

Outgoing : 260219
Mailed out 2 letters today. They will be heading to Germany and Scotland respectively. It was fun making the food themed envelopes, hope y'all like them too!

I have 3 more letters left in my mail pile. I’ll get there, please be patient with me.

 Outgoing : 290818 ✉Mailed out a letter to Shanaya in USA and postcards to swappers in Hong Kong , L

Outgoing : 290818
Mailed out a letter to Shanaya in USA and postcards to swappers in Hong Kong , Lithuania , USA and Bosnia & Herzegovina Thank you for swapping!

I am very happy that my postcard collection is growing and I am able to find cards from some of my missing countries. If anyone can help me with the missing countries, I’d greatly appreciate it!

My USA state cards collection is almost done. I need 9 more states to complete this series. If you have the states I’m looking for, I’d be happy to swap with you.

*** I collect view cards only ***
No requests for stamps, written & stamped only

Post link
 Outgoing : 160818 ✉Sent out a letter to my Hungarian penpal Anna and postcard swaps to USA , Belaru

Outgoing : 160818
Sent out a letter to my Hungarian penpal Anna and postcard swaps to USA , Belarus , Russia , China and Australia . Safe travels!

Post link
4:54 PM // happy October! (I love any excuse to break out the washi tape)

4:54 PM // happy October! (I love any excuse to break out the washi tape)

Post link

If you ever find yourself wondering if I’m flirting with you… I don’t. I am just polite and outgoing.

If you think I’m awkward and you get second hand embarrassment everytime you’re around me there you have it. I am trying and failing to flirt with you.

 #heart #airplant #love #wedding #favors #outgoing #inthestudio #losangeles (at robincharlotte studi

#heart #airplant #love #wedding #favors #outgoing #inthestudio #losangeles (at robincharlotte studio )

Post link
 #airplant #heart #wreath #inthestudio #losangeles #birthday #love #someonespecial #outgoing (at rob

#airplant #heart #wreath #inthestudio #losangeles #birthday #love #someonespecial #outgoing (at robincharlotte studio )

Post link

My first letter to melanie back in August! I went with a yellow theme since that’s her favorite color, and included a cross stitch kit

//outgoing for sabrina #2

//theme: purple space / vaporwave

//february 2020

//outgoing for Rissa #6

//theme: Valentine’s Day

//february 2020

//outgoing for sabrina #1

//theme: strawberry patch

//february 2020

//outgoing for stellablue #1

//theme: ravenclaw

//february 2020

//outgoing for rissa #5

//theme: green & gold christmas

//january 2020

//outgoing for gelina #2

//theme: red & green christmas

//december 2019

//outgoing for rissa #4

//theme: halloween

//november 2019

//outgoing for gelina #1

//theme: autumn

//november 2019

//outgoing for melanie #2

//theme: pastel pink & blue cats

//october 2019

//Outgoing for Rissa #3

//theme: vintage pink/blue

//october 2019

My 2nd letter to Rissa! I sent this 1 week after the Steven Universe movie came out, and it’s Pearl themed since that’s one of her favorite characters. Art is by @nep-draws (which is just my art blog lol)

My first letter to Denise back in September. I have lots of pink stuff, so I figured i’d put it to use. The two drawings in image 5 are of our OCs. The redhead is hers, the pink one is mine

My first outgoing letter to Rissa, also from august. She wrote the first one, and I found out we were both slytherins, so I did a slytherin theme for her

sending out some mail today, two postcards and a letter. fanning them out to look cute and cover addresses :3

postcard 1: black square by malevich, literally just a black square on a white background

postcard 2: black-and-white photo mosaic of three cool astrophysical objects, two galaxies and a nebula, photographed by the lowell observatory 42-inch refractor

letter: just a plain white security envelope with a silver and black wax seal on it

I really like the yellow and black floral print on the pepin vienna 1900 writing set box, so i used that and this blue woven blanket as my background. the blanket has these long fibers that get on everything and in everything, especially in my mouth, so i’m not sure why i haven’t thrown it away yet.
