
Phoenician depiction of a sphinx made of ivory.  Depictions of them were not solely restricted to Eg

Phoenician depiction of a sphinx made of ivory.  Depictions of them were not solely restricted to Egypt.  From Fort Shalmaneser in northern Iraq, circa 900-700 B.C. Now in the British Museum.


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archaicwonder:Phoenician Painted Ostrich Egg - 8th-6th Century BC An ancient ostrich egg painted warchaicwonder:Phoenician Painted Ostrich Egg - 8th-6th Century BC An ancient ostrich egg painted warchaicwonder:Phoenician Painted Ostrich Egg - 8th-6th Century BC An ancient ostrich egg painted warchaicwonder:Phoenician Painted Ostrich Egg - 8th-6th Century BC An ancient ostrich egg painted w


Phoenician Painted Ostrich Egg - 8th-6th Century BC

An ancient ostrich egg painted with four Panels divided by cross hatched bands. The scenes include, two lotus buds, a small tree, and an abstract symbol of the goddess Tanit.

The use of the ostrich egg as a vase or decorative object dates back to the earliest Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures. The painted ostrich egg was, however, especially popular among the Phoenician (Punic) people. Examples have been found in tombs at Carthage and at Punic settlements in Spain, Sicily, and Sardinia.

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NEW MAP: Europe 276: Probus vs Florian (August 276) https://buff.ly/3uCtuH2 Tacitus was succeeded by

NEW MAP: Europe 276: Probus vs Florian (August 276) https://buff.ly/3uCtuH2 Tacitus was succeeded by his half-brother Florian, who was almost immediately challenged by the general Probus. Although Probus was only recognized in a few eastern provinces, and had a much smaller army, he quickly outmaneuvered and deposed Florian to become the sole emperor in September 276. #thirdcentury #3rdcentury #antiquity #ancientrome #aegyptus #europe #europeanhistory #historias #historicalmaps #historyclass #historyfacts #historygram #historylesson #historymaker #map #mapmaking #maps #romansyria #phoenicia #roman #romancivilwar #romancivilwars #romanempire #romanhistory #romans #romanemperor #spqr #teachinghistory #worldatlas #newmap (at Antioch, Turkey)

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NEW MAP: Europe 272: Downfall of Zenobia (summer 272) https://buff.ly/3c7Cv30 After his victory at I

NEW MAP: Europe 272: Downfall of Zenobia (summer 272) https://buff.ly/3c7Cv30 After his victory at Immae, Aurelian marched south and decisively defeated the Palmyrenes at Emesa. Zenobia fled to Palmyra, but was captured, along with her city, by Aurelian in late summer 272. Roman rule in the East had been restored. #thirdcentury #3rdcentury #ancientrome #aurelian #zenobia #cartographer #europe #europeanhistory #heritage #historian #histories #historyclass #historydegree #historyfacts #historyinthemaking #historylesson #historymuseum #historynerd #persianempire #maps #palmyra #phoenicia #spqr #roman #romanempire #romanhistory #romans #ancientsyria #teachinghistory #newmap (at Palmyra, Syria)

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Gold and agate Phoenician earrings, c. 6th-4th centuries BCE. From Timeline Auctions

Gold and agate Phoenician earrings, c. 6th-4th centuries BCE. From Timeline Auctions

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