#ofmd lucius


thinking about these two

Our Flag Means Death fancomics “Not so Easy Question” Part 3

Beta reader: @junkratsadstuck

Tired Izzy and resqued Lucius post canon adventures! We had drama, we had danger, this time something cute and funny!

Part 1

Part 2

so do you guys want Part 3 of Not so Easy Question ofmd comics with Izzy Hands carrying Lucius in his hands arms or

Our Flag Means Death fancomics “Not so Easy Question” Part 2

Beta reader: @junkratsadstuck

I couldn’t stop my daydreaming train, so here is part 2 of my ofmd postcanon fancomics!

You can read the first part here

Yes i daydream 24/7 about Lucius being rescued and comforted by his polycula with blankets and chicken soup what you gonna do about it mmm

Head cannon that Ed pushed Lucius over board cause Lucius was the one that more or less pushed him into acting softer toward Stede which in turn pushed them into having a real relationship
