#obey me theory


Okay, perhaps I’m overthinking this and I don’t want to ruin the fandom’s hope and happiness but…

What if they’re going to give us CHIBIS IN BATTLE BUT AS THE COUNTERPART?

Like Diavolo in the boss battles and that’s all, I say this because of the texts, Luke said he’s not going to help demons, Belphie said he don’t think they’ll help and Asmo said “IN THE FUTURE

So, what do you think? I really want cards, home screen and everything related to the side characters… But I don’t know. I HOPE I’M MAKING A MISTAKE HERE


[ cw: heavy angst, mentions of physical and mental abuse, mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts, please seek help if you experience anything like this]


Mammon angst alert. I had this idea that I absolutely had to share. If anyone likes it enough to elaborate it, then do tag me in your wonderful works!

The brothers had been major A-grade assholes to Mammon for centuries before MC showed up, and even then they didn’t tone down on the insults. So what if…he had been contemplating suicide for a long time back then? 

The punishments and humiliation were taking their toll on him. The wound Lilith left on his heart was picked upon everytime like a gaping hole blazing around the edges. It should have been me. She could’ve made them much happier. Was all he could think about for days’ end. None of his brothers could even stand in a single room without tearing into him or each other. As much as it disgusted and repelled him to admit it, he missed the warm peaceful days in Celestial Realm. Michael’s punishments were nothing compared to this hell he had been abruptly thrusted into. Back then his family was complete, still a family. Now they were just strangers under a roof.

So in a last desperate attempt to escape the mind-numbing cycle of his life, he decides to end it. For once and for all.

He even recorded his last message on a cursed record so that Lucifer could hear it; he left it at the back of his collection. He had the time, method and place all prepared so no one would be able to interrupt. In fact, he was going to go for it after school the day Diavolo introduced the exchange students. (That’s why he could have been upset, because Lucifer slapped babysitting duties on him??)

He’s upset, but he has to act normal. He knows no one cares about him, but he still can’t risk arousing suspicion and discovery. He gives the human a tour, drops them off at the House of Lamentation, and scares them off for good. Doesn’t matter if Lucifer’s going to be pissed at him, he’ll be gone for good by then.

When he arrives at his private bungalow, he makes sure to lock all doors and windows with powerful spells before sitting down on the couch. He’s staring at the fistful of poisonous pills in his hand, vaguely recalling that even half of one is fatal for lower demons. Many should do the trick, right? He’s staring and staring, but his arm doesn’t raise upto his mouth.

Just then, something wet drops on top of them. A tear. 

Then another. 

And then they don’t stop streaming down his cheeks.

He can’t do it. And he doesn’t understand why. 

He knows that there is nothing left for him to live for anymore, knows that none of his brothers would give a rat’s ass about him. They wanted this, for all he would know. And if he loved them so much, then why couldn’t he grant them this wish?

He puts the pills back and curls up on the plush sofa, feeling a muddle of emotions as he cries until his throat bleeds raw. Useless. Pathetic. Can’t even do one thing right.

He passes out like that, dreaming of the bright fields in Celestial Realm where he used to frolic with Lilith. Dreaming of her wide bright smile and her dazzling emerald eyes when she told him that he was the best brother she could ask for. At temporary ease that at least someone still loved him, even if it was just in his memories.

  • Okay we’re switching to bullets now
  • Time skip to the game’s events
  • He saw his family slowly become whole again in front of his eyes, and after what felt like an eternity the warmth of hope bloomed inside his chest
  • MC was a huge blessing in his life as well, their love and constant support helping him get better by himself
  • Slowly and steadily he reached to a point where even though he felt hurt by their words, he no longer wanted to give up on his life
  • Once he garnered enough courage, he trashed the pills
  • But he wasn’t sharp enough, because the cursed record completely escaped his memory
  • And one fateful night Lucifer accidentally came across it
  • He was getting bored of doing monotonous paperwork so he decided to put on some music
  • His fingers found his usual taste but then his eyes landed on something out of place
  • A new record, in a transparent plastic cover labelled ‘For Lucifer, From Mammon’ 
  • Chuckling mentally and thinking it was his little brother’s way of apologizing for breaking the record that was previously there, Lucifer pulled out the cover and put it on

[ Reblog with what you think will be the message on the record and I’ll upload the next part! ]


So I came across this post by @ai-dev and it got me thinking:


So…here I am!

[ includes: angst, death, mentions of blood, trauma ]

[ A/N: This is written from their personalities and characters in Lesson 16. They came to know MC much more intimately afterwards. These are just my thoughts and in no way are to be equated to the canonical events. ]

  • LUKE is absolutely aghast. Anyone who had spent even a minute in the same room as him knew about how deep his hatred for the demon kind ran, but it stung nonetheless. He was still an angel in the making, and even though he might not have not known MC for that long or that well, he had wanted to. From the moment they stood up for him, he had developed an innocent attachment that grew deeper over the days. His habit of quick association often got him reprimanded in the Celestial Realm, but for the first time he understood why. Because it stung. Like being stabbed in the chest with a jagged glass shard. It stung because he lost the person he wanted to care for, and even more when he was the one to blame. Angels were meant to be pure inside and out, but the venom targeted towards demons that now brewed in his heart charred its walls. But there was only so much of one emotion his little body could handle, so the moment he was done raging he broke down into fits of unsuccessfully suppressed sobs. All while his guardian angel cradled him in his arms…
  • …speaking of who, was in deep conflict. SIMEON hadn’t known them for long, but he could tell that their soul was salubrious. He had been reigning himself from indulging too much, but his heart knew only to resist temptations, not the kindness and warmth they approached him with. And before he knew it, they had become fast friends. They were such a wonderful being, full of dreams, ambitions and a brightness that seemed to follow them everywhere. But it wasn’t just them he was reaching out to, it was to his long lost brothers as well. But when they all made it ample clear with both their words and actions that they wanted to have nothing to do with their former home anymore, Simeon couldn’t put in words how anguished he felt. He never hated them for what they did; if anything, deep down he had always lamented his cowardice that stopped him from joining them. Until now, their demonic natures had seemed like something very far away, for in his eyes they were still the same brothers he had lost, as if they had never disappeared in the first place. But now that something had happened which shoved reality in his face, Simeon didn’t know what to do. He was hanging onto a thin string between denial and remorse. He can only look on at his fellow tenant, who keeps alternating between staring out of the window and at Luke’s tiny form…
  • SOLOMON is no stranger to death. Indifference is expected from a being cursed with immortality. But despite having associated with a multitude of creatures throughout the course of his peculiar life, at his very core he still functioned with the fickleness of a human. Because that is something he once was; destructible, volatile. Somedays he doesn’t care, some days he does. He does feel upset over the gloom MC’s demise had brought upon, but he doesn’t feel like it’s his place to avenge their death or anything. He didn’t know them that well, having only had fleeting conversations with them. But they were enough to paint an overall good picture of them, good enough to feel that they didn’t deserve the hand fate had dealt them with. All he can do is keep moving, the way he always has and the way he always will.


*spoilers for lesson 21 and on*

Mkay. So ya know how at the beginning we got Solomon telling MC that they’d need to stab someone?

Well I kinda wish we weren’t the ones doing the stabbing.

I wish that instead Solomon was telling Lucifer to stab MC. Like god found out that Lilith was reincarnated and that MC was her descendant. So using Solomon as the messenger (since we know that Solomon’s been to the Celestial Realm before), the deal is, that if Lucifer kills MC (therefore killing Lilith) using the dagger, he and his brothers will be allowed back into the Celestial Realm. 

And Lucifer would lowkey be considering it since he got his brothers dragged into the war, therefore he feels guilty for being the reason for their fall. And then he almost follows through with it, but then his brothers stop him cuz 1) IT’S MC AND THEY LOVE THEM and 2) the brothers are like “we also choose to fall and side with you in the war, it’s not your fault we fell, we’re fine in Devildom, we don’t need to be in the Celestial Realm to be happy” blah blah “family” blah blah blah “Lucifer stop trying to carry all the burdens” blah blah blah. 

And also that would explain why Solomon brought MC back to the Devildom all of a sudden. Like a sheep to slaughter.

But i know it would never happen since Solomon told MC to stab whoever

But could u imagine the


okay this is a strech but since the whole fandom’s seems to be pretty hyped for the new students here are my thoughts

A. one of them could be the demon student sent to the human realm, remember season 1? they mentioned Belphie and one other student went to the human realm right? so maybe one of the new characters is that student returning back to RAD.

B. Micheal, now I know it’s a strech, believe me, but throughout the whole time we played the game they kept name dropping Micheal in like every other lesson and we never really know what he looks like. You can’t just mention a character multiple times without them making an appearance in the game at least once.

C. other angels aka Raphael and Uriel, like reason B., they’re mentioned but we don’t know what they looked like, plus Raphael and the demon bros really don’t like each other but imagining that maybe Raphael is a tsundere who always has his foot in hi mouth and doesn’t know how to properly communicate his feelings and ends up saying something completely opposite on what he really means would be fun and imagining Uriel just being curious about everything would be cute.

D. lastly the Reaper, no one knows what they look like and the fact only Solomon knows their appearance make a few questions rise, but if it is the Reaper, we might get to have more lore about our favourite shady magic user.
