#pete thelman


PIP:Oh, and all the torturing in hell stopped years ago, I assure you!

PIP:We made sure everybody gets a happy afterlife, even those deemed “sinners.”

PIP:Sinners is such a silly term, isn’t it?

PIP: A mere lack of faith, a few wrong gestures in life, or even simply dying at the wrong time isall it could take to send you downwards!

PIP: Funny, huh?


PIP: I mean this all in the least threatening way, of course.

PIP:You still have your whole life ahead of you, and all!

PIP: But you can take it from me, you don’tever need to worry about whether or not you’ll be happy when you die.

PIP: There’s so much more to each and every afterlife, why I’d say hell is even better than heaven at this point!

PIP:Don’t even worry about where you are when you die. You’ll enjoy it either way.

PIP:Oops, that sounds a little strange, doesn’t it?

PIP: Moreso, I meant you’ll be happy after death, of course.

PIP: Maybe not so much the dying bit.

PIP:That still hurts.

PIP:It hurts afterdeath too, even!

PIP:Just be prepared for that, I suppose!



HEIDI:That’s really interesting.

PIP: It really is, isn’t it?

PIP: There’s just so much to the afterlife you don’t even consider before you die, it’s really quite amazing!

PIP:If I weren’t in a hurry, I’d tell you all about it!

HEIDI:Oh,you’rein a hurry?

HEIDI:A hurry?


HEIDI:Well, better take your order then, and fast,right?

PIP:I suppose you’re right!

PIP:Why don’t we let our friend Tweek here order first.

PIP:This is his first time at Denny’s, you know!

HEIDI: Wow your friend’s name is Tweek, that’s really unique.


HEIDI:What can I get for you, sir.

TWEEK: I don’t know what any of this is.

HEIDI:That’s food, sir.

TWEEK: Well what about this picture of a cup?

HEIDI:That’s coffee, sir.

TWEEK:That’s a funny name for a cup.

HEIDI:It’s just the name of the drink.

TWEEK:Wow you guys really… drink stuff other than lava, huh. Like I thought that was kind of weird at that school place, but I thought it was a weird ritualistic thing or something?

TWEEK: And I thought Pip was just lying to me.


HEIDI:Yep we do.

HEIDI:We really, reallydo.

TWEEK: Um, okay, I think I want to try this then.

TWEEK: “Coffee.”

HEIDI: Of course, sir.

HEIDI:And for your… um.




PIP:(The imp that followed us, my friend.)



TWEEK: I guess I have a kid.

TWEEK: I mean I know I have a kid.

TWEEK: This is something I know for sure, positively.

HEIDI:Yes, I’m sure you do.

HEIDI:What does your kid want to eat.

TWEEK: I don’t know.

TWEEK: What do kids eat?

TWEEK:(Actually wait can she even eat? I never ate when I was that young…)

HEIDI: Might I recommend the endless pancakes for four dollars.


TWEEK:Do the pancakes keep coming back?????

HEIDI:Pretty much, yep.

TWEEK: Oh my god that sounds horrifying.


TWEEK: …Yes please.



HEIDI:And for you, sir??????

PIP:Just an iced tea, please and thank you!


HEIDI: Coffee, a dish of endless pancakes, and iced tea. Is that all for tonight?

PIP: I believe so, yes!

HEIDI: I’ll get right to it and leave you three alone.

PIP:Thank you so much!


PIP:Well,Tweek, I never thought I’d see the day!

PIP:You’re actually willing to try something other than lava and rocks?

PIP:I mean, I knowI was the one who brought you here, but I figured you’d abstain from the generosity– as you are wont to do.

TWEEK: This stuff is meant to stay up here on the surface.

TWEEK: If I’m on the surface, then I’ll do whatever I’m meant to do on the surface.

PIP:But… you’re allowed to eat and drink in hell, Tweek.

PIP:You have for yearsnow.

TWEEK:You made it so it was allowed.

TWEEK: It was never allowed before you came around.


TWEEK: I’ll never give into this new era bullshit you’ve brought to hell.

TWEEK: Cause it’s just not meant for hell.

PIP: Oh, you’re just too silly.

PIP: But there’s no use in arguing anymore, I suppose.

PIP:You seem so much more fascinated with the overworld, you’re just too stubborn to want these kinds of luxuries in your own home.

TWEEK:Can you stop trying to analyze me?

PIP:I don’t think I’m analyzing you, I think you’ve just made yourself very clear over all these years.

PIP: Why not have some fun for a change?

TWEEK:Is your definition of fun running around telling everybody that we’re from hell?

TWEEK: I thought we were supposed to be discrete.

TWEEK:That’sall Gregory ever said we should be.


TWEEK:Andnone of you are even trying.


PIP: What’s the use now?

PIP:I tried to keep myself in for you earlier, but it just made me realise I care even less than I thought I did.



TWEEK:People probably think you’re a freak!

TWEEK: People don’t look like this up here, so we should be fitting in with them, not flaunting what they fear.

PIP: Are you forgetting the song I sang to you on the way here?

TWEEK:Ugh,no, but don’t remind me.

TWEEK: I just…

TWEEK:We should be more careful, shouldn’t we???

TWEEK:Gregory said to be careful but then he turned around and just… outed me like he did, and…

TWEEK:Estella’s just running around murder happy…

TWEEK:Thomas can’t even hold his form, and–

TWEEK:God we shouldn’t even be here.

TWEEK:We shouldn’t be doing this.


PIP:You shouldn’t worry so much, and you shouldn’t hide who you are.

PIP:What’s it matter if a waitress knows what you are?

PIP:What’s it matter if the people behind you know what you are?

TWEEK:It matters because–


TWEEK:Wait, people behind me?

TWEEK:Oh shit I forgot there were other people here–





TWEEK:(Oh god they’re all looking at me.)



TWEEK: What’s going on!

TWEEK: I think I saw you at school today, right?

TWEEK:Hi, I’m new here.

TWEEK: Is that coffee you’re all drinking?

TWEEK: How is it?

TWEEK: I’m about to try some for the first time.

TWEEK:Is it like, a localthing?

TWEEK: You guys are just staring at me, should I just stare back, or–


PIP:Don’t mind him all too much, he’s from hell!

PIP: Nice to see you all again, by the by!

TWEEK:Um, those are fake horns and wings and teeth by the way, he’s just playing pretend.

PIP:Nope,all authentic!

PIP:I died and came back, I did!

TWEEK:(cool. cool. cool.)

TWEEK:(This is so awesome.)

TWEEK:(At least I’m keeping weirdos like you away from those guys back at the barn…)

PIP:What was that, dear friend?


Drawings to try to come back!

Español + English

Adult Pete post covid and Mike Makowski

(This isn’t a romantic drawing)

Title:Lately, It’s So Quiet


Fandom:South Park

Setting:Michael’s House

Pairing:Michael/Pete Thelman

Characters:Pete Thelman, Michael, Firkle Smith




Word Count: 100

Type Of Work: Drabble, Part of the FicWip Drabble Challenge


Warnings:Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, On-Again Off-Again Michael/Pete, Implied Michael/Firkle, Stalking Mention, Breaking and Entering Mention

Disclaimer:I don’t own anything.

Summary: Pete took with him all the life in Michael’s house.

AN:Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If you want it, please contact me on Twitter!

So, here’s another drabble challenge down! I have kept finishing them for a bit but I’ve been holding back on posting things I’ve written for South Park until I get the 100th fic on Ao3 posted because it’s really important to me that it’s something that I really liked or felt something for. So, after that comes out, it’s likely going to be followed by a few of these. At any rate, I hope you enjoy it!

South Park Fic Masterlist

Lately, It’s So Quiet


The house was quiet, almost tooquiet. No doubt Firkle was skulking around, but the younger goth made little to no noise.

He was very unlike Pete in that regard. Pete was loud, even when he didn’t mean to be. A loud, sometimes poorly-placed huff or sigh denoted he wanted attention, fluttering pages in books and magazines when he was mildly annoyed weren’t uncommon. When he was in any mood at all, stomping was his favorite mode of travel, and when he was angry, doors slammed before he was even gone.

Michael absolutely hated the silence Pete had left him in, now.


AN: Another drabble challenge complete! I’ve been having fun with these, honestly. If anyone wants more on this one, just let me know! I hope you all enjoyed it!

Prompt:I Still See Your Ghost

The start of their paranormal investigations?

Cute Piece of ✨Banshee✨ (@kaoruu_123): https://twitter.com/kaoruu_123 for the first day of the Pike week!

Details of the promp list for the Pike week!Details of the promp list for the Pike week!

Details of the promp list for the Pike week!

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bitlines: I worked hard with this fanart, I am so satisfied!!! ♥♥♥


I worked hard with this fanart, I am so satisfied!!! ♥♥♥

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