#astrology meme


Gemini Memes part 4

hi sorry for my absence i fell in love with a taurus

#zodiac    #astrology    #astrology meme    #capricorn    #taurus    #earth  signs    

Boy of the Zodiac (p.1) these are some celebrity boys and their zodiac signs! Which one is your favorite? I’m torn between the Leo and Taurus (and I love a Gemini man )

This is my interpretation of the Harry Potter characters signs! This doesn’t reflect the actual birthdays of the character, just what I think their personality lines up with. Part 1 is here!

Follow my astrology account @venusvibin

This is my interpretation of the Harry Potter characters signs! This doesn’t reflect the actual birthdays of the character, just what I think their personality lines up with. Part 2 is here!

Follow me on Instagram @venusvibin

The signs as random moments from Bob’s Burgers (Part ½, find part 1 HERE) Lemme know what ya think. Please follow my astrology Instagram at @venusvibin

The signs as random moments from Bob’s Burgers (Part ½, find part 2 HERE) Lemme know what ya think. Please follow my astrology Instagram at @venusvibin

The Game of Thrones Characters and my interpretation of their zodiac signs! (Part 2/2)

Follow my astrology insta: @venusvibin

The Game of Thrones Characters and my interpretation of their zodiac signs! (Part ½)

Follow my astrology insta: @venusvibin

Men of the Zodiac (part 2)

Follow my astrology Instagram: @venusvibin

Follow my hot guy aesthetic instagram: @sugarspiceniceguys

Part 1

Men of the Zodiac (part 1)

Follow my astrology instagram: @venusvibin

Follow my aesthetic hot guy Instagram: @sugarspiceniceguys

Part 2


Venus in the:

1ST:walking into a pole while looking at them, play wrestling to full on WWE matches

2ND: crypto bf/gf & astrology/bookstagram bf/gf and monthly spa trips. Movie and dinner…at home. “Is that my shirt??”

3RD:staying on the phone till 10AM, “oh fuck”. Golden retrievers with unlimited messaging & data

4TH: initials in the bio and buying rings for Valentine’s Day. Family friends with benefits…shared recipes.

5TH:proposal pranks in restaurants. One is the Parent at times. Leashed backpacks and weird inside jokes…finishing each other’s sentences

6TH:Hubby/Wifey activity under bf/gf status…Type to wash your dishes if they see them in a sink. Melania slapping Trump’s hand away

7TH:(almost) codependent old married couple that is the equivalent of Nabokov & his letters to Vera

8TH:Mr. & Mrs. Smith with tantric sex and old money & private IG accts

9TH:Chris McCandless adventures and flirtatious best friends that like each other’s company more. Think favorite person at a function

10TH:mentor relationship; one has the connections, other has the image. Christian and Christine Grey with coordinating outfits

11TH:friendzone vibe but Venus is painting House person and likes to be alone with House. Phoebe Buffay(House) in a relationship with Steven Hyde(Venus). House is Venus’ diary. Cyberstalking and unique slides in the DMs

12TH:Ariel but Ariel is stalking Eric and Eric is distracted by a butterfly (think “is this a ___?” meme) and likes Ariel but he gets distracted. Ariel is staring at him and he’s just. Distracted. “WHERE ARE YOU??” texts from Venus unanswered cause House is asleep. Ursula is Ariel’s “””dArK siDe”””

A PSA that NOBODY is pettier than a Gemini.

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Why are all Capricorn moon people’s moms like That

#mommy issues fr    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #astrology    #the signs    #zodiac    #zodiac signs    #zodiologg    #zodiostrology    #astro meme    #astro memes    #capricorn moon    #horoscope    #horoscopes    #zodiac sign    #astrology meme    #astrology memes    #astro community    #astrology community    #capricorn info    

How’s gemini season going yall

#astrology    #astrology signs    #zodiac side of tumblr    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #libra sun    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #piceses    #zodiac signs    #zodiac    #zodiac posts    #astrology meme    #astrology memes    #horoscope    #daily astrology forecast    #daily astrology    #daily memes    #zodiac meme    #sun signs    #gemini season    

Hard truths moon signs

( mostly applied to undeveloped signs, if you find yourself triggered than maybe there is something that you need to work on ) check your moon sign placement too:

Aries: You cannot be annoyed by everything. Learn to be patient and control your emotions.

Taurus: Things change and it’s okay. You can’t continue to use your same old tactics in new environments. Instead try to find comfort in yourself because at the end of the day you are your own home.

Gemini: Stop overthinking and trying to analyze others’ behavior because you feel confused, instead try to examine every emotion that you feel because in those rely the real answers. Gemini moons can be very chaotic in their emotions so understanding them is important also Try to acknowledge if your constant need for new information is actually an avoidance mechanism.

Cancer: You seem to always find yourself in a battle to who gives/receives more, have you ever thought that this inner struggle comes from your fear of being hurt? You can’t protect your feelings because you know that even if you try to not give or receive love you’re still going to feel what you feel at the end of the day because of how sensitive you are. The key here is to honor your feelings not by protecting them but by allowing them to flow and if you find yourself giving don’t expect the other to give it right back to you the love you gave. Go find that balance.

Leo: Your constant need for validation/compliments won’t give you the healthy self-esteem that you aspire to have. Find that self validation without creating a superiority complex.

Virgo: You give so much but you seem to have difficulty in receiving. Allow yourself to receive too, realize that as much as you feel the need to give, the others feel it too. Create a balance and stop criticizing yourself and the others for everything no one is perfect and it’s okay.

Libra: Yes to diplomacy but no to non confrontational behaviors as a result of codependency issues. Learn to be the person that you like not the one that the others like. If you find that love for yourself you are going to notice that you can achieve so many things just by being authentic and independent. You don’t need others’ approval to shine.

Scorpio: Obsessions are a form of control issues that comes from your need to protect yourself. You feel so many emotions without expressing them or denying them so you find yourself being trapped by those emotions so you get obsessed. The key to let go and maybe to even forgive is by feeling those emotions fully and realize that what is meant to it will come to you.

Sagittarius: You have the potential to be the most wise and spiritual sign but that reckless behavior many times fucks you up. It’s important for you to ground yourself in order to be in contact with your emotions. Being optimistic is fine but it needs to be grounded in reality. Overly optimistic sometimes is not a good trait but an excuse to avoid your problems.

Capricorn: Repressing your feelings won’t bring you peace. You’re going to find yourself triggered every time because by letting your emotions flow is how you heal. Also understand that there is also a grey area besides the black and white vision in order to spare yourself from an identity crisis every time something isn’t going according to what you have been taught. Reparent yourself by forming your own rules.

Aquarius: Someone important from your family may have been cold towards you so as a result you don’t know how to give love because you didn’t receive it in the right way in the first place leaving you with abandonment issues. That’s why you find yourself escaping when a sort of intimacy is forming or you start to feel something.

Pisces: Choosing to daydream in order to escape from your reality isn’t going to help. Instead try to live the life that you dream in the 3d world. Another dimension won’t help you resolve your traumas or issues.

#astrology    #taurus    #capricorn    #pisces    #aquarius    #cancer    #gemini    #sagittarius    #scorpio    #hard truth    #astrology meme    

Hard truths for each sign love edition

( mostly applied to undeveloped signs, if you find yourself triggered then maybe there is something that you need to work on ) check your sun,moon,Venus /Mars or the dominant sign in your chart:

Aries: teasing as a way of expressing love is different from actually fighting or offending the other. learn the difference.

Taurus: your partner is not your possession.

Gemini: for a real deep connection it takes quality time and consistency. you cannot talk to so many people contemporarily and expect them to magically mold onto your perfect partner

Cancer: be careful of your tendencies to be with a partner just for the sake of nurturing them. Also accept that sometimes you get your feelings hurt because you are gifted with a higher sensitivity level than most and it’s not always because your partner is rude or insensitive. Don’t expect them to just guess your needs or what you are feeling at the moment if you don’t talk about it

Leo: know when your desire for attention is healthy because your partner is not just your fan.

Virgo: it’s okay to be a power couple where you try to improve one another but remember you’re in a romantic relationship not in a life-coach / student dynamic.

Libra: realize that your indecisiveness or lying tendencies are not your ways of protecting your partner from suffering but your way of avoiding dealing with hard truths or not wanting to see where your codependency issues lie.

Scorpio: even if you put your partner through 10000 tests you’re not going to know if this person is worth dating or not or magically predict and save yourself from a possible disappointment. Just try to live relationships step by step.

Sagittarius: make it known to your partner if the relationship is an open relationship or not also * responsabilities *

Capricorn: you actually have to find time for dating. Maybe if you consider it a job you’re going to give love a priority.

Aquarius: Are you detaching because the other person is too demanding or codependent towards you or is it just your fear of intimacy?

Pisces: get to actually know the partner rather then idealizing them ( a typical scenario is “understanding them intuitively because they don’t need to speak” that can bring misunderstandings and many idealizations if your intuition isn’t mastered) so you don’t get disappointed every time

#hard truth    #astrology    #taurus    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #cancer    #gemini    #astrology meme    #sagittarius    #scorpio    #love astrology    
#astrology    #astrology meme    #mod rhi    #soapastrology    #amazing    

Capricorn/ Gemini/ Taurus/ Pisces energy be like… ✨✨

#gemini    #pisces    #capricorn    #taurus    #astrology    #astrology meme    #gemini meme    #pisces meme    #capricorn meme    #taurus meme    

12th House Venus in Gemini be like… ✨✨

When you talk about work with a Pisces/ Cancer… ✨✨

#pisces    #cancer    #astrology    #astrology meme    #pisces meme    #cancer meme    

Leo/ Aries/ Sagittarius during June be like…

When you’re an Aries/ Virgo/ Aquarius … ✨✨

#aquarius    #astrology    #astrology meme    #virgo meme    #aries meme    #aquarius meme    

When the Sun transits your 12th house… ✨✨

#pisces    #12th house    #sun transit    #astrology    #astrology meme    #pisces meme    #sun meme    

The Sun transiting your 11th/12th House be like…

#pisces    #aquarius    #12th house    #11th house transit    #sun transit    #astrology    #astrology meme    #pisces meme    #aquarius meme    #sun meme    

Cancer Rising/ Pisces Midheaven folk be like… ✨✨

Virgo/ Sagittarius/ Capricorn/ Aquarius energy be like… ✨✨

ThePluto in Sagittarius generation be like…

Taurus/ Scorpio/ Cancer/ Libra energy be like… ❤️

#taurus    #cancer    #scorpio    #astrology    #astrology meme    #taurus meme    #cancer meme    #libra meme    #scorpio meme    

The Struggle of the Pisces Midheaven….

When you’re a Virgo/ Aries/ Pisces/ Scorpio/ Aquarius/ Cancer… ❤️⚡️⚡️

#cancer    #scorpio    #aquarius    #pisces    #astrology    #astrology meme    #virgo meme    #cancer meme    #aries meme    #scorpio meme    #aquarius meme    #pisces meme    #rising    

Taurus/ Gemini energy be like…

#taurus    #gemini    #astrology    #astrology meme    #taurus meme    #gemini meme    

Looking forward to the Pluto in Aquarius transit…

When you’re a Cancer/ Libra/ Scorpio/ Aries/ Pisces… ⛈⛈

#cancer    #scorpio    #pisces    #astrology    #astrology meme    #aries meme    #cancer meme    #scorpio meme    #libra meme    #pisces meme    

Capricorn/ Virgo/ Scorpio/ Pisces energy be like… ‍

#capricorn    #scorpio    #pisces    #astrology    #astrology meme    #capricorn meme    #virgo meme    #scorpio meme    #pisces meme    

TheAries/ Libra axis be like… ✨✨

#astrology    #astrology meme    #axis meme    

I Desire Playful Intelligence ✨✨

#aries moon    #gemini venus    #astrology    #astrology meme    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #moon meme    #venus meme    

Pluto in Capricorn transit be like…
