#old married spirk

Just Spock begins to recall everything that happened between him and the admiral. Anyway, Happy vale

Just Spock begins to recall everything that happened between him and the admiral. 

Anyway, Happy valentine day!

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au where eberytjings the same but they have to go to five guyd

so this is my piece for this year’s ksvalentine!! the general theme was anniversary so, here it is!wso this is my piece for this year’s ksvalentine!! the general theme was anniversary so, here it is!wso this is my piece for this year’s ksvalentine!! the general theme was anniversary so, here it is!w

so this is my piece for this year’s ksvalentine!! the general theme was anniversary so, here it is!

well but as everyone knows im not much of a writer, but i did get an inspiration strike while drawing this, and well. here it is on ao3

i would like to dedicate both of these to my dear friend plaidshirtjimkirk<3

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my entry for this year’s KSAdvent!!Merry Christmas from old married husbands from space!!! :D

my entry for this year’s KSAdvent!!

Merry Christmas from old married husbands from space!!! :D

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my piece for the KiSCon zine, which I finally had a chance to post! :D

my piece for the KiSCon zine, which I finally had a chance to post! :D

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commission for my beloved t’hy’la - plaidshirtjimkirk <3 hope you like it![commission post] [rb]

commission for my beloved t’hy’la - plaidshirtjimkirk <3 hope you like it!

[commission post] [rb]

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Star Trek TOS Fanart Compilation Pt. 2

Compilation continues! Now that I’m revisiting them I’m kind of surprised how many fanarts there are but at the same time not surprised at all ahah

Follow my IG @alenartworks to see them posted in real time if you fancy


“Spock.” he whispers, “Promise me.”

It is dark in the room, dark and quiet.  They are cuddled together under the soft blankets, hands slowly, lazily, sliding over skin, legs entwined, faces almost nose to nose.   Jim can hear the distant sound of waves lapping at the shore of San Francisco Bay, but they are truly alone here, isolated by the night from the bustling universe around them.

In the dim light of the half moon, he can see Spock close his eyes, not even attempting to hide his pained expression.  


Jim raises his hand from Spock’s side, where he can feel Spock’s thrumming heartbeat and cups Spock’s face, thumb tracing over one gracefully slanted eyebrow.  Spock’s hair is still almost completely black, but the few silver hairs shine in the moonlight.  

“Please, Spock. I just can’t bear the thought of you…” he trails off, unable to voice the thought even in the safety of the warm bed and protective darkness.  He swallows once.  “We both know that if the situation were reversed, you would want the same.” 

Spock buries his face in Jim’s shoulder, arm wrapping around his back.  He does not even attempt to prevent Jim from feeling his grief through their bond.  Jim pulls Spock tighter against his body, rubbing soothing circles into his back. 

“I will miss you.” Spock murmurs.  The statement is too mild for the oppressive grief he know he will feel upon Jim’s passing, but he knows he does not need to elaborate.  Jim can feel it.

 “I know, Spock.  I know.” He nuzzles his hair into Spock’s soft hair.  “Please.”

Please, carry on.  Please live, Spock. Don’t make me take you with me.  Please. 

Spock let’s out a soft breath.  When he speaks, his voice is soft, almost too soft for JIm to hear, but the words are there, and Jim knows Spock will not go back on his word.  

“I promise.”

inspired by gohugavulcan‘s post here


au where eberytjings the same but they have to go to five guyd

batasann: Just Spock begins to recall everything that happened between him and the admiral. Anyway,


Just Spock begins to recall everything that happened between him and the admiral. 

Anyway, Happy valentine day!

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batasann: Here you go with random stuff I’ve done this week so far…and yes, That’s Spock on his way batasann: Here you go with random stuff I’ve done this week so far…and yes, That’s Spock on his way batasann: Here you go with random stuff I’ve done this week so far…and yes, That’s Spock on his way batasann: Here you go with random stuff I’ve done this week so far…and yes, That’s Spock on his way


Here you go with random stuff I’ve done this week so far

…and yes, That’s Spock on his way to rescue Kirk

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