#the hood
















タスク: 解体、重量物の運搬、ロジスティクス






タスク: 宇宙飛行士



play to win = 直訳は「勝つためにプレイする」ですが、ここから考えて「何としてでも成し遂げる、成功させる」派生して「遊びではない」という意味にもなるかものことです。な~るほど!


インターナショナルレスキューの潜水士ゴードン・トレーシーは、海面下のサンダーバード4号が最もお似合いです。遊び好きで外向的なゴードンは、 トレーシーの兄弟の中で一番冒険的な存在であります。それはミッションの時も、彼の大胆な服のスタイルにも言えます!トレーシー家のジョーカーとして知られるゴードンは、いつも笑顔を絶やしません。しかし、いざという時には本気になり頼りになります:たとえば、救助活動の時やある女性を感動させようとする時などなど・・・

タスク: 水中探索と救助












変装の達人であるフッドは、彼自身の手で問題を起したり、または汚い仕事をするために手先を送ることに満足しています。 彼の生き甲斐とするミッションは、最先端の技術を盗み、利用することです。科学と工学に基づいて構築された世界を制御できればできるほど彼はより強力になれるのです。

地球上では、インターナショナル・レスキューよりも高度な技術を持つ組織は存在しません。 だからこそ、彼らはフッドの第一の標的なのです。フッドはサンダーバードを手に入れるためなら何でもするでしょう。













ハボック ー 泥棒、コードブレイカー、擬装の達人。多くの混乱を引き起こすために派遣されます!

ヒューズ ー IRを混乱させるフッドを支援する破壊の専門家です。









トレーシー島で育ったケーヨは、トレーシー兄弟の妹のような存在。そしてカンフーの詠春拳の専門家として、彼らと彼女自身を守る以上のことができます ー バージルでさえも接近戦では彼女に適いません!










日本公式サイト(東北新社版 | NHK版


crime. it’s tough all over.

it’s tough all over.

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All the love for Virgil :D… 

So for anyone who hasn’t seen the other TAG stuff, this is my art stuff of the official characters I’ve done so far

top to bottom

  1. Gordon’s eyes
  2. Penny
  3. Kayo
  4. Virgil
  5. Hood’s eye (yes I like eyes, i’ve done Ladybug and Chat Noir too)
  6. Sherbert

Look at these wondrous sights!


Oh these are beyond amazing! Hand painted too - I could never!

These are wonderful!!


Check out this brief but hopeful interview with writer Ryan North on his upcoming YA story in the Original Sins mini out this summer.
Key poits:
*So while other members of the Young Avengers will be making an appearance, this story stars Marvel Boy, Hulkling and Prodigy
*Hulkling’s a favorite of mine, and I’m not sure if that’s because I’ve got a soft spot for shapeshifters or because I love how he and Wiccan fit together, but the fact Wiccan’s not there on this mission – and that Prodigy is – will be part of this too.
*Unlike probably a lot of the “Original Sin” adjacent stories, this one isn’t about a deep dark secret being discovered about our heroes. So that’s nice!
* The Hood is the main adversary
*I think the most important part of the YA is the team: the people on it and how they connect with each other. And these people like each other! They’re a team because they choose to be a team, not because they have to. I’m interested in exploring their relationships and having a good time hanging out with these people. Being a superhero is amazing (everyone should try it) – so I’m trying to make this a fun and amazing story.


Paul Greengrass is set to direct Benedict Cumberbatch in upcoming period drama The Hood, sources close to the project have confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter.

Written by Greengrass, the film is set to take place during the Peasants’ Revolt, a major uprising that took part across large parts of England in 1381 in response to issues, such as socio-economic and political tensions and high taxation. While exact details of the film are still being kept under wraps, THR understands that Cumberbatch will play a farmer who becomes the leader of the revolt (which could indicate that he’s playing the legendary Wat Tyler, who led the uprising before being killed by forces loyal to King Richard, although this is unconfirmed).

@whumpay2022 Day Eighteen: Trope: Verbal Salt In The Wound / “I’m just trying to help.” / Coughing Up Blood

@drileyf asks for Scott

I aim to oblige.

Trope:Sometimes, inquiring after someone’s health can be the nastiest thing you can do under the circumstances.

Here, an insulter does their best to get under someone’s skin by mentioning, asking or joking about an injury suffered by the victim in the past; the more traumatic the injury, the better. A not uncommon variant of this involves the insulter asking about the wound in a faux-concerned tone of voice, usually in the form of “how’s the (insert wounded organ here)?” though numerous permutations of it exist across fiction and reality.

For good measure, it’s also very common for this kind of insult to be used by the individual who inflicted the injury in the first place, though it can be used by anyone aware of the damage and eager to rub salt into it.

Warnings: Implied Torture, Coughing up blood, Psychological tormenting. Chained.

‘And how are we doing today, Mr Tracy?’

Scott flinches violently.

He still can’t hide the flinch when well-meaning people call him that at Tracy Industries or when he has to talk to the Media.

But when HE says it, it makes the pain that much worse. Scott tries to hide how badly it affects him, but he can’t.

The flinch does him no good, body screaming at the movement just as his brain does at the words. With his arms chained above his head the flinch causes the chains to rattle which in turn causes him to spin slightly, and for the next few moments Scott’s trying to get his breathing back under the control he’d only just mastered.

He stares at his captor, wishing his looks could kill but knowing that with one eye swollen shut the look is wasted.

‘What, no answer for me today, Mr Tracy? How very rude. What would your parents say?’

The words are like that coarse sea salt Gordon sometimes likes, callously rubbed into the wounds of his dead parents. Parents that are dead because of this man and his hatred.

Scott doesn’t have the energy to give the scathing comeback he would like. Instead, he coughs a little and spits at the man in front of him, hoping that it’s good enough to hit his target.

The spittle comes out more blood than saliva but hits his target, and the Hood steps back, removing a handkerchief from a pocket and wiping it off.

But he is smiling as he steps forward, still mindful of the reach of those long legs.

‘Feeling feisty today then, Mr Tracy.’

The Hood slowly walks around him, inspecting his flesh to see the harm already wrought there, and no doubt deciding what more he could do. Scott hates when the man is behind him, every nerve fibre on edge until the man steps back into view.

A judicial fist to the side and Scott is coughing, flecks of blood flying from his mouth. The more he coughs the more blood appears until Scott heaves and spits out a good mouthful of the red stuff. The Hood looks unimpressed.

‘Give me what I want, Scott Tracy, and this can all go away.’

‘I’d rather die than give you that.’

‘I can arrange that quite easily enough.’

‘Go on then.’

Scott’s voice is barely there, but the defiance is very clear. His captor sighs.

‘I’m just trying to help you, Scott. We both know you don’t have it in you to run both International Rescue and Tracy Industries, let alone care for your brothers.’

He takes a step closer, reaching up and grabbing Scott’s jaw and squeezing his cheeks hard. That’s going to add a few more bruises, but the man’s anger is clear.

‘Give me the Thunderbirds!’


‘Last chance, Mr Tracy.’

But any reply Scott has is lost to an eruption of sound.

Warning for MCD

AO3 |Chapter 17


Casey turned to John, Virgil, Brains and Reeves.

Go to Dr Fischler now!’

‘Yes, Sir!’ Reeves saluted and rushed off.

I want the three remaining Jaegers back to 100% functionality.’

‘Yes, Sir!’ chorused the three remaining and they set off.

Casey looked out over the remains of Hong Kong and watched as Thunderbird One returned to base.

‘We’re gonna harvest the skin, the talons and the wing,’ the Hood ordered his minions. ‘The Germans are gonna go nuts for that stuff.’ He strode across the room towards the exit.

‘Let me see that map.’ He clicked his fingers and the girl opened a map for him, and he pointed to it.

Here is where the Kaiju fell and here’s where we concentrate our efforts.’


And Fischler was standing there in the shop. He was panting with the adrenaline and the fear but mostly with the sheer knowledge that despite everything he was alive.

‘Ok, guess who’s back, you one-eyed bitch? And you owe me a Kaiju brain.’

The Hood hated to admit it, but he was impressed the man had managed to survive. He was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, but he was here, and he was challenging him. The Hood smiled. He took the man along. You never knew when you might need a favour, he reasoned. Or a patsy.

They set up camp where the carcass had fallen and the Hood’s men set to work cutting everything up and harvesting the skin louses and anything else they could. The Hood and Fischler strode through the wreckage.

‘I still can’t believe what you did to me. I mean, I could have been eaten.’

‘Well, that was definitely the plan.’

Fischler couldn’t tell if the man was joking or not.

Lucky for you, that didn’t become necessary, huh?’

‘Thank you so much. You’re so kind. I really appreciate all of this. But now do you mind telling me exactly what is taking so long for your workers to get that brain?’

‘Well, they pump the cavity full of CO2 just like in any other laparoscopic surgery. But our boys need oxygen pumped into their suits. They move slow.’

The Hood took out a comms unit and spoke into it.

‘What’s going on in there, boys?’

Fischler recognised the voice as that of the kid who’d tried to sell him the bone powder.

‘We’ve reached…the upper pelvic area…Moving to the 25th vertebra…S***. Even through the suit, Boss, it smells like dead catfish in here.’

The five workmen, dressed in the special suits, shone their lamps around the dark blue interior of the Kaiju, looking for the second brain that Fischler needed so badly. Eventually they located it.

‘Boss. The secondary brain…is damaged.’

‘Oh, feck!’ cried Fischler.

‘It’s ruined, destroyed.’

‘How could they screw that up?’

‘Wait. Wait. What was that?’

Fischler ran back to the Hood and grabbed the comm off him.

‘Wait? Why wait?’

The Hood snatched it back, giving Fischler a filthy look. It stopped the scientist for a second.

‘Do you hear that? It’s like a heartbeat.’

‘Oh my god,’ Fischler tore the comm out of the Hood’s hand and walked off.

‘Oh my god, this can’t be happening!’

‘Hey! Hey, let me have that!’

‘Shh, shh! Listen, listen!’

He held the comm so that they could both hear the unmistakable sound of a heartbeat. It had three beats rather than the two humans did.

‘It’s pregnant,’ Fischler whispered as the Hood once more took the comm to listen. His head shot up at the scientist’s words.

The men inside the Kaiju began to scream, and both Fischler and the Hood, facing the carcass, stepped back a couple of steps before the Hood took off running while Fischler stood, transfixed by what he knew was about to occur.

A baby Kaiju burst out of the slit the workmen had made, and everyone scattered. It crawled along the ground, crying out as it dragged itself along.

Fischler ran until he stumbled and fell, crawling a bit before turning over to see the creature as he scooted backwards.  It reared up to take a bite of him before choking and collapsing in front of him.

He curled up into a ball, whimpering as the creature deflated until there was silence. Fischler turned over and got up, gathering his breath and his strength about him and reaching out to touch the nose.

‘I knew it.’

Fischler jumped back. The Hood took up a stance beside the baby. He was panting a little.

‘Gone. Its lungs weren’t fully formed. Umbilical cord tied around his neck. No way he could survive outside the womb for more than a minute.’

He walked up to Fischler and the scientist lent back.

‘One look, that’s all I needed. I knew he wouldn’t make it.’

He flicked out his switchblade and buried it into the nose. Fischler couldn’t believe it. The man was certifiable.

The Hood reached out and plucked the blade out of the creature, wiping it clean on his red jacquard jacket.

‘Ugly bastard. Anyway, I would hav…’

But he didn’t get to finish.

Before either men were aware the monster had moved, the Kaiju had seized the Hood and, tossing him in the air, swallowed him whole before once more collapsing on the ground.

All that was left of the Hood was one shoe.

Fischler picked it up and examined it.

‘Huh,’was all he said.

Chapter 19

The Hood, 1985, 1986.Howard Chaykin’s cover art for The Hood 12″ vinyl.The Hood, 1985, 1986.Howard Chaykin’s cover art for The Hood 12″ vinyl.

The Hood, 1985, 1986.

Howard Chaykin’s cover art for The Hood 12″ vinyl.

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knowwhatimeme:The age we live in.


The age we live in.

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If you’d like to be tagged for updates for this story or any others then please let me know. Alternatively this fic can be read in it’s entirety over on Ao3 or FFNet - creativegirl29


Previous: chapter 22 - Lost and Found

Chapter 23: Escape Plan

Alan finished moving the man who they had hit with the tranquilliser into the room and made his way over to Scott who had splinted both of Virgil’s legs. “How’s he doing?” Alan asked.

Scott stroked Virgil’s head. “He’s in a lot of pain and I’m worried by how much blood he has lost. He’s been drifting in and out of conciseness and he’s been mumbling a few things.”

Alan sat down on the floor and took Virgil’s hand in his. “What’s he been saying?”

“It’s pretty incoherent.” Scott replied. “He does keep asking for dad though.”

“Should we report in?” Alan questioned.

“We will… I want to get him on Thunderbird 2 first.” Scott looked at his watch. “Damn, what’s taking them so long?”

… …


Gordon and John peered over the bush and watched the Hood with the last of his men, which they had yet to take out, walking towards the doorway.

“Do you think we can hit them from here with our tranquilliser guns?” John whispered.

Gordon shook his head. “Too far.”

As soon as the Hood and the other man had entered the building John and Gordon jumped to their feet and ran to the door, and John clicked his communicator on. “Come in Scott.”

“Where the hell are you guys?” Scott snapped.

“Scott, listen,” John cut in. “We’ve just seen the Hood and one of his men.”

Scott swore to himself. “I presume it’s the man who used the whip on Virg?”

“Yes, it is,” Confirmed John.

Scott breathed out trying to calm himself down. “Which way did they come in?”

“They went through the same entrance we were using,” John responded.

Scott jumped to his feet. “Gordon, is there any other way out?”

“Yes, there is… But what about Virgil?” Gordon asked.

“It’s not ideal, but I’ll have to carry him out. Personally, I’d like to get Virg clear of hear before we kick the Hood’s and that other man’s ass… Gordon, can you direct us out any other way?”

“Yes. I can,” Gordon replied.

“Great!” Scott responded. “Then give me a few seconds and I’ll be back with you.”

… …

Scott clicked his communicator off and looked at Alan. “Okay Al, I need you to cover me with the tranquilliser gun, Okay?”

Alan nodded his response, grabbed his and Scott’s medical kits and prepared his weapon.

Scott knelt back down next to Virgil and squeezed his left hand. “Virg, can you hear me?” Virgil forced his eyes open and looked at Scott. “I’m going to have to carry you. Okay?”

Virgil squeezed Scott’s hand, and released a tiny smirk. “Mm… okay… Don’t drop me though.”

“Scott laughed. "It’s good to hear you trying to crack jokes… Now, I’m sorry, but this may hurt.” Scott lifted Virgil gently of the floor and into his arms, causing Virgil to release a whimper. Scott whispered soothing words to him and then turned to Alan who was kneeling on the floor. “Hey, Al, I’m ready… Everything okay?”

Alan stood up and looked at Scott. “Yes, I’m good. I just found this.” Alan held out Virgil’s chain and admired the picture of his mother which was inside. “She was really beautiful!”

Scott smiled. “Yes, she was!”

“He should have it back… I’ll keep it for him, for later.” Alan replied dropping the chain in his pocket.

Scott nodded. “Let’s get him out of here!”

Alan clicked his communicator on. “Hey Gords. Which way are we heading?”

“Back down the hallway until you reach the stairs. You will remember that there were two other corridors leading off the stairwell. You will need to take the one to the right.” Gordon instructed.

“Okay.” Alan replied leading the way, while Scott carried Virgil closely behind. “This way.” Alan mouthed to Scott leading him down the hallway until he reached two doors. Alan glanced back at Scott who had now pulled Virgil closer to him and was continually whispering comforting words to him. Alan clicked his communicator back on. “Which way now Gordon?”

“Right. There will be two doors in front of you.” Gordon responded. “You need to take the one on the left. It will lead to another staircase. Go up six floors and then go through the door, that will lead you to the front entrance, we’ll meet you there with the stretcher.”

“Got it… The Hood’s probably realised now that we have Virgil.”

“Yes, okay. We’ll stay hidden until we see you, but if you’re not out in five minutes then we are coming in!” Gordon stated.

… …

The Hood and the man made their way down to the room which had been Virgil’s prison. They had known something wasn’t quite right when no one had been on guard at the entrance, and when they hadn’t seen anyone else on their way down to the cell, they knew something was wrong. The Hood ordered the man to enter the room first, there was no way he was going in there before him, and putting himself in any potential danger.

The man unlocked the door, walked inside and immediately swore when he saw Virgil was gone. “It’s worse than we thought boss,” he anxiously reported.

The Hood looked over at the man who had been hit with the tranquilliser gun and saw that he was starting to come too. “What happened?” He barked at him.

“Int… International… Rescue.” The man stuttered.

“God Damn International Rescue… Always ruining my plans!” The Hood sneered at the man, pulled a gun from his inner pocket, aimed it at his head and pulled the trigger. “No one fails me!”

The Hoods last standing man looked at him. "Sir, by the looks of it they have left in a hurry. I reckon we just missed them. They have probably been using the same entrance as us, so if they knew we were on our way, they have most likely headed for the front of the building.”

The Hood nodded. “I want you to head to the front and see if you can catch them, I will head for the usual exit, and then we can cut them off from both sides.”

“Yes sir!” The man replied.

… …

Alan continued to lead the way while Scott, who was carrying Virgil, was close behind. They finally reached the top of the stairs and went through the doorway which led to the front entrance. As soon as they saw their brothers leave the building, Gordon and John darted out from behind a nearby tree with the stretcher. Scott laid Virgil down and replaced the oxygen mask over his mouth which he had removed just before leaving the building.

“Okay, let’s get him out of here!” Gordon said, as he and John took control of the stretcher.

“Not so fast.” Came an unknown voice from behind them.

They all turned slowly. “You!” Scott shouted, the anger in his voice rising as he looked upon the man who had been responsible for bringing the whip down on Virgil’s back.

The man held out a gun towards them. “Don’t even think about moving. Now, put down the stretcher and move away from your brother.”

“There is no way that we are going to just hand him over to you!” John stated.

The man laughed “I believe you should rethink your answer.”

“And why’s that?” Alan asked.

“Because otherwise you will need to deal with me!”

The boys looked back in the direction they were about to head in.

“Hood!” They all exclaimed.


Previous: C17

If you’d like to be tagged for updates for this story or any others then please let me know. Alternatively this fic can be read in it’s entirety over on Ao3 or FFNet - creativegirl29 @janetm74@drileyf@katblu42@ak47stylegirl@psychoseal@misstb2@dragonoffantasyandreality@weirdburketeer@alexthefly@burningcowboyhoagietaco@thundergeek59

Chapter 18: Torment

Story under the cut - chapter contains whump Also mentions/references to physical and mental torture.

The Hood signalled to someone off screen who then made their way over to Virgil, with a large bucket of water and placed it in front of him, the man then made his way behind the camera. “Now, I know Jeff that one of your sons is a former Olympic Swimming Champion, I’ve seen all the news reports about him… I believe his name is Gordon.” Gordon was now on his feet glaring at the screen. “Now, I know that this boy here isn’t that son… So, I thought it would be interesting to see how well his brother had taught him to survive when being held under water.”

The Hood nodded to the man who was holding Virgil’s arms. The man kept a hold of Virgil’s hands with one hand and then grabbed his hair with the other and pushed Virgil’s head into the bucket of water and held him down.

… …

Virgil tried to recall everything Gordon had ever told him about holding your breath under water, not that he had really listened, he had usually drifted off into his own world when Gordon had started one of his water safety lectures. ‘Right, stay calm… Breathe in… Don’t panic!’ Virgil said to himself as he felt his head being pushed down and held firmly under the water. After two minutes, he was brought back out of the water and he breathed out, trying his best to remain calm. The man pushed Virgil down again into the water and held him there, and once again Virgil managed to keep himself calm enough to last the two minutes he was being held down for. ‘Damn!’ Virgil thought as he was pulled up out of the water again. ‘If I ever get out of here I need to start listening to Gordon… Oh God! I must be delirious…’ The man pushed Virgil down into the water again and after another two minutes Virgil was brought back up and he breathed out.

… …

“That’s it Virg, you can do this… I know you can!” Gordon whispered, when he saw his brother manage the dunking.

“Longer!” The hood yelled at the man who then forced Virgil’s head down into the water again.

The two-minute mark passed by and Gordon looked at the image of his brother. “It’s too long.” He said nervously, as he looked at his dad and his other brothers. “He’s never held his breath much longer than this.”

They all watched in horror as Virgil began struggling desperately against the man’s grip. Eventually the man lifted him back up, he allowed Virgil to cough up the water, and then pushed him back down again. After doing this several times the Hood eventually signalled to the man who then pulled Virgil back out of the water and threw him onto the floor.

… …

Virgil coughed up the water he had swallowed, trying his hardest not to throw up. Glancing up Virgil was gripped with fear as one of the other men picked the bucket of water up and emptied the contents on top of him, causing Virgil to shudder with the shock to his system. Watching the man move away, Virgil quickly looked at his chain and noticed it was now closer to him, he tried to put his hand out to grab it, but he was once again dragged back up on his knees and his hands were wrenched backwards and held behind him. Virgil lifted his head, wondering what his next torment would be. He didn’t have to wait long to find out when the man, who had emptied the water on top of him, returned with the four other men and they quickly began to surround him. Virgil tried to struggle free, but it was hopeless due to the strength of the man holding him, and his already weakened state. He then saw the Hood give a signal to the man who had been holding him, the man dropped Virgil to the floor with a thud and followed through with a sharp kick to his back.

… …

Scott, John, Gordon, Alan and Jeff were all on their feet staring at the screen and screaming for the men to stop as they watched Virgil’s beating unfold. Their cries were silenced when Virgil became still, and the Hood signalled for them to finally stop. They looked on as the Hood signalled for them to move away, he then went and checked Virgil’s pulse. The Hood frowned and glared back at the camera. “Still alive… Well, for now!” The Hood made his way behind the camera, leaving Virgil lying on the floor.

… …

Virgil had tried to keep fighting but he knew it was impossible as he felt the full force of each blow connect with various parts of his body. Hoping that the men would stop if he was unconscious, Virgil decided to stop moving and closed his eyes. He was surprised to find his idea had worked when the beatings stopped, and the men walked away, he then felt the Hood check for his pulse, say that he was still alive and then also move away. He opened his eyes carefully, not wanting the Hood or any of the other men who were in the room to realise that he was still awake. He could feel the pain surging through him and he could feel the darkness calling his name. Nevertheless, he knew what he needed to do. Glancing in front of him, Virgil could see his chain was still on the floor and thankfully it hadn’t been knocked too far away. Virgil looked up at the camera and prayed that his family could see what he was about to try and do.

… …

Jeff sat with his head in his hands, Alan had dropped to the floor and was crying bitterly, and was now being held by a shaking John and Gordon. The rest of the household sat shaking, crying and unable to look at the screen. Scott had been the only one who had continued watching, unable to take his eyes of his brother’s apparent unconsciousness. Scott exhaled with relief when he saw Virgil’s eyes open, causing everyone else to observe what was happening.

… …

Virgil looked at the other men and the Hood, he could see they were involved in a deep conversation, and were unaware of what he was doing. Looking back at the chain, Virgil reached his arm out, and although he could feel an intense pain from doing so, he tried to make his fingers grasp the chain.

… …

Brains had switched the transmission link back on and was watching it intently. Alan, Gordon and John were now back on their feet and standing next to Scott and their father. Each one of them silently hoping and praying that Virgil would be successful.

… …

Virgil felt his fingers clutch the chain as he pulled it towards himself. Grasping it in his hand, Virgil began to try and get the edible transmitter out.

“What are you doing boy?” The Hood screamed at him, bringing his foot down on top of Virgil’s hand.

Virgil yelped with the pain and pulled his hand to his chest, dropping the chain in the process.

“What is it about this chain.” The Hood growled, as he bent down picked up the chain and flung it across the room. “Now, stay still.” The Hood snapped, as he made his way back over to the other men.

Virgil lifted his head and watched the Hood walk away, he then opened his hand revealing the edible transmitter, looking directly into the camera, he dropped the transmitter into his mouth and swallowed it!

THE TRUST (2007-2008)Are these guys enough to take on the Hood’s super-criminal army? Still reeling THE TRUST (2007-2008)Are these guys enough to take on the Hood’s super-criminal army? Still reeling THE TRUST (2007-2008)Are these guys enough to take on the Hood’s super-criminal army? Still reeling THE TRUST (2007-2008)Are these guys enough to take on the Hood’s super-criminal army? Still reeling

THE TRUST (2007-2008)

Are these guys enough to take on the Hood’s super-criminal army? 

Still reeling from learning of a Skrullconspiracy,Luke Cage’sAvengers are betrayed by one of their own, Clint Barton makes a move on EchoandDoctor Strange goes a step too far!


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Paul Greengrass is set to direct Benedict Cumberbatch in upcoming period drama The Hood, sources close to the project have confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter.

Written by Greengrass, the film is set to take place during the Peasants’ Revolt, a major uprising that took part across large parts of England in 1381 in response to issues, such as socio-economic and political tensions and high taxation. While exact details of the film are still being kept under wraps, THR understands that Cumberbatch will play a farmer who becomes the leader of the revolt (which could indicate that he’s playing the legendary Wat Tyler, who led the uprising before being killed by forces loyal to King Richard, although this is unconfirmed).
