#otp fanfic ideas


Imagine your OTP…

Person 1 teaching Person 2 how to swim, after they stated they knew how to swim and Person 1 yeeted them into the pool. Person 1 now feels like they’re obligated to teach them how to swim, although Person 2 is super embarrassed. In the end, Person 2 learns how to swim, but at what cost?

Imagine your OTP…

At their first high school dance. Awkward theming, awkward pics, all their friends getting together at Denny’s to eat all you can eat pancakes at 4 am; the works!

Imagine your OTP…

Person 1 has just moved into their families old estate. The estate has been in the family for many generations, but it seems a bit… supernatural. The first night Person 1 stays there, he discovers a ghost (Person 2) playing the grand piano in the study. When Person 1 freaks out at them, Person 2 only replies with “wait, you can see me?”

Imagine your OTP…

Fantasy AU: Person 1 is a wizard and Person 2 is their apprentice. They journey far and wide for the fabled strongest magic user, and after a perilous journey, they found them. The “master user” said they were awaiting the arrival of the strongest wizard in the land, but they weren’t talking about Person 1…

Imagine your OTP…

Uni AU: They somehow have 3 classes together, so they become friends and study partners. They find out they have two completely different majors, however, and know they can’t keep taking the same classes forever. Despite this, they still continue to hang out and study together. They slowly fall in love with each other, although it’s hard to confess your love for each other when there’s finals to study for!

Imagine your OTP…

Taking a train ride around their country/world! Need help? Here’s some broad ideas…

  • They always wanted to travel together as “bEsT fRiEnDs”, but they find their love for each other on the trip. Either that, or they’re already dating, or married, and they just want to get away from it all.
  • Enemies to lovers fic? No problem; they accidentally booked the same trip and one thing after another happened.
  • Never met fic? They sat next to each other and got to know each other through the entire trip.
  • Some things to consider: what is the scenery like? Is there a lot of stops like a tour, or is it just a really long train ride? What kind of train ride is it? What is the reason for the trip? Etc.

Imagine your OTP…

Stuck in a corn maze for 2-3 hours. Person 1 is CONVINCED they know the way out, but they keep going in circles. Person 2 doesn’t think they’ll ever make it out, and wants to ask other people for help, but Person 1 refuses.

Bonus: Haunted corn mazes are a thing, if you’re looking for Halloween fic ideas.

Imagine your OTP…

Person 1 is part of a heavily religious cult training to be a priest(ess)-like figure. One night, they wake up in the middle of the night to a super cute demon (Person 2) wondering where the hell they were, right in their room. Person 1 freaks the hell out, but Person 2 is convinced that they were the one who summoned them. Person 1 claims they didn’t do it, but agrees to help them find out who did, because damn, they are cute as hell, no pun intended.

Bonus: Person 2 has to stay hidden or else the entire congregation would be in chaos. We all know that doesn’t happen.

Imagine your OTP…

Sitting on the starry beach, so close to each other they can hear each other’s heartbeats. They both smile and they watch the world end right in front of them, reminiscing on all they’ve been through together. Why does the end of the world look so beautiful?

The moment seems to last forever, but they both know when it’s over as the starry nebula engulfs them. They make sure to say “I love you” one last time before everything seizes to exist.

This is goodbye.

Imagine your OTP…

Person 1, rummaging through the pantry at noon: Should I drink this entire bottle of pink moscato?

Person 2: P1, no. Just because we’re quarantined doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to down an entire bottle of pink moscato at noon.

Person 1: What do you mean I shouldn’t drink the entire bottle of pink moscato??? You’re not my parent/mom/dad!

Person 2: oh my god

Imagine your OTP…

Driving five hours from where they live, just to find the best stargazing spot. They spend the entire night cuddling and watching the stars together. ✨

Imagine your OTP…

At the hot springs. The Hot Springs Episode™️? Yeah, that’s your prompt. Need help?

  • What will they wear, if anything? Cute robes, kimono or yukata, a bathing suit, or just a cute lil’ towel wrap?
  • Where is the hot springs at? Are they staying at a resort, or is it just a day trip? If it’s at a resort, how many rooms or beds are there. If it’s just a day trip, how did they get there?
  • Co-ed or gendered(?) baths? If applicable, of course.
  • What other activities are there to do at the hot springs, if any?
  • Are they sharing beds or what?
  • Is the vibe mellow and relaxing, or are your characters living it up at the hot springs?

You get the idea, right?

Imagine your OTP…

On a cooking or baking show!

Some options:

  1. Person A is a the executive chef and Person B is the sous chef. They’ve been working with each other for a long time, and express to the judges that they truly are perfect partners. The judges, however, can see they are MORE than just perfect baking partners…
  2. Person A and Person B are in the final round of a baking competition, and there is a lot of tension between the two. They know so much about each other now that they’ve been competing together for many weeks, so why is there so much tension? Who really deserves to win the final prize?
  3. Person A and Person B are on an awful cooks baking show (think Worst Cooks in America or Nailed It). They both have no idea what they’re doing, but they cheer each other on and have fun the entire time.
  4. Person A is a cook and Person B is a judge. Person A did their research about Person B before the competition, and they make Person B’s absolute FAVORITE dish to impress them in order to win. One bite out of the dish, and Person B is in love.
  5. Person A and B are both in a cooking competition, but everything is going wrong for Person B, and they just break down. Person A goes out of their way to help calm them down.

Imagine your OTP…

On an Animal Crossing date. Will they go on a cute museum date, or will they just hit each other with their axes?

Imagine your OTP…

Criminal AU? They’re both hired to steal a high priced painting, and they just keep getting in each other’s way. They can’t rat each other out without getting caught for their own crimes, so there isn’t much they can do about each other. What happens when they have to hide from the police together in the broom closet…?

Imagine your OTP…

Person A is a witch and Person B just so happens to find their gothic, woodsy cottage. Curious, Person B checks out the cottage, and is met with Person A, in a cute witch outfit, watering their herbs while a pie is in the oven. Person B wonders how a witch could be so soft and cute…

Imagine your OTP…

They’re playing with a Ouija Board and Person A doesn’t believe in ghosts or spirits. Person B will do anything to scare Person A, but will Person B just scare themselves instead?

Imagine your OTP…

Theatre AU! Person A and B both want the lead role, and they consider themselves “rivals” in that aspect. However, when the cast list comes out, they are both cast as extras. They team up to try to get the director to reconsider.
