#phd life




And I’m scooped. My project was published in another organism yesterday. Fuck me.

Just want to add that I’ve been working really hard to finish some experiments and we are beginning to write our manuscript now. Sometimes these things work out.


And I’m scooped. My project was published in another organism yesterday. Fuck me.

geekification: geekification:How time works in grad school. I’m reposting this because I crack up ev



How time works in grad school.

I’m reposting this because I crack up every single time I walk past it.

It makes me sad that the clock got fixed. But I’ll always have this gif!

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_kissé_ szarul kezdődik a félév…

Az előzmény az, hogy első félévben szerencsés módon nem volt órám a Teamsben. Sokáig be se tudtam lépni, mert a studentes e-mail-címemhez elfelejtettem a jelszót - január végén intéztem el, mert a tanításhoz kell majd, szólt a tanszékvezető. Örömmel konstatáltam, hogy működik, aztán feléje sem néztem, mert hát amúgy egy kalap szar, mit nézegessek rajta, amíg nem muszáj? Magától értetődőnek vettem, hogy az oktatók először majd úgyis Neptunon keresztül írnak, mikor és hogyan kezdődnek a tárgyak.

CSAKHOGY… ők meg azt vették magától értetődőnek, hogy minden is Teamsben van az online oktatás alatt, úgyhogy hétfőn teljesen lesápadva találtam egy megbeszélésre invitálást, egy elmaradt előadást és HÁROM(!) elmaradt gyakorlatot. Szóval a félév gigászi Kanossza-járással és kármentéssel kezdődik. Az első kettő még nem annyira para, de a gyakorlatot baromira sajnálom, mert olyan téma, ami régóta érdekel, és tudom magamról, hogy egészséges kényszer nélkül nem mélyülnék bele. De hát így ez bukta, itt már a leadás az egyetlen becsületes lépés. :(

Persze felmerül a kérdés, dehát hogy’ lehettem ekkora balfasz? Nem volt furcsa a rádiócsend? De, furcsa volt. Nem az én érdekem lett volna jobban utánanézni? De. Egyáltalán eszembe sem jutott a Teams? Dehogynem. Akkor miért nem néztem meg? Miért voltam, vagyok megint ennyire enervált, nemtörődöm, leszarom? Azt hittem, majd a phd iránti motiváció ad majd erőt és mindent lebíró akaratot, de… ez nem jött be. Most már muszáj lesz ezzel foglalkozni.






Kvíz- és körkérdés (nem csak) követőimhez!

Ti tanultátok az egylaki/kétlaki növény fogalmát és ha igen, kb. hányadikban? Emlékeztek is rá? Hány évesek vagytok most (opcionális)?

Igen, altalanosban. Igen, emlekszem ra.


Nem bikóz rízönsz, és magyarázza el valaki

szerintem tanultam az iskolában, de nem emlékszem mikor. valami olyasmi ez, hogy ha hím és nőivarú szaporítószervek is vannak a növényen akkor egylaki, ha külön van fiú meg lánynövény akkor kétlaki. azért pénzt nem tennék a válaszra :)

Jól emlékszel! :) Nagyon köszönöm mindenkinek a válaszokat, csináltam is igazán igényes szemléltető ábrákat (@kiforditom-szetszedem):

Azért indítottam el a threadet, mert doktorisként most egy növényismereti anyagrészt tanítottam alapszakos biológusoknak, és a dolgozatok javításánál megdöbbentem, mennyien NEM tudták. Az ember ilyenkor kicsit magába száll… Lehet, hogy én nem magyaráztam elég jól, ez áll a mérleg egyik serpenyőjén, a másikon meg, hogy de hát ez nem általános iskolás anyag?! És de. Persze az is igaz, hogy 1. nyilván sokakat tökre nem érdekel és tök mással akarnak majd foglalkozni 2. ők valószínűleg még fiatalabbak nálatok/nálunk, egy még leromlottabb alapoktatásban részesültek. :(


@grepfrut jogos, javítottam az ábrát a te megjegyzésed és az alábbi videó alapján:
Mindjárt kiderült, hogy én sem tudom jól. :’D

emailing my undergrad advisor for advice bc my current advisor hasn’t responded to my emails in 2 weeks but i’ve already dropped in on multiple committee members for advice in the past 2 weeks and they’re busy trying to survive the end of the semester, hands fucking sweating all over the place bc i’m sending him drafty shit and i think the last time he actually read my work was when i was an undergrad and what if i’m not any better at writing

you know that thing when you’re trying to write an analytical paper (cough cough dissertation) and you read an article that inspires your next draft? yeah i slowly worked my way through like 125 pages of scholarship the past couple days and i think i’m ready to frame my chapter 3 so that’s exciting

Things I wish I knew/did earlier in grad school

  • Keep a journal of every research-related idea you have and every research-related action you take. Seriously, find the most frictionless way you can keep notes and stick to it. Your brain will thank you later.
  • Ask for help whenever possible, but with the knowledge that many of the issues you have will have no troubleshooting manual.
  • Get something done crudely and in the easiest, most…

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Hi All,

Apologies again for my long delay in posting, but it’s been a terrible month of prepping papers for conferences and hustling to get my second qualifying paper in. I’m about to attend my first AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguists) meeting in Chicago this weekend, so I’ll be back to posting hopefully at the end of this month. Until then, here’s an interesting article about whether we live in the best time in history to learn languages, ever.

LL Recipe Comparison:

This article reminds me of the recipe for Fastest Pasta with Spinach Sauce:


Just as the article mentions how young people learn new languages quickly, you’ll find that you can make this dish incredibly quickly! The kalamata olives pair very well with the spinach and red pepper flakes, and the way that it’s all done pretty much in one pot reminds me of the article’s mentioning that technology allows us to learn languages pretty much all on one digital space. Good Cooking!

MWV 3/21/18

PhD student Sarah Madden dug through our collections to learn more about the history of crystallography. Read about her experience below.

I’m a PhD student working in cancer research at the University of Cambridge, and currently work as the Media and Communications Assistant at the Royal Institution. 


One of my favourite days of my time here was getting to look through the archives with the Ri’s lovely curator of collections, Charlotte. Being the self-confessed crystallography geek that I am, Charlotte was kind enough to let me look through the history of X-ray crystallography.

X-ray crystallography is the process of growing crystals of a compound, and then analysing them with X-rays to work out the compound’s structure.


William Henry Bragg and his son, William Lawrence Bragg, were the ‘Fathers’ of X-ray crystallography. Both served as Directors of the Davy-Faraday Research Laboratory at the Royal Institution.

They came up with Bragg’s law, which allows crystallographers to work out the structure of a compound.

We do this by looking at the diffraction pattern generated by by sending X-rays through crystals of the compound with unknown structure.


Lawrence Bragg constantly wrote letters to his father to ask for help with his research, many of which are stored in the Royal Institution’s archives. The father and son team were awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1915. Lawrence was only 25 at the time and was withdrawn from the front line where he was serving as an officer during World War 1.


The collection at the Royal Institution includes a host of Lawrence’s belongings, including his Nobel prize diploma, his photographs of crystal diffraction patterns and his notebook with Bragg’s law written in it.

Watch our full ‘Understanding Crystallography’ video

Learn more about the science and history of crystallography

Follow Sarah on Twitter to see what she gets up to at the Ri and back in her lab at Cambridge: @TheGingerSci


academic self-regulation explained

It’s April but #tbt to my January overview lmao. It wasn’t an eventful month, but it was somehow still busy because the internship application process was winding down and my final semester in my PhD program was beginning.

2021 is shaping up to be a year of major endings and new beginnings for me and my cohort. I am nervous but also excited for all of us!

5.4 - 5.10

I’m a roll with posting so far lol. I found some free time to decorate this weekly spread from before. Cats and flowers are always nice so yeah

4.27 - 5.3

It’s been a while lol. To be honest, I’m terrible at maintaining a planner. I think I’m accepting that I can move at my own pace, and that it’s okay if I fall behind. So here is a spread from almost 3 months ago

11.4 - 11.10

When you wish you had a cat, but you don’t so you just go overboard on cat stickers and washi in your planner.

Late post from 10.28 - 11.3

I’ve been so disorganized lately, it was nice to finally have a clear enough mind to decorate my planner.

I love getting new stationery, especially new pencils. I can’t fathom writing only in pen.I love getting new stationery, especially new pencils. I can’t fathom writing only in pen.

I love getting new stationery, especially new pencils. I can’t fathom writing only in pen.

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Just kidding, I definitely regret Thursday but only because Saturday did not go the way it should haJust kidding, I definitely regret Thursday but only because Saturday did not go the way it should ha

Just kidding, I definitely regret Thursday but only because Saturday did not go the way it should have. Anyway this is the past week’s spread featuring Sora holding it down for me.

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Me (grad student, coming in at 8 AM): If I do my experiments in exactly this order, I should be done by 7 PM today.

My boss (professor, gone crazy post-corona): Hey lab! Let’s have random Happy Hour because I do not have any regard for your timeframes!

Me (grad student): if I don’t go, will she be passive aggressive about how I chose not to go? Okay, better go.

Me going to random “happy hour” to make boss happy

2 hours later

Me (grad student): f*** it’s 7 PM and I still have two more hours of work to do.

I hate grad school on days like this.

When opening to the first chapter of your military history book causes you to exclaim, “He’s a Twink!,” you know you are in for a wild ride.
