

Could somebody in Midland, Texas please tell me where I can get some goooood EYE.SEE.E


If your time on the internet is primarily spent sending anons, spreading content, and/or leaving comments all with the sole purpose of making others feel bad, you need to rethink your life.

whEN will staff let us edit html in our bios from mobile

Buy me Ko-Fi

If you want

Because I am a broke college student

Thank you ❤️

I should do commissions … so send me things idk. I used to write fanfic

How long before it’s socially acceptable to start emailing memes to this dude who owes me money


stay calm. relax and forget who you are. beach aesthetic

Okay now if other developers could follow Dead By Daylight’s lead by giving a well-known game a dating-sim spin-off to satiate their fans’ thirst, that would be swell.


seeking jobs that are ethical and fun for women with mental illness. part time hours and a minimum of 5 grand per month pay (non negotiable) 

I love the anons that pop in every once in a while and send the most random things with the sole intention of, “I wonder what they’d say if I sent *this random thing*”


  1. has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you laugh out loud?
  2. has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you cry?
  3. and because i know we’re all egocentric, have you ever made yourself laugh out loud or cry with a fic you wrote?
  4. what would this fic be about, based on the title? (asker provides fake fic title) (x)
  5. if you couldn’t finish (one of) your wip(s) for some reason, what writer would you trust with finishing it, if any? (asker can choose what wip)
  6. what is your favourite sense to incorporate in your writing and why?
  7. what is you favourite sentence/paragraph? read it to us! (asker can choose what fic) (x)
  8. if you got a computer virus that deleted all your fics but had just enough time to save one before they were wiped out, which fic would you pick and why?
  9. the “you got kudos“ e-mail is usually much appreciated, but is there a fic you wish you didn’t get these e-mails for? if so, which one and why?
  10. what word do you keep using like it’s going out of style?
  11. what grammar mistake do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
  12. what headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
  13. do you make playlists for when you write? if so, share!
  14. what trope would you refuse to write even if you were paid to do it?
  15. describe (one of) your wip(s) in the weirdest/most contrived way possible! (asker can choose what wip)
subwaywithinmymind:Please, PLEASE let this be a thing.


Please, PLEASE let this be a thing.

Post link


Y’know what the world of written fiction needs?

A depiction of someone with a crush being upset that their crush is aro… but we’re clearly meant to sympathize with the aro character. Highlight how much it sucks when someone you simply aren’t and won’t ever be attracted to is vilifying you for not returning their feelings. How it stings to have a friend group broken up or, worse, exclude you, because the person who likes you in that way has turned this into a you vs them deal and your other friends were forced to pick a side and they chose them over you. Cause they’re only thinking about your rejectee’s feelings. Not yours. You’re made out to be the asshole when you didn’t even do anything wrong. Hell, if anything you did the right thing by turning them down when you didn’t want this and knew your feelings weren’t going to change. But someone’s feelings are hurt because you said no, and now their hurt feelings are seen as a bigger priority than your right to say no.

Like. Goddamn. That sucks. Too often we’re meant to side with the person with the crush. And when we’re not it’s cause the person with the crush is what tvtropes calls an “abhorrent admirer”. Why can’t they be a normal admirer and we still sympathize with the person who rejected them?

And this doesn’t even have to have a bad ending! Yeah it’s a shitty situation, but like, the aro character Can find better friends. The old friend group can realize at some point that they fucked up and apologize for how they treated their aro friend. Whatever makes the most sense in the narrative!

Just.… aros in sympathetic roles.


Your movements are habitual as you slowly undress, reaching around each other for the things you need; finding the brush left by the sink while he pulls the towels from the shelf. Despite the narrow shape of the bathroom, your shower took up most of the space. If there were two things Shouta loved most it was sleeping and showering — and you, though in no particular order, he’d say — so that was where most of the disposable income went. A big bed with an expensive mattress, and a big showerhead with indelible pressure.

“Want me to de-tangle you first?”

He sounds out an agreeable hum, rough in the back of his throat, leaning forward to kiss you once as a show of appreciation. He lets you chase his lips, the stubble a muted scratch against skin, and briefly rolls his tongue into your mouth.

You lean away and begin as he turns to face the mirror above the sink, expression curtained by black. You have long stopped wincing whenever the bristles became caught in his knots. Shouta ran himself ragged day and night alongside the wind as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop, hair rising and falling with every use of his quirk. It was only natural that it’d be so entangled.

The handful of hair is gripped at the scalp, brushed from the bottom up with care so it doesn’t tug until the strokes become smooth. You comb your fingers through it happily once you finish, scratching the crown of his head and smiling as he tips into the touch.


He nods and meets your gaze in the reflection as you tuck his bangs back around his ears, now clearly able to see the tenderness in his expression, impossibly softer when you kiss the curve of his shoulder. He watches your eyes drag along the expanse of his chest, how you press yourself against his back to wrap your arms around his ribs, playing with the hair between his pecs.

Slowly, but surely, your touch lowers to trace the happy trail leading from his navel to his cock, hard and still held in the confines of his boxer briefs. “You’re so handsome, Shouta,” you tell him. Deft fingers wrap around him, his larger hand then covering your own, the breath leaving his body as he squeezes.

The quiet, pleased exhale calls to the throb between your thighs. You shift, rubbing them together to relieve the ache, the fabric of your underwear giving little friction. In your distraction he strokes his thumb along the dips and peaks of your knuckles and gently pries away your fingers.

You miss the heat and the weight in your palm as he turns and presses a kiss to your hairline, lips moving against your skin as he speaks: “the sooner you get the water running the sooner I can fuck you”.
