
preoprix: Noodle hand-wings…


Noodle hand-wings…

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My boy ❤️ #family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent #son #niño #babyboy #mo

My boy ❤️

#family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent #son #niño #babyboy #momlife #mommy #mommytime #mommyandson #BabyJay #JaysonDean #1yearold #JayDean1

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Fixing his ride❤️ #family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent #son #niño #b

Fixing his ride

❤️ #family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent #son #niño #babyboy #momlife #mommy #mommytime #mommyandson #BabyJay #JaysonDean #1yearold #JayDean1

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My boys watching Pets together ❤️ #family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent

My boys watching Pets together ❤️

#family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent #son #niño #babyboy #momlife #mommy #mommytime #mommyandson #BabyJay #JaysonDean #1yearold #JayDean1

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Doing laps around Daddy before bed the other night ❤️

#family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent #son #niño #babyboy #momlife #mommy #mommytime #mommyandson #BabyJay #JaysonDean #1yearold #JayDean1

#parent    #ourjourney    #motherhood    #theloveofmylife    #truelove    #mommyandson    #momlife    #family    #jaydean1    #1yearold    #babyboy    #jaysondean    #mommytime    #babyjay    
This stud ❤️ #family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent #son #niño #babyboy

This stud ❤️

#family #ourjourney #truelove #theloveofmylife #motherhood #parent #son #niño #babyboy #momlife #mommy #mommytime #mommyandson #BabyJay #JaysonDean #1yearold #JayDean1

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I have the best kid! I got my Mothers Day Present from her a little early! She even taped a real flo

I have the best kid! I got my Mothers Day Present from her a little early! She even taped a real flower to the inside of the card she made! And I’m in my Flight Attendant uniform dress! Does that mean I work too much??
#MothersDay #HappyMothersDay #MothersDayGift #Daughter #SoSweet #Mother #Parent #Gift (at Van Alstyne, Texas)

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Something Different This Year

Was there something different about the Bradford pears this year? Did you see it, too?

Bradford Pear Blossoms

Think back – back 8 weeks ago, when the nights were still chilly and the mornings were cool, but the days were warm and you thought Spring is here. There were no leaves on the oaks, but you saw the Bradford pears doing what Bradford pears do: bursting into white blooms to decorate suburban roadsides (and some…

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My kindergartener has been having trouble sleeping and has been fighting me on going to school, unusual for him. I asked him what was wrong, he said he didn’t want to talk about it. I had my husband ask him and that’s when we found out the reason for all the odd behavior. He confided in my husband that he’s being bullied by a kid in his class and when they get sent to the bathroom the boy punches him in the head and kicks him. The bully goes so far that he even threatens that if my son speaks up it will only be worse the next day. My heart literally broke for him. It’s unbelievable that kids can be so cruel at 5 years old. As sorry as I felt for my son I felt bad for the boy that comes into school with so much rage and hatred that he would do that to his classmates. School no longer feels like a safe place for my 5 year old boy who may be strong and a fast runner but is the shortest kid in class. His innocence that I cherish may be the reason why he’s the target. My husband and I explained to him that if anyone ever for any reason hurts him we give him the ok to stand up for himself but in this case he’s so afraid that he just can’t. I wish I could walk into that school and pull that bully out by his ear. Why do we have to worry about bullying in kindergarten? Why are kids assholes at 5 years old? You get pregnant, give birth, love, care for the child, try to teach them right from wrong. When they start school you pray that you did enough for them to be on their own, pick their own friends, do the right thing. The thing you never expect and can’t prepare for is feeling helpless. I went to the school, met with the principal and teacher. Since there are no witnesses and my son didn’t “tell them” himself and according to them it happens after school hours, the principal said that it’s not the school’s responsibility but that she would follow up with the after school program that he attends. Walking out of that meeting I realized everything that is wrong with this world. Bruises on my 5 year olds ribs and back, are not enough “proof that is was done by the boy in his class”. So my question is what needs to happen for them to get involved? I was promised that they will no longer be allowed in the bathroom at the same time, that was pretty much the extent of the punishment. The sad thing is that my son holds his pee and avoids using the bathroom at school at all cost. Society makes such a big deal about bullying, but only when it’s too late.

It’s been a while…..With my baby boy’s birthday being just around the corner the sappy me thinks back to the day that he was born. March 10, 2014 will forever hold a special place in my heart. On that day I became a mama and I met the most beautiful baby boy. We named him after my husband (John) but decided that he would live his life as “Johnny”. Being a Johnny Cash and a Dirty Dancing fan I was sold. For anyone that did not get the dirty dancing reference, Patrick Swayze’s charecters name was Johnny. If you have not seen this movie, put your phone down and watch it now! You will not be disappointed! On the day that i had my son, my heart learned a new kind of love. The kind of love that is unconditional, pure and consuming. It’s amazing how becoming a mom trumps just about anything I have ever done. I complain about motherhood as much if not more than the next mom. I work full time, I am always tired and I go days with out washing my hair (today is day 6) I lied it’s actually 7. I should be a spokesperson for dry shampoo! In just a few short weeks my 1st born will be 6 years old. It flew by so fast, too fast. He’s smart, opinionated, strong, stubborn, energetic, kind, thoughtful, funny and most of all the biggest pain in my ass. I am so proud of him and I hope that he goes through life and never questions my love for him. Happy almost birthday Johnny!

Times does fly. Mother would have been 91 today Passed in 2007. Cherish your family xx+++ +++ #mot

Times does fly. Mother would have been 91 today Passed in 2007. Cherish your family xx

#mother #fam #smallkid #cutedog #dog #parent #love #mumsofinstagram #mum #scottish #rip #familyphoto #blackandwhitephotography #bw (at Warwick, Warwickshire)

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Kennedy and Barbie In The Lab | #BarbieProjectKennedy decides to try out her chemistry lab set wit

Kennedy and Barbie In The Lab | #BarbieProject

Kennedy decides to try out her chemistry lab set with a few of her Barbie friends! See how Kennedy was able to explore the world of science and learning with the help of her Barbie dolls: http://bit.ly/1vwML5Y.

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Through imaginative role-playing with her Barbie dolls, Jenny’s daughter Ry learns how to deal with

Through imaginative role-playing with her Barbie dolls, Jenny’s daughter Ry learns how to deal with negativity, and how to stand up for herself. Read Jenny’s full story here: http://bit.ly/1CZP7UP.

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 “No family drops down from heaven perfectly formed; families need constantly to grow and matu

“No family drops down from heaven perfectly formed; families need constantly to grow and mature in the ability to love.” -Pope Francis Dollsfromheaven.com

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Witches Ball Banishing Spell


  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Glass Ornament “Traps and banished Spirit”
  • Whole Clove “Protection”
  • Glass/Mirror Shards “Attract the spirits”
  • Cinnamon “Protection”
  • Rosemary “Energize the spell”
  • Cayenne Pepper “Protection”
  • Peppermint “Banishing”
  • Sea Salt “Cleansing/Concerting”

    -Step 1 Light your white candle And say.

“By this candle
I draw My power Here.”

-Step 2 Put all ingredients into the Ornament.

-Step 3 Place the ornament in front of you and put your hands around it and then say the following below…

“Evil spirit standing tall
It’s time you made your
Greatest fall,

I banish you with
My holy Light,

Away you go
Out of my Sight,

Take with you
This endless night ,

This is my will
So mote it be.”

Self-love spell


  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 3 Teaspoons Pink Himalayan Salt.
  • 12 to 15 Rose Petals
  • 3 Pinches Rosemary
  • Your Hair/nails
  • Oil to feel the jar. grapeseed, jojoba, and olive oil

Step one, Put all the Dry ingredients into the jar then the oil.
Step two, Put the lid on the jar “make sure to secure the candle to the lid of the jar with a few Drips of the wax from your candle, while the candle is lit say the following below.

“Self Love isn’t selfish
It’s a journey that I start
Here and now,
I promise myself,
To fall back in love with
My flawed skin,
My flawed words,
My flawed heart.
This is my time to be
Reborn from the ashes my of pain,
Sorrow, and my Grief,
Like a Phoenix
I will Rise
More Beautiful,
More Confident,
More Happy,
And best of it all
More ME!
This is my will
So Mote it be”

Step Three set it up on a shelf or bury it in a backyard, you can also add rose quarts to this if you would like to, and please feel free to alter this to your own liking.

Binding spell

-Items need-

  • Photo of person
  • Black twine or tape
  • Jar of graveyard dirt (from the entrance gate)

Step 1, On the back of the photo write what your binding them to or from for example “I bind you from doing harm to me and my family”

Step 2, Roll the photo inward then start to wrap the photo in the tape or twine as you do this Say the following.

“By earth an Air I bind you,
By Fire and water I bind you,

By spirit you are already bound
As I desire,

By three and nine
Your power I bind,

By the moon and the sun
My will soon to be done,

By sky and sea
Keep harm away from me,

Cord goes around your power is bound,
My sight is revealed”

Step 3, Take the photo that’s been wrapped and stick it into the Jar of graveyard dirt. And once the jar is closed and tightened say the following

Sealed in earth you are
Unleashed when I say,
In the ground you shall stay.

Side Notes: When you are ready to let this person go, Take them out of the jar and burn the tied up photo. Feel free to join my Facebook Group- Link below https://www.facebook.com/groups/thewitchessafespace
By SilverStag

13 Clove Healing Talisman

Items needed

  • 13 whole Clove (Take off the Heads)
  • Sewing needle
  • 12 to 15 Inches Red thread
  • 1 white candle
  • Witches Holy water (how to make it will be listed below)
  • Photo/statue of Archangel Raphael (one that resonates with you)
  1. Light the white candle in front of the photo/statue
  2. String the clove heads onto the red string
  3. now dip the string with the clove heads into the Witches holy water
  4. put the string into the Candle While saying the following

Healing thoughts sent in flight on the wings of Archangel Raphael

Bring the brightest of blessings this night

Send the healing white light from above

Surround (person using the talisman) in swirling bright light of love

So mote it be

Witches Holy Water (Boil and let cool)


Sea salt


this talisman can be used as a necklace or a bracelet.

this is not a replacement for Doctors please see your doctors as normal and use this as a secondary help source as all sources of witchcraft should be.

Please Feel free to join my Group on Facebook its Privet so if your not out the broom closet your safe.

Before we dance, I should probably state that I am not a father. Never have been, and although I would like things to play out that way, I also tend to think with my head (the one attached to my neck) and not my heart. So regardless of what I want, it would have to make sense in accordance with what I value most in life for me to embark on such a journey, and what I value most in life is not my own happiness. That said, lets waltz.

Having had both of my parents present throughout the entirety of my childhood and having grown up in places where that was a pretty common occurrence, I’ve noticed that there are a few ideals that most parents—not all, but I would venture to say the overwhelming majority—agree on when examining the role of a parent. The idea is that a parent’s role in their child’s life is to provide for them, love them, teach them right from wrong, guide them away from mistakes, and give them the best tools they possibly can in order for their child to have a good life.

Providing for a child generally consists of obvious duties like keeping clothes on their back and food in their belly, but also less obvious duties like enabling them to get the best education and healthcare you can afford them. The tools I referred to that parents often like to instill in their kids have mostly to do with various forms of discipline and respect, but things like graciousness, humbleness and faith tend to apply as well. Overall, I respect this approach and can see why it’s so popular. But I disagree with it.

What I too would adopt from the aforementioned lot of ideals is the notion that a parent’s role is both to provide and love their child. My child’s health—both physical and mental—is something that I will try and nurture as best I can under my own set of values, standards and principles until my child is matured enough to have a grasp on how he/she would like to live their life going forward.

Aside from providing for and loving my child though, my idea of being a parent consists of only one other job. That job is to give my child the best understanding I possibly can of how the world functions and instill in them what I deem to be good decision-making skills. What constitutes a “good” decision-making process will always be subjective and is in this case naturally predicated on what I—as the teacher—value, but it should be understood that it is based on what I value in the decision-making process and not in anyway predicated on what I value in life as a whole.

I’ve long held the belief that I would never tell my child not to do drugs. Personally, I don’t smoke, drink or do any other drugs and have never smoked weed in my life. It goes without saying that I have my reasons, and though many may applaud and/or agree with my decision to remain drug-free, it doesn’t make any of us more right in our thinking than a drug-addict is in his. For example, for those of us who value living as healthily as possible for as long as possible, being drug-free is an understandable choice. Though, for someone who is interested in getting the most pleasurable experience out of life (assuming the effects that drugs have fall in line with their idea of pleasurable) as opposed to simply living a long time, one could understand why they would place value on feeling the best they can as much as possible and escape the confinement of public judgement by placing virtually no value on the opinions of others. In this case, so long as they accept the repercussions of their actions, the choice to do drugs is an understandable one.

I say that to make the point that the right choice in any situation will differ depending on what the decision-maker’s values, standards and principles are at that particular moment. One will never be able to accurately suggest that when my child made a decision—as unpopular as it may have been—he didn’t “know better.” My role as a parent will be to make sure that my child knows what to consider when making decisions. Going back to my point about whether to do drugs or not, the first part of ensuring that my child makes the right decision is to convey the importance of having a clear understanding of what you value most, and what your standards and principles are early on.

The second part is to make sure they can always foresee the repercussions of their actions, and being able to figure out foreseeable circumstances is a product of understanding the world around you. Knowing which parts of life effect other parts of life and how people tend to react to them, in addition to knowing whose opinion you care about and whose opinion effects the things that you care about will allow one the ability to accurately foresee consequences and possibilities. One will never foresee everything perfectly, but if a decision is made for reasons they believe in and they considered everything that they realized at the time could be effected by their decision, it will generally be easier to accept unforeseen repercussions.

Once my child has a clear understanding of what she values most, what her principles and standards are, how everything in the world is effected by everything else, and how to use her knowledge of how the world works and apply it to what her world consists of, that part of my job is done. My job is not to tell her what she needs or what she should need. It is not to tell her what she should do or judge what she cares about and compare it to what I believe she should care about. If my opinion is asked, I will give it, and I will not if it isn’t. I will only ask to understand how my child came to a decision. If they’ve considered everything, I will accept their decision, no matter how painful. If they have not, I will bring to their attention anything that I believe could be problematic, based on what I know of their values, standards and principles.

There will be times when a decision my child makes will place them in a position they don’t want to be in, and if I had the opportunity to bring up any possible problems and did not, I will have not done my job as a parent. However, if I have done my job as a parent and my child is placed in a position they don’t want to be in, due to a decision that they have made, I will accept that pain as the burden of allowing them to live their life the way that they want to. I will support unconditionally and help when needed, but the greatest possible gift I believe I can give to my child is the power to craft their own life out of the decisions they’ve made with the best tools to protect themselves that I could possibly give them. I respect any and every other method of parenting, and I would never say that my way is the “right” way, nor is any other method more righteous than mine. It’s different, and I realize it could be hard on the heart, but it’s the method I hope to one day implement, if things turn out.

#多岐川裕美 #yumi_takigawa #華子 #hanako #親子 #parent-child

#多岐川裕美 #yumi_takigawa
#華子 #hanako
#親子 #parent-child

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“Your First Bedroom, Emma”Whenever I find myself in an art rut, it’s usually because I’ve been drawi

“Your First Bedroom, Emma”

Whenever I find myself in an art rut, it’s usually because I’ve been drawing the same sorts of things. Turns out that breaking out of my comfort zone is incredibly exciting… just a few weeks ago, I never would have thought I could have so much fun drawing beards and wrinkles.

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#tiktok    #tiktoks    #relatable    #mental illness    #parent    #parents    #parenting    #mother    #mothers    #mommy issues    #goldminejokes    

Ohhh, siblings always pick on each other.


My half brother, whom I barely knew as a child (lived with his father), used to terrorize me and my parents just brushed it off as ‘just picking on’ me.

He would lock me in closets. This caused me to develop claustrophobia.

Hold me upside down by my ankles when I did not even want to be touched by him. This caused migraines lasting the rest of the day, usually resulting in puking by nighttime.

Used to play pranks on my parents then blame them on me, and they believed him. This caused one of my deepest fears of not being believed.

One day, he found my diary (I was like 7, so he was about 15), and read it. When he saw me, he mocked me about it, opening it and reading form it loudly. It humiliated me and broke my trust, invaded my privacy, and caused me, a fucking 7 year old, to have a full on emotional breakdown. Hysterically sobbing, I ran to my room and locked my door. He told me he had the key (usually kept on top of the door jamb of my parent’s bedroom door) and was coming in to make fun of me again. I pushed my toy chest (a big fucker) against the door and no one could get in, not even my dad who tried to push in later. I stayed in there for hours despite his bullshit half assed apology my mother made him give me.

To this day, I have reoccurring nightmares of my family not listening to me, and no matter what I say or how loud I scream, they won’t listen. I’ll try and run to my room and close the door just for some peace, but the door won’t latch. They constantly barge in, and I scream at them, kick and push them out, and try to barricade myself in. It never works. I’m stuck in this loop of them not listening to my shrieking pleas for them to leave me alone and am often woken up by my real feet kicking in the air. My boyfriend says I’ll be doing it for about an hour before I wake up. I call these 'screaming dreams’ and I always wake up mentally and emotionally exhausted. My boyfriend knows when I tell him I had a screaming dream last night I’ll be down all day.

My parent’s response to this harassment was almost none.

Mother would always half heartedly tell him to stop and he never would.

Father will tell me to just stop reacting. 'They only do it for a reaction. If you stop reacting, they will stop.’ (Sometimes my sister would join my brother in teasing me.)


When I grew up I told my dad that recently my sister had been making fun of me a lot. I have no fucking idea why I confided in him, it was just conversation. He said something along the lines of 'Siblings always pick on each other. I pick on (his brother).’ Sometimes his brother does something not so smart.

I said 'But there is a difference between poking fun and putting your sister down.’ He grumbled something and didn’t respond.

I guess people think abuse is supposed to happen?

It did not make me stronger.

It did not toughen me up.

It did not mature me.

It hurt me.

It scarred me.

If anything it has made me weaker on so many levels.

I can’t trust.

I can’t move on.

I can barely god damn function.

And 20 years later it’s still raw on my heart.

Therapist - “Let me see if that has any meaning.”

Me - *rolling eyes as she turns her back to google it*

Her - “It looks like bears symbolize one’s mother.”

Me - “Oh.  That probably explains why I kicked it in the face.”

Two mothers’ & Two fathers’ pride flagsFor having two moms or two dads and a folk parenting togeTwo mothers’ & Two fathers’ pride flagsFor having two moms or two dads and a folk parenting toge

Two mothers’ & Two fathers’ pride flags

For having two moms or two dads and a folk parenting together with another same-gendered or same-sexed person, while not necessarily in a stable relationship with that person nor essentially with an existing child (i.e. two folks still planning coparenthood).

You can call these experiences as bimaternal & bipaternal.

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