#pen and ink


“They’re chaining a woman to a rock!

“Guards! Guards! Page 343

Lady Ramkin is dragged to the city center to be chained to a rock to be served to the dragon. Where they got the rock is a bit of a mystery. Ankh Morpork is on loam.

I tried to keep from making Sybil look like a victim as much as possible.

The dragons exchanged glances. Then, one by one, they lay down carefully on the floor and put their paws over their eyes.

Guards! Guards! Page 343

Errol had been taken back to the dragon pens to recover. There he finishes rearranging his internal organs and is ready to fight the king of Ankh Morpork.

Not much to say about this one beyond that I’m happy with how the pens turned out. The only downside is with the angle I was using, it was hard to show the dragons hiding the way the text describes.

He left the biology lesson - that no monkey was capable of bouncing someone up and down by their ankles – found a likely door, and hurry through it.

Guards! Guards! Page 341

Vimes leaves the Librarian to giving a member of the palace guard a… biology lesson. He’s very particular about taxonomy.

As mentioned several times before, I’m not going to pass up a chance to draw the librarian. Even though I think I botched the guard’s feet.

“Oook,“ the Librarian pointed out, patiently.

“What? Oh. Sorry.“ Vimes lowered the ape, who wisely didn’t make an issue of it because a man angry enough to lift 300 pounds of orangutan without noticing is a man with too much on his mind.

Guards! Guards! Page 340

Vimes is so angry he lifts up a three-hundred-pound orangutan without noticing. The Librarian decides not to comment.

When I first ever read this book, for some reason I assumed Vimes lifted the Librarian up by his chest hair. Since clearly, that wouldn’t work, I went with him grabbing under his arms. Admittedly that would require Vimes to think about it enough to notice what he’s doing.

I think this is one of those times you really shouldn’t overthink a joke.

“Right,” he wheezed, as his arm trembled with the tension like a branch in a gale. “See the roof of the assassins guild over there?

”They peered through the grubby air.

“Right, then,” said Colon. “And do you see the weathervane on it? Do you see it?”

Carrot glanced at the arrowhead. It was weaving back and forth in a series of figure eights.

Guards! Guards! Page 330

The rank plans to shoot the dragon in the “voonerables”. The only problem is that Colon isn’t quite the archer he thinks he is. Still, it’s a million to one chance, innit?

I like the way this is a broad parody of the Bard the Bowman scene in The Hobbit. The fact it’s Colon is what makes it work.

It was a perfectly normal dungeon door, but it all depended on your sense of perspective.

In this dungeon, The Patrician could hold off the world.

All that was on the outside was the lock.

All the bolts and bars were on the inside.

Guards! Guards! Page 328

Vimes is shocked when he discovers that the Patrician considered the possibility of being overthrown and thrown into prison. Because of this, he took precautions. Now the palace dungeon is the safest place in Ankh Morpork.

There really isn’t any good way to do the best reveal in the book besides just showing the door. If I’m going to nitpick I’m not sure if I put quite enough bolts.

In my defense, the other takes I’ve seen of this didn’t do much better.

The Patrician was shaving, squinting into a scrap of mirror propped against the pillar to catch the light. No, Vimes realized, not propped. Supported, in fact. By a rat. It was a large rat, with red eyes.

Guards! Guards! Page 322

Vimes is thrown into the dungeon with the Patrician and is surprised that it is not quite what he expected. In fact, it seems to be quite cozy, with catering!

It’s always hard to figure out how to do these relatively static scenes. It would have been tempting to have Vimes in the foreground reacting. But I decided that would end up seeming cluttered so I just went with a picture of the Patrician shaving.

Lady Ramkin appeared. He got a brief, blurred vision of her bounding through the doorway, screaming, and it might’ve been the last thing he remembered if a guard hadn’t had the presence of mind to trip her up as she hurtled down the steps.

Guards! Guards! Page 320

The dragon’s diet consists of maidens of high birth. But this is Ankh Morpork and maidens are hard to find. So the day watch is sent to find the most high-born maiden in the city, Lady Ramkin. She doesn’t go quietly.

It was tricky fitting this scene into this setting and probably would work better in a letterbox format. Still, I was mostly happy with how it turned out.

“Stalks of half-ripe barley, the seeds laid in rows like a woman’s plait. A dry, fragile weed that looked like the lace edging on a fine handkerchief. A branch of spruce, unearthly green and cool among the dry bits, leaving its fragrant sap on his hands as he tore it from the tree. A twig of glossy dried oak leaves that reminded him of her hair, in shades of gold and brown and grey. And a bit of scarlet creeper, snatched for color.”

- The Fiery Cross

Super fun little sketch request for @butwaitwhatwhy

Coasters for the Salut! 6 show at @nucleusportland , opening 6/31! Going with a mushroom/fungi theme with a focus on those used in Asian cuisine. The ones you see here are Reishi, wood ear, bamboo, and straw mushrooms. As the mushrooms grow taller, so too do their containers. Happy AAPI Month~

‘Jealousy?’ Art by Russell Patterson


Just in time for Halloween season, here’s a short comic I drew for the Monster Crush anthology earliJust in time for Halloween season, here’s a short comic I drew for the Monster Crush anthology earliJust in time for Halloween season, here’s a short comic I drew for the Monster Crush anthology earliJust in time for Halloween season, here’s a short comic I drew for the Monster Crush anthology earliJust in time for Halloween season, here’s a short comic I drew for the Monster Crush anthology earliJust in time for Halloween season, here’s a short comic I drew for the Monster Crush anthology earli

Just in time for Halloween season, here’s a short comic I drew for the Monster Crush anthology earlier this year

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March 2022 Patreon Sketches

please enjoy some ACEOs* and also the fact that clearly my brain made up for the giant abstract by demanding I paint half a dozen tiny ones instead
*art card edition original

There should be a Floating Gallery coming for you June 1, but for now please enjoy a nice big batch of sketch cards for my darling Patreon patrons! Some of them are for specific people, and then extras get sent to my Snow Leopards in with their other quarterly goodies.
March 2022 ACEO sketches by Amy Crook
There’s eight here, only two of which are spoken for! From top left:

Purple abstract! I…

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