
junebuggeryy: the character i repeatedly told myself i wouldnt make.


the character i repeatedly told myself i wouldnt make.

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“Do you ever try to read your own face? I do

I’m on the Dracula train


In light of my ongoing #romancequest 2022, I figured it is time I did my bit by compiling a list of shows that I like where one of the main plotlines is a romance between two women. 

For the purposes of this I’m going to define “main plotline” as:

  • Involving one or more of the show’s lead characters
  • Affecting the show’s plot in a substantial way, over a large percentage of episodes

The Strange Case of Starship Iris | @iriscasefiles

An ensemble sci-fi adventure about a team of scrappy smugglers who stumble into a major, galactic-spanning conspiracy involving the oppressive galactic regime that governs humanity and the aliens they went to war with. 
Who should be or is kissing? Anxious scientist-turned-medic Violet and Arkady Patel, a combat veteran with a complicated history… present… day-to-day, really.

Me and AU | @meandaupod
Yes, okay, this is us, but if you found this list via reblog, here are some details:

A coming of age romance about two college-aged women who fall in love writing fanfiction about their favourite new TV show, a paranormal mystery only airing in Canada with a fandom of eight people.
Who should be or is kissing? Kate “ACunningPlan” Cunningham and Ella “Hella–enchanted,” two big nerds who realize that sometimes when you think you’re writing your friend a there was only one bed fic what you’re really saying is I love you.

The Pasithea Powder | @pasitheapowder

When Dr. Jane Gonzalez revealed her planet had been experimenting with a memory-altering bioweapon she helped end an interplanetary war - and committed an act of treason. In the aftermath of the conflict, she reconnects with former friend Lt. Sophie Green, a war hero on a goodwill galactic tour, and everything gets even more morally and ethically complicated somehow.
Who should be or is kissing? Jane and Sophie’s years-long will they or won’t they sexual tension will make you scream but in a good way.

Arden | @ardenpodcast

All podcast Bea Casely wanted was to make a true crime podcast about the infamous disappearance of actress Julie Capsom. But when her station is purchased by an eccentric billionaire, who insists on hiring disgraced cop Brenda Bentley as her co-host, Bea gets way more than she bargained for.
Who should be or is kissing? There are actually a fair few f/f couples across Arden’s two released seasons, particularly in season 2, but never have two people needed to just fuck already more than Bea and Brenda.

Midnight Radio | @martletradio

Amelia just moved back to the hometown she left for a reason and needs advice. Luckily, the dreamy, perfectly vintage midnight radio talk show hosted by Sybil McIntyre takes listener letters. Slowly we realize things aren’t all that they seem for Sybil, whose timeless aesthetic may have more sinister underpinnings. 
Who should be or is kissing? Sybil and Amelia, assuming a uh, massive spoiler gets resolved.


D&D podcaster Jacq is recording her advice show when she accidentally makes radio contact with Geneva, an orc researcher based in the land of Chel. As portals begin to open between their worlds, the two must get to the bottom of what’s going on, and figure out their fledgling feelings for each other.
Who should be or is kissing? Jacq and Geneva are very cute from the jump. And who can blame Jacq for seeing the opportunity to smooch a hot trans orc lady and going for it?

Mabel | @mabelpodcast

A home healthcare worker begins attempting to reach the estranged granddaughter of the woman she is charged with looking after, and then things get really weird. (I find Mabel so very vexing to describe but expect strange, surreal horror with a dark romantic heart.)
Who should be or is kissing? Home health worker Ana Limon and Mabel Martin, whose whereabouts will not be spoiled by this tiny list.


Rose’s dad just died, and his will states she must start writing letters to the owner of his favourite flower shop if she wants to continue living in their family home. Despite all this, romance blossoms as she and her new penpal slowly get to know each other.
Who should be or is kissing? Rose and Abby, the owner of the flower shop, who build an mutual understanding around being anxious as hell, weird about media and needing to go to therapy pretty badly.

Alice isn’t Dead

Alice isn’t dead, which is news to her wife. Working as a truck driver for an increasingly strange company, Keisha crosses the country to track her down and uncovers a dark secret lurking along America’s highways in the process.
Who should be or is kissing? Alice and Keisha have a, uh, complicated relationships to say the least but you can’t argue there isn’t something interesting there.
ptarmighast:after experiencing a loss, you eventually learn to move on…haha unless?ptarmighast:after experiencing a loss, you eventually learn to move on…haha unless?ptarmighast:after experiencing a loss, you eventually learn to move on…haha unless?


after experiencing a loss, you eventually learn to move on

…haha unless?

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The other cool thumbnails I had for left week 122 and slapped bubblegum on em




pick two or more prompts:

location: Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe




lyrics:this place was built for moving out


Wednesday, April 28


  • pick two or more from the prompts above.
  • create something! anything: fic, fanart, moodboard, gifset - whatever strikes your fancy. all characters and all ships welcome.
  • post it on the following Wednesday so we’ve all got some new content to share and enjoy while we wait for our beloved trash fire problematic fave to return from hiatus.
  • tag your submission with #riverdalepromptathon so we can find it and reblog it!
  • that’s it. seriously - we just want to encourage some creativity and sharing during the hiatus. we’ll be running the promptathon for the next 7 weeks so stay tuned. and if you have any questions, our ask box is open!
macheteclub: (dusts this off to post some jasons i posted on twitter because i crave recognition)macheteclub: (dusts this off to post some jasons i posted on twitter because i crave recognition)


(dusts this off to post some jasons i posted on twitter because i crave recognition)

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evilwvergil: ~あけましておめでとうございますPrincess Zelda wishes you Happy New Year…evilwvergil: ~あけましておめでとうございますPrincess Zelda wishes you Happy New Year…


Princess Zelda wishes you Happy New Year…

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May 12th- “How squeamish are you?”

[panic attack|blowtorch | basement]


Cw: kidnapping, implied drugging, head injury, headaches, basement setting

Whumpee groaned, forcing their eyes open against the dim light. Pain shot through their skull, echoing through even the deepest crevices of their mind and creeping down their neck.

They felt like they were sinking, being pulled down, down, down by an invisible weight. They could barely think, barely move. Just opening their eyes had seemed to sap away every last bit of strength and energy they had.

What the hell…?

Their pupils dilated, flicking around in the poorly lit room. The air was stale and musty, only a thin shaft of light drifting in through a partially boarded up window, illuminating the flecks of dust in the air.

Overhead lay a ceiling decorated with exposed pipes and rafters, rotting wood that creaked with the footsteps of those above. Whumpee’s brows furrowed slightly, ignoring the deep throb that pierced their consciousness with the motion.

Something soft cushioned their head, fabric rustling at every small movement they made. With a great effort, Whumpee turned their head to the side, squeezing their eyes shut as the pain in their head increased tenfold.

A pillow, they realized, a full minute later when they were able to open their eyes again. A stiff, bare pillow without a case, speckled with some oddly colored stains.

Over their body lay draped a threadbare blanket, worn around the edges with a few tears.

What the fuck was going on?!

Whumpee let out a shaky breath, squirming slightly as they tried to get their body to work again. Their muscles didn’t want to listen to them, nothing was moving.

Whumpeewould’ve been ashamed of how long it took for them to notice the other person in the room, if they weren’t too terrified to even breathe.

“Good morning, darling.”

psychic-waffles: I finally finished my kaiju poster and I’m so happy with it!! Considering doing a r


I finally finished my kaiju poster and I’m so happy with it!! Considering doing a run of prints, or maybe individual keychains?

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Commission - Fingolfin


An anon said Ingo in the Owl House au has a Gliscor palisman and I instantly blacked out and woke up with this on my sketchbook

ultrameganicolaokay:Something is Killing the Children #24 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera aultrameganicolaokay:Something is Killing the Children #24 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera aultrameganicolaokay:Something is Killing the Children #24 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera aultrameganicolaokay:Something is Killing the Children #24 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera a


Something is Killing the Children #24 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera and Miquel Muerto. Cover by Dell’Edera. Variant covers by (2 & 3) Jenny Frison and (4) Oliver Barrett. Out in June.

“While Cutter’s machinations continue to unfold at the House of Slaughter, Erica has tracked a terrifying new enemy within a small town in New Mexico.
With her past quickly catching up with her, Erica must don the mask once again and head into the heart of the danger if she wants any hope of stopping this monstrous entity.”

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besh-drawing-stuff:switched at birth au ! my friend @equalskiersten and I had this au for a while anbesh-drawing-stuff:switched at birth au ! my friend @equalskiersten and I had this au for a while an


switched at birth au ! 
my friend @equalskiersten and I had this au for a while and i finally decided to talk about it !
so , switched at birth is a tv series about two girls who were switched at birth  one of them grew with a richer family - keith living with the holts - and the other lived with a single mom and she’s deaf - that’s pidge living with krolia - anyways you get the idea , i’ll probably draw more about it later if I get motivated enough
hope you like it !

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