
Hello! My name is Jenay and I am #prochoiceandpregnant !! It’s a very interesting story to how

Hello! My name is Jenay and I am #prochoiceandpregnant !!

It’s a very interesting story to how i became pregnant but long story short I am now a future single mama at 21!
And that is alright by me! Before becoming pregnant I was always prochoice and was convinced I didn’t want kids myself. I always thought if it were to come to it I would just have an abortion because I was far too young.
But holding that stick with the words pregnant on it I burst into tears and buried my face into my best friends arms.. After calming down I became excited at the thought of holding a tiny little being in my arms. And couldn’t help but smile.
I am 23 weeks today and couldn’t be more excited!

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I’m a proud mama of two beautiful girls, a volunteer birth doula, and I’m pro-choice. I

I’m a proud mama of two beautiful girls, a volunteer birth doula, and I’m pro-choice. I have always believed in a woman’s right to make her own reproductive decisions, but my own experiences with pregnancy and childbirth really solidified my pro-choice beliefs. Pregnancy and childbirth are such intimate, scary, beautiful, painful, amazing, affective experiences; no one should ever be forced to continue a pregnancy they do not want.

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I am the mother of four beautiful, active children. And I am pro-choice. There is no conflict or con

I am the mother of four beautiful, active children. And I am pro-choice. There is no conflict or contradiction in those two facts. I made my choice - it is what I always wanted. But I would be wrong to impose my choice on others.

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In April, 2004 I joined thousands of pro-choice activists / advocates in the March for Women’s

In April, 2004 I joined thousands of pro-choice activists / advocates in the March for Women’s Lives in Washington DC.  At the time, I was halfway through my first pregnancy. It was an amazing experience.  Some people seemed perplexed to see a pregnant woman in their midst, but I felt it imperative to represent my choice and to demand that every woman be given the opportunity to make her own. I didn’t know it at the time, as I love surprises, but the baby in my belly is a girl.  She is now almost 11, and I’m glad to have marched for her.

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Me and my daughter Ella at a rally for choiceEvery child deserves to be as planned, loved and wanted as our daughter was. Growing a tiny human inside me made me even more committed to ensuring that every person has a right to that choice. I am fighting for a world where my daughter has the same choice, the same rights, and without any shame or fear of retribution. That is why I joined the Political Committee at NARAL Massachusetts.

Cara Berg Powers, Co-Chair, NARAL Massachusetts Political Committee

My favorite thing in the world is being a mom to my twin boys. But as amazing and wondrous as it is,

My favorite thing in the world is being a mom to my twin boys. But as amazing and wondrous as it is, becoming a parent has made me realize how complicated and personal each person’s journey to parenthood can be.

Before we had the twins, I had a stillborn son at the beginning of my 3rd trimester. It was such a horrible experience. But throughout, I was treated with compassion. What if I lived somewhere with a personhood law, and law enforcement wanted to investigate the reason for my stillbirth?

Experiencing stillbirth, and then fertility treatments, and then high risk pregnancy – these things are complex and personal and emotional. I was very lucky to have freedom to make decisions with my doctor and my husband and without politicians getting involved (many of whom are completely clueless about basic medical issues).

I’m pro-choice because I trust women and because freedom over one’s own body is a fundamental right.

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This was me about 7 months pregnant. If you squint you can see my handy-dandy uterus protest sign in

This was me about 7 months pregnant. If you squint you can see my handy-dandy uterus protest sign in the background.

I worked as a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood for three years and my time there was a wonderful learning experience that strengthened my passion for pro-choice rights. While I was pregnant and walking into the office,  anti-choice protesters would scream horrible things about my parenting skills at me on a bullhorn. But, this was nothing compared to what our patients faced on a daily basis. Their ignorant shouts actually invigorated me, as I knew my work was vital to help keep access to reproductive health services in our community. My beautiful son is now 9 months old and I’m currently taking time off work as a stay-at-home mom, but when I’m ready I’ll  return to work in reproductive justice. The fight is real, and as a new mother, more important to me than ever.

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Prochoice, pregnant and celebrating!

Prochoice, pregnant and celebrating!

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I’ve worked for an abortion provider for nearly 11 years. I’m passionate about the work that I do, because (among many other reasons), I feel that the decision to be a mother should be made intentionally.

My babies were joyfully welcomed into my life. They are wanted and loved beyond all reason. They are my gifts, my treasures. Never a mistake, never a burden.

I wish this for every baby that is born. Planned, wanted, and loved!

I worked as an abortion counselor before becoming a mother, all the way up through the end of my 3rd

I worked as an abortion counselor before becoming a mother, all the way up through the end of my 3rd pregnancy. I wore big cardigans for my own level of privacy when talking to patients, but when one patient noticed, just a week or so before I gave birth, she was uncomfortable. “You’re pregnant,” she said, “Isn’t that somewhat inappropriate?” I could only shrug as I said to her, “I’m glad we have choices.“ 

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I have 3 girls, 6, 4 and 8 months. When I got pregnant with my 3rd, 4 years after my last one, every

I have 3 girls, 6, 4 and 8 months. When I got pregnant with my 3rd, 4 years after my last one, everyone was shocked that we waited so long. But we couldn’t take the ‘wait and see what happens’ approach.  Financially, it would have be devastating to have her sooner and even for me it would have been difficult (one income with 4 people was hard for us) but when we decided we would try again, we knew we were in a place to handle both sides, the emotional/physical side and the financial side.  Her birth was so traumatizing for me (I almost died and massive hemorrhaging for weeks afterward) that I’m glad we are done with our family now. I’m glad we could make the choice and all of our kids were wanted in the first place.

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She hates mornings. Lights on, kisses and hair stroking and she is still panned out. She might squin

She hates mornings. Lights on, kisses and hair stroking and she is still panned out. She might squint one eye half-open but actively refuses to wake fully. Mama is proud ✌️

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It’s rough sometimes being a werewolf pupper, still small and being bullied for how your tusks are s

It’s rough sometimes being a werewolf pupper, still small and being bullied for how your tusks are still little nubs

but little potato jr is still going to grow up just fine, right towards a BIG AND STRONG BOOFER
Be happy <3

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