#other blogs

mitopancake: My Blood MC for @fell-star-ifThe angst sneak peaks from a bit ago had me thinking about


My Blood MC for @fell-star-if

The angst sneak peaks from a bit ago had me thinking about Amor going insane for a while so I finally drew the before and after, as well as their Abyssal form for now.

MC will have the option to go bat-shit insane over Shian who was shot in that path

BuT LIKE- THOSE EXPRESSIONS ASDFGHJKL//break my heart and stomp on it, I’m sorry Amor, the plot told me to do it to baby Shian cuz people are mean and-

Thanks for sharing your work! They’re always full of expression and amazing to gaze upon!

Post link


Rated 17+ for gore, strong language, child abuse, animal abuse, and possible explicit content. It may result change as I progress with the story.

NSFW asks are welcome.

You are a Séraphinical.

A being with long wings, able to fly high up in the sky, a being blessed with immortality,andfreedom. Thehumans admired your species from afar, until it became jealousy.

You witnessed it all. Your family was taken away from you, your friends, your closest ones, everyone, but the worst of all? Your freedom. The freedom your species fought the gods to gain, the many storms you have endured, only to disappear into dust, bloody dust.

You fought back, but despite everything you were captured, left alive for some shady scientific experiments. A question kept pondering into your mind, why were you left alive? You? The black sheep of your family? It remains unknown to you.

Many years have passed, they called you XVIII, your name ripped away from you. You are not just a toy, you’re an invaluable asset to them, you kill people you are tasked to kill. An ‘assassin’, you kill to live.

Will you be a puppet to the end? Or will you finally cut the strings that have been holding you down for all those years? Or perhaps… you will find someone that will hold dear for you?

• Play as a male, woman or non-binary.

A ‘fully’ customizable MC, except for the wings details, and the height which can be: average or tall.

Play as an experiencedsamurai, you have a deep black katana.

Magic is a thing in this world.

Continuar lendo

myvelvetroom: it seems I almost forgot to introduce Saturn’s Abyssal form! Silly me :)(read @fell-st


it seems I almost forgot to introduce Saturn’s Abyssal form! Silly me :)


I swear something isn’t awakening within me with people having stomach mouths or having mouths on their chest… Maybe-

I adore the flow of their hair, the glow of their nails and hoofs are *mwah. Not to mention, the mystical, hauntingly ‘divine’ aura and look to Saturn is so pretty-

Thanks for sharing your amazing work, I love Saturn’s Abyssal fom asdfghjkl//

Post link


Soooo I needed a break from doing 7 hours of college algebra a day and drawing my other IF MC’s faces. So I drew Nyx in her casual clothes because goddamn it I couldn’t get it out of my head. I also felt the need to fill up the page so I drew her blood spears and horns. I also did the white tips because I also missed that and had a lot of fun drawing her claws last time. Also the crown of thorns kinda felt fitting so yupp.

Anyway please check out @fell-star-if and their demo. I love it and cannot wait to see where their story goes!

Oooo, I adore the blood spears surrounding her, as well as her horns at the top as they’re just *mwah* love the design already, she looks adorable and so normal. If only Nyx can have a normal life-

Casual clothing be makings MCs look cute and Nyx is a cutie. I love her already. She just looks so adorable. Also, crown of thorns, love the attention to detail; although she looks normal, people would be fools to think she is an easy target.

Thanks for sharing your amazing work!!


Was board and tried making my Harbinger Thuban from @fell-star-if in Hero Forge. Sadly they don’t have any good veil options but she came out pretty.

Thuban still be slaying no matter what-asdfghjkl//


*bash through the wall*

Well hello there nice to see u again after all these days anyway here u go *throws some bad art at u*

Hope u enjoy oh and its from @fell-star-if

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You’re 100% valid, all I know how to draw is Bara Men with tiddies-we are cursed with being able to draw just a single type of person skdfnadjfawfa,

 I still love your Harbinger though, Memphis is adorable! So glad to see people with multiple eyes, as its always a joy. Adore the highlights on the corner of their hairtips too, *mwah.

Thanks for sharing your amazing work!


Save Me


You are trembling.

What to feel? How to feel?

The sand is warm, beneath your foot. Prickly.. but warm.

You look up.

You’re home.

You’re tired. You hate your 9-5 job. You hate your family and you aren’t getting any younger. Plunged into deep chaos, all of a sudden— your guardian angel… well, let’s just say they are more of a headache than guardian.

“Yo, what the—”

Go bother someone else, Jeremy—”

My name is not—”

But, hey— you’re all alone in this big bad world, with prices to pay and people after you. So, you’ll take their help.. you guess.

Don’t you sound thankful?”

Shut up.”

Emo kid.”

I’m thirty—”

And, when a certain someone from your past enters the picture— well, correction. A lot of people from your past enter the picture. I mean.. it’s bad. Yeaaaaaaaaaah. It’s bullshit.

To make things worse, you realize that, you- in fact, have become the next Harry Mothereffing Potter, who are bound to fix the timeline and release the seven souls.

You forgot the most important thing, dumba—”

Did I mention that you’re dead? No? Yeaaaaah, you’re dead.

Soooooooooooo… rip. And g’day, mate!

Why’d you turn Australian— OW!”

  • Play as a male, female, non-binary or, trans character.
  • Do your math, because hell yeah, you’re a guardian angel too now—

A mistake, really.”

  • Be as annoying as your guardian angel and die without consequences.

Of course, you mentioned that..”

  • Form meaningful relationships and keep an eye on your enemies.

You sound like the description of Clash and Clans, lol”

  • Who says ‘lol’ in real life?
  • Get free pizza and fly? Man, get out of here, what else do ya want?


The ROs:

  1. Salvatore/Salvia-The Guardian Angel“Sal”

They know all your small little kinks and flaws— plus, all your thoughts. You might hide your pain in humour.. but, they see through your walls. You had been their guardian for too long.. too many unspoken words and feelings left. Now, they are yours. And, forever will be.

Gender: Selectable M/F.

Age: 690. (No, it’s not a joke, I promise.)

2. Apollo/Athena- The Keeper of the Archives

What is it that kids say these days? A cinnamon roll? Well, that’s what they truly are— with their sweets words and kind smiles. Hidden underneath, is plain darkness. A darkness, they wish to get rid of.

Gender: Selectable M/F.


3. Moira- ???

A mysterious entity and the keeper’s sibling. Always with a blank face and non-judgemental expression etched on their face, they have seen too much pain. Too much. Your guardian seems to have a strong hatred towards them.As for you.. well, they know a lot about your case, in particular.

Gender: Selectable M/F/NB

Age: 1473.

4. Amias/Amy- The Superstar

You know them. You’ve spent all too many nights with them, from braiding each other’s hair to breathing in it’s scent, so deep— that it has stuck to you, even now. You separated on awkward terms, only too never talk again— but now, you’re here.. in front of them. It feels… well, you don’t know, what it feels.You’re not going to breathe in their hair anymore, but.. hey, close enough.

Gender: Selectable M/F.

Age: 31.

5. Death- The Ruler of Hell

Oh, they are scary and eery and also, kinda cool. You like cool. They like you too. But, they’re also after you.. so run. Has a personal vendetta with the Keeper, so best to keep them away from each other. They are always cold and confident.. but there is a softer side underneath that darkness, reserved only for you.

Gender: Unknown currently.

Age: 10000000000?


The best part of all this?

Save your deadsibling.

Good luck, saviour.


Um. I saw some posts so… My fell star mc Ein. @fell-star-if

I adore the lunacy powers. I feel like… lunacy is in a way confronting the unstable, subjective, and unknowable nature of reality head on and revelling in it. Maybe it’s a sign of madness on my part but I think you could call it a peak form of sanity. ‘No virtue you heroes hold on to are immutably real. Just let go and float away’. Very post modern, yes yes It’s why I gave them many eyes

Multi-Eyed MCs be winning my heart, like y'all making me go doki doki over here-

That look your MC has got me going ✊️ y'all really out here making me fall in love with y'all MCs. I love them so much asdfghjkl-

Thanks for sharing your amazing work and MC!


trigger warnings: 17+ for depictions of violence, gore, strong language, mild sexual themes, death, and mature themes. Viewer discretion is advised.


in the world of Alignma, it was prophesied that four, otherworldly warriors shall descend upon the world to combat against the forces of evil.

one will possess the disposition of a true monarch.

one will possess the strength of the true matriarch of Alignma.

one will possess the memories of a traitorous god.

one will possess the heart of a mourning world.

you are NOT one of these warriors.


As a regular college student, you are fully aware of how everything works in the world…somewhat. You have student loans to repay, research papers to turn in before midnight, classes that aren’t significant to your actual degree, and professors to speak with regarding your future careers. It’s stressful, but luckily, your best friends are there to help you ride out the college experience.

That is, until you were dragged through some wormhole, and found yourself face-to-face with a cat-eared man who jovially exclaims, “Welcome to Alignma, brave heroes!”

You were most definitely surprised to be dragged in a different universe, but hey! This means that you’ll finally be able to take a break from your schoolwork, homework–whatever! There’s even the chance that you’ll be able to save everyone, wield a powerful weapon, and–uh. Or not.

According to the cat-eared man, you are NOT one of the chosen heroes. Your friends are.

And the only way to even leave this world is to help your friends destroy said forces of evil…as their impromptu bodyguard.

You’re pretty sure the universe as chosen you as their residential punching bag and you don’t like it.

To Which You’re a Martyr is an in-progress interactive fictional novel that will be made in Twine about close friendships, evolution, and the desire for a happy ending. To Which You’re a Martyr will be a tentative trilogy.


To Which You’re a Martyr includes:

-Play not as one of the chosen heroes of prophecy, but as their defender instead!

-Pursue a romance with not only your best friends, but with more additions! However, if you wish to pursue/continue with a platonic relationship, that option is also there as well!

-Have a wide, range of options to choose from for your character creation!

-Interchangeable POV’s between characters!

-Your actions will have consequences. Be prepared for the decisions that you will make!


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Hey hey hey @fireyn look what I’ve got. I got a wholesome art, I got a nice crossover and I hope you’ll like it???

Look at these wholesome individuals all gathered together-

They all deserve a break.


Genre(s): Dark Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Antique Fantasy

Age-rating: 18+, complete list of warnings will be posted in the demo.



Every child accepted into patrician family struggles with burden of expectations. You might carry your father’s name and his blood flows through you veins…

Or does it? Perhaps your bloodline has been blessed - you wield a strange godlike power. And as far as anyone can see - it’s out of control.

On a recommendation from an enigmatic guest you’ve been quickly confined to a life in a temple of Janus Quirinus, on Ilva, where temple attendants and augurs dedicate their lives to the scholarly pursuits and upkeep.
As you grow and learn, a student and a test subject you uncover the secrets of your bloodline and make your first terrible mistake. You will soon be forced to travel to reach the capital once again while your father’s ambitious nature causes trouble.

  • Learn alchemy and discover the secrets of your bloodline.
  • Converse with creatures beyond your understanding. Anger creatures beyond your understanding.
  • Seek answers.
  • Customize your MC’s name, personality, gender, appearance, hobbies and their fatal flaw.
  • Form friendships, rivalries and more. 

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ZORLOK: Play the Prologue on Itch.io

Happy Friday the 13th!

Zorlok is officially live on Itch.io! Play the full Zorlok Prologue—The Contract—byclicking here.

What can you do today?

  • Play as Tommy!
  • Meet a strange old woman
  • Get a demonic ritual
  • Summon a demon and sell your soul
  • Hit the demon’s factory reset button

The next update is scheduled for July 1st. For a sneak peek at what can you expect in the next update, check under the cut!

Play Zorlok




Faerie Market


Trouble is brewing in the world of Faerie. The ruling High Fae have been restless, and the consequences of their unease could mean the end of the comfortable life you’ve made for yourself outside the strict control of the Courts.

The sudden appearance of an old acquaintance, an agent of the very system the Market rebeled from, is worrying enough on its own. But when you find a strange outsider hidden away in your storage room who claims to be a cursed human pleading for your help, you know you’ve gotten yourself into something far bigger than it appears. Your going to have to use every trick you’ve got up your sleeves to protect your fellow vendors, a few of whom are quickly proving themselves to be more trustworthy than their fae nature would suggest.


  • Customize your MC, from their wings to what court they used to serve in!
  • Romance one of 5 fully nonbinary, minimally human romance options!
  • Customize what your shop specializes in- from potions of luck to literal silver tongues, anything is for sale at the Market if you’re willing to pay
  • Help destabilize the oppressive monarchs that rule Faerie with an iron fist
  • Form a found family with a group of outsiders


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Adding to the beach themed fun @fell-star-if Fandom. Featuring my Harbinger Thuban in her human form bonding with Shian and sunbathing.

Because lbr they both deserve a vacation, let Shian have fun and be a normal kid for a while, and let Thuban order a Bloody Mary and then be disappointed by the misleading name.

Thuban drinking a Bloody Mary for the first time: what the?? This is just tomato juice and vodka! Why call it a Bloody Mary if there’s no actual blood in it?

It’s summer, Beach episodes are expected- afsknaefega

Thuban why you gotta be such a stunner-Shian is so adorable in their floatie and their little arm pads as well. They would totally pick up what they find on the beach and show it to MC, or the others, because they’ve never seen it before.

Pff//Thuban would be probably confused about Bloody Marys not having blood. The drink was a lie-

Thanks for sharing your beautiful and amazing work avkdvadf

ihavenogoodnameidea:Honestly missed most of the star anons by a bit; BUT pls enjoy a chibi Pk and th


Honestly missed most of the star anons by a bit; BUT pls enjoy a chibi Pk and the star anons :D


With the stars I have collected, I shall make us a galaxy for us to gaze upon together-

Post link


Harbinger and Shian are ready for the beach episode of Fell Star.


BEACH EPISODE-(I still gotta do that Hot Spring and the High School AU drawing first before I do the Beach episode-)

I love them so much, as Shian looks so cute with that little hat and their attire, and your Harbinger looks amazing. Catch Divyan being interested with how cool looking your MC is.

Thanks for sharing your lovely work!

Hey guys! Long time, no see!!

So I’m going to clean up my main blog! I’m gonna get rid of posts from my school days, dated artwork, and a few reblogs. This is going to be my official art blog.

For those who do not know, I have a few other blogs:

Reblog blog: kikity-reblogs 

Food blog: hungry-kikity

Animation blog: kikity-appreciates-animation

Truffle Troopers blog: Truffle Troopers

Hey everyone sorry for such a long hiatus but I have been dealing with a lot of things and I have recently created a blog for my middle regression as I have figured out that I not only am a baby regressor but I’m a middle regressor as well !!

I am still learning about my middle space and myself but in the meantime if you want to see some new regression content please follow me @middlespace11nostalgia

I am struggling with my mental health but will be posting as often as I can on there I look forward to seeing you all interact !!

If you like this blog, pleeeease check out my other blogs, I promise they will get the job done for you ;)  Follow them and I’ll love you forever! :D

http://anythingthatturnsyouon.tumblr.com/ (this one is my second favorite!)


And my newest one!

