#obey me mammon


What do the demon brothers do together on a snow day?

There are two activities the demon brothers do as a whole group when there’s been heavy snowfall.  

Thefirst is a snowball fight.  Well, after they drag Lucifer out of the house, anyway.  He’ll be opposed to it, claiming that it’s childish and he has more important things to take care of.  Even so, all it takes is a sudden snowball hit from Mammon (accidental), Satan, or Belphegor for the eldest brother to immediately join in.  His aim is accurate and precise, able to land a hit on any part of his brothers just about every time regardless of distance or their speed.  

Asmodeus is sort of against this whole thing, too, since he doesn’t want to get hurt or wet from the snowballs and risk ruining his skin, or get sweaty from running around, or be out in the cold in general–  Never mind, Mammon’s snarky remarks have Asmo quickly tag-teaming with Lucifer to take down his scummy older brother along with the others.  He’s not the greatest at landing hits, so he gets frustrated easily.  When he starts getting tired, he’ll pause to take pictures in the middle of the fight to post on Devilgram, which is the perfect time for the others to pummel him with snowballs.  

Belphegor normally would prefer sleeping in the warmth and comfort of his bed inside, but the opportunity to attack Lucifer without severe consequences is too good for him to pass up.  He’ll be wide awake in the beginning, partnering with Satan to ambush the eldest brother while also tossing snowballs at anyone who get in his way (except Beelzebub, who’s actually guarding him).  He’s pretty good at successfully hitting his targets, but over time, he’ll lose energy and can barely throw a snowball past his feet.  Soon enough, he’ll be found asleep under a pile of snowballs (or in his tired mind, a snow blanket).

Most would think that Leviathan would rather stay in his room, but when it comes to snowball fights, he’s suddenly more active than usual and full of enthusiasm.  He’ll feel like the RPG and anime characters with ice powers and want to shout out their attacks as he throws snow at his brothers in various–and impractical–ways; the brothers know it’s coming when he calls out, so they typically dodge all of his throws.  Then, he’ll begin rambling about how this fight is just like that one snow day filler episode of an insanely-long-titled anime, which only makes him vulnerable for a snowball onslaught since he’s distracted and none of the brothers really want to listen to him.  Since he’s not used to this much physical activity, he’ll be as exhausted as Belphie by the end of the fight.  

Another very spirited member of this game is Satan, mainly because he’s eager to knock Lucifer down a peg–and down in general with a bunch of snowballs.  Everyone is wary around him because his throws really hurt; he knows the best ways to shape and angle the throws for the most effect (and he might be muttering spells onto the snow before he throws it…).  Also, everyone can sense Satan’s growing wrath each time the eldest brother dodges his snowballs and manages to hit him, making him more of a danger with each passing minute.  Still, most of his aim is directed at Lucifer, so the others only have to worry if they decide to start attacking him.  

But who would be foolish brave enough to throw a snowball at the Avatar of Wrath?  Why, the Great Mammon, of course!  He’s the one who suggested the snowball fight and convinced his brothers to at least come outside with him, so he’s itching to show off his prowess to them.  He’s incredibly skilled when he puts his mind to it, but he prefers to just throw hard and fast without needing to put a lot of thought into it.  He won’t run out of energy either, being constantly agile (from all the times he’s had to run and avoid Lucifer and debt-collectors) and rebuilding snowballs as quick as he tosses them.  He might be having the most fun out of all his brothers, but he’s also the one getting targeted the most aside from Lucifer.

AndBeelzebub?  He’ll start off as a spectator, devouring the snacks he brought outside with him while watching the snowball fight from the sidelines.  When he runs out of food, he’ll consider eating the snow, but Belphie quickly notices that look in his twin’s eyes from afar and warns him not to.  At this point, Belphie gets hit with a snowball since he was distracted by Beel, which is what drives Beel to join the fight.  He’s mostly just protecting his twin, taking every snowball that lands on him like it’s nothing and only tossing one back whenever someone keeps purposely attacking him, which is usually Mammon.  His snowballs aren’t the best since his growling stomach keeps urging him to take a bite out of them (and sometimes he does if Belphie isn’t watching), but his throws are as strong as Satan’s, making him a worthy opponent if he actually participated seriously.


Thesecond activity the demon brothers do together comes right after the snowball fight:  Warming up and chatting together in HoL’s common room.  They’ll change out of what they were wearing outside and put on comfy clothes before reuniting as a group in the common room, a few of them huddled in front of the fireplace and the others sitting comfortably on the sofas.

Lucifer will finish changing first to make hot cocoa for everyone.  He ensures he gets to the kitchen before Satan, considering the first few times this rebellious demon made the cocoa, there was always something weird laced in the eldest brother’s cup only.  The drinks are ready just before the rest of the brothers enter the common room, and although Asmodeus and Beelzebub are the only ones who openly admit it, they all love the way Lucifer makes hot cocoa.  He also tries to sit the furthest from his brothers just so he can quietly watch them and take in the relaxed atmosphere (until someone suddenly starts an argument).  It’s one of the rare moments Lucifer genuinely smiles, but his brothers are too distracted in their conversations to notice it.

When he’s not eyeing the others’ hot cocoa, Beelzebub keeps the flame going in the fireplace.  He wants to make sure everyone stays warm after being outside in the cold for so long.  Plus, he’s like a walking heat pack, so he’ll share his own warmth with anyone who needs it.  Belphegor and Asmodeus usually hog him for heat, but he’ll try to move around to get to his other brothers, too.  And, if they happen to still have cocoa left in their cups…  Well, consider it payment for his warmth.  He’ll eventually have to go to the kitchen to satiate his hunger, though.

Belphegor will bring his pillow and a blanket with him to the common room in order to set up a cozy spot for himself in front of the fireplace.  He’ll ignore Mammon’s complaints about how unfair it is that he’s taking up the whole area by the fire, pretending to have already fallen asleep, but he’ll smirk when Lucifer scolds Mammon for simply not returning to the common room soon enough to claim the spot (plus he’s the spoiled baby brother, what do you expect).  Also, whenever Beel is next to him, he’ll reposition himself so he can lean against his twin for added warmth.  He’ll nap on and off during this time, only waking up when Beel moves or when the bickering among his brothers gets too loud.

While the eldest brother and the twins are the most quiet during this time, Asmodeus is an absolute chatterbox (on top of his teeth occasionally chattering at first from how cold he is).  In the beginning, he’s mostly whining about how it was freezing outside, how annoying Mammon was for throwing so many snowballs at him relentlessly, and how much cream he needed to apply to his dry skin once he was inside.  But then he’ll move on to sharing how great some of his snow pictures came out–despite being pelted with snowballs while he was taking them–, how stunning Lucifer’s focused face looked during the fight–making Satan click his tongue in annoyance and Lucifer shake his head–, and any of the latest gossip he can think of.  For the most part, he’ll remain in front of the fireplace snuggling with Beel and Belphie, refusing to let go of them.

Mammon is a little tired from exerting his energy during the snowball fight, but he’s still his rambunctious self, refueled from the hot cocoa and talking up a storm along with Asmo.  He’ll keep bringing up how awesome he was during the fight and nudge his brothers to praise him as well.  Instead, his brothers will mention how it’d be better if he was that passionate about his schoolwork and properly managing his money, but he’ll brush them off.  He’ll join in on Asmo’s gossip and add in his own discussion topics, like the fancy expensive items he saw in the stores downtown.  He’s only able to get “Beel the Heat Pack” by his side on the sofa by bribing him with some gum he had in his pocket, which soon leads to him shouting about how the rest of his hot cocoa is gone.

Leviathan will bring his portable gaming system with him to the common room and sit on the sofa across from Mammon to better ignore the older brother’s loud voice and avoid getting smacked by his arms gestures when he talks.  He’ll be focused on his game most of the time, but he’ll listen to his brothers’ conversations in the background so he can find an opportunity to chime in when he feels comfortable.  He really only speaks up to dispute Mammon’s notions or if anything that was said surprised him or reminded him of something he’s watched or played.  He can handle cooler temperatures well, so he’s content with the heat from his running game system to keep warm, along with the fire nearby.

Satan will be quiet at first, still steaming from the few hits he landed on Lucifer during the snowball fight and how he didn’t get to the kitchen soon enough to spike the eldest brother’s hot cocoa as revenge.  And why does the cocoa have to taste so good, too, huh?!  His burning frustration inside his chest doesn’t allow him to experience any chill from being outside earlier.  His gaze is focused on the fireplace to prevent his anger from coming out, and both the motions of the flames and his brothers’ calmer-than-usual voices help him to settle down.  He’ll soon join in on whatever conversation is going on, adding his knowledge and opinions when applicable.  Since Levi is next to him, he’ll occasionally glance over at what he’s playing; if it’s interesting enough to him, he’ll ask Levi about it and engage in a brief side conversation with him.

The brothers stay like this for a while until they eventually trickle out to go about their individual tasks.  Although they initially reject Mammon’s idea about doing this again the next time it snows, they all end up doing it again anyway everytime because yes, they actually do enjoy this “not-tradition” they have in the winter; being completely honest is just not their forte.

(Another very common prompt/headcanon, haha.  But it’s one of my favorites, so I wanted to give it a try.)

How do each of the demon brothers respond to MC seeking comfort after a nightmare?

Lucifer will still be awake, his back against the headboard of his bed as he sifts through some documents from his recent meeting with Diavolo, when MC knocks on the door to his room.  He’ll invite them inside without looking up, only giving them his full attention when he notices they haven’t said anything after entering.  Noticing their troubled expression and hesitation to speak what’s on their mind, he’ll take off his reading glasses and set them and the documents aside.  He already knows exactly what’s happened.  He’s dealt with this scenario before when his brothers were younger, so he’ll beckon them to sit next him and tell him about their nightmare.  After they finish explaining it, he’ll ease their concerns with both logic (i.e. “It’s not possible for…”) and reassurance (i.e. “I’d make sure that wouldn’t happen to you.”).  If they still feel too anxious to go back to sleep alone, he’ll decide to retire early (dude it’s 3 a.m., what do you mean early?) for the night so that they can sleep in his bed while he holds them in his arms.  Lucifer is secretly pleased that they chose to come to him for comfort.  It isn’t until MC is dozing off–when he thinks they’re asleep–that they feel his lips curve into a smile on the crown of their head.  He’s soft for this human, so he’d be willing to aid them again like this if they needed it.

Mammon will jolt awake upon hearing knocking at his bedroom door.  He’ll be in a daze as he saunters over to the door to open it, grumbling to himself all the while.  He’ll start complaining to the person on the other side for waking him up only to pause in the middle of his sentence once he realizes it’s MC.  He’s wide awake now, fumbling over his words as he tries to put on his usual bravado.  What are ya doin’ here at this hour, MC?  Don’t tell him ya had a nightmare or somethin’!  He’ll snicker at the idea but immediately stop when MC admits that’s the case.  He’s surprised they came to him about this, but boy does that put him on cloud nine.  Well, o-of course ya came to the Great Mammon to cheer you up, MC!  Why wouldn’t ya?  He’ll pull them inside his room and sit them down on the couch with him, asking them to tell him about their nightmare.  …Yeesh, you’ve got some scary dreams there, human.  Still, he’ll flash a confident grin and promise them they have nothing to fear with him around.  To help them forget about the nightmare, Mammon will suggest they just hang out together for a bit, like chatting, playing a card game, or watching something on his projector screen.  If they’d like to spend the rest of the night with him because they don’t want to sleep alone, his cheeks will turn crimson red at the idea, but he’ll ultimately accept, telling them they should be grateful he’s so nice to them.  Once the two of them are in his bed, Mammon will maneuver MC’s head to rest on his chest or in the crook of his neck while wrapping his arms around them.  He’ll assure them that they won’t have any more bad dreams with him around, and he’ll later add that they can come to him again whenever they have nightmares.

Leviathan will be in the middle of an online game with a group of friends and won’t answer the door at first.  Once he finishes the match, he’ll begrudgingly open the door to find MC already beginning to walk away.  They’ll apologize for bothering him and say they don’t need anything, but Levi can tell they’re not acting like themselves.  Making sure no one else is around, he’ll force them inside the room and ask what’s going on.  Wait, that sad expression…  Did your favorite character from that manga die, MC?  It’s all right, he understands that pain.  You can always tell it’s coming when that character suddenly is the center of attention and their backstory plays out–  Oh, that’s not it?  …A nightmare?  And you went to him out of everyone to help you feel better?!  Levi will be flustered by this turn of events, but he won’t turn MC away.  Rather, he knows just what to do to distract them from such troubling dreams.  After logging off of the game he was playing, he’ll bring out his favorite comfort anime and video games and let MC pick one to watch/play with him.  Levi will glance at them every once in a while to gauge their mood, and once they seem more relaxed, he’ll be relieved that he was able to help.  If they want to spend the rest of the night with him, he’ll gladly agree to it and suggest others things for them to watch, play, or even read with him.  If they’d rather go back to sleep but don’t want to be alone, this poor demon will be a blushing and stuttering mess.  It’ll take a lot of convincing and reassurance that no, he isn’t gross or yucky and no, they don’t mind if it’s a little cramped together in the bathtub bed.  Once MC mentions Levi’s presence would be able to keep their nightmares away, he’ll finally agree, feeling a surge of pride from such a comment.  So, he’ll nervously climb in the bed next to them and have to whisper aloud to himself to stay calm.  He’ll tentatively put an arm around them, and they’ll snuggle closer to his warmth and mutter words of appreciation.  In the back of his mind, Levi hopes they continue to rely on him like this.

Satan will be more puzzled than irritated by the knocking on his bedroom door at such an hour.  Not wanting to get up from his spot on the bed, he’ll ask who it is.  Upon hearing MC’s oddly timid voice reply, he’ll put down his book and answer the door himself.  The light from his bedroom flashes on MC’s face, making them squint briefly and giving Satan a chance to examine their features.  Tired eyes, worry lines, fidgeting when he asks what’s the matter…  MC, did you by chance have a nightmare?  They nod silently, having been easily deduced.  Satan will guide them inside and prompt them to tell him about it while sitting next to him on the bed.  He’s read about the many different interpretations of dreams and what can cause nightmares, so he’ll rationalize why they may have had this particular bad dream and suggest what they can do to better prevent it in the future.  If this isn’t enough to calm them, he’ll then suggest they join him for a bit while he reads; MC can read a comforting book by themselves next to him or let him read aloud to them, whichever makes them feel more at ease.  Afterward, if they mention they don’t want to go back to sleep alone, Satan’s eyes will widen, a blush creeping on his cheeks.  The reaction is gone once he clears his throat, and he’ll make sure there’s no books on his bed to allow them to get more comfortable.  He’ll position their head on his chest and rake his fingers through their hair soothingly until they fall asleep.  He hopes his advice helps them, but he also doesn’t mind if they want to come to him again after a nightmare.

Asmodeus will be annoyed at first when he’s awoken to knocking on his door in the middle of the night.  Who dares disturb his beauty sleep?!  Are they trying to ruin his skin?!  He swings open the door, ready to chew out whichever one of his brothers has the nerve to bother him.  His frustration immediately vanishes at the sight of MC staring back at him with wide eyes.  They nervously apologize for waking him and consider leaving, but Asmo ushers them inside, assuring them that they’re the only one who can visit his room anytime, day or night.  It’s light enough for him to see their worried features, so to help them relax a bit, he’ll tease that they must be here for some late-night fun.  Not being met with the reaction he was hoping for, he’ll apologize and ask them to tell him what they really need.  He’s all ears!  As they recount their nightmare, Asmo will wrap his arms around MC and rub soothing circles on their back, even kissing the tears off their cheeks if they start to cry.  He’ll assure them that everything is okay now and offer to stay with them for the rest of the night to help them sleep–he’ll be good, he promises!  If it’s fine with them, Asmo will return to his bed with MC in tow and cuddle them close.  He’ll kiss their forehead a few times, claiming that it’ll guarantee they only have good dreams the rest of the night.  Once they’re drifting off, he’ll giggle softly at their cute expression, prompting him to give a little kiss on the tip of their nose before he goes back to sleep himself.

Beelzebub will be gnawing on his pillow when MC’s knocks wake him up.  After coughing out a few feathers, he’ll get up to answer the door.  His surprise turns into concern when he looks at MC’s troubled face, and he’ll ask them what’s wrong.  Once they explain they had a nightmare, Beel will nod in understanding, having experienced plenty of bad dreams before–food- and family-related.  He’ll invite them to tag along with him to the kitchen for a late-night snack and tell him about the nightmare on the way.  He’ll sympathize with them and share some of his favorite snacks to help them feel better.  He believes it’s important for MC to get their rest, so he’ll end his late-night kitchen raid earlier than normal and encourage them to go back to bed.   He’s happy to walk them back to their room and make sure they’re relaxed and comfortable, but he’s actually the one to offer to sleep with them so they won’t be alone.  If they’d like to stay with him, he’ll smile warmly before guiding them back to his room (or theirs, if they’d prefer)–even carrying them on the trip back if they’re getting drowsy.  Once the two of them are in bed, Beel’s arms will encircle MC completely and firmly, but he’ll do his best to be gentle to avoid accidentally hurting them.  He’ll tell them that they can feel safe in his hold and won’t have to worry about any other bad dreams tonight.  He’s glad he can be there for MC when they need him.

Belphegor obviously isn’t going to wake up easily to knocking on the door, so MC will have to enter his room on their own and shake him to get his attention.  He’ll be groggy when he finally decides to open his eyes and figure out what the fuss is all about.  He becomes a little more alert when he hears the hesitance in their voice, readjusting his position to show he’s paying attention and urging them to get to the point.  Hold on, this is just about a nightmare?  …All right, climb in here next to him and tell him about it.  As they’re explaining their bad dream, Belphie will cuddle them to help them stay calm, and although his eyes are closed, he’ll give intermittent hums to let them know he’s listening.  He’s no stranger to nightmares, so he can understand MC’s desire to seek comfort after having such bad ones.  Despite being more tired than MC at the moment, he’ll force himself out of bed and instruct them to grab some pillows and a blanket.  He’ll carry his usual pillow in one hand and hold MC’s wrist with the other as he leads them to the Planetarium.  The two of them will set up a cozy spot on the floor for them to lay on so they can look up at the stars.  Belphie will point out his favorite constellations in the Devildom and tell MC stories surrounding their origins.  He’ll also recall some memories from when he’s stargazed with his brothers.  All the while, he’ll keep MC close to his side to share their warmth.  Once he sees that they’ve relaxed, he’ll tuck the blanket more around them and say they may as well just sleep there the remainder of the night; there’s no way he’s getting up again.  Before MC can answer, he’ll snuggle closer to them while assuring that they’d get better rest with him there.  After all, he knows he always sleeps better when they’re around.  He’ll welcome them with open arms (quite literally) anytime they have bad dreams.

How do the demon brothers react to Belphegor attacking MC in Lesson 16?

Warnings: Mentions of blood and death; Angst

In Lesson 16, we only get very brief glimpses of the brothers’ individual responses when Belphegor attacks the alternate-timeline MC, who ends up dying/disappearing in Mammon’s arms.  Using the dialogue from the game, I wanted to delve a little deeper into their reactions (minus Belphegor’s) to make the event more impactful.  A big thanks to @tehsammutna​ for her input and for letting me bounce ideas off her!

The six demon brothers are in the common room of HoL when they suddenly hear screaming, maniacal laughter, and loud thumps down the stairs.  They rush to the entrance hall to discover MC’s limp, distorted figure lying at the foot of the stairs as Belphegor looms over them with a wicked smile.

Mammon is the first to react, running as fast as his legs will take him only to collapse on his knees next to MC.  He holds the human’s bloody body close to him, calling out to them frantically while paying no mind to Belphegor, who may as well have been invisible.  His primary focus is trying to keep MC conscious.  He’s too alarmed to really be more productive, like considering the use of healing magic or providing any kind of first aid, although neither may have been of any help at that point anyway.  Belphie notes that Mammon is acting like it’s the end of the world, and for Mammon, it really feels like it.  He’s choking back sobs, a few teardrops falling down onto MC’s face as their eyes grow more dull/distant and their breathing slows.  Despite this, he continues talking to them in vain, doing what he can to keep their eyes open and muttering promises he wouldn’t keep in hopes of a miracle that would keep them alive.  “MC, don’t you die! MC…!”

Beelzebub is suffering the most from all of this.  He’s just looking back and forth between MC and his twin brother in fear and disbelief, wondering how Belphegor is here and why he attacked MC.  He can hardly pay further attention to the situation in front of him as his mind is filled with intense flashbacks from when he couldn’t save Lilith during the Celestial War.  His vision is fusing Lilith and MC together, and now he’s beginning to blame himself for everything that’s happening.  He’s telling himself that it’s his fault that MC is in this state, just like he still feels at fault for not being able to protect Lilith from that fatal hit.  He’s also telling himself that he should’ve somehow been able to find and stop Belphie before this occurred, even though he had no idea Belphie was in the attic.  Tears well up in his eyes without him realizing it, but he does feel the regret and rage surging inside him, both at himself and toward his twin.  “Belphie, what have you done?!”

Leviathan is totally out of it at first while gazing at MC’s messy, motionless form.  The sight reminds him of a heart-wrenching scene in TSL between the Lord of Shadows and Henry.  He was starting to see MC as his Henry more and more recently, so the comparison made a few tears roll down his cheeks.  It was then that he overcame his initial shock and registered how upset he truly was by this event.  This can’t be real, he thinks repeatedly.  I’m just having a nightmare because of that TSL marathon I had with MC the other day.  It’s not real.  But as he watches MC continue to bleed out and show no signs of speaking or moving, reality fully sets in, crushing any hope of this being an illusion and making his legs grow weak.  “This is awful.  What’s going to happen to MC?!”

Satan remains as still as MC is, his mind swarming with information and emotion.  Ever the logical thinker, he studies MC’s body from where he’s standing to get an analysis on their condition using what he’s learned from his reading and through MC about humans.  However, he keeps being interrupted from his examination with bursts of wrath, tempting him to lunge at Belphegor right then and there and make him feel pain as terrible–if not more–as what MC was likely experiencing in that moment.  But he kept pushing his anger back down and returning his attention to the human.  The further he gets to the conclusion that MC isn’t going to make it, the more frequent and severe his internal rage becomes.  Unbeknownst to him at the time, his anger is merely a secondary emotion to the growing sadness he’s experiencing from the state MC is in.  “MC is a human.  With injuries this bad, the chances of survival are…”

Asmodeus shrieks the moment he sees MC’s body.  Rather than being struck frozen with shock, he’s very vocal and moves about in a panic.  After MC is in Mammon’s arms, Asmo approaches them and checks MC for a pulse and if they’re breathing.  Noticing that MC’s breathing is getting weaker, his alarm only intensifies.  He begs for his brothers’ help, but they’re mostly unresponsive due to their own reactions and internal conflicts.  He also starts asking Belphegor question after question without giving him a chance to respond, such as “What’s gotten into you Belphie?”; “How do you know MC?; “Why would you hurt them?!"  He then wonders if MC is still breathing and returns his attention to them before once more pleading for help, repeating the cycle again.  “Lucifer, can’t we do something?!”

Lucifer is trying his best to manage everything around him, including himself.  Although he’s normally the most rational and composed brother in a crisis, his emotions and thoughts are running so rampant that he isn’t able to be very productive in this situation.  There’s rage and shock toward Belphie, immense fear and concern toward MC, and increasing frustration from the many overwhelming reactions and voices of his other brothers.  He’s used to juggling a lot at once, but thisThis was too much for him.  The whole reason he kept Belphie locked away was to prevent such an incident, and now he wondered if he was actually wrong in his decision.  If he had dealt with the Belphegor differently, perhaps MC would be smiling and chatting with him and his brothers right now, rather than withering away before his very eyes.  His stern expression gradually weakens to reveal how helpless and defeated he feels, much to Belphie’s delight.  “Belphie, you…”… “Gr…!”

(It’s cold and a set of pjs (something like this) made me think of this prompt, so here we are, haha.  I hope you feel warm and cozy reading through this fluff!)

How would each of the demon brothers react to seeing MC in fuzzy/cuddly pajamas?

Lucifer will lightly tease MC about how childish or cute they look in the pajamas before continuing whatever he was in the middle of doing.  However, in the back of his mind, he’ll keep wondering what the pajamas feel like.  MC went on about how soft and comfy the clothing was, but perhaps…he could find a way to determine that himself.  It doesn’t take long for Lucifer to give into the temptation, so the next night, he’ll request MC to meet him in his study once they’re ready for bed.  Once MC arrives, they don’t have a chance to ask him what he needs before he pulls them close and buries his face in their shoulder.  He even removed his gloves earlier so he could fully experience how fluffy the material is.  Regardless of MC’s reaction, he’s satisfied with the results; it definitely left him feeling recharged, too.  He’ll release them shortly thereafter, explaining that he wanted to see if the pajamas lived up to MC’s praises before nonchalantly returning to his work.

Mammon will snicker at MC’s attire, commenting on how they remind him of a sheep.  Fed up with his remarks, MC will try to leave, but Mammon will quickly get in their way and promise to keep his thoughts to himself as long as they stay.  So, what’s so great about these pajamas of yours anyway, MC?  He doesn’t get the appeal.  Like, there’s no way it’s that sof–  What the–?!  Seriously?!  He’s never had clothing this crazy soft before!  There’s a market for this?!  He’s on-board, scheming away on how he could find material just as fluffy and make a ton of Grimm selling his own line of “Sheep Pajamas.”  But, uh, to make sure that he fully knows what material to be looking for, he’d like MC to let him…y’know…hug ‘em for a bit.  There’s no other reason he wants to hold them, he’ll claim.  However, once Mammon has his arms wrapped around MC–letting the fluffy pajamas engulf his hands and face–he doesn’t plan on letting go any time soon.  In the end, he’ll snuggle with MC for the rest of the night until he falls asleep, his grip still tight around them.

Leviathan immediately will start gushing about how much MC looks like a character from an anime he recently watched.  He’ll show a picture of the character on his phone and start rambling about the comparison between them and MC, the character themselves, and even into the story’s plot line if MC lets him get that far.  Anyway, since the anime character obviously isn’t real, he’d appreciate it if MC would let him touch the material on their pajamas–  No, wait!!  Never mind!  That’s creepy, isn’t it?  He’ll apologize profusely, worried that they were grossed out by the initial request, especially when it came from someone like him.  Before Levi can get into a self-deprecating rant, MC will have to put his hand on their long sleeve to express that he’s permitted to feel it.  Levi will be flustered at first, but then he’ll be in awe at how comfy and fluffy the pajamas are.  Oooowoooaaah!!  So this is how that character must feel!  Levi will thank them for this enlightening experience.  You know, MC, if you really like this kind of clothing, he’d be willing to sew together some more for you.  If they say the word, he’d do it in a heartbeat, eager to see them frequently wearing something he made with a bright smile on their face.

Satan will chuckle and question why MC chose to get those pajamas.  Whatever the reason, he’ll note that they look adorable.  In fact, if the pajamas had a hood with cat ears or a tail sewn on the back…  He’ll have to hide his blush from the even cuter image of MC that’s forming in his mind.  If they do have any cat-like features/designs, he’ll ask if he can take a closer look at them and maybe even take a picture on his phone to make his home screen background.  Satan will be open to MC snuggling close to him while he reads so he can get a taste of how soft the clothing’s material is.  However, he won’t be able to focus on his book very well as he runs his free hand soothingly over their arm or back.  It really is as soft as a fluffy cat!  He can’t get enough!  …MC, what do you mean he’s been on the same page for several minutes?  You know what, never mind.  He’d rather engage in his own research about these pajamas and how they compare to the fur textures of different cats.  So, let him cuddle you properly for a bit, MC.

Asmodeus will squeal at the sight of MC in the fuzzy pajamas and proceed to take several pictures of them alone and together with him.  All of Devilgram should know how absolutely precious you look, MC!  But, while his followers only get to look, Asmo is lucky enough to have MC and their fluffiness all to himself!  MC will have to quickly set boundaries, otherwise his hands will be all over them to feel the soft clothing.  Once he’s content, MC can go to sleep, right?  Sure, as long as Asmo can come along and snuggle next to them.  Again, boundaries will need to be clarified because his hands will want to roam everywhere just to take in how warm and cozy they feel.  He’ll be even happier if MC wraps their arms around him so he can nestle his face into the clothing right below their neck; otherwise, if their back is facing him, he’ll pull them closer and bury his face between their shoulder blades.  They may not notice through the thick clothing, but Asmo will plant gentle kisses on them and murmur how much he loves getting to cuddle them like this before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Beelzebub is a little confused by MC’s attire.  Did they shave an animal to get that fur?  If so, what kind of animal was it?  He’ll start thinking about his favorite kinds of cooked meat and begin drooling.  To regain his focus, MC will have to explain that they’re just pajamas and why they chose to get them.  Beel will nod in understanding and comment that he likes how the clothing looks on them.  He’ll then ask if he can touch their pajamas, and if MC is okay with it, he’ll rub his hand over their long sleeve.  …Oh, it’s really soft!  He’ll chuckle at the fuzzy feeling.  He’ll then suggest they have a movie night together so they can eat snacks and cuddle, which allows him to enjoy the pajamas’ coziness as much as MC does.  He might even ask MC to go shopping with him another day so he can get his own set of fluffy pajamas; might as well get a set for Belphegor, too, so the three of you can match.

Belphegorwill take one look at MC in their pajamas and then immediately wrap himself around them, refusing to let them go.  Why are you surprised, MC?  You’re wearing soft and cuddly clothing, so you’re like the best blanket or stuffed animal he’s ever held (except it’s even better because it’s you).  He’ll likely give a teasing remark about how they brought this upon themselves, and he’ll make sure MC and him go to bed early and sleep in late.  During the night, he’ll frequently nuzzle his face into their pajama top (either consciously or in his sleep) and grin widely.  Belphie doesn’t remember his dreams often, but after sleeping with MC in their soft pajamas, he’ll definitely recall how he dreamt of napping in a warm, sunny field surrounded by fluffy sheep.  He’ll ask MC to wear those pajamas every night and definitely pout whenever it’s in the wash.

[The Demons Brothers (New) Opened (7)]

Lucifer: Hello everyone.

Lucifer: How are you?



Asmo: All good here!

Beel: How are you, Lucifer?

Lucifer: Well I WAS fine…

Lucifer: …until I heard reports of a three-headed dog rampaging through the streets.

Lucifer: Would anyone happen to know about that?

Satan: Whatever do you mean, big brother?

Belphie: Things have been pretty quiet here…

Lucifer: Is that so?

Lucifer: And the fact that I’m holding Mammon’s half-eaten jacket right now has NOTHING to do with this?



Levi: Wait, you left it there??

Mammon: I was carrying a pig, I got hot!!


Mammon: Oh no, that was Belphie’s idea!!

Belphie: Sorry Mammon, you’re on your own.

Levi: Press F to pay respects…





Lucifer: I think you know where this is going, Mammon.

Lucifer: Are you going to make things challenging for me?


Asmo: He’s scaling down the garden wall.

Lucifer: Then the chase begins.

Lucifer: I’ll be back for the rest of you later.


Asmo: What? Why??

Satan: I knew we shouldn’t have got involved…

Beel: Do I still get dinner…?

Belphie: What a scumbag…

[Chat Ended]

[Emergency No Lucifer Chat Opened (6)]

Beel: Found him!

Asmo: Cerbie is at the park sniffing the light posts!

Beel: He’s already tore through a few buildings though…

Belphie: I’m sending Mammon.

Satan: Do you guys have a plan then?

Belphie: Yeah. I tied another pig to Mammon.

Belphie: He’ll run Cerberus home then Lotan will pick him up and put him back in his pin.



Satan: That’s the best you could come up with??

Belphie: What? It worked the first time.

Satan: Okay sure, but what if Mammon can’t outrun Cerberus??

Mammon: This thing is fuckin’ heavy…

Belphie: He’s fast, he’ll be fine.

Beel: If he starts slowing down, I’ll fly him back.

Mammon: Thanks Beel…

Levi: Whatever we do, we better hurry

Levi: Lucifer will be home any minute!!

Mammon: This better work, Belphie!

Satan: Let’s hope it does…

[Chat Ended]

[Emergency No Lucifer Chat Opened (6)]



Levi: We lost Cerberus!!!



Satan: You “lost” Cerberus?

Satan: How?? He’s the size of a house!

Mammon: First of all…

Mammon: It AIN’T my fault!

Belphie: So it is then.

Mammon: Shut UP!

Mammon: Look I mighta tried to lure him away from Lucifer’s safe and he MAY have ran away…

Levi: You tied a dead pig to a bus!!

Mammon: It worked didn’t it??

Belphie: This sounds like a lot of not my problem…


Asmo: Sorry Mammon!

Mammon: Please guys, ya gotta help me!

Mammon: Lucifer’s gonna kill me!!

Mammon: I’ll do anything ya want!! Promise!



Beel: Twenty orders of Madame Scream’s Raspberry Cheesecake.

Asmo: I’ve had my eye on this brand new nightshade eye cream!

Belphie: Cover for me in council meetings for a week.

Satan: I’ll save mine.

Satan: I’ll check the bus routes and what the next stops would be. Asmo, Beel go fly above and see if you can spot him.

Satan: Belphie, you help Levi and Mammon come up with a way to trap him.

Belphie: We may need Lotan…

Levi: On it!

Mammon: Thanks guys…

Mammon: Ya really saving my skin.

Beel: No problem.

Belphie: You owe us.

Satan: Thank us when we’re done.

Satan: Let’s go everyone!

[Chat Ended]


*it’s late at night in the human world and the brothers are all coming back home from seeing a movie. As they go to pile into the black mini-van they have to use to get anywhere, Levi speaks up in the parking lot*

Levi: So what did everybody think?

Satan: Well, I think the director should have-

Mammon:UGH! *the secondborn throws his hands up* Not out here, ya nerds! When you two get into it, ya’ll talk for hours!!

*Satan punches Mammon in the cheek while Levi elbows his side*


Levi: We’re not nerds! We’re story-telling enthusiasts!

Beel:*looks slightly disappointed* Their popcorn needed more salt…

Belphie: I think Levi was talking about the movie, Beel. Not the food.

Beel: Oh…

Asmo: Well, I was too distracted by the cutie in front of us to pay attention.

Lucifer:*sighs* We know Asmo… You were flirting through the entire runtime…

Asmo:*flashes a napkin with a bit of lipstick still on it* Successfully, might I add~?

Levi:*turns to Satan* So anyway, I thought the opening dragged a bit but it picked up around the thirty minute mark.

Satan:*nods in agreement* There was definitely a pacing issue at the start… I blame an overzealous attention to atmosphere-

Mammon:*rolls his eyes* Or ya know, maybe it’s ‘cause the damn thing is as long as one of Belphie’s naps…?

Belphie:*yawns like he just ran a marathon* Yeah, I can’t remember anything…

Lucifer:*pinches the bridge of his nose* That’s because you fell asleep into your popcorn bowl…

Beel: I tried REALLY HARD not to eat your head…

Belphie:*pats his twin’s arm* Thanks Beel.

Mammon: Anybody think the MC’s seen it already?

Asmo: Hmm, probably not. They’ve been really busy lately…

Mammon: That sucks… They’d like this movie. *he rubs his chin, seeming to think outloud* Hm… I bet there’d be an earlier showing tomorrow….

*though he doesn’t say it outloud, the brothers all exchange glances as they pick up on what he’s implying…*

Mammon: My idea!I call dibs!! *he pulls out his phone to call the MC, which gets snatched out of his hands by Levi’s tail*

Levi: No way, I’m asking them!! *he gets out his phone, but Belphie swats away like a mosquito*

Belphie: Hell no!! *he jumps back to try and grab his own but Lucifer plucks it away from behind*

Lucifer: You, Belphie? Please… You’d never stay awake. *though he frowns like he’s above this petty squabble, his free hand brushes over his pocket for his own phone… but…*

Mammon: Lookin’ for something~? *the greedy demon flashes a Cheshire grin while holding up Lucifer’s phone, which he pickpocketed away earlier in the theater*

Lucifer: ….



*the secondborn turns on his heel to run away from his enraged brother, both leaving the rest of the group in the dust as they take off down the parking lot*

Asmo:HEY!! Lucifer, if you’re going to chase Mammon then give us the car keys!!

Asmo:Lucifer!? Come on, Lucifer!! How are we supposed to get home!?!

Demigod MC Series: Nyx

Nyx is a primordial goddess and the Greek personification of Night - the mother of Hypnos, Thanatos, Nemesis, and many more. She’s a mysterious figure in their mythos as there’s little surviving info about her cult. What is known, however, is that she was portrayed as beautiful, powerful, and feared by Zeus himself.

Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia, Nyx


  • What happens when you take a being born from the darkness and place them in a realm of eternal night…?
  • The answer came when the MC first stepped out of the portal. Everyone in the room was wholly expecting a normal-looking, confused human they could get up to speed, however…
  • The MC’s skin suddenly darkened until it was as black as a shadow, their clothes levitated around them as if they were defying gravity, and glimmering speckles dotted their skin like twinkling stars.
  • Even their eyes turned a pure, glowing white without irises or pupils… Like two crowning stars locked into a body made from the shimmering night sky…
  • They weren’t human. At the time, Lucifer wasn’t even sure he could say what they were… Breathtaking, certainly, but there was something else about them that he couldn’t place… something… foreboding…
  • Diavolo must have had the same unease because Barbatos was put in charge of monitoring them. The butler would send reports to them both and the results would range from benign to nerve-racking…
  • They kept their distance from his brothers and most people, but their power seemed immense… Barbs would report seeing them making small items float or summoning a meteor shower from their fingertips!
  • Lucifer ended up actually tasting their powers only once. When they stepped in to protect Beel and Luke and he went to attack them…
  • The whole House began to shake and the candles of the tomb started going out one by one as the air grew intolerably heavy… He could have sworn he saw a vortex of… something… swirling at their feet…
  • He backed off immediately and Beel and Luke got off with a warning, mostly because he was trying not to look utterly petrified…
  • He’s never met a more beautiful and dangerous creature in his life… Pact mark or no, this is probably the only person the firstborn will admit he never wants to have to fight because he’d lose, big time.


  • He was expecting to find a human when he walked into the Student Council room, not an alien!!
  • Mammon was seriously scared of the MC when they first met because he legitimately believed they were an extraterrestrial sent to probe him!!… Or whatever else those scary movies say aliens do, lay eggs in his stomach?
  • He straight up avoided them like the plague until the Goldie incident more or less bound them together. But even then there was a distance between them he just couldn’t place…
  • Naturally, it bothers a demon a bit if their master doesn’t seem to like them, so he eventually cornered them one day to force them to tell him why they’d been running off!
  • As it turned out, the MC actually knew as little about their new form everybody else! They had been perfectly normal in the human world, but for some reason the Devildom supercharged them! They could tell that they were powerful, but had no idea how to control themselves yet and it scared them…
  • So Mammon became their first unofficial “coach.” Not that he knew how to train them or anything, but he was the first person supportive enough to even try to help them learn their new powers.
  • It led to some… interesting misadventures. Like when the MC unexpectedly burst every water pipe in the House or when they got a little too frustrated and ripped the kitchen apart with an accidental twister, but hey, Mammon was always there for them at least.
  • Of course, because he’s who he is, he’s not above asking the MC to help him with his schemes for “training purposes…” Infiltration is more fun if you’re weightless, after all!
  • Speaking of weightless… His favorite way to float is when the MC gets excited and hugs him. They can’t help but levitate them both off the ground when they’re that happy and it makes the whole hug that much sweeter.


  • It's… it’s like he’s in his very own Magical Girl anime!!! Uh, “I’m a Demon and this is My New Life with a Magic Starchild!!”-or something like that. ‍♀️
  • He didn’t even think their transformation was real when he first saw it! He really thought it was an elaborate body art cosplay but then their “freckles” rearranged themselves when he frightened them, so it had to be real!!
  • He’ll declare that they’re probably (literally) the coolest thing on the planet. They have the looks of an epic fantasy character plus insane powers to boot! 
  • …though uh… they may need a training arc or two to learn how to control them…
  • Since their powers are apparently tied to their emotions, Levi’s seen them do a whole bunch of stuff that’s not entirely on purpose… Like, they can make things float when they’re happy and push everything down when they’re sad. 
  • So once he showed them one of those “tragic ending” animes for fun, but they cried so hard that they increased gravity and accidentally sent his bathtub crashing into the basement…
  • The worst of it is when they’re mad, though. He made the mistake of making them play a rage game once and they ended up shattering all the glass in his room! His aquarium wall and Henry’s fishtank included!!
  • They were able to make a zero G sphere of water in order to save Henry’s life, but the cleanup was brutal… They were super sorry, but Levi took most of the blame himself anyway.
  • Honestly, he’d have been more mad but their body is clearly not something they can control just yet. Plus, it’s so cool that he can put up with a little destruction anyway, you know?


  • Well, isn’t that an interesting phenomenon?
  • Meeting a demigod is exciting enough, but one who reacted to the Devildom like that? It was pretty much unheard of!
  • Though he’d hate to admit it, Satan stalked the MC just as closely as Barbatos for a little while… But only because he was a little unsure of how to approach them…
  • They kept to themselves and their powers seemed “a little” unpredictable (see Levi’s orphaned bathtub). Thankfully, Mammon ended up recommending the MC to him since Satan’s one of the smartest guys around.
  • Satan made a better coach than Mammon, anyway. He was far more knowledgeable and actually able to hypothesize the strength their powers, which came in handy because uh… well…
  • Look. The whole realm ‘ooohs’and'ahhhs’ over their appearance but they’re all fools - no morons - for not noticing what potential the MC actually has. Satan was positive that the MC is the most powerful being in the Devildom, without question.
  • They had a complete control over gravity, atmospheric pressure, and even astronomical bodies… If they wanted to, they could literally pluck a planet out of orbit and send it careening into who knows what!
  • Want more terrifying? They could create near-matterless vacuums at the palms of their hands with the potential to suffocate, crush, or rip apart basically anything they wanted with implosive force….
  • Does he even need to spell out why that’s utterly horrifying??
  • At least the MC seemed to be a genuinely nice person who wanted to control their powers better… Their emotions often got in the way but they tried their best.
  • He likes the MC a lot, but he’d be lying if he said that they didn’t also terrify him… They may have been pretty normal in the human world, but give them endless night and they may as well be a god…


  • Oh… My… Father!!! They’re GORGEOUS!!!!
  • From the moment their transformation completed, Asmo had never seen anything like them! He said that they were like a living droplet of the night sky!
  • They were magnificent!! They were radiant!!! He was posting pictures of them before they had even said their first sentence!!
  • So Asmo was pretty much patient zero for any and all rumors and hype about the MC after that… Apparently someone like them only visits the Devildom every one, maybe two, centuries so everybody was bound to get talking.
  • Thankfully, the MC’s habit of ducking out of the House kept them from becoming a full on sideshow. Unfortunately, however, Asmodeus was relentless!
  • He’d beg them to try modeling or make videos with him because of their unique look! He’d lay on the praises, but it was a little… much. It wasn’t until Mammon finally stepped that he backed off a bit.
  • Asmo sometimes forgets that not everyone puts as much emphasis on looks as he does… Though he meant well, he hadn’t realized that the MC maybe wouldn’t appreciate him making such a big deal out of their appearance change. Pretty as it was, it was still involuntary to them…
  • Of course, after they told him this he cooled off and stopped putting them out there so publicly but even still he could hardly keep his eyes off of them… unless he was looking in a mirror, of course.
  • A fun fact about the MC: when they blush, their skin makes a pink nebula. And thanks to his antics, Asmo has seen their lively pink cheeks many, many times…


  • Belphie would like them, wouldn’t he…?
  • Beel’s first reaction upon seeing the MC was genuine sadness, as seeing the stars with his twin brother still gone often brought him… 
  • The sadness didn’t last too long at least because Beel tried his best to see the MC more like a person than a work of art or an oddity. Sure, they looked different - like really different - but they still laughed, cried, and ate like everybody else so they couldn’t be thatdifferent.
  • Though then again, most people don’t end up floating in midair when they laugh… Eh, oh well. It’s not like those little details bother him. ‍♀️
  • He always remained certain that Belphie would like the MC so he told them a lot about him. Since his twin loved stargazing, it’d only be natural that he’d like someone who looked like the stars, right?
  • Aside from the occasional tangent about his brother, Beel would also help the MC with their training by letting themhelphim with his training!
  • Controlling gravity can be pretty nifty for strength/resistance exercises, so there would be days where Beel would just pull a Dragon Ball and walk around at 1.5 or 2 times Earth’s gravity thanks to having the MC on his back!
  • Sure, lifting a glass of milk becane so difficult that he literally broke a sweat from trying, but he felt like he can juggle motorcycles afterwards so who’s complaining? Not him!


  • ……
  • ………….
  • Was it some kind of joke?
  • The MC was not human. There was no way in heaven or hell that whatever he lured to the attic was supposed to be a human!!
  • Really, everything about the MC and their situation seemed directly designed to throw a monkey wrench into his plans…
  • One: They weren’t human so how was he supposed to ruin Diavolo’s dream? Two: They were clearly some kind of magical being so they could likely defend themselves…
  • But third ans most embarrassing of all… he honestly, genuinely, has never seen a more amazing person in his life. Blame it on his soft spot for the stars, but the moment the MC step up to his prison bars, he was smitten…
  • And. He. HATED IT!
  • Look, as much as he loved the night sky, he wasn’t about to let some random non-human derail his anger! He was stronger than that!
  • He managed to hold onto his bitterness just long enough to make a halfhearted attempt on their life after they got the door open, but uh…
  • His brothers found Belphie when he fell through a newly-made hole in the ceiling… Said hole was made when his body slammed to the ground hard enough to crash through the attic floor…
  • If the damage they caused wasn’t enough to change his mind (which it was), then their distress when they thought they might have hurt him certainly did. Even their tears looked like stardust…
  • After far too long, Belphie got over his denial and began to properly love MC. If he liked stargazing before, he adored it now because he never even has to get out of bed! He can just roll over and follow the “stars” on the MC’s body!
  • Unfortunately, that same love means it also takes a lot to ditch him if they get sick of being his personal night’s sky… The brothers have found him floated up and sleeping on the ceiling on numerous occasions so the mortal can get some fresh air (clever MC)…

How the Brothers Would Try to Corrupt MC w/ Their Sin

I have a headcanon that it’s part of demonic nature to try and corrupt humans. Though I think it would be unlikely that the brothers would try to intentionally corrupt MC post-pact, it’s still like second nature to them. That means they may try to unintentionally, uh… infect their soul with sin and drag them down into eternal damnation! They don’t mean it, but be careful MCs of the world.


  • One of the hardest things to do can be to make others take pride in themselves… but Lucifer is always ready for a challenge.
  • The name of the game is praise. The human mind can be easy to manipulate so with enough praise even the most stubborn human will start to believe a drop of their own hype.
  • Building up pride is a steady thing… He’ll usually pick a strength or talent of the MC to give high praise. Perhaps they sing beautifully or they’re rather clever, don’t worry. He’d let them know.
  • Light sprinkles of praise steadily increase their self-esteem, which may seem nice and almost healthy at first, but in truth he’s laying a trap… He knows how effective his words can be and he’s just waiting for them to go to the MC’s head.
  • You think then he would be done right? Oh no. That’s not the fun part. What’s fun is to then offend that pride he’s spent so long building.
  • He thinks it’s cute, really. A small comment here or a little condensation there and they’ll get so mad. It’s just so amusing!
  • Of course, he can’t take what he dishes, so they’ll need to watch out. But don’t worry he loves them, even if they’re just a little too fun to play with…


  • Since when does the Avatar of Greed give gifts?
  • Really, that should be the MC’s first red flag. Mammon isn’t known for generosity, so when he’s spending what little money he can hold onto on them, it’s time to raise some eyebrows.
  • It may seem nice, almost sweet, when he manages to track down a rare vintage of wine for them or take them out to a ritzy restaurant for the night but unfortunately it’s all just part of the plan…
  • Nobody has tastes higher than Mammon. He can’t afford them most of the time, which leads to compromises, but given all the Grim in the world he’d be living in the lap of luxury - which is exactly the kind of lifestyle he wants the MC to crave too.
  • Anyone, no matter how modest, can give into temptation. How easy would it be to taste the sweetest wine or enjoy the most wonderful trip then want to do it again? It may seem innocent at first, but piling on the finer things can soon have the MC craving for them when they pass.
  • Then all Mammon needs is to make little promises, “If I make it big this time, then we’ll go to France!” or, “If I win this next hand then I’ll buy ya another glass." 
  • So how many times will the MC give Mammon a pass, then? Will they stop questioning how he comes up with his cash? Will they let him gamble just that "little bit” longer? Will they even join him…?
  • If they keep getting that taste of luxury, then maybe it’s not so bad… right?


  • You think the easiest way to get the MC jealous would be to flirt with other people since that’s how most people go about it but, uh… 
  • This is Levi we’re talking about. Casual flirting is pretty much out of the question.
  • So what is a demon to do to get their hapless human jealous? The answer is, be patient.
  • No one’s perfect, humans especially! They’ll slip up eventually… 
  • Maybe someone from back home just got a new car or they’re sending out marriage invites. 
  • Maybe they have a friend who’s better than them at school or sports or there’s just someone who has something they want: Money, talent, looks, followers, friends, you name it. When they see it, he can feel that envy creeping in…
  • From there, all he has to do is feed it. Let the world poke at their little insecurities for him while he plays the supportive boyfriend!
  • “Did Mammon really get the promotion? I thought it would have been you! That’s so unfair…”
  • “Satan beat your scores again? What is this, the third time? Doesn’t that suck?”
  • Small little comments… but all with a goal to fill the MC with toxicity…
  • “Are Asmo videos still doing better than yours? I think I know how to drop his numbers… if you want.”
  • And soon enough, anyone can be an enemy. Everyone has it better than them… so they push the world away in order to feel better. And they become so toxic, the world rejects them in turn…
  • Except, of course, for their loving boyfriend, Levi.


  • If you want to keep someone mad, it’s best if you’re not the actual one doing it.
  • I know, it sounds counterintuitive, but turning yourself into the enemy risks the target cutting you out. Satan knows this, so he’ll never enrage the MC directly…
  • But indirectly? There’s a start.
  • Everybody has little pet peevs. Tiny things that aren’t important, but dig under the skin nonetheless.
  • Breadcrumbs in the butter, gum-smacking, toe-tapping, tones of voice, or just little annoying inconveniences that can sour one’s day…
  • Satan is well-versed in these tiny annoyances, he’d dare say they’re in his domain. And, perspective that he is, he’ll know what frustrates the MC soon enough.
  • Then it’s just a matter of execution.
  • Maybe he jacks with their toothpaste tube or “conveniently” forgets where they put their books… Or they keep mysteriously finding fingerprints on their game disks or seemingly can’t keep their room organized to save their life!
  • It may just seem like the world hates them… but really it’s just their demonic lover.
  • These tiny details and little mishaps will just build and build like cracks in their foundation until it all breaks and comes crashing down… and he’ll be right there egging on every moment of it!


  • You would think that Asmo would have the easiest time tempting the MC into his sin, but that’s not so.
  • Sure, most traditional definitions of Lust begin and end at carnal desire, but what about those MCs who maybe aren’t so drawn to the sins of the flesh? Fear not! Because the keyword for Asmo is desire.
  • Really, Asmo is happy if the MC’s mind is full of nothing but him. He wants them to desire him, to love him obviously, but to the point of obsession. His heated kisses and sensual whispers are only means to that end, which can change whenever he needs.
  • The MC will have their life bombarded by their beautiful demon. It’s not an unwelcome smothering, he’s among the best boyfriends they could ever hope to have, which is exactly why he’s so effective!
  • He wants them to need him at every moment. Soon it will feel weird to go places alone without their demon… Certain things they could do themselves, like their hair or getting dressed, they’ll want him to do instead.
  • Of course, if he’s able then he’ll certainly seduce them as well and at every chance he gets! From the House to RAD and even in the throne room - he’s shameless!… But that’s the fun, isn’t it?


  • Oh Beel… He’s probably the most dangerous one of them all. Not because he’s so demonic, but because he’s so sweet!
  • When Beel makes food for the MC or orders them an extra side, he does so with love. He just wants them to be full! …or so he thinks.
  • Beel’s demonic instincts creep up on even him, he’s just not one to really question what or why he does things sometimes. He’ll know he has the urge to see the MC eat or just be indulgent… but he won’t know why.
  • You could actually say it works to his advantage. Whenever he offers the MC another turkey leg or a few more bites of cake, his tenderhearted insistence is often so sweet that they’ll just go along with it and try to keep eating… even if they’re already full.
  • Now, the human body can only take so much food at once, but over time it can adapt to changing habits.
  • Eventually, the MC will find their appetite expanding to catch up… They’ll stop feeling full as easily as they used to and soon the bigger portions that Beel gives them will be all but a necessity!
  • Of course, the worst case scenario is that this doesn’t happen at all and they do serious harm to their health by always pushing past their limits… but there’s no guarantee Beel’s solution won’t just be more food anyway.


  • Belphie is the only brother who will knowingly (and gleefully) try to make the MC as sinful as he is!
  • It’s all for selfish reasons. If the MC is slothful, then they’ll want to go out less and (probably) spend time with him more. Win-win if you’re Belphie.
  • Since he’s well aware of what he’s doing, he’s pretty damn effective at it. No other brother will be as committed to meddling with the MC as he is.
  • He’ll convince them to cancel plans or sabotage their alarms so they oversleep. He’ll suddenly be unable to sleep without them while his naps seemingly get longer and longer… And if they have something to do, he’ll be the voice in their ear saying it can wait!
  • Really, at any opportunity he can get Belphie will try to drag them down or slow their progress with the sweet, sweet promise of relaxation or a good time…
  • Sure, it may sound nice at the time - great even! - but it won’t take long for their promises to break or deadlines to pile up… Sure, the MC could try to catch up but wouldn’t that be too much work? Wouldn’t they rather rest instead? Why even worry about it?
  • It’s a seductive line of thought and Belphie sells it well, it’d take only the most motivated MC to resist his charms but like that’d stop him. If he wants the MC for himself, he’ll happily put their life on hold to do so. Just go with it… yeah?

When MC Won’t Pick Up the Phone


  • Usually not one to jump to any conclusions. He’ll send a text and wait an hour or two… then send another one.
  • If the second text goes unread then he’s calling, though.
  • If the call goes unanswered THEN he’s starting to worry and getting his brothers on the case.

Lucifer: Have any of you seen MC? They aren’t responding to my texts…

Mammon: Did you piss them off?

Satan: I bet he pissed them off.

Levi: He’s acting like a needy girlfriend, lol!

Lucifer: Care to repeat that, Levi?


Beel: I saw the MC in the library before I left RAD.

Lucifer: Good, bring them here and I’ll take you to Madame Scream’s.

Beel: On it!

Belphie: Wow, he IS needy…



  • Mammon is a text spammer, we all know this.
  • Any time he sends a message, the MC has a BARE MINIMUM of five minutes to respond, if he’s lonely not even that.
  • If the MC misses the deadline, then they get what’s coming to them.

Mammon: Oi, MC!


Mammon: Hey pick up!

Mammon: Are ya busy?

Mammon: I want to go shoppin!


Mammon: Ya worryin me!!

MC: Mammon, I was taking a shower for fuck’s sake!


Mammon: … Need any help getting dressed?


  • Lowkey cyberstalker?
  • It’s the jealousy mostly, poor boy gets so paranoid sometimes… 
  • If the MC isn’t responding to his messages then he’ll start checking all of their most used social accounts to try and see if they’re online or at least were active anywhere else.
  • If he finds them on somewhere else, he’ll send a message there but they’ll have a bit of explaining to do for not responding to his text (Thankfully he has a hard time staying mad at them so they can get let off pretty easy with just a few “I love you”s)
  • If he can’t find them active anywhere then he might just… call… them… But that’s a socially anxious person’s worst nightmare so that’s his last resort!
  • They better pick up or he’s mobilizing the navy to go find them… Abuse of power? What does that even mean? 


  • Satan can be kind of hard to keep track of himself so he’s more forgiving.
  • If he can’t get ahold of MC, then he’s more likely to assume that they’re just busy and give them a few hours to respond.
  • If they’re actually busy, then he’s very lax and doesn’t mind if they’re a little late.
  • If he gets worried, he’ll ask around, but he tends to air on the side of more rational explanations for their silence than jumping to conclusions.
  • But if they’re giving him some kind of silent treatment or just didn’t feel like responding… then oh boy… 
  • A word to the wise, don’t ignore Satan. He can skip their mind, but DON’T ignore him. He doesn’t react to pettiness well…
  • Punishment will be in order. Take your warning now.


  • Honestly, even worse than Mammon.
  • He’ll tell you that text spam is tacky, but what Asmo does isn’t much better.
  • If the MC doesn’t respond to him in the time he likes, then he’ll just start texting them things. Random things.


Asmo: I absolutely MUST tell you about this jacket I just saw in Magolish today!!

Asmo: It’s just perfect for yours truly, you HAVE to see it!



Asmo: MC, you’re going to miss seeing me in my jacket!!

Asmo: I also have to tell you about what Simeon did today in class when Mammon tried to pick his pocket!

Asmo: He had that idiot in an arm lock so fast Baal hadn’t finished his sentence!


Asmo: I’m still waiting for you to see my jacket!

  • If it gets too bad, they’ll start getting sent selfies of a sad Asmo looking like a lost puppy without their attention…
  • He rarely holds their lapses in attention against them, but he starts getting actually worried then they have better have a good reason.


  • Honestly, he’s kind of the one who’s hard to get ahold of. Between practices, workouts, and the fact that he HAS accidentally eaten his phone a couple times, Beel can take a bit to get back to someone…
  • He’s extra understanding if the MC doesn’t get his messages. Never mad at all. He honestly prefers to tell them things in person anyway so it works out.
  • … If he can find them that is. If he hasn’t seen them all day and they aren’t responding then you’re going to get a worried Beel.
  • He’ll send a few more messages, make a few calls, ask his brothers what’s up, that sort of thing. If all else fails, he’ll go through their laundry then use his nose to sniff them out like a bloodhound.
  • At that point, they better be locked in a tower or something or you’ll have a very upset Beel. Not mad, just upset (which could honestly be worse… Don’t worry him like that! )


  • Think that because he’s dead to the world half the day, they get to be lazy with his texts? Wrong.
  • Brat of the highest caliber, if he wants to hear from them then he wants to hear from them NOW. Unfortunately, he’s mostly awake during the weirdest times so good luck…


Belphie: MC? Are you awake?

Belphie: I can’t sleep.


Belphie: MC, I’m bored…

MC: Belphie, do you know what time it is…?

Belphie: Oh good, you’re awake.

MC: No thanks to you…

Belphie: Would you like to go back to sleep? Me too.

Belphie: Come up to the attic, we can sleep there together.

MC: Goodnight Belphie.

Belphie: Wait MC

Belphie: … did you just turn your phone off again?

Belphie: No fair…

Headcanon Quickie:

Mammon strikes me as someone who has just the worst first-aid instinct if left to his own devices…

Mammon:*limping around the House with a bandaged foot*

Lucifer: Mammon?? What happened?!

Mammon: Hm? Oh, my toenail was lookin’ a little weird so I pulled it off.


Mammon: Yeah, it was a funky color. Didn’t look right so I took care of it.

Lucifer: Mammon, that was probably an infection!!

Mammon: Really?! Well it’s a good thing it’s off then, right?

Lucifer:*rubbing his temples* Go see Satan… Now



Intro, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Satan

*it’s a somewhat rare day in the House of Lamentation because most of the brothers are peacefully together in the same room for once. They aren’t always known to hang out in the Common Room but today Satan is getting his nails redone by Asmo while Mammon, Beel, and Levi all face off against each other in a mobile game they’ve found recently. Belphie is there too, but mostly in spirit as he naps on the couch. For once, it seems that everyone is either lounging on the couches or laying on the floor doing their own thing with nary a fight in sight*

*the only person missing from their little gathering is Lucifer… something that gets remedied all too soon as the eldest walks by the entrance with the MC quietly by his side. Satan is the first to notice them pass by and it only takes a glimpse for him to see something unusual about the pair…*

*the MC is carrying a suitcase*

Satan: MC? Are you going on a trip?

*Satan’s voice breaks the previously peaceful silence and gets everyone else’s attention, quickly setting their sights on the doorway as well. Having been noticed, Lucifer and MC are forced to stop so they all can see… Automatically, there’s something off about the MC. They’re glancing down at the floor, unable to meet their eyes, while Lucifer scans the others with the same expression he gives during important meetings… The look he only uses when things are delicate and he’s warning them to be on good behavior*

*Mammon is the first to get back to his feet, already sensing that something is wrong here*

Mammon: Oi? What’s goin’ on? What’s with the bags??

Levi:*sits up next his brother, panicking slightly* You didn’t say we were going anywhere! I’m waiting on a package!!

Beel: Are we leaving…? I haven’t packed any snacks yet…

*Lucifer waves his brothers down, hardening his glare for a moment to get the point across*

Lucifer: Settle down. *he doesn’t keep his eyes on them for long because he’s soon looking down at the MC with a much softer expression, resting a hand on their back tenderly*

Lucifer: Would you like to tell them, or should I…?

MC: No, no… It’s fine. I can do it…

*their human’s somber tone is like an alarm bell to every demon in the room and by now they’re all waiting at attention - even Belphie seems more alert than ever. Something has made their human is sad… But why? What’s changed? Had they upset them? Has someone hurt them?? The MC can already feel the air getting tense as their dear pact-mates wait for them to name their target…*

MC: It’s nothing to worry about, guys. I… just need to go to the human world for a few days… A friend of mine has died recently and I want… No, I am going to the funeral… *and like that the tension in the room evaporates immediately as all their expressions soften…*

Asmo: Oh, MC… That’s awful! *he’s on his feet in an instant to be at their side and offering a hug which the MC gladly accepts. He plants a soft kiss on their temple while holding them tight*

Asmo: I can’t imagine what you’re feeling, sweetheart, but we’re here for you…

*the MC feels a large hand rest on their shoulder as Beel comes up beside Asmo, nodding*

Beel: Yeah… We’re here.

*taking a cue from their brothers, the rest of the boys all get to their feet as necessary and come to the MC’s side - either reaching out to try and hold them or simply hovering close by - but Lucifer stops them just short of making contact*

Lucifer: We shouldn’t crowd them…

MC: It’s alright, Lucifer… *they give Asmo a short squeeze to signal they’re letting go before taking a step back from them all* I won’t be gone for long, everyone… I just need to be with my family and friends for a little while…

Asmo:*steps back, but keeps ahold of their hands* Wait, do you have something to wear? Humans wear black at funerals, don’t they? Or is it white? I can find something for you before you go!

Satan:*glances at their suitcase, genuinely concerned* Is that all you’re bringing…? Did you remember to pack your toothbrush? Socks?

Beel: *already digging in his pockets for a spare bag of treats* Do you need snacks for the trip?

Belphie: They’re probably just going by portal, Beel…

Beel:*frowns* But it’s a long walk…

*their combined concern is enough to make the MC smile just a bit, relaxing their demons some, but they still only shake their head*

MC: Thank you, guys, but I have everything I need at home… Lord Diavolo is letting Barbs take me home, Beel, so don’t worry. I won’t starve. I just need to stop by the Castle first…

Mammon: Ah, so that’s where we’re goin’? Alright! *he breaks away from his brothers and starts walking down the hall, looking back at the MC with full expectation that they’ll follow* Come on. MC! Let’s get movin’.

*the MC stands frozen for a moment or two in the hallway before slowly taking yet another step away from the brothers, to their collective confusion*

MC: Thank you, guys… Really… I love you all… But I think I need just a little time to clear my head before I… Before I, uh… *they glance to Lucifer, feeling guilty and trying not to wince, but the eldest seems to pick up on what they’re trying to say*

Lucifer: Ah… of course… *he turns to his brothers, Mammon in particular, before taking a step aside to start clearing the hall* Everyone, since we’re all staying here, let’s give the MC some space… *again, he throws another glance at Mammon, knowing how clingy his brother can be, and sure enough…*

Mammon: Eh? Whatcha talkin’ about…?

*the secondborn, bless his heart, doesn’t seem to be following what the MC is trying to say… and why would he? He and the MC have been thick as thieves since they made their pact in the first place… Thankfully, Satan and Levi are much faster on the uptake and they both swiftly yank him out of the way*

Levi: It means that they want to walk there alone, you idiot…! *he huffs at his elder brother, but it’s not hard to see that he looks a little disappointed himself… The MC shoots them all a sympathetic look before their eyes again cast down to the floor*

MC: I’m sorry, everyone… I know you’re worried, but I just need a little time to think and prepare myself before going back home again…

Satan: You have nothing to feel sorry for, MC… We understand. *he keeps ahold of Mammon’s wrist as he smiles to his brother* Don’t we, Mammon? *his grip tightens like a vice, even though his smile never wavers…*

Mammon: Ow!! Okay, okay, I get it!! *he pulls his arm out of Satan’s grasp and glares at him before looking back at the MC. He tries his best to smile at them like he isn’t bothered by the situation… but everyone knows better*

Mammon: I get ya, MC… Take your time, we’ll be here for ya when ya get back!

*the MC watches their loyal first demon letting them go on their own for once and sends him a teary-eyed smile*

MC: Thank you, Mammon… Everyone… 

*they finally turn away from their demons and start down the hall to the doorway. If any of the brothers want to call out or stop them, they hold it in until they hear the heavy door close with a ‘thunk’*

*it a minute or two before one of the brothers finally works up the nerve to break silence they’re all sharing*

Asmo: Poor MC… *his hands cradle his cheeks in a bid for self-comfort…*

Lucifer: Yes… human lives are quite fragile…

Levi: Should we do something for them when they get back…?

Mammon:*huffs* No duh! Satan, what do humans usually do after funerals?

*the fourthborn sighs at his brother’s vague question, but crosses his arms as he starts to think*

Satan: Well… There’s usually mourning… Humans sometimes take time off of work or school so that they can adjust to their grief…

Lucifer:*nods* I’ll be sure to let Diavolo know, then.

Satan: Aside from that it depends on the household… Some come together and others don’t talk very much. I’ve heard that some humans may even hold a celebration of sorts for the departed.

Beel:*starts drooling* Then we could make them a cake…!

Belphie:*sighs* I don’t think that’s a good idea, Beel… What if they don’t do that?

Beel: Oh… *gets a little disappointed*

Mammon: Well, what are we supposed to do? Pretend they’re fine?? Ain’t there somethin’ ya can think of, Satan?

*Mammon turns to the blonde of the group, but instead of looking mildly irritated at his insistence the fourthborn is glaring at the ground - seemingly lost in thought*

Mammon: …. Um, yo? Satan? *Mammon gives him a minute to react but to his frustration, Satan doesn’t look up…*

Mammon: Hey, Hell to Satan!! Hello?? *Mammon shakes his brother’s shoulder, snapping him back to reality long enough to get his his hand slapped away*

Satan: Mammon, stop that!

Mammon: You’re the one who went quiet!

*the rest of the brothers all watch Satan quizzically, it’s unlike him to space out mid-conversation…*

Asmo: Is something wrong, Satan?

*hearing the question, Satan’s anger quickly melts back into contemplation as he avoids his brothers’ stares*

Satan: Well…

Mammon: Spit it out, will ya??

*Satan’s fist comes down hard on his brother’s head and makes a pretty good bump in its place* 

Satan: Be quiet, moron, I’m thinking!!

*while Mammon angrily rubs his head, Satan looks away from them again - well aware of the Pandora’s Box he’s about to open…*

Satan: I was thinking about MC… and how they’re human…

Belphie:*raises an eyebrow* Yeah? So?

Levi:*smiles slyly, snark already in his eyes before it hits his tongue* Did you just figure that out…?

*Satan shoots them a sideways glare before facing away towards the room’s fireplace* 

Satan: No. Obviously not. 

Satan: …What I meant to say is, the MC is going to die…

*and like that, all the air in the room seemingly vanishes… Nothing Satan has said is incorrect, but the brothers have always had something of an understanding about this… The MC was mortal, their life would end, but it wasn’t something to just… you know…*

*Mammon is the first on the defensive*

Mammon: Hey, hey, hey why ya gotta bring that up now, Satan?? The MC’s fine!

Satan: I know that! *his tone snaps a bit as he only glances at his brothers’ direction* But let’s think about it for a second… What about us?

Asmo:*shifts uncomfortably and hugs his arms to his chest* I don’t think I like where this is going…

*when Asmo glances as Lucifer, he sees his eyes are locked on Satan in a steely glare… Though it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t like this subject either, he seems more hesitant to put a stop to it…*

Lucifer: Yes… We will all die too… But what are you getting at, Satan?

*the fourthborn seems to pause, then breaks away from his brothers fully so he can walk closer to the fire - letting the heat brush against his skin*

Satan: If I recall, Diavolo has told us in the past that we won’t die like humans, or even angels…

*he looks across the fireplace mantle for a picture frame, then takes it in both hands. The picture inside is not very interesting, just one of House back in its better years… He starts to slide the image out as he continues*

Satan: As Avatars of our sins, we will exist as long as temptation remains present. We won’t die exactly, but we’ll be reborn instead…

Lucifer: *raises an eyebrow, still trying to follow his train of thought but getting impatient* Where are you going with this, Satan…?

Mammon:*huffs, crossing his arms* Yeah! Get to the point already…

Belphie:*yawns*… Or I’m just going to take a nap…

*if their impatience is bothering him, Satan - for once - doesn’t show it as he presents them with the grainy picture*

Satan: When we’re reborn, will we forget the MC?

*the room appears to freeze for a moment as everyone holds a collective breath… Some are still trying to follow Satan’s logic, others pick up on what he means all too quickly…*

Mammon: W-… What are you talkin’ about…? 'Course we won’t! *the secondborn chews at his lip while Levi nervously thumbs his headphones…*

Levi: Yeah… What Mammon said. Even if we’re reborn, it’s still us right? *Levi glances around to the others for confirmation, something an anxious Asmo is quick to give*

Asmo: Y-yeah! If it’s us, then we have to remember them somewhere…!

Satan:*shakes his head* We can’t be certain… In the human world, it’s said reincarnated individuals rarely remember their former lives…

Belphie:*glares at the blonde sharply, the topic of their death clearly agitating him more than the most* Well this isn’t the human world, Satan!

Satan: *meets his anger in kind, knowing full well that he doesn’t relish the subject either* And do you have anything else to go off of? It’s not like any of us have died yet!

*with that an uneasy silence settles over the brothers as the gravity of the situation takes hold… A possible future with no memories of MC… At some level, they had all approached the idea that they would pass on but to have no memories at all just…*

Asmo: So we’ll just… forget them…? *even though it seems only a distant possibility, tears are already threatening to spill from his eyes…*

Mammon: You’re wrong…

Beel: But I don’t want to… *Beel looks solemnly down at Belphie, then to Lucifer, before he quietly realizes that there isn’t anything either of them can do…*

Mammon: You’re wrong.

Levi: M… M-MC…. *his bottom lip quivers as he fights to keep himself together somehow… What will happen to his Henry…?*

Mammon:You got it all WRONG!!

*in a flash of light and heat, Mammon’s demon form whips out in its full glory but his body is trembling… Both his fists are at his sides, white-knuckled from frustration, and his head hangs low so his brothers can’t see his eyes…*

Mammon: I won’t forget MC… We won’t forget MC…!

*everyone watches him cautiously, but Satan is the first to speak…*

Satan: Mammo-

*Mammon cuts him off by unfurling his wings, knocking Levi and Belphie back in the process*

Mammon: Shut UP! I don’t want to hear it!! We’ll remember them and that’s final, ya got that?!

*though everybody knows that Mammon doesn’t have any power over the situation, much less the authority to give them orders, his point has been made. This conversation is over…*

*with that, Mammon retracts his wings and stalks out of the room quickly - likely to run to his bedroom and vent his aggression. Among the remaining brothers, there doesn’t look to be much willingness to keep talking…*

Lucifer: Well… Thank you, Satan, for bringing that to our attention… *his acknowledgement expresses no gratitude, but no sarcasm either… it seems even Lucifer has been dulled by this topic…*

Lucifer: I think we can all agree to never bring this up again… *there’s a quiet nod among the brothers, but none are willing to meet his eyes…* 

Lucifer: Then so be it…

*another silence hangs in the air before Lucifer is the first to move*

Lucifer: It’s been a long day… Everyone, get some rest.

*following his lead, the rest of the brothers begin to file out to their bedrooms one-by-one, until only Satan remains. He sighs, dropping the picture in his hand into the fire to watch it blacken and burn to ash…*

*though he loathes to admit it, Mammon’s words have struck a chord with him… He won’t forget the MC… And little did he know, that same vow has done the same for the rest of his brothers as well…*

*They won’t forget the MC… not if they have anything to say about it*

Demigod MC Series: Hestia

This is another eternally virgin goddess, so we’re doing another pseudo-demigod by adoption (like we did with Athena).

Demigod MC: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia

Hestia is the goddess of the Hearth, Home, Architecture, Domesticity, Family, and the State. She’s high up there (firstborn of Rhea and Cronus), but several factors have led to her falling into the background when compared to the other (flashier) Olympians. She swore to never marry, rejecting proposals from both Poseidon and Apollo, and is something of an antithesis to Aphrodite.


  • Honestly? He thought they were exactly what they were after. A weak human with no experience in the magical world what-so-ever.
  • Well… He was half-right.
  • On the surface, this is a pretty weak human. They don’t have super flashy powers or a divine birth from the gods… but they do have a very protective adoptive mother.
  • The brothers had just settled in for their first dinner with the new human when the goddess herself strolled into their dining room, asked who was in charge, then dragged Lucifer away by the ear!
  • She’s not even his mother, yet he felt the intense urge to apologize and put himself in his ownroom… Oh, the humiliation… at least she did the same to Diavolo…
  • The Prince was only able to calm her down by promising absolutely NO harm would come to her child… on their heads…
  • By the time the goddess finally let him go, Lucifer was about ready to shackle the MC to his wrist so nothing could touch them but he settled on keeping them with him like an assistant of sorts. They were in charge of helping him with the paperwork so he could keep an eye on them. 
  • What he didn’t expect was for them to be so… good at it? They could keep his offices clean, they managed his daily schedule, fixed up the House, and still have time to bring him tea and sweets every night!
  • They could even reign in his brothers somehow… They weren’t strong or intimidating, but one or two mildly unhappy words out of them and everybody would be on their best behavior.
  • Was everyone positive they’re only human…?
  • As much as he hated to admit, he may have a slight deep case of falling for the housekeeper… He would make a move, but well…
  • He has Beel to contend with first.


  • Okay so, watching Lucifer get dragged out by the ear just like Raphael used to do to him was hilarious!!! The whole room got a good laugh!
  • Until Hestia glared at them and suddenly they all felt like they’d disappointed someone important….
  • And all that fuss over some dumb human??
  • So what if they made amazing food?
  • So what if they could clean the entire mansion in a day?
  • So what if they were the walking equivalent to a warm cup of cocoa on a winter’s day??
  • So what if they were just the kindest, sweetest thing in this godforsaken hellscape and he would throw himself in front of a bus to keep them safe-
  • -Wait,when did that happen?!?
  • Seriously, Mammon’s attachment to the MC came out of NOWHERE to him. One day, he was threatening to eat their soul and the next he’s freaking out when they stub their toe!
  • He swears they have to have some kind of magic about them! A charm, or a spell, or… their lovable smile and warm, loving hugs…!
  • Damnit!! They’re too cute!! He needs them to go away but also never leave, thanks.
  • In all seriousness, though their kind nature puts Mammon’s tsundere self at a bit of a disadvantage, his protective instincts shoot through the roof whenever they’re involved.
  • Naturally, that means his day is spent running them away from hungry lesser demons or shielding them from Beel and Lucifer’s tug-of-war matches… He’s a busy guy these days.


  • They’re so… so… MOE!!!
  • That was his immediate thought when Mammon brought them home. He was expecting a defenseless human, but not one that could have stepped out of one of his slice-of-life manga!
  • To be honest, his instant thought was try and find a place to sit them on his shelves with the rest of the adorable characters he loves…
  • And that was before they even opened their mouth! Five words into their introduction and he was ready to get their face on a t-shirt!!
  • Honestly, combine their natural cuteness with their household skills and they made for perfect waifu/husbando material… 
  • Not helped by the fact they found one of his maid/butler outfits while doing the laundry one day. Not only did they ask if they could wear it, they actually non-ironically likedit and started wearing it around the House!!
  • Oh he got cornered by Beel, Lucifer, andMammon separately that day because they thought he was using them for fetish fuel… But it was their idea, he swears!!
  • I mean… He didn’t discourage them or anything either but still…
  • If Beel hadn’t claimed them on Day One, Levi might have eventually thrown his hat in the ring too… Oh well… he can pine from a distance… What else is new?


  • He has a video of Hestia dragging Lucifer out of the dining room on his phone and it’s one of his most treasured possessions now.
  • He is perhaps the only person in the House who was not at all impressed with their little human.
  • So they could cook? So could he. So they can clean? That’s not impressive. They could manage a household? Big deal, he’s more or less been in charge of the same thing for centuries!
  • As far as he saw it, there was nothing the MC could do that he couldn’t do as proficiently or even better. There was nothing remarkable about this human at all!
  • … except for one thing.
  • That maid/butler outfit of Levi’s? The one they like to wear around?
  • It has cat accessories…
  • Either they don’t notice or they don’t mind it but they essentially walk around the House cleaning things with little kitty ears attached to their head and a bell on their collar…
  • Dammit… Why did Levi evenbuythat?!?
  • Satan ended up getting in trouble for enchanting their outfit to give them REAL ears and a tail “accidentally…” Lucifer strung him up by his toes, Beel gave him a black-eye, and Mammon still calls him a “perverted cat freak” but it was worth it, he says, worth it!!


  • Oh Beel…
  • Asmo saw Beel’s feelings for the MC coming from a mile away. He didn’t even need to confirm it with a sniff check, he had them scented by the end of their first night!
  • Lucifer, on the other hand, nowthat was a surprise…
  • Ask him a century ago if Lucifer would ever consider a human lover, godly mother or no, and he’d have laughed! Yet here he is, giving gifts and sneaking whiffs of their adorable new housemate!
  • Of course, that’s causing some commotion because they’re pitted against each other, but Asmo finds it kind of cute honestly. 
  • Beel and Lucifer aren’t fighting, not for real.The whole house knows Lucifer would win in a real brawl, but neither of them actually want to hurt the other… They’re far too close for that.
  • So Beel tosses Lucifer around with kid gloves and Lucifer holds back considerably against Beel. It’s pretty much just two brothers who love each other squabbling over the same toy…
  • Honestly, Lucifer might have bowed out by now and just let Beel have them but now his pride’s on the line… thus an endless tussle between family and the sweet MC is in the middle, clueless to it all!
  • Tragic, is it not? But it certainly makes things more entertaining around here! (Good thing too since Beel beat him to the punch… If it’s a fight against those two, he’ll have to keep any of his ownaffairs with the MC under the radar… )


  • He has claimed this one. Full stop.
  • For a bit of perspective: when Barbatos needs cooking tips, he calls Hestia. Hestia, the Divine Master of All Things Cooking. Hestia, the goddess who raised this MC… 
  • Needless to say if they have any magic at all, it’s in the kitchen.
  • If food is the way to Beel’s heart, this MC has claimed his heart, soul, and probably all of his vital organs. Their food is astounding!! Always perfect every time and so good it brings him to tears!
  • It started the night of that first dinner, prepared by MC. He was too busy scarfing down the table to even notice a goddessshowed up and then he proposed to the MC with their own pig roast by meal’s end!
  • They said no to marriage, but an instant pact agreement suited him just fine.
  • Beel didn’t waste a single moment before he started treating them like a potential mate, territorial aggression and all, but there was a bit of a catch… He kept the MC totally oblivious to it.
  • Surprisingly, Beel’s can turn the “They’re MINE” part of his brain on and off pretty well. He’s nothing but sweet and cuddly to the MC when they’re around and even with his brothers!… as long as they don’t try anything.
  • The moment he caught whiff that Lucifer might be pursuing them too, it was on. Suddenly the two brothers who almost never fight were in competition against each other! But of course, both have an unspoken rule to never do so in front of MC.
  • And now poor MC believes it’s common for demons to “play wrestle” like puppies and hugs are traditionally supposed to be so hard they could snap spines… 
  • And it doesn’t look like they’ll be backing down any time soon… Oh dear…


  • You know what? For once, everything goes exactly to plan for Belphie!
  • No really, this MC has no hidden powers, no magic horses, not even Demon Nip. They are a helpless, trusting little human who just wants to help their big teddy bear get his twin back!
  • So, you know how it goes. The charm, the lies, the treachery and all of that. He even gets to kill them!! Oh, happy days!!
  • Come to think of it, they did smell an awful lot like Beel… But who cares, as long as Lucifer suffers right?? And this whole “living together in harmony” crap fails,right?!
  • Wrong. 
  • Beel went ballistic. Lucifer did too, but Beel was what really hurt…
  • Belphie can safely say that in all of his life, Beel has never physically attacked him. Not once, or at least, not with intent to kill… 
  • But when the sixthborn’s fist went crashing through the wall right by his ear that day, he knew his brother’s first instinct was to aim for his head… and his second was to miss, as he still loved him, but only by just a little.
  • What the hell did he just do??
  • Thank their father for Barbatos and all the funky time stuff he can do because bringing the MC “back” snapped his angry brothers right out of it. 
  • Things should have been smoothed over at that point but as everyone was finally settling down for tea,Hestiamade another appearance in the House… this time carrying a butcher’s knife!
  • Time fix or no, Diavolo had promised her no harm would come to MC and at least one continuity of them DIED… so punishment was now on Lucifer and the Demon Prince himself!
  • Belphie, in a rare case of guilt and an expression of brotherly love, offered to take their place since it WAS kind of all his fault. His gesture softened the Goddess of Family juuust enough to lighten his sentence from execution to hard labor.
  • And thus, the MC had their own housekeeping assistant for a whole year, complete with bitter reluctance and a matching maid outfit! Cat-theme and all!!
  • He’s sending nightmares to anybody who laughs… guaranteed.
otromeru:Cleaned up this sketch of mammoneru wedding lol


Cleaned up this sketch of mammoneru wedding lol

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Cleaned up this sketch of mammoneru wedding lol

Cleaned up this sketch of mammoneru wedding lol

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Here it is, our idols I thank that event for giving me the motivation to power through this piece

Here it is, our idols I thank that event for giving me the motivation to power through this piece

Post link


Everyso often, Barbatos and Mammon converse. Usually this doesn’t happen, because Mammon is afraid of Barbatos, but sometimes, in a split second of gathering whats left of his braincells, he utters words to Barbatos that the time demon never thought he’d hear in his life.

It was a meeting, and Mammon was running late. Lucifer and the rest of his brothers had been there, along with Simeon and the other two purgatory hall members. Upon finally arriving, the others had been chatting quietly, and Barbatos had opened the door for him.

Mammon, being the utter dumbass he is, decided right now was the time to say something witty and clever, so he thought to play around with Barbatos’ name and thank him using the alias ”Barbie”. However, Mammon didn’t always get things right.

He casually thanked Barbatos, and a brilliant moment of word association, he casually utters the words; ”Thanks baby” and walks off to his seat.

Barbatos was taken aback. Diavolo stared, smiling but mouth agape. Simeon and Luke, shocker into horror. Solomon and Asmodeus chukling amongst each other, bewhildered. The others were just frozen in disbelief.

Barbatos, being equally smart and witty, decided to drop a name bomb of his own; ”You’re welcome, dear” he says.

Chaos ensues.
