#not in my brain

theaceandaroadvocacyproject:Next up in our Aspec Voices series is Aros who have been in or want romatheaceandaroadvocacyproject:Next up in our Aspec Voices series is Aros who have been in or want roma


Next up in our Aspec Voices series is Aros who have been in or want romantic relationships! Thanks to everyone wo contributed, including @a-romantic–aromantic! 

These graphics feature some quotes from the article, which you can read in full here: https://taaap.org/2022/02/24/asaw-22-aros-romance/

[ID: “I really enjoy affection and the act of being cared for in a romantic way, but I also need my partners to understand that I don’t have relationship hierarchies in my head- I don’t value them more than my friends. “ - Alex. “Ideally I wouldn’t live with my partner, we’d have our own space, and they’d understand I’m seeking intimacy and closeness more than romance and sex.” - Ky. “I largely try to stay away from it, but I’ve seen quite a bit of anti-romance sentiment coming from some aro people, and I understand ranting about it, I understand wanting nothing to do with it, but the homophobic, racist, and ableist implications of being anti-romance make me uncomfortable.” - Magpie. 

“Being aromantic affects a lot of aspects of my relationships. Since I’m aroflux, my orientation switches around a lot. I’ll go from being romantically attracted to someone to suddenly wanting no romance at all.“ - Mars Naomi. “You don’t need to be hungry to think the cake looks delicious. You don’t need to feel a romantic attraction to want to do the cutesy mushy romantic stuff. - Amalthæ. “[Aromanticism] also means I am barely ever interested in someone despite pretty much constantly wanting to be which is frustrating.” - Theo. End ID.]

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