a voice that has fallen into disuse and hugged him back tightly, as if someone were going to try and pull him away.

Rudy thought of the Tongue Cutter’s knife, how it had felt as he pulled him closer by his blade to kill him. He wondered if the boy had been cut by the same knife that sliced the flesh of his hand.

I’d have let him cut my sword hand too, if it would take back what they did to you.

He pulled away just far enough so he could take the little foxlike face in his hands. The boy looked up at him, openly trusting even though it was a Knight who had hurt him, in the same garb and armor as Rudy wore.

“I won’t tell the King you know your letters,” he promised. “And no one’s going to hurt you. Do you know that? I won’t let them.”

The boy nodded sharply, giving a tiny whimper on an exhale that would break the heart of even a soldier as weathered as himself.

“And what is this thing?” Rudy asked, plucking at the sleeve of the plain, shapeless tunic the servants in the kitchens had given him to wear. “If you dress in a potato sack, you’ll get confused for the potatoes. That’s what happened to the last kitchen boy, didn’t they tell you?”

He looked down at his ill fitting tunic and grinned through tears.

“They’ll throw you right in the soup,” Rudy said, and pulled a clean linen from his pocket he intended as spare bandage for his hand. He swiped gently at the boy’s cheeks with it, then let him take over himself. He took the linen a little sheepishly, dabbing it on his eyes until they were dry.

“Come,” Rudy said. “Let’s get you away from those kitchens for a while. Have you ever swung a steel sword? Even in practice?”

His eyes went bright, excited as any young boy at the prospect of wielding something dangerous. He shook his head no, he hadn’t, and dropped his gaze to the hilt of Rudy’s broadsword.

“Not that one,” Rudy laughed. “That’ll flip you right over. There’s lighter ones in the yard, to learn on. Come on. I’ll take you.”


(cute) Captain Kuchiki ✨

My Twitter.


Since I had nothing better to do yesterday, with the lockdown and all, I decided to spend my day working in MMD. I was very happy with how my last attempt at making a high-quality picture came out, and was inspired to do it again. I had recently got ahold of Ryo’s model kits for nononoP’s Belgium, and I have to say this one is by far my favourite! (Seriously, I want that dress! ) And I thought “I should show this off–why not make a cute little SpaBel thing while I’m at it?”

Now, I’m not really a massive SpaBel shipper (personally I prefer to keep Belgium single, but I would absolutely support this pairing if it ever got canonised) but I do find this pairing to be quite adorable. I certainly like it better than Spamano (Yeah……I’m not a fan of that…..sorry)

(And before you ask, yes I had that classic Lady and the Tramp song in my head while I was making this )
Also 19 April is a national holiday in Belgium, which is why I decided to post this today!

I was going to add Netherlands and Luxembourg in the background, but when I did that, they just….looked too out of place. So I just stuck with these two.


Belgium model by nononoP

Spain model by UniDX


Effects used:

Vari-A-Full shader










Poses originally by MMDNayPMD, edited by me

Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya


Turkraine doodle l love them so much

I freaking love them (灬♥ω♥灬)

wellcometothedarkside:Jared Padalecki | pretty in pink picspam 10/10Hell yeah baby, you’re


Jared Padalecki | pretty in pink picspam 10/10

Hell yeah baby, you’re beautiful!

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aimer-arts: little drawings of my rescue team hero!


little drawings of my rescue team hero!

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@stonegrotweek Day Three: The Night Before

And so begins a little “story arc” I have set up for Stonegrot Week. The couple spend their last night together before they become a trio ❤️


Camilo Madrigal the one the only, he has my heart. WHERE IS HIS MOVIE??

computerram: akiangel commission for a client on twitter! i like the dynamic between these twocomputerram: akiangel commission for a client on twitter! i like the dynamic between these two


akiangel commission for a client on twitter! i like the dynamic between these two

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