#nolan grayson


invincible redraw

Check out the process on my YouTube!


Looked briefly around here, and couldn’t find anyone who had posted this. Which is weird because it’s absolutely hilarious and oddly plausible given some of Becky’s own feats.

ReflectNolan!Ponder upon it! Shouldn’t you have used a more specific mental verb when pummeling down Mark, bludgeoning him? With “think” alone he may have thought you wanted him to calculate something!”



I’m more than halfway through the first ep of Invincible on Amazon Prime and I am NERVOUS bc  i know the worm is gonna turn I just don’t know when or how


Finally made it to the train scene.

today in, Clueless Alien Boyfriend shenanigans —

1) inappropriate floating

2) eating a wrap incorrectly

3) ???? creature??

h…. happy father’s day….

 Whar If… Mark experiences one of those timey wimey body change things while on a mission wit

Whar If… Mark experiences one of those timey wimey body change things while on a mission with his Dad. 

This is just me playing on from my Previous Mark with Omni-Mans build drawing

Post link


It’s Fictional Throwdown Friday!

This Week’s Fighters…

Omni-Man vs Dan Phantom!


Fight takes place in the Guardians of the Globe headquarters. TV Show Omni-Man is used. Speed Equalized.


Cecil Stedman, leader of the Global Defense Agency, discovers evidence that the legendary superhero Omni-Man plans to turn against Earth much sooner than he does in canon. Taking steps to combat this, Cecil discovers that most of their traditional weapons would be ineffective against the alien and begins looking into alternatives. When his scientists discover the secret to inter-universal travel, Cecil learns of the hero Danny Phantom. Cecil intends to induct him into the Guardians of the Globe as a means to counter Omni-Man, but something goes wrong. Thanks to their imperfect technology, Cecil’s team accidentally pulls in Danny’s evil counterpart Dan Phantom. Dan begins to rampage through the facility, eager to have a world full of superheroes to slaughter. Omni-Man receives a distress call from the Guardians of the Globe headquarters not long after and arrives to find Dan had already slaughtered them all. Omni-Man mockingly thanks Dan for saving him the trouble of killing the Guardians himself before gearing up to exterminate this new threat.

Analysis: Omni-Man

In a universe filled to the brim with great and mighty heroes, none were more powerful than Nolan Greyson, the seemingly invincible Omni-Man. A Viltrumite from the planet Viltrum, was sent to Earth to protect humanity so that it may one day grow into a mighty civilization, but like most retellings of Superman’s story, his true intentions were much darker than they seemed. In truth, he had been sent to Earth in order to scout it out and prep it for conquest beneath the boot of the mighty Viltrumite Empire and once his half human son began to exhibit powers like his, Nolan knew it was time begin his conquest.

While Nolan succeeding in slaughtering the Guardians of the Globe, he couldn’t bring himself to kill his son, no matter how hard he brutalized him. Realizing that he had grown to love hunanity during his short time on Earth, Nolan left the planet in tears, leaving his ultimate fate uncertain.

During his tenure as a superhero, Omni-Man was considered the strongest hero on Earth, and for good reason. His son, Mark Grayson, once stopped and tossed a massive asteroid with the force of 203 tons of tnt behind it.


Nolan Greyson, upon witnessing this feat, casually remarked “that was a small one” before remarking that he once caught an asteroid the size of Texas. Indeed, this vast strength gap was made clear when Nolan, though conflicted in his emotions, effortlessly battered Mark around for the entirety of their fight, more than capable of beating him to death if he truly wanted to. However, Nolan’s uppermost limits were shown to us when Cecil Stedman, in a move of desperation, blasted him with a satellite that complete obliterated an entite countryside. This 1.9 megaton attack is one of the few things on the show shown to make Nolan bleed and can thus be assumed to be closer to his upper limits, even if it was merely a nosebleed.


Omni-Man has much more than overwhelming strength in his side however. As a Viltrumite, Omni-Man is naturally capable of flight, even in the vacuum of space, and can breath outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Indeed, Viltrumite’s are nigh impervious to any sort of traditional weaponry that Earth has to offer, including all Earth based forms of disease and radiation. Scaling off his son, Nolan should also have an incredible healing factor, as Mark could recover from a hole that went all the way through his torso in six days and Nolan himself recovered from being beaten into a coma in record time. Similarly, Viltrumites have also shown to get stronger when they get angry. For example, Mark went from being completely unable to even hurt his father to actually being able to stagger him with his blows upon becoming enraged at Nolan’s callousness towards Mark’s mother. Nolan himself should have a similar ability.

However, beyond all his brute strength and powers, Omni-Man is brutal and cunning warrior with hundreds of years of experience under his belt. Having grown up in the Darwinist society of the Viltrumite Empire, Nolan has trained all his life to be a ruthless warrior. He is capable of wiping out entire planets singlehandedly and was capable of beating all the Guardians of the Globe by himself. This is most impressive when considering thr Guardians were strong enough to beat him into a coma and could’ve easily killed him if he’d made even a single mistake.

Nolan Greyson has protected humanity from gods, aliens, and even entire armies. And now, he stands out as the biggest threat the human race has ever seen.

Analysis: Dan

Danny Phantom, real name Danny Fenton, was always destined to have an abnormal life. When his ghost hunting parents created a portal to the Ghost Zone, yound Danny Fenton was caught inside it when it started up, accidentally turning him into the half-ghost hero Danny Phantom. Unfortunately for him, in this timeline, his tenure as a hero was destined to end in tragedy.

After an accident at the Nasty Burger restaurant killed his family, Danny was forced to live with his Arch-Enemy Vlad Masters. In a rare moment of humanity, Vlad sympathized with Danny’s pain and offered to remove it for him. By separating his ghost and human halves, Vlad hoped to remove Danny’s painful human emotions.

It worked… too well.

Now free from his humanity, Phantom ripped Vlad’s ghost half from him and fused with it, transforming into the monsterous Dan Phantom. Destroying Vlad’s home and murdering his human half, Dan ventured out around the globe to begin massacring humanity in relish.

In terms of raw power, Dan is difficult to place, as he lacks any proper feats of his own from which he can be properly scaled. As such, I’ll need to make some assumptions.

As of Season 2, Danny’s most impressive calculated feat is the crater he created in the first episode while fighting the Lunch Lady, a sizable 533 tons of tnt.


Since Vlad Plasmius is shown to be far stronger than Danny at this point, even capable of beating him one handed, I’ll assume he’s at least twice as strong at 1066 tons of tnt. Seeing how Dan is both their ghost forms combined, his power should be at the bare minimum 1599 tons of tnt. Keep in mind, this does not account for Danny’s demonstrated ability to get stronger over time or the ten years that Dan has to develop his powers, so he’s likely much stronger than that, but this is the best number I can give him as those things aren’t really quantifiable.

Dan has demonstrated to have all the powers of his individual counterparts (as of Season 2 anyways). This includes his basic Intangibility, invisibility, flight, body manipulation, ectoplasm manipulation, body possession, and regeneration. Dan should be capable of regenerating from luiquification and being turned to dust, something that other weaker ghosts have shown to do and something Danny himself has done, and, unlike his halfa counterpart, Dan’s regeneration cannot be nullified by beating him back into human form. Dan can create holes in his body and swivel his neck around, has shown to generate storms with his presence (see the swirling sky during his fight with Danny at the Nasty Burger, which was not present before Dan revealed himself), and he can duplicate himself at least up to four times, splitting his energy between each duplicate. It is unknown if Dan can duplicate as many times as Vlad can in Season 3, but it is likely, meaning he can create enough duplicates to possess an entire town. He even retains Danny’s ability to sense nearby ghosts, although, it’s unknown if he has Danny’s later developed ice powers.

As far as powers unique to Dan goes, he can shapeshift to disguise as his younger self, can create portals to the ghost zone by himself, can forcibly fuse objects inside of people’s bodies, and can nullify the natural regeneration of most ghosts, such as when he broke Johnny 13’s spine or destroyed Ember’s vocal cords. What’s worse, is that as a result of his timeline eventually being erased, Dan now exists outside of time entirely so long as he has the Time Medallion on him, meaning he’s immune to time manipulation entirely and can freely time travel. However, taking this medallion away from him will likely erase him from existence entirely, as it’ll bind him to the rules of regular time again.

None of this is even counting his most powerful ability, his Ghostly Wail. This massive soundwave generated from his vocal cords is capable of descimating entire armies with ease.

As you can see, Dan is a hax machine with superpowers galore, but what makes him truly deadly is his knowledge of how to use them. While it’s shown that he does not retain Vlad’s memories (as he doesn’t know where Vlad’s ghost portal is) he does retain Danny’s, and thus has all the experience of fighting off the most powerful ghosts Amity Park has ever seen. Dan Phantom is most evil being to exist in both the human world and the ghost zone. A one man apocalypse who single handedly wiped out the human race, Dan Phantom is the most vile and powerful ghost young Danny Phantom ever had to face.

Fight Theme:

Throwdown Breakdown:

Alright, first thing’s first, Omni-Man is coming in with a big strength advantage, clocking in at a massive 1900000 tons to Dan’s 1566 tons. A single punch is going to splatter Dan and a pissed off punch would likely vaporize him entirely.

Given the strength gap here, Omni Man’s win conditions become blatantly apparent. He could:

  1. Vaporize Dan with a really hard punch.
  2. Toss Dan into the sun.
  3. Remove Dan’s time medallion and paradox him away.

There’s just one big problem with that: Dan’s not an idiot. Sadistic and cocky, yes. Stupid, no. The second Dan gets splattered across the wall, he’s gonna regen and take off his kiddy gloves.

Dan’s next move woukd likely be his ghost wail, and upon seeing that do absolutely nothing, will immediately stopping fucking around and start killing him. And the ways Dan can kill Omni Man are numerous. There is absolutely nothing Nolan can do to stop Dan from going intangible and pulling his brain out or even just possessing his body and going on a joy ride. Nolan lacks any feats of mental resistance that would imply he could combat any such powers.

I will concede it’s entirely possible for Dan to piss Nolan off enough for him to get vaporized in one punch. It’s not exactly out of character for Dan to push the “does your family know your a supervillain” button, but even that would require plain old luck given Dan has zero knowledge of Nolan. And that problem goes both ways when considering that Nolan had no way of knowing about the Time Medallion.

This isn’t a fight, this us a quick draw. Dan can get up if he misses his shot while Nolan can’t, and Dan’s not going to miss twice.

Keep reading


Headcanon: Of course they’ve seen The Boys. Jon likes the show, and before the superpowers and everything Jordan did too. Except now it just makes him uncomfortable. Especially Homelander. Once, Jordan even had a nightmare about him. Lets just say, he hasn’t watched the show since. 

Wait until he stumbles upon the Invincible series…
