

e-offering #039 for Apollo was presented physically in the form of self-willing charity not done purely for the sake of those I worship, but from my own heart and spirit

Since I’m still thinking about high effort “investment” offerings:

This weekend I spent hours in the 90 degree heat, working under the boiling sun. I got sunburned, scraped, bumped, and bruised. My muscles are sore, my nerves are on fire, my eyes sting. I used up all of Monday’s spoons, most of Tuesday, and probably a few of Wednesday’s as well. But it was worth it, for 30 minutes of water and wind working in harmony. To hear Pesse croon in his crashing breakers rumble as I lay in bed exhausted but in to much pain to sleep.

I love it. And he loves it. And I love that he loves it. So I will continue to do it for him whenever I can, no matter the cost to me.
