#pluto in sagittarius


2002 - Pluto in Sagittarius: Pluto (unseen; fear of unknown) Sagittarius (travel, foreign relations) government hyper hyped hyped the threat of terrorism and religious extremists so they can bring in laws in to keep us safe from these so-called ‘fanatical fatal ideology and bad bad bad evil people’

2022 - Pluto in Capricorn (♑️ law, order, security) government now says the biggest terrorism threat are domestic citizens. The said ‘bad bad bad evil people’ went from being unfamiliar residents in a foreign land to their very own people; the same govt that has used every power to expand their reach and ability to spy/censor/prosecute the very people they said they were bringing these laws in to protect

astrology and past lives…


principle…seek freedom or die.

transformation… I find freedom even within bonds.

many brilliant and gifted people have the moon in a gemini-sagittarius karmic configuration. they are coming from many prior incarnations in which they were scholars and thus find it easy to re-learn information acquired long ago. sometimes this knowledge comes to them spontaneously, in the course of a conversation, and they literally do not know where it came from. the fact is that something in the conversation awakened an ancient store of information in the subconscious and brought it to the surface.

in prior lifetimes, these people were travelers whose lives were full of changes and sometimes adventures. their many high ideals led them to spend their lives continually searching for the pot of gold or the holy grail. they rarely found what they sought, and, on the few occasions when they did, they simply moved on to search for something else. their emotional natures have been marked by many moods.

now these individuals may seek to repeat these patterns. they have a passionate emotional attachment to their ideals and cling to them fervently. they possess vivid imaginations, clever and ingenious minds, versatility, intense powers of expression, and an eternal desire for wisdom. they want to know what makes a clock work or how a piano produces music. these individuals generally make excellent teachers, writers, poets, and, if other factors in the chart support it, musicians, for self-expression is deeply ingrained in them. there is ingenuity and originality about all they do. generally quite charming, they attract many friends and acquaintances.

these individuals also have a way of projecting their ideals onto other people and identifying totally with those others, be they friends, employers or public figures. the inherent danger in this tendency is that eventually the idealized person will turn out to be human with human failings. sometimes the idealization and identification is not with a person, but with a cause or a concept (sometimes both). this may prove dangerous if these people do not see their causes or concepts from all possible viewpoints - for there is a chink in every wall, and if the chink is not mended, the wall itself may come tumbling down. the secret in achieving the necessary balance is not to allow one’s emotions (moon) to overwhelm one’s logic (gemini) and create such idealism (sagittarius) that one loses touch with reality.

these individuals may hold an exalted concept of devotion to duty, yet at the same time, have a passionate desire for freedom. the latter is an emotional residue from lifetimes in which they were wanderers, owing nothing to anyone. for most people, the concept of duty and that of freedom may seem mutually exclusive, but these individuals in many cases put their innate ingenuity to work and find ways to reconcile the two.

whensaturn is involved in the configuration, there is some kind of bond, some kind of duty, some kind of karmic obligation that interferes with the individual’s quest for freedom. one may be frustrated and stifled on all sides, and sometimes feel the need to break loose from everything and run away. to achieve the balance signified by this polar axis, though, one needs to use the basic ingenuity and versatility inherent in this polarity to reconcile both the need for freedom and the karmic obligation to one’s cause. it is almost as if this individual chose to come back in a situation where their innate ingenuity must be put to use. if uranus is involved in the configuration, the need for breaking free is much stronger than usual. if there is no saturn bond, the individual may opt for a totally unconventional life and become a bohemian artist, poet, musician, or professional traveler. if the saturn bond does exist, this person may seek an outlet through unconventional studies such as astrology or alchemy, or may channel uranian needs through unusual relationships. these people are gifted in oratory and propaganda, and will probably find it necessary at some point to make a break at one time or another. perhaps in prior incarnations such individuals were bound too closely to an ideal or cause, or it may be necessary to break with their sense of duty and approach life in an entirely new and different manner. uranus represents the need to tear down old structures in order to make way for the new. if neptune is involved in the configuration, sensitivity and emotional responsiveness are increased. a vivid imagination strengthens the idealistic nature and devotion; however, the danger of illusion and over-idealization also is heightened. there can be a tendency to shirk responsibility. in past lives these people have been involved with mysticism and nature religions, and these influences can carry over into their current lifetimes. if they can overcome the tendency to be too impressionable and gullible, their sensitivity and intelligence can be applied in counseling careers. they have highly developed intuitions and strong desires for higher knowledge. inevitably, their kindness, sensitivity, and imagination make them extremely well-liked; they never lack friends. however, they must take special care to see their friends as they really are rather than as they want or expect them to be. if pluto is involved, devotion to ideals invariably leads to an inner transformation of some sort. these people may suffer disillusionment and be forced to face up to this disillusionment. at some point, they undoubtedly will find that all their childhood images of the world have been stripped away, and may have to learn to find meaning in their lives without resorting to fantasies of perfection. they may become cold and embittered, or use pluto’s power of regeneration to make themselves and their lives stronger, more responsible, more powerful, and more meaningful.



the pluto in sagittarius generation will tear this mess to the fucking ground & start all over again

You bet you’re ass I will

A lot of people try to distance themselves from Generation Z. This is because this generation has been associated with negative things such as tide pods, TikTok, the Paul brothers, and Fortnite. Generation Z has become synonymous with childishness and immaturity. This is why many people do not want to be apart of this generation.

People born in 1995 and 1996 desperately cling to the Pew Research Center’s age range for Gen Z (1997-2012) because it excludes them from being associated with a generation that they believe to be reserved for children and teenagers. You guys are in your mid 20s, so I can understand why you want to distinguish yourselves from teenagers. You want to be taken seriously. You want your older peers to stop discriminating against you based on your age. However, it’s important to remember that most of you have your Pluto in Sagittarius, therefore, you are the eldest members of Gen Z. The reason why you can’t relate to this generation is because you are in a different stage of your life than the bulk of Gen Z. Regardless, you still share the same traumas, mindset, and beliefs as this generation.

People born from 1995-1999 passionately identify themselves as ‘90s babies’ because they are attempting to distance themselves from people born in the 2000s. You guys have little to no memory of the 90s, and your childhood was spent in the 2000s. Your childhood is almost identical to people born from 2000-2003, so there’s no need to make such a distinction. However, you guys have been out of high school for years now, while younger Gen Zs are still in school. You’re trying to establish your life as an adult and you’re trying to get oldet adults to take you seriously. I can understand why you don’t want to be apart of Gen Z because this generation is associated with teens and kids. However, you have your Pluto in Sagittarius, so you are the oldest members of Generation Z. The reason why you can’t relate to this generation is because you are in a different stage of your life than the bulk of Gen Z. Regardless, you still share the same traumas, mindset, and beliefs as this generation.

People born from 2000-2003, identify themselves as early 2000s kids in an attempt to separate themselves from the rest of Gen Z. You guys are 20-17, and being slapped in the face with you rapidly approaching adultness. Graduating high school, attending university, moving out, and entering mature relationships. For the first time in your life, you can go to prison. You can have a record. You have to pay taxes. You can’t act like a child anymore. I can understand why you want to distance yourself from people born in 2004-2008. They don’t have the same responsibilities or expectations of you. Their parents can still shield them; yours can’t. However, since you have your Pluto in Sagittarius, you are in the same generation as your younger peers. The reason why you can’t relate to this generation is because you are in a different stage of your life than the bulk of Gen Z. Regardless, you still share the same traumas, mindset, and beliefs as this generation.

Generation Z is defined by sharing the traumas of a Sagittarius. Darkness surrounds you. You deal with mental health disabilities, oppression, and inequality. But rather than be ashamed by these things, you embrace it as part of your identity. People can’t hurt you if you actively acknowledge and accept your weaknesses, something Millennials struggle to do. This is why you can easily talk about your disabilities, depression, anxiety, and fears. You turn these topics into jokes and memes because you are not ashamed to show that you are broken. That’s the trademark bluntness and honesty of Sagittarius.

ThePluto in Sagittarius generation be like…



The problem with crushes on tumblr is that we’re all poor so it’s really just a matter of being like

“Get over here already cutie”

“No you get your ass over here haha”

Until we eventually realize that the possibility of leaving our state let alone our country in both the economic and social climate of today is next to impossible

When the simple act of visiting the people you care about is considered a beautiful dream you know we fucked up as a society

ThePluto in Sagittarius generation be like…
