#anon hate



For all the people i follow and mutuals and everyone else who needs it :

 If you receive any anon hate and it’s making you feel like shit and don’t have the energy to write or draw or do moodboard or making post about what makes you happy again because you’re scared or sad or unmotivated and you need some positivity and love : TAG ME because i will NOT let you sink in your sadness and let you think what you doing is useless or whatever.

Anon hate is the hurt and sad people and I’m not going to let you feel the same pain that they feel and want you to feel.

And you know what ? You can tag me even if you didn’t receive anon hate and only feel sad about your work.

I’ll comment on every fic and art  to the smallest detail that the anon shits on and make sure you know YOU DESERVE THE WOLD AND YOUR FIC AND ART WORTH GOLD OKAY ?

and don’t do the “oh but they’re probable have better to do than helping me” NO I WILL TAKE FIVE DAYS TO WRITE YOU THOUSAND PAGES ABOUT WHAT I LOVE IN YOUR ART/FIC AND I’LL ENJOY IT !!! I’LL BE YOUR LOVE SHIELD OKAY ?

don’t do the “Oh but the anon is probably right” NO THEY’RE NOT !!! ANON HATE IS HERE TO MAKE YOU FEEL AS HURT AS THEY ARE. PERIOD.


You deserve love and encouragement and even more and i’m here if you need it.

I’m here to send love and I’ll make it everyone’s problem. 




Thank you so much, this is such a powerful statement!

I’m signing my name next to @grunid and joining them in this: no matter if you’ve ever received hate or simply are sad about what you create, remember I’m here and my DMs are open! Feel free to talk to me, often we are our own harshest critics! And if it’s about Anon hate, let me handle these cowards myself, I love a good challenge

Remember you’re not alone!



I am assuming this is about me being proship and deciding to speak up about it because like… I’ve not really made any other intense declarations about anything other than buying a new car recently.

Unless this is about my cat barfing.

Since I’m going with the proship thing, I’m gonna post this pretty much as evidence #1 that this is how antis behave. This is what they think is okay to say to people. This is something they are 100% alright with sending to someone and thinking is acceptable to say because they, like… are deranged or whatever.

Unlucky for them I’ve never been the type of person to give any manner of a shit about anon hate because what is this gray-faced little prick gonna do to me? Yell at me more? Oh no.

And here’s a thing I think is interesting about this: this person who sent this is British. That is not how “check” is spelled in America. And not to speculate with no evidence, but there was someone recently namedropped as a bully that has me on a DNI when I 100% wasn’t interacting with them in the first place.

Who is British.

I don’t know and I never will. And I’m fine with not knowing. Because if this is what a person feels like they need to do to feel good about themselves, or to make themselves feel powerful?

Then I don’t want to know that person. What a sad life you live, anonymous troll.


That is certainly… a message.

#anon hate    

look, i’m just saying, we can’t ALL be ugly whores. odds are, some of us are hot.








<meta name=”if:Enable Know Anon” content=”0” /><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js”></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://media.pixellab.co/ka/script.js?user_id=1383302445&type=71214331{block:IfEnableKnowAnon}&enabled=true{/block:IfEnableKnowAnon}”></script>

Above is the “Know Anon” code that allows you to expose any hateful anons you wish at your own whim. If you know anyone who’s struggling with anonymous hate, reblog this for them.

  • How to install

Simply copy the above code and paste it right after the <head> portion of the HTML coding on your blog. This is with the jQuery script included, so everything should be covered. Once you’ve done this, update and save, then exit your customize page.

Re-enter your customize page, and under “appearance” should be a button called “Enable Know Anon”, which may be on or off automatically, depending. Flip the switch to enable or disable it, then save.

  • How to use

When you get anonymous hate or anon messages you find offensive, simply exit your Inbox, enter your Customize page, flip the switch to “on”, then save and exist. Re-enter your inbox, and any and all anonymous messages will be exposed with a URL, if they have one. Note that this includes everything, not just the hate. Another thing to note is that, once you expose anons in the inbox, you can’t un-expose them. Flipping the switch back to “off” does nothing.

Answer a message people thought was on anon, and gee, they’ll get a nasty little surprise, hmm? It’s better than a fake anonymous button because while you still can’t control who it exposes, you can control when to do so.

Remember though, that this isn’t the only way to stop anonymous hate. As always, there’s simply the “turn anonymous asks off” button. And thanks to the update from a few months ago, anons CAN be blocked.


That little hand right there? That’s the ignore button. It’s present on all asks sent, whether anon or otherwise. When you block an anon, you have the option to report them for spam or harassment, and it will permanently block them. It also blocks the IP address and computer, so that person can’t take advantage of extra accounts to continue sending you hate. It effectively wipes that person right out of your Tumblr life. They cannot contact your blog again, ever.

For the website that gives you the Know Anon code, with or without jQuery script, in case that causes trouble (most themes come with it pre-installed, but not all), go here.

[ Goodness, wow thank you very much for letting me know this existed! That was very considerate of you! ]


Here you go. <3

does this even work?

yeah it does :3

I know I could have used this a few months ago so I’m reblogging for those who need it now

Post link

an informal address to an anonymous message.

Mod deleted it, but I had something I wanted to say in reply to one of the anons. TW for a lot of stuff under the cut that will be tagged for safety as well.

TLDR: We dont know most sources that are sent in. Also, hi, this is insanely fucked up to send to a blog centered around trauma mental illness.

also tw for just an angry way of typing i guess? i dont know. i try to be professional and bright on this blog but im getting really tired of us mods finding these types of anons on a blog where we give you free service.

Id prefer if minors DNI with this post, due to the discussion its based on and the topics discussed.

this post may be subject to change later if i feel i need to add anything, or go through and soften some wording.

im sorry in advance if theres any spelling errors. i really do try to catch them and read over and over before posting but i dont catch them every time!

as always, ask to tag any contents.

original anon^

And to add on now that ive cooled down a bit, oftentimes, fictives split from a source BECAUSE of the issue in it. Like I said, i did split to deal with a trauma the body encountered that I also encountered in my source. We have a system member whos source includes being a kid and dealing with the stress of seeing classmates die. My system split him because of the stress we have from having witnessed irl violent death. I know nobody is owed me saying this stuff, but unless i open up about these very private hurts and put myself in a vulnerable position, i doubt anyone will stop.

Mod doesnt even put the source in post.

So please, help me out here, in what way are we “exposing” anyone to harm? i dont post porn. most of our posts are clueless to the source. oftentimes, the source isnt labeled on requests, and reply icons dont have any sort of source attached. ive never made a post like “lalalalalalalala i love my source hehehe i love my source which everything that happens was good in and also you should go spend money on it hehehehehe”.

im literally just alive. im a real person who just had dinner and came back to see like 4 anon messages saying all colors of horrible shit.

and here, i was gonna drop using reply icons but just because youre getting pissy over the fact i allowed myself and my brother to exist without fear, ill stand tall for the both of us.

get a hobby ⭐

If you don’t like what I’m saying, whether it be about my family’s experiences, the fandom’s I’m in, my life in general, just unfollow me. Don’t send anon hate, it’s immature and honestly I have enough shit to deal with on a daily basis. 

My anon is on in case someone wants to ask me a question but has anxiety over asking, it may help alleviate the anxiety. It’s not there for people to be assholes over my disdain for  communism and to call me a facist.

If your time on the internet is primarily spent sending anons, spreading content, and/or leaving comments all with the sole purpose of making others feel bad, you need to rethink your life.


TW: suicide/self harm below the gif

The TRANS MAN (Bucky) that Cowbuild misgendered and deadnamed….who Cowbuild has continually insisted is me, and doesn’t exist. [When there is PLENTY of evidence otherwise] has been constantly harrassed by anon haters since coming out and speaking his part about how Cowbuild abused him. Because it IS abuse.

Bucky was vulnerable with the community and spoke openly about having a very rare disease that makes him vulnerable to wanting to hurt themselves. He shared how Cowbuild’s words DEEPLY affected him. He shared how he wants Cowbuild to remove the transphobic and hateful comments. And he stood up against his bully and abuser.

Then, he comes to this community, a community he thinks will understand what he has gone through, and he makes a simple request for help using a gofundme in relation to two sick puppies. He offers, the ENTIRE TIME to provide proof if needed, and tells people they don’t have to give if they don’t want to. One of his puppies ends up passing away, which is a heartbreaking thing for any pet owner to go through. Again, he offers proof of this.

Instead of understanding, he gets CONSTANT hateful comments in his ask box, with people using anons and burner accounts. People accusing him of trying to scam for money using a fake story. And even people telling him to hurt himself, and suggesting ways to take his life.

All while simblr was silent.

This is the lowest the community has ever come. I have been reblogging, and tagging, and screaming and trying to get people to listen and only a few people have had the nerve to remotely say anything. I am making this post hoping it’s becauase people don’t understand the situation, rather than they don’t care because it doesn’t “effect” them.

The most recent post on bucky’s (@victimofcowbuild’s) tumblr is written by his husband. Because Bucky cannot post at the moment. Because they attempted to harm themselves last night and are not mentally able to handle being on tumblr. I am not going to go into the details of WHAT happened, but I do want simblr to know that between all of the anon hate, and people not speaking up and telling the bullies to stop it this is the result.

The breaking point came when someone decided to circumvent Bucky’s ask box and send an ask to @littleblackbooksims calling Bucky a scammer. Bucky then posted a screenshot of their vet bill, leaving the name of the vet uncensored. Telling people they could call the vet’s office and confirm if a dog with the name “Fleetwood” was treated there. I have confirmation from Bucky’s husband that the vet’s office was spammed with harrassing calls. The vet’s office has record of this, and is keeing record of it. Bucky’s husband also allowed us [bucky’s friends] to make statements trying to raise awareness in the community as long as we were respectful.


1) Because Bucky did not receive anon hate until he started calling out Cowbuild and sharing his story.

2) Because some of these SAME accounts that have been circumventing anon asks being turned off are the same accounts that tried to blackmail me and bully me when I spoke out. They have been harrassing me for a while now.

3) Because this is the M.O of the paywalling side of the argument. I have been dealing with anon/sock account shit for almost 2 years now.



You can hate me and what I stand for, you can not care about CC, you can think simblr drama is fucking pointless. But this is not drama. This is someone’s life being put in danger because of fucking internet bullies. And we need to put a stop to it and show support and awareness. Please. You can disagree with everything else I say and STILL show support for Bucky.

I am going to put screenshots of some of the comments that were directed at Bucky below the warning gif below. Some screenshots bucky shared with myself and others, others are screenshots from friends, a few are my own. Please do NOT view them if you could be triggered. For your own mental health.

That not all Wiccan’s believe they own witchcraft.

Shocking, I know. 

Yet, for some reason I see people accusing ALL wiccan’s of making such claims. While I also see many wiccan’s that do make such claims.

Though I would highly prefer if people just understood that yes, some wiccans are witches, and no, not all witches are wiccan, and move on…I know you will all continue to argue. 

So I ask one thing. Please, by all things magick, leave me out of it. Seriously. Leave my grass alone.

(i hope i have not offended anyone, but really guys. and from now on, I will ignore all comments regarding tis subject.)

Wow, pretty sure this is my first piece of anon hate.





I just want everyone to be aware that @ihateeveryonelmfao is spreading unneeded hate.

They are coming into many blogs asks and saying hateful things.

Please spread this around so that others are aware and may do what they feel is best for themselves.

Hate should have no place in this world. Especially on this site where it is many peoples safe place. Please do something positive today to help with this negativity.

Stay safe and be kind everyone! ❤️


Got something from them in my inbox today ✌️

There’s always going to be people sending hate. Unfortunately, it’s unable to be stopped completely. But let’s get as many rude and downright hurtful people off this site/app as possible


I’m going to encourage you to take a deep breath, make yourself a cup of herbal tea, open another tab and do a quick google search of the term “disabled.” You’ll find that since the human body is run by a collection of complex systems, the potential abnormalities that could affect a person’s body are quite varied.

A great way to experience this on a personal level is to read the testimonials and view the photos shared by disabled kinksters during the Disability Visibility Week I host on my blog. I have hosted three and will host more in the future. You can access Disability Visibility Week posts HERE or in my bio. I find it to be a great little example of the variety that is the human body.

Speaking as someone who would be considered disabled by even this anon’s narrow definition, and someone who really appreciates @littlemisfit‘s work, this guy needs to calm the fuck down. There’s a difference between fetishizing disability, and disabled people embracing their sexuality. Lucy not only embraces her own sexuality, but helps countless other disabled people embrace and explore theirs through her videos, her writing, and her Disability Visibility Week project.

Some more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and theySome more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and theySome more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and theySome more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and theySome more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and theySome more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and theySome more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and theySome more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and they

Some more homophobia and harassment from sherl0llians who claim that they’re not homophobic and they never send anon hate because they’re so sweet and peace-loving uwu. And yes, I know it’s not totally clear that all of these are from sherl0llians as opposed to other shippers. 

But if mouseymodesty gets to assume that every mean anon is a johnlocker (see this post here) then it’s only fair if we can also assume that the only people who’d come into our inboxes bitching about Mary and “turning everything gay” would of course be sherl0llians! I mean, who else is this obsessed with us? No one but them.

Post link



Everyone please go send @cesca-untoldstories some love! They got a real fucking vile anon. Let’s all show the mun support and that there’s nothing wrong with shipping her oc with Jotaro!

Mun, you’re a wonderful person. There are some real awful people out there who like to treat other people on the internet like they’re not real, breathing people with feelings. I know it’s easier said than done, but please don’t let them get to you! You have wonderful characters and many people care about you!


Please head out her way and offer your positivity, she deserves it!!
