#international asexuality day


Happy International Asexuality Day (IAD) 2022, from all of us at AVEN!

[image description: white text on a purple rectangle that reads “Happy International Asexuality Day!” with purple flowers in the background, and the AVEN and IAD logos in the bottom right corner]

Cuddle pile

Based on this prompt

Magnus leans back in the rattan chair and chooses ‘truth’.

“Are you a top or a bottom?” Jace asks.

Alec hits his parabatai over the head with one of the firm pillows from the sofa. They started to play stupid party games after realising that the born and raised shadowhunters never had heard of them. Alec is already regretting agreeing to it.

“Ouch!” Jace hisses, rubbing the painful spot. “It’s just a question.”

“He needs to answer,” Izzy points out, sounding as if she were a judge proclaiming a sentence, and takes a sip from her wine glass.

“I have no problem answering that,” Magnus says. Alec grabs his arm, eyes full of concern, but his boyfriend pats his hand. “It’s okay, Alexander. I’m not ashamed of who I am.” He leans closer to Jace and says, “It depends on the cuddle pile. I don’t want too many people on top of me. But if it’s six or less, I’m fine being at the bottom.”

Jace blinks at him while Clary falls giggling against her boyfriend’s shoulder.

“That’s not what I meant,” Jace grumbles.

“Wait,” Simon calls. “You’re fine with six people on top of you? I know you’re immortal, but as a warlock you still need to breathe, right?”

“Of course. But I actually like it sometimes—the pressure, the surrender, the feeling of being one with everyone around. Back in the 1960s, we did it all the time. We cuddled a lot. I think at some point I had The Stones and The Beatles all over me, if you know what I mean,” Magnus says and winks at Simon.

“You married the best and worst liar of all time, bro,” Jace chuckles.

“I’m not lying, Jonathan. I’m embellishing the truth,” Magnus says and snaps his fingers. Two photographs appear in his hand, one showing Paul McCartney kissing Magnus’ cheek, the other Janis Joplin sleeping wrapped over his chest.

“Damn!” Simon breathes.

“Did you sleep with them?” Clary blurts out.

“A gentleman never tells, biscuit,” Magnus replies and cuddles against his husband.

“Smooth,” Alec whispers into his ear.

“I always am, my love.”

“I still don’t believe it. No one can enjoy lying buried under a pile of people,” Jace says, mirth sparkling in his eyes.

“Is that a challenge, Mr Herondale?”

“It sure is, Mr Lightwood-Bane.”

Magnus snaps his fingers, and the coffee table is replaced with a pile of pillows.

Magnus swirls around elegantly and lands in it with a giggle.

“Challenge accepted,” he chuckles.

Alec rolls his eyes but joins him. Izzy, Clary, and Simon follow soon after, building a giggling and snickering pile of bodies.

“Come, Jonathan. I can take it.”

“Why can’t you say anything without sounding naughty?” Jace asks.

“It’s a natural talent,” Magnus quips.

“C'mere,” Alec orders. “We all know you want to.”

Jace rolls his eyes. “This is ridiculous.”

“You started it,” Magnus points out.

Jace shakes his head and carefully lowers himself onto Simon’s back.

“Told you I’m a bottom.”

WE HAVE AN OFFICIAL DAY! April 6 will be the first ever International Asexuality Day!

I’m so pleased to finally announce the birth of this amazing occasion. Myself and many other activists and ace organisations from across the world - have been working together on this for almost a year! I’m proud of what we have managed to accomplish.

The day is designed to complement other ace events like Ace Week (the last week in October), but with a special emphasis on the international community, going beyond the English-speaking and Western sphere that has so far had the most coverage. The day can also serve as a focal point for giving asexuality some visibility in the first half of the year, useful for countries for which the end of October (Ace Week) is a difficult time of year for ace advocacy.

To find out more information, please check out @iadofficial, the official website internationalasexualityday.org, or click the link in my bio! Let’s spread the word far and wide in preparation for April 6!


Happy Ace day to all my fellow Acespecs

To the Asexuals, Demisexuals, Greysexuals

To the Aceflux’s and cupiosexuals, 

To the lithosexuals, fraysexuals

To all those on the ace spec that I haven’t listed 

To the sex favourable. the sex indifferent, the sex repulsed

To those who are acepec: arospec, hetero romantic, bi romantic, homo romantic, pan romantic 

To those still questioning or confused 

To all those who are apart of this community (sorry if I did not list above)

You are all valid and beautiful. 

Happy International Asexual Day


I was not aware that we had an international day.

Happy International Asexuality Day to my fellow Aspec peoples!!!

HappyInternational Asexuality Day to all my established, newfound, umbrella, and questioning aces out there. You are loved, and you are VALID!

Happy International Asexuality/Aromanticism Day to bisexual aces and aros!

You are an important part of the AAC (asexual/aromantic coalition) and the LGBT community.

You are not any less bisexual for your asexuality or aromanticism, nor vice versa.

You are a complete human being who is worthy of love and respect.

And if you’re seeing this later than April 6, good day/evening in general, because these apply everyday.

happy international ace day!


today, every asexual and aspec person gets to go to eeby deeby for reasons incomprehensible to mortals!

If you ever find yourself wondering if I’m flirting with you… I don’t. I am just polite and outgoing.

If you think I’m awkward and you get second hand embarrassment everytime you’re around me there you have it. I am trying and failing to flirt with you.

 Apparently April 6th was International Asexuality Day and I felt compelled to sketch TMK’s re

Apparently April 6th was International Asexuality Day and I felt compelled to sketch TMK’s resident aces. Or perhaps I just like to take any opportunity to make fun of Ibrahim’s lack of physical prowess… Sorry buddy.

I haven’t gone into much detail about characters’ sexualities cuz it’s not important to the plot, but these brats have been running around my brain for over 11 years. I know them pretty well. Coal is technically demisexual.

These scamps are both from my webcomic, Thistil Mistil Kistil.

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Happy International Asexuality Day!

Here’s me and my partner with some kins of mine I like to headcannon on the asexual spectrum!

Note - this is just opinion! You’re welcome to think otherwise :] I just find comfort in finding these characters as ace!


Happy International Asexuality Day! Never mess with a fellow asexual, we got ACE in our sleeves and our powers goes beyond your imagination. For the government we don’t exist and some thinks we’re are alien, but for me we will always be as VALID AS HELL!

✨You can find all the other cards inside the Pride Deck HERE!✨

artsymeeshee: Happy International Asexuality Day!


Happy International Asexuality Day!

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April 6th:

Today is international Ace day! Celebrate your ace friends :)

Internationaler Tag der Asexualität 2022

Internationaler Tag der Asexualität 2022

Gestern fand zum zweiten Mal überhaupt der Internationale Tag der Asexualität statt. Allen Aces, all jenen, die sich unter dem acespec wiederfinden, wünschen wir einen großartigen, sicheren und respektvollen #InternationalAsexualityDay (kurz: ‘IDA’). Asexuelle verdienen es!Das Ganze hat 4 zentralen Themen (Engagement, Feiern, Bildung/Aufklärung, Solidarität), die ganz frei zur Interpretation der…

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Erfahrungen nach schmecken wieder aufgewärmte nicht gerade gut. Umso besser, dass es sich ja hierbei um eine Promo zur letztjährigen #SchatzbergerPfannekuchenPodcast Sonderfolge für den #InternationalAsexualityDay handelt! Mit Empfehlung des Chefs: Co-Host @SchatzbergerAce

Und wenn ihr Spotify nicht mögt: Unter https://anchor.fm/pancakeschatzberger/ findet ihr Alternativen und den RSS Link

Gerade jungen Aces sei gesagt, dass Euer Enthusiasmus wunderbar ist. Es wird aber unter dem Hashtag #InternationalAsexualityDay auch im deutschsprachigen Internetraum Einiges an Ablehnung, Hass und Trolling geben.
Schenkt diesen Leuten nicht Eure kostbare Zeit. Es kann schwer sein, Falschaussagen + Hass zu unserer vollkommen legitimen Orientierung einfach unkommentiert zu lassen, aber es lohnt nicht, sich auf deren Intoleranz einzulassen. Wirklich nicht! Been there, done that: es schadet.

International Asexuality Day

Heute findet zum zweiten Mal überhaupt der Internationale Tag der Asexualität statt. Allen Aces, all jenen, die sich unter dem acespecwiederfinden, wünschen wir einen großartigen, sicheren und respektvollen International Asexuality Day (kurz: ‘IDA’). Asexuelle verdienen es!

Das Ganze hat 4 zentralen Themen (Engagement, Feiern, Bildung/Aufklärung, Solidarität), die ganz frei zur Interpretation der Community sind und lose Anhaltspunkte zur Begehung dieses Tages geben können.

Allosexuelle (nicht-asexuelle) Allies bitten wir, darauf zu achten, dass es heute nicht um Eure “Meinungen” zu unseren Identitäten, Existenzen oder der Infragestellung der Relevanz des #InternationalAsexualityDays geht. Manche Asexuellen beantworten gerne Eure Fragen, aber achtet auf ein Mindestmaß an menschlichem Respekt und unterlasst übergriffige Fragerei - etwas, dass in einer allonormativen, acefeindlichen Welt leider durchaus normalisiert ist. Keinmensch schuldet Euch Antworten.

B!: “A light lilacs Dragon with no face next to a speech bubble and two bright neon purple exclamation points. Inside the speech bubble are the demisexual pride flag, grey asexual pride flag and the asexual pride flag located, all of them have a similar color scheme with variations on grey, black, white and purple inside”

A small doodle to celebrate such an important date, happy international asexuality day!!!

Casually shows up #internationalasexualityday with 15 minutes left. Fun fact! The main character of my fairytale retelling is ace! (also she’s probs arospec too now that I’m thinking about it)

I know this is late, but Happy International Asexuality Day to the characters that made me feel immense joy the first time I heard them.

Jonathan Sims, Jet Siquliak, I’m talking to you

Also whoever that dude is in BoJack Horseman. Love that guy.

 Happy International Asexuality Day!  I encourage you to check out the official IAD website and the

Happy International Asexuality Day!  I encourage you to check out the official IAD website and the #IAD2022 tags for great asexual posts, events, and resources from around the world.

[description: Text reads “April 6th Happy International Asexuality Day. IAD is a worldwide campaign promoting the ace umbrella; it aims to recognize and enable the work that the international ace community and organizations do, particularly in non-Western and/or non-English speaking countries. Learn more: internationalasexualityday.org” There is a drawing of an asexual pride colored scarf with an ace heart on it. Underneath is the IAD official logo and ‘robynochs.com’]

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Happy International Asexuality Day!! Here’s a post-canon Jon since he’s my fave canon ace character!

Gente bonita! Estamos en la antesala del Día Internacional de la Asexualidad y su espectro, y por su

Gente bonita! Estamos en la antesala del Día Internacional de la Asexualidad y su espectro, y por supuesto que no queremos desaprovechar esta linda oportunidad para generar comunidad!

Desde distintas partes del mundo estamos organizando este conversatorio donde analizaremos cómo estamos como comunidad y compartiremos experiencias respecto a cómo se cruzan nuestras identidades con la actualidad nacional de cada país, la pandemia y la vida xD.

Así que estén atentes! Aún tenemos detalles que arreglar, pero tómense un par de horas para estar en Youtube el día miércoles, 19 hrs UTC/GMT! A lo largo de mañana daremos más precisiones sobre dónde conectarse ;).

Les esperamos!

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