#incorrect critical role



Imogen: ARE YOU-

Ashton: Fucking.

Imogen: KIDDIN’ ME?! YOU-

Ashton: Fucking.

Imogen: IDIOT!

Orym: …What was that?

Ashton: Imogen doesn’t like swearing, so I’m helping her out.


So my brother is new to the Critical Role Community

He’s been watching Campaign Two for the past few days and he’s made it to episode four. Throughout this process, he’s been keeping me up to date with what he thinks about the world, magic, and characters.

As a bit of a veteran fan, this is very amusing to me.

But so far this has been my favorite comment of his:

“All these guys don’t really seem like they’re on the up-and-up to me. Most of them are running from something or they’re criminals - I mean, Caleb and Nott were in freaking prison. As far as I can tell Mollymauk is the most normal, morally-guided person without a criminal record or sketchy backstory.”

This obviously made me die laughing. The fact that he thinks MOLLY is the most normal, decent person in that party KILLS ME

Oh well, he’ll learn the truth soon…


So my brother is new to the Critical Role Community

He’s been watching Campaign Two for the past few days and he’s made it to episode four. Throughout this process, he’s been keeping me up to date with what he thinks about the world, magic, and characters.

As a bit of a veteran fan, this is very amusing to me.

But so far this has been my favorite comment of his:

“All these guys don’t really seem like they’re on the up-and-up to me. Most of them are running from something or they’re criminals - I mean, Caleb and Nott were in freaking prison. As far as I can tell Mollymauk is the most normal, morally-guided person without a criminal record or sketchy backstory.”

This obviously made me die laughing. The fact that he thinks MOLLY is the most normal, decent person in that party KILLS ME

Oh well, he’ll learn the truth soon…


(Yasha): i accidentally indulged in too much ‘me time’

(yasha): turns out, i’ve been reported missing for 6 months and presumed dead by most locals and national authorities. 

imogen: oh really? well, speaking of hell, if I wasn’t so in control of my emotions, I might be inclined to say that’s the sort of place you should consider makin’ uh, a visit towards!
