
This ‘#UglyChristmasSweater’ Looks Totally Innocent…Until You Look A Little Closer! ——&m

This ‘#UglyChristmasSweater’ Looks Totally Innocent…Until You Look A Little Closer!
When her son asked her to buy him a new “#ugly #Christmas #sweater” for #school, this #mom had no idea just how much attention she’d soon get for her perfect choice.

Every #parent knows how easy it is to forget a few things around the holidays—a party here, a recital there.

Most #moms and #dads are really just trying to keep their heads above water until Christmas is finally over!

Between buying #Christmas presents and making sure you’re up to date on every one of your children’s holiday activities at school, you’re bound to miss a few minor details that you normally wouldn’t.

That’s exactly what happened here when #Imgur mom #angryhamzter picked up an ugly Christmas sweater for her son before really looking it over.

At first glance, this sweater is totally adorable, with a jolly #SantaClaus looking at the snow as the words “#MerryChristmas” are magically written in the sky.

But wait just a minute! Once you look a little closer, you’ll notice that magic is definitely not what’s behind that sign.

“Accidentally sent my son to school with his newly bought ugly Christmas sweater. Didn’t realize what Santa was doing until his #kindergarten teacher pointed it out when I picked him up after school,” angryhamzter captioned her photo.

Despite what his #teacher might think, this kid’s ugly Christmas sweater definitely #won online!

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#Dad Promises To Take His #Daughter #BarHopping. When She Wakes Up The Next Morning, She Understands

#Dad Promises To Take His #Daughter #BarHopping. When She Wakes Up The Next Morning, She Understands Why…
One of the toughest challenges for any #parent is learning to let go and allow your #children to make their own #decisions.

While it’s very important for #kids to branch out and find their place in the #world, #parents are always there to provide guidance and support.

So, when it came time for Reiko’s parents to teach her about the risks of #drinking and #partying, the #young #woman’s dad came up with an incredible plan.

Instead of bombarding her with #lectures or punishing her every time she stepped out of line, Reiko’s #dad offered to take her out for a special night of fun.

“Finally, one day my dad said this to me, ‘Hey Reiko, let’s go out drinking together sometime! I’ll take you wherever you want and you can order whatever you want. We can go to some fancy places, it’ll be great,’” Reiko tweeted about her big night out in #Japan with her dad, according to Rocket 24 News.

At first, the #rebellious #youngwoman found it a bit odd that her dad would want to go out partying with his daughter, but she couldn’t resist the offer.

“It felt really weird being told my dad to ‘drink all I wanted…’ But, I didn’t worry about it too much. I’d already come this far, and Dad said he’d treat me to whatever I wanted, so I decided to take full advantage of the opportunity,” she explained.
The big night started out well enough, with Reiko and her dad talking and laughing through each #bar, but things became a little hazy after a few more #drinks.

Reiko still doesn’t remember much after about the fifth bar, but she does know that the horrifying #hangover she had the next morning probably meant she #drank more than she could handle.

Though she didn’t talk to her dad about it right away, Reiko’s #mom handed her this #heartwarming note.

To read the note visit www.mommypage.com/mommystories

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The motto of all parents

The motto of all parents

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Hi Baby Girl!

WOW! Today you are eight months old and a whole lot of personality. I love you unlike any other love I have ever experienced and I appreciate what your presence has given me-GROWTH.

I want you to know that you are such a happy baby. You rarely cry or fuss! You absolutely LOVE your daddy and FINALLY you and Callie cat seem to really love each other.

The last eight months have flown by. You were this tiny little baby and now you are soooo big and your own person for sure. You love music, you love when your daddy throws you up into the air and you cannot get enough of your Baby Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Club.

Everyone who meets you comments on how well behaved you are! We are very blessed to have you as ours.

I love your giggle and smile and how you love cuddling with me. I want nothing but the best for you and I NEVER make a decision without your well being at the forefront of my mind.

Thank you for being so awesomely you! You’re a mover and a shaker (just like your momma), and you have no interest in crawling but try so hard to walk.

Take your time baby, you are growing so fast and this world has a way of forcing people to grow up far sooner than they should.

I love every part of you and I cannot wait for what the future holds for you! Keep that smile baby! The world can be tough, but you are stronger and you will make it through whatever this world throws at you.

It’s in your blood to be a survivor! It’s in your blood to work hard! and you will ALWAYS feel loved! This I promise you!

Happy eight months baby girl!

I asked the Mommies on my Facebook page if they follow their intuition when it comes to their kids or do they feel they may be overreacting-it was unanimous! Mommies follow their intuition, better safe than sorry! I agree and will never question myself again!

Prochoice parenting on the stoops of NYC!—Jessie

Prochoice parenting on the stoops of NYC!


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I’m pro choice because this little guy was an accident. And while I chose to go through with parenti

I’m pro choice because this little guy was an accident. And while I chose to go through with parenting anyway, I want everyone to know that you should never feel like you HAVE to.


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I am pro-choice. I am a mom of two boys. With my first pregnancy it was very hard. It made me realiz

I am pro-choice. I am a mom of two boys. With my first pregnancy it was very hard. It made me realize even stronger that being pro-choice is something I truly believed in. No woman should have to go through pregnancy unless she wants it and chooses to.

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It never occurred to me that my being pregnant would change how I felt about a woman’s right to choose abortion…..it didn’t, I wanted a baby and that was not an option for the women attending the abortion clinic where I worked.
I didn’t flaunt my being pregnant but towards the 36th week when I stopped work it wasn’t hard to spot.
Most of the women commented and they were generally kind and positive in a way that we could both acknowledge that the great thing about choice is that it gives you options.
Thirty years and three children later all born whilst I worked in abortion services it all seemed very ‘natural’. I am passionate about a woman’s right to choose and all that goes with it.

I was 19 when I got pregnant with boy Maxie. At the time my boyfriend lived out of the city, so I kn

I was 19 when I got pregnant with boy Maxie. At the time my boyfriend lived out of the city, so I knew I had to evaluate my choices when it came to my pregnancy and being a parent. When I went to Thomas and told him I wanted to have Maxie I also knew it was a decision that could have left me a single, young parent and it was  responsibly I was ready to take on. Luckily I had a boyfriend who packed up and moved in with me, only to now be the best daddy!

Being pregnant and being a parent is a conscious that a women should make on her own. Being pregnant comes with so many possible heath risks, not  mention the mental toll it could take on a woman NOT ready to carry a child. I went through a whole pregnancy with chronic vomiting and preeclampsia.  Being a parent is a 24/7 thing on top of what you have to do for yourself, which can be taxing and mentally straining as well.

I love being a mom, but that doesn’t mean every woman feels the same, which is 100% okay! Every lady should have the say so over her own body!    

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The photo on the left is the day I first brought my one and a half year old daughter home. As you ca

The photo on the left is the day I first brought my one and a half year old daughter home. As you can see, it was the best day of my entire life and I was so full of joy. The photo on the right is of us now, still, just as joyous as ever.

And it can be just as joyous for anyone else, but only if they are READY to make the decision to carry a baby for 9 months. Pregnancy is not an easy stage. I was only 19 in the left photo. I was very scared the day I found out I was pregnant, and made the call to have an abortion. The day of, I decided I was ready and chose not to go. I stand by my decision, and I stand by anyone who does not feel ready and decides not to go through with having a child they cannot give a bright future to. Abortion can be whats best for the child as well.

Proud, pro choice mother.

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My husband and I experienced three painful miscarriages before our son was born. After the third, we

My husband and I experienced three painful miscarriages before our son was born. After the third, we visited a counselor. The grief was too much for us to bear on our own. The counselor made a huge mistake during the session. His office was close to a Marie Stopes Clinic. He told us that every morning when he drove to work and thought about all the families dealing with infertility, he wanted to “burn [the Marie Stopes clinic] down.” I was shocked and outraged but too emotional with my own grief to manage more than a comment about how his remark was inappropriate. I’ve thought often since then about what I should have said. My message today is for him. 

I am a mother by choice. I was never certain that I wanted children, but when I met my loving husband, it became clear that parenthood was our path. When it didn’t happen easily, we were devastated. I experienced emotional and physical pain, including severe hemorrhaging and emergency hospital visits. Eventually we were fortunate to have the means for and access to IVF. This picture was taken just hours after our son was born. I had an emergency cesarean because I had developed life threatening HELLP syndrome. 

Looking back, I can honestly say that there is not one moment when I would have begrudged another woman the right to choose to end her pregnancy. Some may find that to be a contradiction, but I see it as the most uncomplicated representation of my belief in sexual and reproductive rights. In fact, claiming to be “pro-life” and stating that a Marie Stopes Clinic should be “burned down” is the real contradiction. 

—Naomi Lince-Deroche

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My name is Elizabeth.  When I was 28 years I met an amazing man that I fell hard for.  We started da

My name is Elizabeth.  When I was 28 years I met an amazing man that I fell hard for.  We started dating in 2008 and I married him September of 2013.  About a month after we started dating I was laid off and living with my parents - at the height of the Recession. Around June I decided to check out Planned Parenthood to have my annual exam done, since I still hadn’t found a job and had no health insurance. 

I have PCOS and hypothyroid so my cycle has never been normal.  I had also been on the nuva-ring since February and on regular BC pills prior to that.  So, it was quite a shock after telling the nurse there was NO WAY I could be pregnant that she tells me I am.  Not only was I pregnant, but I was 16 weeks pregnant, and that it probably happened between switching from the pill to the ring.  Knowing for most of my life that due to the PCOS I would probably never conceive naturally, and being on BC, I never thought this would happen. I was unemployed, in new relationship, still living with my parents and WAY pregnant.  Because I didn’t know I was pregnant, I was drinking alcohol socially, occasionally smoked cigarettes and never had any prenatal care. 

I knew in my soul that as much as I was meant to be a mother - there was only one heartbreaking decision to make.  On June 16th, 2009 I had an abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Austin, TX.  My rock of a boyfriend, now husband, was there with me the entire time.  He understood my decision, he supported me emotionally, and financially, and was with me through the entire process. My immediate family cared for me afterward and always made me feel like I had made a good decision.  I am so lucky. 

Because of this choice I went on to find an amazing job in national retail advertising later that year and am now a successful Art Director for another national retail company.  I had an idea for my life and because of our choice we were able to make both our dreams a reality.  We are now pregnant after undergoing IVF earlier this year.  We are so happy and excited that we had the CHOICE to plan our family.  If I didn’t have this option I’m not sure where my life would be now.  We are grateful for every blessing we have had with this new baby and can’t wait to meet him/her later this year!

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At 44 yo I’ve experienced a probably fairly typical ride through my reproductive years:  abort

At 44 yo I’ve experienced a probably fairly typical ride through my reproductive years:  abortion at 23yo for an unintended pregnancy (rhythm method); miscarriage at 37yo while trying; healthy pregnancy with delivery at 38yo a boy (pictured); and at 41yo an abortion at 13wks for an unintended pregnancy where chorionic villus sampling came back positive for trisomy 13. Now at 44yo I can honestly say that I do not doubt my decision to ultimately focus my resources (emotional,financial, social, etc) in an effort to be the best parent possible for my one son.  Women face very tough choices but we are up to the task, and our decisions shape the future.

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I am a mother of three and pro-choice. My journey to my children was not easy. I had five miscarriag

I am a mother of three and pro-choice. My journey to my children was not easy. I had five miscarriages before I carried my oldest son to term, and my twins are IVF babies. I am so grateful that I was able to choose my reproductive path when things didn’t go as planned and still build my family with the help of modern medicine. I wish for all women to be able to choose their reproductive path, whether that be to bear children or not. To continue a pregnancy or terminate. I once had someone ask me how I could remain pro-choice after dealing with infertility. I feel like infertility strengthened my belief in a woman’s right to choose. I know what it feels like when your vision for your life is suddenly altered, and you cross lines you never thought you would. Reproductive decisions are deeply personal and highly nuanced. Never would I want to force any woman to carry a baby to term unless it was fully her decision. Never.

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